ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts (Construction) Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts (Construction) Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

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The ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts

qualification provides a nationally recognised qualification for individuals who work or want

to work in the construction industry and specialise in the lifting suspended loads.

The awarding body for the qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body

is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for

this qualification has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in Wales

and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use by

centres in Northern Ireland.

This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

and it provides a progression route to discipline related qualifications.

Qualification Profile

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations –

Supervising Lifts (Construction)

Qualification title ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting

Operations – Supervising Lifts

Ofqual qualification number 601/1082/X

Level Level 3

Total qualification time

Guided learning hours 237


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/9/13

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Qualification Structure

To achieve the qualification candidates must complete all of the Mandatory units.

Mandatory Units

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

M/503/2915 Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working

Relationships in the Workplace 5 27

H/600/7004 Supervising Lifting Operations Using Lifting Equipment in the

Workplace 3 40

H/600/7486 Maintaining Systems for Health, Safety, Welfare and

Environmental Protection in the Workplace 3 30

F/600/7494 Coordinating and Organising the Control of Work in the

Workplace 3 40

Y/600/7498 Allocating and Monitoring the Use of Plant, Equipment or

Machinery in the Workplace 3 30

D/600/7521 Maintaining the Dimensional Accuracy of Work in the


3 30

H/600/7536 Co-ordinating Preparation Work for Site or Lifting Operations in

the Workplace 3 20

D/600/7552 Allocating Work and Checking People’s Performance in the

Workplace 5 20

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier

qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

Links to National Standards / NOS mapping

National Occupational Standards (NOS) are owned by a Sector Skills Council or Standard

Setting Body and they describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to

undertake a particular task or job at different levels of competence.

The structure and units of this qualification are based on NOS for the construction sector.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts



This qualification is competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of

competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s

skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.

The qualification must be assessed in line with the Consolidated Skills Assessment Strategy

and must be internally assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified assessor.

Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their

achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – observation report by assessor

– assignments/projects/reports

– professional discussion

– witness testimony

– candidate product

– worksheets

– record of oral and written questioning

– Recognition of Prior Learning

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to

  1. Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria can be found from page 8.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing all units achieved, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be

issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Unit certificates

If a candidate does not achieve all of the units required for a qualification, the centre may

claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units achieved.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement



Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit M/503/2915

Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working

Relationships in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Develop, maintain and encourage

working relationships to promote

good will and trust.

1.1 Give appropriate advice and information to

relevant people about the occupational

work activities and/or associated

occupations involved.

1.2 Apply the principles of equality and

diversity by considering the needs of

individuals when working and

communicating with others.

1.3 Explain the methods and techniques used

and personal attributes required to

encourage and maintain working

relationships that promote goodwill and

trust with relevant people.

1.4 Explain the principles of equality and

diversity and how to apply them when

working and communicating with others.

2 Inform relevant people about work

activities in an appropriate level of

detail, with the appropriate level of


2.1 Communicate on the following work

activity information to relevant people

following organisational procedures:

– appropriate timescales

– health and safety requirements

– co-ordination of work procedures.

2.2 Explain the different methods and

techniques used to inform relevant people

about work activities.

2.3 Explain the effects of not informing

relevant people with the expected level of


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2.4 Explain the different types of work activity

related information and to what level of

detail the following people would expect

to receive:

– colleagues

– employers

– customers

– contractors

– suppliers of products and services

– other people affected by the


3 Offer advice and help to relevant

people about work activities and

encourage questions/requests for

clarification and comments.

3.1 Give appropriate advice and information to

relevant people about the different

methods of carrying out occupational work

activities to achieve the required outcome.

3.2 Explain the techniques of encouraging

questions and/or requests for clarification

and comments.

3.3 Explain the different ways of offering

advice and help to different people about

work activities, in relation to:

– progress

– results

– achievements

– occupational problems

– occupational opportunities

– health and safety requirements

– co-ordinated work.

4 Clarify proposals with relevant people

and discuss alternative suggestions.

4.1 Engage regular discussions with relevant

people about the occupational work

activity and/or other occupations involved.

4.2 Explain the methods of clarifying

alternative proposals with relevant people.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.3 Explain the methods of suggesting

alternative proposals.

5 Resolve differences of opinion in

ways that minimise offence and

maintain goodwill, trust and respect.

