ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Management Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Management Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

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The Level 3 Diploma in Management is a nationally recognised qualification for anyone

working in a supervisory or management role. The qualification aims to provide the

essential skills, knowledge and understanding to those with a responsibility to carry out

first-line supervisory or management activities; and also aims to give learners an

opportunity to develop their management performance, become more effective and to

progress in their career.

The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body

is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for

this qualification has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in Wales

and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use by

centres in Northern Ireland.

The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), it

also provides a progression route to higher level or discipline related qualifications.

Qualification Profile

Level 3 Diploma in Management

Qualification title ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Management

Ofqual qualification number 601/3702/2

Level 3

Total qualification time 550 hours

Guided learning hours 248


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/9/2014

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Qualification Structure

Candidates must achieve 55 credits:

  • 31 credits from the Mandatory units in Group A, plus
  • a minimum of 17 credits from Optional Group B
  • a maximum of 7 credits may be from Optional Group C

Group A Mandatory Units – complete all units

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




A/506/1821 Manage team performance 3 4

R/506/1937 Principles of people management 3 6

D/506/1942 Principles of business 3 10

F/506/2596 Principles of leadership and management 3 8

T/506/2952 Manage personal and professional development 3 3

Group B Optional Units – a minimum of 17 credits

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




T/506/1820 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace 3 3

J/506/1921 Manage individuals’ performance 3 4

L/506/1922 Manage individuals’ development in the workplace 3 3

Y/506/1924 Chair and lead meetings 3 3

K/506/1927 Manage conflict within a team 3 5

M/506/1928 Procure products and/or services 3 5

T/506/1929 Implement change 3 5

K/506/1930 Implement and maintain business continuity plans and


3 4

M/506/1931 Collaborate with other departments 3 3

A/506/1933 Support remote or virtual teams 3 4

F/506/1934 Participate in a project 3 3

J/506/1949 Develop and maintain professional networks 4 3

Y/506/1955 Develop and implement an operational plan 4 5

M/506/1962 Encourage learning and development 4 3

A/506/1981 Discipline and grievance management 4 3

F/506/1982 Develop working relationships with stakeholders 4 4

K/506/1989 Manage physical resources 4 4

K/506/1992 Prepare for and support quality audits 4 3

T/506/1994 Conduct quality audits 4 3

A/506/1995 Manage a budget 4 4

R/506/1999 Manage a project 4 7

L/506/2004 Manage business risk 4 6

A/506/2032 Manage knowledge in an organisation 4 5

M/506/2044 Manage redundancy and redeployment 4 6

J/506/2292 Encourage innovation 3 4

J/506/2907 Manage the impact of work activities on the environment 4 4

R/506/2909 Recruitment, selection and induction practice 4 6

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Group C Optional Units – a maximum of 7 credits

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




M/506/1895 Buddy a colleague to develop their skills 2 3

D/506/1911 Contribute to the improvement of business performance 3 6

H/506/1912 Negotiate in a business environment 3 4

K/506/1913 Develop a presentation 3 3

M/506/1914 Deliver a presentation 3 3

A/506/1916 Contribute to the development and implementation of an

information system 3 6

K/506/2169 Resolve customers’ problems 3 4

R/506/2151 Resolve customers’ complaints 3 4

D/506/2170 Gather, analyse and interpret customer feedback 3 5

L/506/1905 Employee rights and responsibilities 2 2

T/505/4673 Health and Safety Procedures in the Workplace 2 2

M/506/1959 Manage events 4 6

F/506/2176 Review the quality of customer service 4 4

Barred Unit

Source Unit Target Unit

Participate in a project (F/506/1934) Manage a project (R/506/1999)

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors

and internal verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to

hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

Links to National Standards / NOS mapping

National Occupational Standards (NOS) are owned by a Sector Skills Council or Standard

Setting Body and they describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to

undertake a particular task or job at different levels of competence.

The structure and units of this qualification are based on NOS for management and

leadership, developed by Skills CfA.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management



This suite of qualifications are competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of

competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s

skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.

The qualifications must be assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified assessor.

Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their

achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – observation report by assessor

– assignments/projects/reports

– professional discussion

– witness testimony

– candidate product

– worksheets

– record of oral and written questioning

– Recognition of Prior Learning

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria can be found from page 9 in this document.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing all units achieved with their related credit value, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Management

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the required number of credits for a qualification. All

certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Unit certificates

If a candidate does not achieve all of the units/credits required for a qualification, the centre

may claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units/credits achieved.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit A/506/1821