5.1 Examine and agree the work activities that

satisfy all people involved and will meet

the required outcome of the proposed

method of work.

5.2 Explain the methods and techniques used

to resolve differences of opinion in ways

which minimise offence and maintain

goodwill, trust and respect.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit H/600/7004

Supervising Lifting Operations Using Lifting Equipment in the


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Carry out the supervision of

lifting operations which will

minimise disruption and maintain

optimum performance.

1.1 Prepare for and undertake supervision duties

in compliance with given lift plans, statutory

legislation and organisational procedures.

1.2 Explain how programmed lifting operations

relevant to the occupational area or sector(s)

should be supervised.

1.3 List the types of people who may be affected

by typical lifting operations.

1.4 Explain how disruption to other works and

people not involved in lifting operations can be

minimised during typical lifting operations.

1.5 Describe different methods that can optimise

performance during lifting activities.

2 Observe current legislation and

official guidance appropriate to

the work environment.

2.1 Protect the workforce, the general public,

visitors and the environment during lifting

operations by applying information from at

least three of the following:

– methods of works

– risk assessments

– safe use and storage of plant, equipment and


– safe use and storage of materials

– traffic management

– work permits

– emergency plans

– codes of practice

– regulations.

2.2 List and describe the current legislation and

official guidance that applies directly to lifting

operations using lifting equipment.

3 Identify and assess faults and

problems and recommend and

3.1 Observe and evaluate the preparation of and

the lifting activity against given documents,

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

implement corrective actions

which conform to safe working

methods and practices.

requirements and methods to identify faults

and problems.

3.2 Apply corrective actions that follow statutory

requirements and organisational procedures to

at least two of the following lifting operations

faults and problems:

– work method data errors

– construction errors

– identification of further utilities

– heritage concerns

– environmental concerns

– incorrect maintenance

– identification of hazardous materials

– breaches of security

– documentation error/availability

– certification error/availability

– non-conforming plant, equipment or


3.3 Describe how common lifting operation faults

and problems can be identified.

3.4 Explain methods that can be used to assess

potential faults and problems during lifting


3.5 Explain techniques and methods that allows for

identified faults and problems, and appropriate

corrective suggestions to be made and

communicated to relevant people.

3.6 Explain the processes that allows for agreed

corrective actions for non-conforming plant

equipment and machinery to be applied.

3.7 Outline the types of corrective actions that

could be applied to non-conforming plant,

equipment or machinery and to typical lifting

operations relevant to the occupational area or


4 Conduct pre-work checks to meet

statutory requirements, official

4.1 Carry out at least two of the following checks

during preparation work for lifting operations:

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

guidance and maintains safe

working methods and practices.

– for condition

– for fit for purpose

– on health and safety

– on environmental

– on people.

4.2 Establish safe working methods and

compliance with statutory requirements and

official guidance whilst carrying out pre-work


4.3 Explain procedures that can apply to the

carrying out of pre-work checks and ways that

checks can be recorded.

4.4 Give reasons why pre-work checks should be

made for lifting operations and explain possible

consequences should this not be carried out.

4.5 Describe different ways that of work

information and work methods can be

communicated to team members.

5 Keep accurate records of work

progress checks, faults, problems

and quantities involved.

5.1 Implement recording systems, following

organisational procedures, which identify work

progress checks, faults, problems and

quantities involved.

5.2 Explain the methods that can be used to keep

accurate records of work progress on lifting

operations which can detail faults and

problems, and quantities of resources used.

5.3 Give reasons why accurate records should be


6 Conduct post-work checks to

ensure completion of the work

method/lift plan data.

6.1 Observe and/or inspections lifting operations

during and on completion of work activities.

6.2 Compare inspection/observation findings of

completed lifting operations against given lift

plan data and criteria to ensure that all

operations are completed and resources


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6.3 Explain methods and techniques of conducting

and recording post-work checks on relevant

types of lifting operations.

6.4 Give reasons why post-work checks should be

carried out and the consequences should

checks not be carried out adequately.

7 Identify, assess and maintain the

necessary resources for lifting

operations activities.

7.1 Identify, select and/or acquire and maintain at

least three of the following resources:

– people

– plant, equipment or machinery

– materials and components

– sub-contractors

– work and facilities

– waste management

– utility providers.