Manage team performance

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management of

team performance

1.1 Explain the use of benchmarks in managing performance

1.2 Explain a range of quality management techniques to

manage team performance

1.3 Describe constraints on the ability to amend priorities and


2 Be able to allocate and assure the

quality of work

2.1 Identify the strengths, competences and expertise of team


2.2 Allocate work on the basis of the strengths, competences

and expertise of team members

2.3 Identify areas for improvement in team members’

performance outputs and standards

2.4 Amend priorities and plans to take account of changing


2.5 Recommend changes to systems and processes to improve

the quality of work

3 Be able to manage

communications within a team

3.1 Explain to team members the lines of communication and

authority levels

3.2 Communicate individual and team objectives,

responsibilities and priorities

3.3 Use communication methods that are appropriate to the

topics, audience and timescales

3.4 Provide support to team members when they need it

3.5 Agree with team members a process for providing

feedback on work progress and any issues arising

3.6 Review the effectiveness of team communications and

make improvements

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit R/506/1937

Principles of people management

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

workforce management

1.1 Explain the relationship between Human Resources (HR)

functions and other business functions

1.2 Explain the purpose and process of workforce planning

1.3 Explain how employment law affects an organisation’s HR

and business policies and practices

1.4 Evaluate the implications for an organisation of utilising

different types of employment contracts

1.5 Evaluate the implications for an individual of different types

of employment contracts

2 Understand equality of

opportunity, diversity and


2.1 Explain an organisation’s responsibilities and liabilities under

equality legislation

2.2 Explain the benefits that effective equality of opportunity,

diversity and inclusion policies bring to individuals and


2.3 Explain the language and behaviour that support

commitments to equality of opportunity, diversity and


2.4 Explain how to measure diversity within an organisation

3 Understand team building and


3.1 Explain the difference between a group and a team

3.2 Outline the characteristics of an effective team

3.3 Explain the techniques of building a team

3.4 Explain techniques to motivate team members

3.5 Explain the importance of communicating targets and

objectives to a team

3.6 Examine theories of team development

3.7 Explain common causes of conflict within a team

3.8 Explain techniques to manage conflict within a team

4 Understand performance


4.1 Identify the characteristics of an effective performance

management system

4.2 Explain the uses of specific, measurable, achievable, realistic

and time-bound (SMART) objectives and priorities

4.3 Describe best practice in conducting appraisals

4.4 Explain the factors to be taken into account when managing

people’s wellbeing and performance

4.5 Explain the importance of following disciplinary and

grievance processes

5 Understand training and


5.1 Explain the benefits of employee development

5.2 Explain the advantages and limitations of different types of

training and development methods

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.3 Explain the role of targets, objectives and feedback in

employee development

5.4 Explain how personal development plans support the

training and development of individuals

5.5 Explain how to make use of planned and unplanned learning

opportunities to meet individuals’ preferred learning styles

5.6 Explain how to support individuals’ learning and


6 Understand reward and


6.1 Describe the components of ‘total reward’

6.2 Analyse the relationship between motivation and reward

6.3 Explain different types of pay structures

6.4 Explain the risks involved in the management of reward


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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit D/506/1942

Principles of business

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand business markets 1.1 Explain the characteristics of different business markets

1.2 Explain the nature of interactions between businesses

within a market

1.3 Explain how an organisation’s goals may be shaped by the

market in which it operates

1.4 Describe the legal obligations of a business

2 Understand business innovation

and growth

2.1 Define business innovation

2.2 Explain the uses of models of business innovation

2.3 Identify sources of support and guidance for business


2.4 Explain the process of product or service development

2.5 Explain the benefits, risks and implications associated with


3 Understand financial


3.1 Explain the importance of financial viability for an


3.2 Explain the consequences of poor financial management

3.3 Explain different financial terminology

4 Understand business budgeting 4.1 Explain the uses of a budget

4.2 Explain how to manage a budget

5 Understand sales and marketing 5.1 Explain the principles of marketing

5.2 Explain a sales process

5.3 Explain the features and uses of market research

5.4 Explain the value of a brand to an organisation

5.5 Explain the relationship between sales and marketing

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit F/506/2596

Principles of leadership and management

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

effective decision making

1.1 Explain the importance of defining the objectives, scope

and success criteria of the decisions to be taken

1.2 Assess the importance of analysing the potential impact

of decision making

1.3 Explain the importance of obtaining sufficient valid

information to enable effective decision making

1.4 Explain the importance of aligning decisions with business

objectives, values and policies

1.5 Explain how to validate information used in the decision

making process

1.6 Explain how to address issues that hamper the

achievement of targets and quality standards

2 Understand leadership styles and


2.1 Explain the difference in the influence of managers and

leaders on their teams

2.2 Evaluate the suitability and impact of different leadership

styles in different contexts

2.3 Analyse theories and models of motivation and their

application in the workplace

3 Understand the role, functions and

processes of management

3.1 Analyse a manager’s responsibilities for planning,

coordinating and controlling work

3.2 Explain how managers ensure that team objectives are


3.3 Explain how a manager’s role contributes to the

achievement of an organisation’s vision, mission and


3.4 Analyse theories and models of management

3.5 Explain how the application of management theories

guide a manager’s actions

3.6 Explain the operational constraints imposed by budgets

4 Understand performance


4.1 Explain the relationship between business objectives and

performance measures

4.2 Explain the features of a performance measurement


4.3 Explain how to set key performance indicators (KPIs)

4.4 Explain the tools, processes and timetable for monitoring

and reporting on business performance

4.5 Explain the use of management accounts and

management information systems in performance


4.6 Explain the distinction between outcomes and outputs

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit T/506/2952

Manage personal and professional development

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify personal and

professional development


1.1 Compare sources of information on professional

development trends and their validity

1.2 Identify trends and developments that influence the

need for professional development

1.3 Evaluate their own current and future personal and

professional development needs relating to the role,

the team and the organisation

2 Be able to fulfil a personal and

professional development plan

2.1 Evaluate the benefits of personal and professional


2.2 Explain the basis on which types of development

actions are selected

2.3 Identify current and future likely skills, knowledge and

experience needs using skills gap analysis

2.4 Agree a personal and professional development plan

that is consistent with business needs and personal


2.5 Execute the plan within the agreed budget and


2.6 Take advantage of development opportunities made

available by professional networks or professional


3 Be able to maintain the relevance of

a personal and professional

development plan

3.1 Explain how to set specific, measurable, achievable,

realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives

3.2 Obtain feedback on performance from a range of valid


3.3 Review progress toward personal and professional


3.4 Amend the personal and professional development

plan in the light of feedback received from others

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit T/506/1820

Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the organisational

aspects of equality, diversity and

inclusion in the workplace

1.1 Explain the difference between equality, diversity and


1.2 Explain the impact of equality, diversity and inclusion

across aspects of organisational policy

1.3 Explain the potential consequences of breaches of

equality legislation

1.4 Describe nominated responsibilities within an

organisation for equality, diversity and inclusion

2 Understand the personal aspects of

equality, diversity and inclusion in

the workplace

2.1 Explain the different forms of discrimination and


2.2 Describe the characteristics of behaviour that supports

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

2.3 Explain the importance of displaying behaviour that

supports equality, diversity and inclusion in the


3 Be able to support equality, diversity

and inclusion in the workplace

3.1 Ensure colleagues are aware of their responsibilities for

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

3.2 Identify potential issues relating to equality, diversity

and inclusion in the workplace

3.3 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when supporting

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit J/506/1921

Manage individuals’ performance

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management of

underperformance in the


1.1 Explain typical organisational policies and procedures on

discipline, grievance and dealing with underperformance

1.2 Explain how to identify causes of underperformance

1.3 Explain the purpose of making individuals aware of their

underperformance clearly but sensitively

1.4 Explain how to address issues that hamper individuals’


1.5 Explain how to agree a course of action to address


2 Be able to manage individuals’

performance in the workplace

2.1 Agree with team members specific, measurable,

achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives

that align to organisational objectives

2.2 Delegate responsibility to individuals on the basis of their

expertise, competence, skills, knowledge, and

development needs

2.3 Apply motivation techniques to maintain morale

2.4 Provide information, resources and on-going mentoring to

help individuals meet their targets, objectives and quality


2.5 Monitor individuals’ progress towards objectives in

accordance with agreed plans

2.6 Recognise individuals’ achievement of targets and quality


2.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when managing individuals’

performance in the workplace

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit L/506/1922

Manage individuals’ development in the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to carry out performance


1.1 Explain the purpose of performance reviews and


1.2 Explain techniques to prepare for and carry out


1.3 Provide a private environment in which to carry out


1.4 Carry out performance reviews and appraisals in

accordance with organisational policies and


1.5 Provide clear, specific and evidence-based feedback


1.6 Agree future actions that are consistent with appraisal

findings and identified development needs

2 Be able to support the learning and

development of individual team


2.1 Describe training techniques that can be applied in the


2.2 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of learning

and development interventions and methods

2.3 Explain organisational learning and development

policies and resource availability

2.4 Review individuals’ learning and development needs at

regular intervals

2.5 Suggest learning and development opportunities and

interventions that are likely to meet individual and

business needs

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit Y/506/1924

Chair and lead meetings

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to prepare to

lead meetings

1.1 Identify the type, purpose, objectives, and background to a meeting

1.2 Identify those individuals expected, and those required to attend a


1.3 Prepare for any formal procedures that apply to a meeting

1.4 Describe ways of minimising likely problems in a meeting

1.5 Take action to ensure that meeting documentation is prepared

correctly and distributed to the agreed people within the agreed


2 Be able to chair and

lead meetings

2.1 Follow business conventions in the conduct of a meeting

2.2 Facilitate meetings so that everyone is involved and the optimum

possible consensus is achieved

2.3 Manage the agenda within the timescale of the meeting

2.4 Summarise the agreed actions, allocated responsibilities, timescales

and any future arrangements

3 Be able to deal with

post-meeting matters

3.1 Take action to ensure that accurate records of a meeting are

produced and distributed in the agreed format and timescale

3.2 Take action to ensure that post-meeting actions are completed

3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of a meeting and identify points for future


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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/1927

Manage conflict within a team

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

conflict management

1.1 Evaluate the suitability of different methods of conflict

management in different situations

1.2 Describe the personal skills needed to deal with conflict

between other people

1.3 Analyse the potential consequences of unresolved conflict

within a team

1.4 Explain the role of external arbitration and conciliation in

conflict resolution

2 Be able to reduce the potential

for conflict within a team

2.1 Communicate to team members their roles, responsibilities,

objectives and expected standards of behaviour

2.2 Explain to team members the constraints under which other

colleagues work

2.3 Review systems, processes, situations and structures that are

likely to give rise to conflict in line with organisational


2.4 Take action to minimise the potential for conflict within the

limits of their own authority

2.5 Explain how team members’ personalities and cultural

backgrounds may give rise to conflict

3 Be able to deal with conflict

within a team

3.1 Assess the seriousness of conflict and its potential impact

3.2 Treat everyone involved with impartiality and sensitivity

3.3 Decide a course of action that offers optimum benefits

3.4 Explain the importance of engaging team members’ support

for the agreed actions

3.5 Communicate the actions to be taken to those who may be

affected by it

3.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements when dealing with conflict within a team

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1928

Procure products and/or services

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify

procurement requirements

1.1 Explain current and likely future procurement requirements

1.2 Decide whether the purchase of products and/or services

offers the organisation best value

1.3 Evaluate ethical and sustainability considerations relating to


1.4 Justify the decision to buy products and/or services with

evidence of an analysis of risk, costs and benefits

2 Be able to select suppliers 2.1 Explain the factors to be taken into account in selecting


2.2 Explain organisational procurement policies, procedures and


2.3 Explain the effect of supplier choice on the supply chain

2.4 Use appropriate media to publicise procurement


2.5 Confirm the capability and track record of suppliers and their

products and/or services

2.6 Select suppliers that meet the procurement specification

3 Be able to buy products

and/or services

3.1 Explain the action to be taken in the event of problems arising

3.2 Agree contract terms that are mutually acceptable within their

own scope of authority

3.3 Record agreements made, stating the specification, contract

terms and any post-contract requirements

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit T/506/1929

Implement change

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of change


1.1 Explain the importance of effective leadership when

implementing change

1.2 Explain the role of internal and external stakeholders

in the management of change

1.3 Evaluate the suitability of change management models

for different contexts

1.4 Explain how to assess the business risks associated

with change

1.5 Assess the need for contingency planning when

implementing change

1.6 Assess the need for crisis management when

implementing change

1.7 Explain the different types of barriers to change and

how to deal with these

1.8 Explain how to evaluate change management projects

2 Be able to plan the implementation of


2.1 Explain the need for change

2.2 Explain the potential consequences of not

implementing change

2.3 Explain the roles and responsibilities of a change

management project team

2.4 Develop a plan that includes specific, measurable,

achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART)