7.2 Explain different ways that necessary resources

for lifting operations, relevant to the

occupational area or sector, can be identified.

7.3 Explain how resources can be assessed for

quality, and how to maintain necessary

resources for typical lifting operations.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit H/600/7486

Maintaining Systems for Health, Safety, Welfare and Environmental

Protection in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Encourage a culture of health,

safety, welfare and environmental


1.1 Develop initiatives which encourage a

health, safety, welfare culture and

consideration for the environment.

1.2 Explain the various methods that can

encourage a culture of health, safety,

welfare and consideration for the


2 Identify and recommend

opportunities for improving health,

safety and welfare for people on site

or for specific operations.

2.1 Make recommendations following reviews

that could improve health, safety or welfare

on site or for specific operations.

2.2 Explain how to identify opportunities that

will improve health, safety and welfare for

people on site or for specific operations.

2.3 Describe the various methods to

recommend improvements to health, safety

and welfare systems.

3 Ensure the workforce and visitors to

the site or specific operations are

inducted and check the competence

of those they are responsible for.

3.1 Implement a system of checks to ensure

that the workforce and visitors are


3.2 Explain the various methods of ensuring

that the workforce and visitors to the site or

specific operational area are inducted and

give reasons why this is important.

3.3 Carry out checks to ensure that workers

they are responsible for are competent for

the relative tasks.

3.4 Explain the various methods of ensuring

that workers they are responsible for are

competent for the relative tasks and give

reasons why this is important.

4 Maintain accurate and appropriate

statutory notices and hazard


4.1 Ensure relevant statutory notices and

hazard warnings and clear, legible and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.2 Describe ways of maintaining statutory

notices and hazard warnings.

5 Ensure the serviceability of health,

safety, welfare and environmental

protection equipment and resources

in order to comply with current


5.1 Carry out maintenance checks on at least

five of the following health, safety, welfare

and environmental protection equipment

and resources:

– protective equipment

– protective clothing

– first aid facilities and arrangements

– welfare facilities

– storage and security of materials and


– accident and incident reporting systems

– firefighting equipment

– provision of health, safety and welfare.

5.2 Explain the various methods of conducting

and recording maintenance checks on

health, safety, welfare and environmental

protection equipment and resources that

meet the project, organisational and

statutory requirements.

6 Implement systems which meet

organisational and statutory

requirements for the identification

of hazards and reduction of risks;

reporting accidents and emergencies

and preventing recurrence.

6.1 Develop and action a system that identifies

hazards and reduces risk.

6.2 Explain the various methods of

implementing systems that meet

organisational and statutory requirements

and which identifies hazards and reduces


6.3 Develop and action a system that reports

accidents and emergencies and is able to

prevent recurrence.

6.4 Explain the various methods of

implementing systems that meets

organisational and statutory requirements

for reporting accidents and emergencies,

and operates to prevent recurrence.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6.5 Give reasons for implementing an effective

system to identify hazards, reduce risks and

report accidents.

7 Check health, safety, welfare and

environmental protection systems

regularly in accordance with

organisational and statutory


7.1 Conduct regular checks to ensure

compliance with the following

organisational and statutory requirements:

– construction specific health, safety,

welfare and environmental legislation

– recognised industry codes of practice

– organisational procedures.

7.2 Explain the methods of checking health,

safety, welfare and environmental

protection systems.

7.3 Explain the methods of ensuring that

health, safety, welfare and environmental

protection complies with organisational and

statutory requirements.

8 Identify and report any special site

or operational conditions which do

not comply with organisational and

statutory requirements.

8.1 Review and evaluate sites or operations to

identify special conditions and report

conditions which do not comply with

current legislation.

8.2 Explain the methods of identifying and

reporting special site conditions that do not

meet organisational and statutory


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit F/600/7494

Coordinating and Organising the Control of Work in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Assemble and review relevant

information used in the preparation

of project or operational plans and

clarify unclear information.

1.1 Assess and evaluate three of the following

information sources for clarity when

organising the control of work:

– surveys and reports

– design

– contractual

– statutory consents

– contractor’s pre-planning information

– health, safety and environmental plans

– risk assessments and method statements

– programmes

– lift plans

– competent people

– sub-contractor arrangements and


1.2 Describe different ways of procuring and

assembling relevant information.

1.3 Explain possible methods that can establish

whether information is sufficiently clear to

coordinate work control.

2 Communicate and agree programmes

or operational plans, methods and

attendance with the people doing the


2.1 Liaise and communicate with those

undertaking relevant work on a variety of

projects or operations.

2.2 Gain approval with relevant people for

programmes or operations, methods and

attendance on specified projects.

2.3 Explain ways of agreeing and

communicating work programmes or

operations, methods and attendance

details with those doing the work.

2.4 Describe ways of integrating construction

or other working methods using

programmes or operational plans that

include methods and attendance.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Plan and obtain sufficient resources

and attendance of the appropriate

type which meets project or

operational requirements and


3.1 Procure at least three of the following

resources when planning and obtaining

resources to meet project or operational

requirements and timescales:

– people

– plant, equipment or machinery

– materials and components

– sub-contractors

– information

– work area and facilities

– waste management

– utility providers

3.2 Explain the ways, factors and methods of

planning and obtaining suitable resources

and attendance to ensure project or

operational timescales and requirements

are met.

3.3 Describe the outcomes on projects or

operations if sufficient resources are not

procured on time or are unsuitable.

4 Organise and control sites (or specific

operational areas) and resources to

establish safe and tidy sites/areas,

creating a positive image of the

organisation and project.

4.1 Implement and coordinate work areas,

activities and resources on relevant

projects or on specific operational areas

that allow sites or operational areas to be

safe and tidy.

4.2 Coordinate and improve site or specific

operations to provide a positive image of

projects and the relevant organisation.

4.3 Explain different methods of organising

and controlling typical resources.

4.4 Explain how sites or work areas should be

effectively controlled and organised to

maintain and enhance site or operational

safety and tidiness.

4.5 Describe the factors and issues that must

be taken into account to ensure sites or

operational areas are safe and tidy for

workers and other people.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.6 Give reasons why project and

organisational image is important and

describe the possible effects of negative

images on the company, project or


5 Organise work activities and

implement work measures that take

into account appropriate factors and


5.1 Coordinate work activities and maintain

control whilst taking into account at least

three of the following areas:

– occupiers

– near neighbours

– public access

– site conditions

– environmental considerations

– vehicular access (including air and

waterborne craft)

– security and trespass

– public utilities

– heritage status.

5.2 Describe how to organise work activities

that take into account relevant internal

and external factors and influences.

5.3 Outline the measures that need to be

taken into account to deal with internal

and external factors and influences and

explain the outcomes and implications if

this is not undertaken effectively.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit Y/600/7498

Allocating and Monitoring the Use of Plant, Equipment or

Machinery in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Produce clear requests for plant,

equipment or machinery which

meets the needs of projects or


1.1 Request at least four of the following types

of plant, equipment or machinery as

specified by plans or programme


– static

– mobile

– accessories

– consumables

– health and safety equipment

– specialised hand tools

– standard plant, equipment or machinery

– non-standard plant, equipment or


1.2 Describe the types, formats and methods of

producing requests for plant, equipment or

machinery that will meet the needs of


2 Ensure and record that plant,

equipment or machinery meets

operational and statutory

requirements prior to use in the

workplace and allocate to suitable


2.1 Carry out checks and confirm that relevant

plant, equipment or machinery meets

operational and statutory requirements.

2.2 Record, following organisational procedures,

that plant, equipment or machinery meets

operational and statutory requirements.

2.3 Identify the requirements for relevant

operations and assign appropriate plant,

equipment or machinery for use.

2.4 Explain the ways and methods of ensuring

that plant, equipment or machinery meets

operational and statutory requirements prior

to use.

2.5 Explain the factors that determine the

allocation of plant, equipment or machinery

for suitable operations.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2.6 Describe the different ways and formats for

recording checks on the suitability of plant,

equipment or machinery.

3 Identify hazards and assess risks

arising from the use of plant,

equipment or machinery and

implement measures that protect

people and the environment.

3.1 Implement actions that protect the public,

workforce, visitors and the environment

using at least three of the following


– methods of work

– risk assessment

– safe use and storage of tools

– safe use and storage of materials

– traffic controlling (including air and

waterborne craft)

– emergency plans.