objectives and resources

2.5 Brief team members on their roles and responsibilities

and the objectives of the change

2.6 Gain acceptance to the need for change from team

members and other stakeholders

3 Be able to manage the

implementation of a change plan

3.1 Explain organisational escalation processes for

reporting problems

3.2 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of

monitoring techniques

3.3 Implement the plan within the agreed timescale

3.4 Provide support to team members and other

stakeholders according to identified needs

3.5 Monitor the progress of the implementation against

the plan

3.6 Manage problems in accordance with contingency


4 4.1 Assess the suitability of techniques used to analyse the

effectiveness of change

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

Be able to evaluate the effectiveness

of the implementation of change


4.2 Collate valid feedback and information from


4.3 Analyse feedback and information against agreed


4.4 Identify areas for future improvement

4.5 Communicate the lessons learned with those who may


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/1930

Implement and maintain business continuity plans and processes

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to plan for the implementation of

business continuity plans and processes

1.1 Describe the components of a business continuity


1.2 Explain the uses of a business continuity plan

1.3 Explain the features of different business

continuity planning models

1.4 Explain the potential consequences of inadequate

business continuity plans and processes

1.5 Confirm the required aim, scope and objectives of

business continuity plans

1.6 Engage stakeholders in developing business

continuity plans and processes

1.7 Identify business-critical products and/or services

and the activities and resources that support


2 Be able to implement business continuity

plans and processes

2.1 Develop a framework for business continuity


2.2 Recommend resources that are proportionate to

the potential impact of business disruption

2.3 Communicate the importance and requirements

of business continuity plans and processes to


2.4 Meet their own objectives within the plan

3 Be able to maintain the fitness for purpose

of on-going business continuity plans and


3.1 Provide training for staff who may be affected

3.2 Validate and test the strength of business

continuity plans and processes

3.3 Update plans and processes in the light of

feedback from business continuity exercises and

other sources of information

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1931

Collaborate with other departments

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to collaborate with

other departments

1.1 Explain the need for collaborating with other


1.2 Explain the nature of the interaction between their own

team and other departments

1.3 Explain the features of effective collaboration

1.4 Explain the potential implications of ineffective

collaboration with other departments

1.5 Explain the factors relating to knowledge management

that should be considered when collaborating with

other departments

2 Be able to identify opportunities for

collaboration with other


2.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of

collaborating with other departments

2.2 Identify with which departments collaborative

relationships should be built

2.3 Identify the scope for and limitations of possible


3 Be able to collaborate with other


3.1 Agree Service Level Agreements (SLAs), objectives and

priorities of collaborative arrangements

3.2 Work with other departments in a way that contributes

to the achievement of organisational objectives

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit A/506/1933

Support remote or virtual teams

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to assess the support

needed by remote or virtual


1.1 Identify the resource requirements for providing

communication tools and processes for remote or virtual


1.2 Specify effective tools and processes that are capable of

supporting remote or virtual teams

1.3 Identify processes and systems that will enable people to

connect to information and knowledge remotely and


1.4 Plan how to assure the safety of staff in remote teams

2 Be able to support remote or

virtual teams

2.1 Provide guidelines, training, information and coaching to

support remote or virtual teams

2.2 Identify areas for improvement from monitoring processes

and information

2.3 Facilitate interactive collaboration amongst stakeholders

2.4 Take action to ensure that team members adhere to

regulatory, professional and commercial requirements

2.5 Take action to ensure that data security and confidentiality

issues arising from remote or virtual working are addressed

2.6 Take action to ensure that records management issues

arising from remote or virtual working are addressed

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit F/506/1934

Participate in a project

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to

manage a project

1.1 Explain the features of a project business case

1.2 Explain the stages of a project lifecycle

1.3 Explain the roles of people involved in a project

1.4 Explain the uses of project-related information

1.5 Explain the advantages and limitations of different project

monitoring techniques

1.6 Analyse the interrelationship of project scope, schedule, finance,

risk, quality and resources

2 Be able to support the

delivery of a project

2.1 Fulfil their role in accordance with a project plan

2.2 Collect project-related information in accordance with project


2.3 Use appropriate tools to analyse project information

2.4 Report on information analysis in the agreed format and timescale

2.5 Draw issues, anomalies and potential problems to the attention of

project managers

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements in supporting the delivery of a project

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit J/506/1949

Develop and maintain professional networks

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

effective networking

1.1 Describe the interpersonal skills needed for effective


1.2 Explain the basis on which to choose networks to be


1.3 Evaluate the role of shared agendas and conflict management

in relationship-building

1.4 Evaluate the role of the internet in business networking

1.5 Assess the importance of following up leads and actions

1.6 Analyse ethical issues relating to networking activities

2 Be able to identify

professional networks for


2.1 Identify potential networks for professional development from

an analysis of their benefits compared with individual needs

and aspirations

2.2 Shortlist networks for development against defined criteria

2.3 Assess the benefits and limitations of joining and maintaining

selected network(s)