3.2 Explain different ways of identifying hazards

and assessing risks from plant, equipment or

machinery operations.

3.3 Describe methods of implementing

measures that protect all people and the

environment affected by on-site plant,

equipment or machinery operations.

3.4 Outline who may be affected by plant,

equipment or machinery operations relevant

to typical projects.

4 Keep records of the use of plant,

equipment or machinery.

4.1 Complete and maintain records of plant,

equipment or machinery use, which follow

organisational requirements.

4.2 Describe the types and ways of keeping

records of plant, equipment or machinery


4.3 Give reasons for the need to keep records on

plant, equipment or machinery use.

5 Recommend alternative types of

plant or equipment to decision

makers where existing plant,

5.1 Examine and analyse plant, equipment or

machinery use and identify alternative types

that will be suitable for the intended work.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

machinery or equipment is deemed

unsuitable for allocated operations.

5.2 Provide suggestions to decision

makers/responsible people for alternative

types of plant, equipment or machinery.

5.3 Explain the factors that determine when

plant, equipment or machinery is unsuitable

for intended operations and how to identify


5.4 Describe methods and processes that can

identify alternative plant, equipment or

machinery for specific operations.

5.5 Describe the ways of recommending

alternative plant, equipment or machinery to

decision makers/people responsible.

6 Issue instructions for the use of

plant, equipment or machinery to

operators and others directly


6.1 Provide guidance to plant, equipment or

machinery operators, and those directly

involved with the operation, that follow

statutory and manufacturer’s requirements.

6.2 Explain the formats, methods and timescales

of issuing instructions and guidance to plant,

equipment or machinery operators, and

other directly involved.

7 Check and confirm that operators of

plant, equipment or machinery are

trained, certificated and authorised

for the relevant type, and monitor

for safe working.

7.1 Establish that operators of plant, equipment

or machinery are able and authorised for the

relevant types and operations.

7.2 Check relevant plant operation activities to

ensure they meet statutory and

manufacturer’s requirements.

7.3 Explain the methods and organisational

procedures of checking and confirming

abilities and authorisation of plant,

equipment or machinery operators.

7.4 Give reasons why plant, equipment or

machinery operations should be monitored

and describe effective methods on how this

can be done.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

8 Ensure the appropriate storage,

servicing and maintenance of plant,

equipment or machinery meets

operational and statutory


8.1 Arrange the storage, servicing and

maintenance of plant, equipment or


8.2 Carry out checks to ensure the storage,

serviceability and maintenance of plant,

equipment or machinery meet at least three

of the following operational or statutory


– health, safety and welfare of the workforce

and others

– operational efficiency

– security of resources

– obligations to third parties

– regulatory authorities

– contractual commitments.

8.3 Explains different ways of ensuring, and why

it is important, that plant, equipment or

machinery is stored, serviced and

maintained in accordance with operational

and statutory requirements.

9 Inform decision makers/ people

responsible when plant, equipment

or machinery is no longer required.

9.1 Establish that relevant plant, equipment or

machinery has completed the intended work

and is no longer required.

9.2 Notify decision makers/people responsible in

writing that plant, equipment or machinery

work has been completed.

9.3 Describe the methods and techniques for

informing decision makers/people

responsible when plant, equipment or

machinery is no longer required.

9.4 Explain why decision makers/people

responsible need to be informed that plant,

equipment or machinery is no longer


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit D/600/7521

Maintaining the Dimensional Accuracy of Work in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Ensure the workforce is provided with

sufficient clear and accurate information

to enable them to position, align and/or

level the work or loads.

1.1 Establish and inform relevant workers

of specific dimensional information on

at least four of the following:

– lines (can include the placing of loads)

– levels (can include load levels)

– angles (can include lifting accessory


– distances

– curves

– positions

– setting out points

– loads

– centres of gravity.

1.2 Explain methods and techniques of

providing clear and accurate

information on dimensional controls.

1.3 Describe how to ensure that

dimensional information is sufficient.

1.4 Give reasons why it is important to

provide clear information and

implications for typical projects or

operations if this is not done.

2 Observe and check dimensional controls

and record results to meet quality


2.1 Undertake and conduct checks on work

being carried out and compare to the

quality standards provided for projects

or operations.

2.2 Describe different ways of observing

and checking dimensional controls on

different projects or operations.