3 Be able to maintain

professional networks

3.1 Identify the potential for mutual benefit with network


3.2 Promote their own skills, knowledge and competence to

network members

3.3 Provide information, services or support to network members

where the potential for mutual benefit has been identified

3.4 Establish the boundaries of confidentiality

3.5 Agree guidelines for the exchange of information and


3.6 Take action to ensure that participation in networks reflects

current and defined future aspirations and needs

3.7 Make introductions to people with common or

complementary interest to and within networks

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit Y/506/1955

Develop and implement an operational plan

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

operational planning

1.1 Evaluate the use of risk analysis techniques in operational


1.2 Explain the components of an operational plan

1.3 Analyse the relationship between strategic and operational


1.4 Evaluate the use of planning tools and techniques in the

operational planning process

1.5 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis

2 Be able to develop an

operational plan

2.1 Identify specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (SMART) objectives and key performance indicators


2.2 Identify evaluation mechanisms appropriate to the plan

2.3 Take action to ensure that plans are consistent with

organisational strategy, objectives, values, policies and


2.4 Develop proportionate and targeted plans to manage

identified risks

2.5 Take action to ensure that plans complement and maximise

synergy with other business areas

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

3 Be able to implement an

operational plan

3.1 Implement plans within agreed budgets and timescales

3.2 Communicate the requirements of the plans to those who

will be affected

3.3 Revise plans in the light of changing circumstances in

accordance with strategic objectives and identified risks

4 Be able to evaluate the

effectiveness of an operational


4.1 Conduct periodic reviews of the progress and effectiveness

of the plans, using information from a range of sources

4.2 Report on the effectiveness of operational plans in the

appropriate format

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1962

Encourage learning and development

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

of learning and


1.1 Assess the role of continuous professional development (CPD) in

identifying and meeting individuals’ learning and development

for current and future business needs

1.2 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different learning and

development methods

1.3 Explain how to identify individuals’ learning and development


1.4 Evaluate the role of self-reflection in learning and development

2 Be able to support

individuals’ learning and


2.1 Promote the benefits of learning to people in own area of


2.2 Support individuals in identifying their current and likely future

learning and development needs from a range of information


2.3 Agree with individuals the learning activities to be undertaken,

ensuring they are within agreed budgets and consistent with

business needs

2.4 Summarise agreed learning objectives, learning activities, review

mechanisms and success criteria in a personal development plan

2.5 Create an environment that encourages and promotes learning

and development

2.6 Provide opportunities for individuals to apply their developing

competence in the workplace

3 Be able to evaluate

individuals’ learning and


3.1 Analyse information from a range of sources on individuals’

performance and development

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of different learning and development


3.3 Agree revisions to personal development plans in the light of


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit A/506/1981

Discipline and grievance management

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles supporting

the management of discipline and

grievance cases

1.1 Explain the difference between a discipline case

and a grievance case and the implications for their


1.2 Explain sources of advice and expertise on

discipline and grievance

1.3 Explain the legal obligations of employers and the

rights of employees in relation to discipline and

grievance cases

1.4 Explain organisational procedures for the

management of discipline and grievance cases

1.5 Explain the communication techniques to be used

in the management of discipline and grievance


1.6 Explain the types of behaviours that are likely to

result in disciplinary proceedings

1.7 Explain the types of actions that are likely to lead to

a grievance

1.8 Explain how to carry out investigations into

discipline and grievance cases

1.9 Analyse the effect of well managed and poorly

managed discipline and grievance cases

1.10 Explain how the outcomes of discipline and

grievance cases can be managed

2 Be able to manage a disciplinary case 2.1 Inform an individual that they are subject to

disciplinary proceedings within agreed timescales

2.2 Explain to an individual the reasons why they are

subject to disciplinary proceedings

2.3 Provide evidence that supports the case for

disciplinary proceedings

2.4 Develop a case to support an individual who is

subject to disciplinary proceedings

2.5 Keep detailed and accurate records of agreements,

actions and events for disciplinary cases

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when managing a

disciplinary case

3 Be able to manage a grievance 3.1 Identify the nature of a grievance

3.2 Investigate the seriousness and potential

implications of a grievance

3.3 Adhere to organisational procedures when

managing a grievance

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of how a grievance has

been managed

3.5 Agree measures to prevent future reoccurrences of


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit F/506/1982

Develop working relationships with stakeholders

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand working relationships

with stakeholders

1.1 Analyse stakeholder mapping techniques

1.2 Explain how influencing skills and techniques can be

used to enhance the relationship with stakeholders

1.3 Explain how expectation management and conflict

resolution techniques are applied to stakeholder


1.4 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different

types of stakeholder consultation

1.5 Evaluate the risks and potential consequences of

inadequate stakeholder consultation

2 Be able to determine the scope for

collaboration with stakeholders

2.1 Identify the stakeholders with whom relationships

should be developed

2.2 Explain the roles, responsibilities, interests and

concerns of stakeholders

2.3 Evaluate business areas that would benefit from

collaboration with stakeholders

2.4 Evaluate the scope for and limitations of collaborating

with different types of stakeholder

3 Be able to develop productive

working relationships with


3.1 Create a climate of mutual trust and respect by

behaving openly and honestly

3.2 Take account of the advice provided by stakeholders

3.3 Minimise the potential for friction and conflict amongst


4 Be able to evaluate relationships

with stakeholders

4.1 Monitor relationships and developments with


4.2 Address changes that may have an effect on

stakeholder relationships

4.3 Recommend improvements based on analyses of the

effectiveness of stakeholder relationships

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/1989

Manage physical resources

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify the

need for physical


1.1 Identify resource requirements from analyses of organisational


1.2 Evaluate alternative options for obtaining physical resources

1.3 Evaluate the impact on the organisation of introducing physical


1.4 Identify the optimum option that meets operational requirements

for physical resources

2 Be able to obtain

physical resources

2.1 Develop a business case for physical resources that is supported by

evidence, cost estimates, contingency arrangements and an analysis

of likely benefits

2.2 Obtain authorisation and financial commitment for the required


2.3 Negotiate best value from contracts in accordance with

organisational standards and procedures

2.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements when obtaining physical resources

2.5 Check that the physical resources received match those ordered

3 Be able to manage the

use of physical resources

3.1 Take action to ensure physical resources are used in accordance

with manufacturers’ instructions

3.2 Evaluate the efficiency of physical resources against agreed criteria

3.3 Recommend improvements to the use of physical resources and

associated working practices

3.4 Analyse the benefits of effective equipment in the conservation of

energy and the environment

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/1992

Prepare for and support quality audits

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the management of


1.1 Analyse the principles of quality management

1.2 Analyse the purpose and requirements of a range of

quality standards

1.3 Analyse the advantages and limitations of a range of

quality techniques

1.4 Assess how the management of quality contributes to

the achievement of organisational objectives

2 Be able to prepare for quality audits 2.1 Establish the quality requirements applicable to the

work being audited

2.2 Confirm that documentation is complete

2.3 Confirm that any previously agreed actions have been


2.4 Make available information requested in advance by


3 Be able to support quality audits 3.1 Provide access to information on request within scope

of the audit

3.2 Agree actions and timescales with auditors that will

remedy non-conformance or non-compliance

3.3 Identify instances where business processes, quality

standards and/or procedures could be improved

3.4 Develop a quality improvement plan that addresses

the issues raised

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit T/506/1994

Conduct quality audits

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the management of


1.1 Analyse the principles of quality management

1.2 Analyse the purpose and requirements of a range of

quality standards

1.3 Analyse the advantages and limitations of a range of

quality techniques

1.4 Assess how the management of quality contributes to

the achievement of organisational objectives

2 Be able to prepare to carry out quality


2.1 Establish the quality requirements applicable to the

work being audited

2.2 Develop a plan for a quality audit

2.3 Prepare the documentation needed to undertake a

quality audit

2.4 Specify data requirements to those who will support

the audit

3 Be able to conduct quality audits 3.1 Confirm that any previously agreed actions have been


3.2 Analyse information against agreed quality criteria

3.3 Identify instances where business processes, quality

standards and/or procedures could be improved

3.4 Agree actions and timescales that will remedy nonconformance or non-compliance

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit A/506/1995

Manage a budget

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to identify

financial requirements

1.1 Explain how to calculate the estimated costs of activities,

resources and overheads needed to achieve objectives

1.2 Analyse the components of a business case to meet

organisational requirements

1.3 Analyse the factors to be taken into account to secure the

support of stakeholders

1.4 Describe the business planning and budget-setting cycle

2 Understand how to set


2.1 Explain the purposes of budget-setting

2.2 Analyse the information needed to enable realistic budgets to

be set

2.3 Explain how to address contingencies

2.4 Explain organisational policies and procedures on budgetsetting

3 Be able to manage a budget 3.1 Use the budget to control performance and expenditure

3.2 Identify the cause of variations from budget

3.3 Explain the actions to be taken to address variations from


3.4 Propose realistic revisions to budget, supporting

recommendations with evidence

3.5 Provide budget-related reports and information within agreed


3.6 Explain the actions to be taken in the event of suspected

instances of fraud or malpractice

4 Be able to evaluate the use of

a budget

4.1 Identify successes and areas for improvement in budget


4.2 Make recommendations to improve future budget setting and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit R/506/1999

Manage a project

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of a


1.1 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis for a project

1.2 Evaluate the use of risk analysis techniques

1.3 Evaluate project planning and management tools and techniques

1.4 Evaluate the impact of changes to project scope, schedule, finance,

risk, quality and resources

1.5 Analyse the requirements of project governance arrangements

2 Be able to plan a


2.1 Analyse how a project fits with an organisation’s overall vision,

objectives, plans and programmes of work

2.2 Agree the objectives and scope of proposed projects with


2.3 Assess the interdependencies and potential risks within a project

2.4 Develop a project plan with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic

and time-bound (SMART) objectives, key performance indicators

(KPIs) and evaluations mechanisms appropriate to the plan

2.5 Develop proportionate and targeted plans to manage identified risks

and contingencies

2.6 Apply project lifecycle approaches to the progress of a project

3 Be able to manage a


3.1 Allocate resources in accordance with the project plan

3.2 Brief project team members on their roles and responsibilities

3.3 Implement plans within agreed budgets and timescales

3.4 Communicate the requirements of the plans to those who will be


3.5 Revise plans in the light of changing circumstances in accordance

with project objectives and identified risks

3.6 Keep stakeholders up to date with developments and problems

3.7 Complete close-out actions in accordance with project plans

3.8 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements when managing a project

4 Be able to evaluate the

effectiveness of a


4.1 Conduct periodic reviews of the progress and effectiveness of a

project using information from a range of sources

4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of capturing and managing project-related


4.3 Report on the effectiveness of plans

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit L/506/2004

Manage business risk

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management

of business risk

1.1 Explain what is meant by business risk

1.2 Analyse business risk identification theories and models

1.3 Explain measures and techniques to mitigate business risk

1.4 Explain their own level of authority in managing risk

2 Be able to address business


2.1 Monitor work in line with organisational risk procedures

2.2 Identify potential risks using agreed risk criteria

2.3 Assess identified risks, their potential consequences and the

probability of them happening

2.4 Communicate to stakeholders the likelihood of the risk

occurring and its potential consequences

2.5 Explain organisational business risk management policies

3 Be able to mitigate business


3.1 Develop risk management plans and processes that are

proportionate to the risk and the available resources

3.2 Implement risk management plans in accordance with

organisational requirements

3.3 Monitor on-going risk-related developments and amend plans

in the light of changing circumstances

3.4 Keep stakeholders informed of any developments and their

possible consequences

3.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken, identifying possible

future improvements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit A/506/2032