2.3 Explain methods to record results and

ways of comparing results against given

quality standards.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Identify any deviations in positions,

alignments or levels and take measures

to promptly correct them.

3.1 Establish any deviations from given

standards for at least one of the


– transfer of lines and levels

– use of incorrect lines and levels

– calculations

– given information.

3.2 Undertake actions to rectify identified

deviations on work being undertaken.

3.3 Explain methods and techniques of

identifying deviations in dimensional

control on typical projects or


3.4 Give examples of and methods to

correct dimensional deviations found

on typical projects or operations.

4 Recommend revised work practices and

procedures to minimise deviations and to

allow for different circumstances and


4.1 Suggest revisions to work practices and

procedures after considering at least

one of the following circumstances and


– environmental

– unforeseen

– planned.

4.2 Explain the methods and procedures

that can be used to revise work


4.3 Describe different ways and techniques

of recommending revised procedures

for work practices.

4.4 Give reasons why work procedures

should be revised when deviation are


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit H/600/7536

Co-ordinating Preparation Work for Site or Lifting Operations in the


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Identify and use relevant information

used to prepare the project or lift

plans, clarify any unclear information

and update for production or

operational planning purposes.

1.1 Interpret and apply, for production or

operational planning purposes, at least

four of the following sources of

information used in preparing project or

lift plans:

– survey reports

– design documents

– contractual documents

– statutory consents

– contractor’s pre-planning information

– health, safety and environmental plans

– risk assessments and/or method


– programmes

– records about the competence of


– sub-contractor arrangements and


– safe systems of work.

1.2 Seek clarification about unclear

information and update project or lift

plans as necessary to allow efficient


1.3 Explain ways of identifying and using

relevant information relevant to

production or operational planning.

1.4 Explain the possible methods and

techniques for clarifying planning

information that is not clear.

1.5 Give reasons why information for

production or operational planning

should be updated, and describe ways

that this can be done.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2 Identify factors which may affect

proposed works or operations,

describe and summarise accurately and

pass onto people who may be affected.

2.1 Investigate at least three of the following

factors to identify whether they can

affect proposed works or operations:

– occupiers

– near neighbours

– public access

– site conditions

– environmental considerations

– vehicular access

– security and trespass

– public utilities

– heritage status.

2.2 Inform people who may be affected,

issues that are affecting work or

operational programmes using a

summarised method.

2.3 Explain the methods and techniques of

identifying factors that may affect work

or operational programmes.

2.4 Describe ways of accurately describing,

summarising and communicating factors

about the proposed works or operations

to people who may be affected.

2.5 Explain the consequences should factors

that affect work or operational

programmes not be described or

summarised accurately.

3 Confirm access points for sites and

works or operations which are safe and

include works traffic and pedestrian

segregation and minimise disruption.

3.1 Carry out consultations and identify safe

access points and segregation areas for

work’s traffic and pedestrians for works

or operations.

3.2 Agree and confirm safe access and

segregation points for works traffic and

pedestrians that will maintain safety and

minimise disruption for projects or


3.3 Explain different ways of identifying and

establishing safe access points for works

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

traffic and pedestrians for various

projects or operations.

3.4 Explain methods of confirming and

agreeing works traffic and pedestrian

access and segregation points for various

projects or operations.

3.5 Give reasons for segregating works traffic

and pedestrians and explain why

disruption must be minimised for various

types of projects or operations.

4 Confirm arrangements for adequate

site safety, welfare and security before

work or operations start, and whilst

working on site.

4.1 Conduct checks and confirm

arrangements for site safety, welfare and

security before work starts.

4.2 Conduct checks and confirm

arrangements for site safety, welfare and

security during work.

4.3 Explain the different methods and

techniques for confirming arrangements

for site safety, welfare and security

before work starts and whilst working on


5 Confirm available resources for

projects or operations before work


5.1 Carry out checks and verify at least four

of the following are correct and available

for relevant projects or operations:

– people

– plant, equipment or machinery

– materials and components

– sub-contractors

– information

– work area and facilities

– waste management

– utility providers.

5.2 Explain the methods that can confirm

that resources are available and correct

for projects or operations.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6 Implement the site or work area layout

for operational purposes and pass on

information about the plans to the

people who will be working onsite.