Manage knowledge in an organisation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

knowledge management

1.1 Explain the concept, scope and importance of

knowledge management

1.2 Explain the concept of intellectual property

1.3 Identify the business drivers that lead to effective

knowledge management

1.4 Explain the risks associated with knowledge

management and their potential implications

1.5 Explain the importance of engaging others and

communicating knowledge management issues and


1.6 Explain best practice principles and techniques for

effective knowledge management

1.7 Describe strategies to manage tacit and explicit


2 Be able to identify knowledge to be

managed within an organisation

2.1 Identify the criteria against which knowledge will be


2.2 Engage colleagues in identifying the knowledge to be


3 Be able to manage knowledge within

an organisation

3.1 Implement actions in accordance with the knowledge

management plan

3.2 Adhere to security processes for the collection, storage

and retrieval of knowledge

3.3 Evaluate the extent to which current knowledge

management systems and processes are fit for purpose

3.4 Recommend improvements to processes and systems

to manage knowledge

3.5 Assess the likely impact and implications of the loss of


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/2044

Manage redundancy and redeployment

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of redundancy

1.1 Explain the legal requirements that relate to the management

of redundancy

1.2 Explain the conditions required for a redundancy and their


1.3 Explain possible ways of avoiding redundancies

1.4 Explain the factors involved in identifying the pool for

redundancy selection

1.5 Explain the factors involved in developing an appeals process

1.6 Explain the process for planning and managing a redundancy

1.7 Evaluate the implications of voluntary and compulsory

redundancy on individuals

1.8 Evaluate the implications of voluntary and compulsory

redundancy for organisations

1.9 Evaluate the type of information required by staff who are


1.10 Evaluate the type of information required by staff who are

made redundant

1.11 Assess the role of outplacement in redundancy

2 Understand the principles of


2.1 Explain the concept of redeployment

2.2 Explain the legal requirements that relate to the management

of redeployment

2.3 Explain the process for planning and managing a


2.4 Evaluate the type of information required by staff who are


2.5 Evaluate the type of information required by staff who are


2.6 Evaluate the benefits and limitations to an organisation of


2.7 Assess the role of project management techniques in the

management of redeployment

3 Be able to manage a


3.1 Evaluate the available options for avoiding a redundancy and

their implications

3.2 Develop a redundancy plan and timetable that addresses

redundancy objectives

3.3 Take action to ensure that redundancy payments are

calculated accurately

3.4 Use an appropriate method for communicating the outcome

of a redundancy decision

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Make agreed support services available to those who have

been made redundant

4 Be able to manage the

redeployment of staff

4.1 Explain to redeployees the reasons, purpose and benefits of


4.2 Develop a redeployment plan that addresses agreed


4.3 Use an appropriate method for communicating about


4.4 Make agreed support services available to those being


4.5 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements for the redeployment of staff

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit J/506/2292

Encourage innovation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify opportunities for


1.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of

techniques used to generate ideas

1.2 Explain how innovation benefits an organisation

1.3 Explain the constraints on their own ability to make


1.4 Agree with stakeholders terms of reference and criteria

for evaluating potential innovation and improvement

1.5 Engage team members in finding opportunities to

innovate and suggest improvements

1.6 Monitor performance, products and/or services and

developments in areas that may benefit from


1.7 Analyse valid information to identify opportunities for

innovation and improvement

2 Be able to generate and test ideas

for innovation and improvement

2.1 Generate ideas for innovation or improvement that

meet the agreed criteria

2.2 Test selected ideas that meet viability criteria

2.3 Evaluate the fitness for purpose and value of the

selected ideas

2.4 Assess potential innovations and improvements against

the agreed evaluation criteria

3 Be able to implement innovative

ideas and improvements

3.1 Explain the risks of implementing innovative ideas and


3.2 Justify conclusions of efficiency and value with evidence

3.3 Prepare costings and schedules of work that will enable

efficient implementation

3.4 Design processes that support efficient implementation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management



Manage the impact of work activities on the environment

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to support

environmentally-friendly working


1.1 Explain how to carry out an environmental impact


1.2 Compare sources of specialist advice on

environmentally-friendly working practices

1.3 Analyse the business and environmental benefits of

effective energy management policies

1.4 Explain the health and safety requirements for the use

and disposal of resources and waste

2 Be able to organise work so as to

minimise the impact on the


2.1 Analyse potentially adverse effects on the environment

caused by work activities

2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of methods of improving

environmental sustainability in an organisation

2.3 Implement plans and procedures to adapt work

practices to make them more environmentally-friendly

2.4 Develop a system for colleagues to recommend

improvements to make work practices more


3 Be able to manage the

environmental impact of the use of


3.1 Explain when to obtain specialist environmental

management advice

3.2 Explain where to seek specialist environmental

management advice

3.3 Determine the environmental impact of the use of

different physical resources

3.4 Develop procedures for the disposal of waste and

unwanted resources in a way that minimises the impact

on the environment

3.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of organisational

environmental policies and procedures

3.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal

and ethical requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management



Recruitment, selection and induction practice

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles and theories

underpinning recruitment, selection and

induction practice

1.1 Explain workforce planning techniques

1.2 Describe the information needed to identify

recruitment requirements

1.3 Assess the impact of an organisation’s structure and

culture on its recruitment and selection policies and


1.4 Analyse the factors involved in establishing

recruitment and selection criteria

1.5 Evaluate the suitability of different recruitment and

selection methods for different roles

1.6 Analyse patterns of employment that affect the

recruitment of staff

1.7 Explain the factors to be taken into account when

developing job specifications, personal

specifications and job advertisements

1.8 Explain the induction process

1.9 Explain the relationship between human resource

processes and the induction processes

2 Be able to recruit people into an


2.1 Determine current staffing needs

2.2 Identify current skills needs from identified staffing


2.3 Identify future workforce needs

2.4 Develop a resourcing plan that addresses identified

needs within budgetary limitations

2.5 Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different

methods of recruitment for an identified role

2.6 Explain how recruitment policies and practices

meet legal and ethical requirements

2.7 Select the most appropriate method of recruitment

for identified roles

3 Be able to select appropriate people for

the role

3.1 Plan assessment processes that are valid and


3.2 Provide those involved in the selection process with

sufficient information to enable them to make

informed decisions

3.3 Justify assessment decisions with evidence

3.4 Inform applicants of the outcome of the process in

line with organisational procedures

3.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of the selection process

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Level 3 Diploma in Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when carrying out