6.1 Establish the layout of sites or work areas

to effect operations and consider at least

four of the following:

– storage

– temporary accommodation

– work areas

– plant

– temporary services

– access and egress

– security

– continuing use of occupiers

– waste management

– pollution control

– provision for pre-fabricated

components and systems

– existing fabric.

6.2 Communicate information about site or

working area lay out plans to people who

will be working on site or on operations.

6.3 Explain ways of implementing site or

working area layouts for operational


6.4 Explain different ways of communicating

site or working area plan information to

those working on the site or on


7 Implement the storage and use of

materials and components so that

materials handling and movement is

efficient and wastage is minimised.

7.1 Implement systems that allow the safe

and efficient storage and use of materials

and components.

7.2 Ensure that materials and components

are handled and moved safely and

efficiently, and that wastage is


7.3 Explain possible methods and procedures

for implementing effective storage areas

and facilities for material supplies to be

effective for various types of projects or


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.4 Describe how to minimise material and

component handling, movement and


8 Place and maintain notices which

provide accurate information about

the works or operations and which

conform to statutory and site


8.1 Position accurate notices about the work

or operations that conform to statutory

and site requirements.

8.2 Maintain placed notices whilst ensuring

that they are relevant to ongoing work

programmes or operations.

8.3 Describe placing positions for an

applicable range of notices relevant to

typical projects or operations.

8.4 Explain methods that ensure relevant

notices conform to statutory and site or

operational requirements.

8.5 Explain different ways of maintaining

notices and possible outcomes should

notices not be maintained regularly.

9 Ensure notice has been given to all

people who will be affected by the

work or operation, about when it

starts, for how long it will take and

when it finishes.

9.1 Inform people affected by project works

or operations about when works or

operations start, expected durations and

planned finishing or completions dates.

9.2 Explain methods and techniques on

informing relevant people about time

scales of the works.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Unit D/600/7552

Allocating Work and Checking People’s Performance in the


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Confirm the programme or operations

and schedules, identify priorities and

critical activities, and plan how the work

will be undertaken.

1.1 Identify and evaluate the priorities and

critical activities in programmes or

operations and schedules, and devise a

plan on how the work will be


1.2 Explain how to identify priorities and

critical activities.

1.3 Explain methods of confirming

programmes or operations and


1.4 Describe how the planning of work can

be undertaken.

2 Allocate work to team members, taking

into account their current

circumstances, and brief them on the

quality standards or level expected.

2.1 Evaluate and assign work to team

members and carry out briefings taking

into account their:

– skills

– knowledge

– experience

– workload.

2.2 Describe how to allocate work fairly to

team members whilst taking into

account their current circumstances.

2.3 Explain the methods and techniques on

briefing team members about quality of

standards or levels expected.

3 Monitor the progress and quality of the

work and provide prompt and

constructive feedback.

3.1 Carry out checks on the progress and

quality of work being undertaken

against programmes or operations and


3.2 Carry out checks on the quality of work

being undertaken against quality


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.3 Explain methods of checking the

progress of work against programmes

or operations, schedules and the work

against quality standards.

3.4 Provide feedback to team members on

the progress of work and standards of


4 Motivate team members to complete

the work they have been allocated and

provide, where requested and possible,

any additional support and/or resources.

4.1 Review and supply additional support

and/or resources where requested by

team members.

4.2 Explain the different ways of motivating

team members to complete the

allocated work.

4.3 Explain ways of providing additional

support to team members and ways of

getting feedback on additional support

from team members.

5 Identify unacceptable or poor

performance, discuss the cause(s) and

agree ways of improving performance

with team members.

5.1 Evaluate poor or unacceptable

performance for given work activities.

5.2 Implement methods that can improve

performance of team members.

Describe the various methods of

identifying poor or unacceptable


5.3 Explain ways of discussing the causes of

poor performance with team members

and how to get agreement on ways of

improving performance.

6 Recognise successful completion of

significant pieces of work or work

activities by team/team members, and

advise responsible people.

6.1 Demonstrate ways of recognising

success and praising team members on

successful completion of work.

6.2 Advise responsible people on successful

completion of work.

6.3 Describe ways of recognising

completion of significant pieces of work

or work activities.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations – Supervising Lifts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6.4 Explain effective methods of advising

responsible people of the team/team

member’s successes.


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