selection assessments

4 Be able to induct people into an


4.1 Develop induction materials that meet operational

and new starters’ needs

4.2 Explain to new starters organisational policies,

procedures and structures

4.3 Explain to new starters their role and


4.4 Explain to new starters their entitlements and

where to go for help

4.5 Assess new starters’ training needs

4.6 Confirm that training is available that meets

operational and new starters’ needs

4.7 Provide support that meets new starters’ needs

throughout the induction period

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1895

Buddy a colleague to develop their skills

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to buddy a


1.1 Describe what is expected of a buddy

1.2 Explain techniques to give positive feedback and constructive


1.3 Explain techniques to establish rapport with a buddy

2 Be able to plan to buddy a


2.1 Agree which aspects of a colleague’s work may benefit from


2.2 Confirm organisational requirements for standards of

behaviour, presentation, communication and performance

of a buddy colleague

2.3 Agree a schedule of meetings that minimise disruption to


2.4 Agree specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (SMART) buddying objectives

3 Be able to support a buddy

colleague carrying out work


3.1 Remain unobtrusive while a buddy colleague carries out their

work activities

3.2 Provide examples of how to carry out tasks correctly

3.3 Identify instances of good practice and areas for

improvement through observation

3.4 Praise a buddy colleague on well completed tasks

3.5 Give constructive feedback on ways in which a buddy could

improve performance

3.6 Offer a buddy hints and tips based on personal experience

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management



Contribute to the improvement of business performance

Learning Outcome – The learner


Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

resolving business problems

1.1 Explain the use of different problem-solving techniques

1.2 Explain the organisational and legal constraints relating to


1.3 Describe the role of stakeholders in problem-solving

1.4 Describe the steps in the business decision-making process

1.5 Analyse the implications of adopting recommendations and

implementing decisions to solve business problems

2 Understand improvement

techniques and processes

2.1 Describe the purpose and benefits of continuous


2.2 Analyse the features, use and constraints of different

continuous improvement techniques and models

2.3 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis

2.4 Explain the importance of feedback from customers and

other stakeholders in continuous improvement

3 Be able to solve problems in


3.1 Identify the nature, likely cause and implications of a


3.2 Evaluate the scope and scale of a problem

3.3 Analyse the possible courses of action that can be taken in

response to a problem

3.4 Use evidence to justify the approach to problem-solving

3.5 Develop a plan and success criteria that are appropriate to

the nature and scale of a problem

3.6 Obtain approval to implement a solution to a problem

3.7 Take action to resolve or mitigate a problem

3.8 Evaluate the degree of success and scale of the implications

of a solved problem

4 Be able to contribute to the

improvement of activities

4.1 Identify the nature, scope and scale of possible

contributions to continuous improvement activities

4.2 Measure changes achieved against existing baseline data

4.3 Calculate performance measures relating to cost, quality

and delivery

4.4 Justify the case for adopting improvements identified with


4.5 Develop standard operating procedures and resource plans

that are capable of implementing agreed changes

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit H/506/1912

Negotiate in a business environment

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning negotiation

1.1 Describe the requirements of a negotiation strategy

1.2 Explain the use of different negotiation techniques

1.3 Explain how research on the other party can be used in


1.4 Explain how cultural differences might affect negotiations

2 Be able to prepare for

business negotiations

2.1 Identify the purpose, scope and objectives of the negotiation

2.2 Explain the scope of their own authority for negotiating

2.3 Prepare a negotiating strategy

2.4 Prepare fall-back stances and compromises that align with the

negotiating strategy and priorities

2.5 Assess the likely objectives and negotiation stances of the

other party

2.6 Research the strengths and weaknesses of the other party

3 Be able to carry out business


3.1 Carry out negotiations within responsibility limits in a way that

optimises opportunities

3.2 Adapt the conduct of the negotiation in accordance with

changing circumstances

3.3 Maintain accurate records of negotiations, outcomes and

agreements made

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal

and ethical requirements when carrying out business


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/1913

Develop a presentation

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to develop

a presentation

1.1 Explain best practice in developing presentations

1.2 Explain who needs to be consulted on the development of a


1.3 Explain the factors to be taken into account in developing a


1.4 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different

communication media

2 Be able to develop a


2.1 Identify the purpose, content, style, timing and audience for a


2.2 Select a communication media that is appropriate to the nature

of a presentation, message and audience

2.3 Tailor a presentation to fit the timescale and audience’s needs

2.4 Prepare a presentation that is logically structured, summarises

the content and addresses the brief

2.5 Take action to ensure that a presentation adheres to

organisational guidelines and policies

2.6 Develop materials that support the content of a presentation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1914

Deliver a presentation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the delivery of


1.1 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different

methods of, and media for, making presentations

1.2 Explain how the type and size of the audience affects

the delivery of a presentation

1.3 Explain the factors to be taken into account in

developing contingency plans when delivering


1.4 Explain voice projection and timing techniques when

delivering presentations

1.5 Explain the factors to be taken into account in

responding to questions from an audience

1.6 Explain different methods for evaluating the

effectiveness of a presentation

2 Be able to prepare to deliver a


2.1 Confirm the layout of the venue and correct functioning

of equipment and resources prior to making a


2.2 Develop contingency plans for potential equipment and

resource failure

2.3 Take action to ensure that the presentation fits the time

slot available

3 Be able to deliver a presentation 3.1 Speak clearly and confidently, using language that is

appropriate for the topic and the audience

3.2 Vary their voice tone, pace and volume appropriately

when delivering a presentation

3.3 Use body language in a way that reinforces messages

3.4 Use equipment and resources effectively when

delivering a presentation

3.5 Deliver a presentation within the agreed timeframe

3.6 Respond to questions in a way that meets the

audience’s needs

3.7 Evaluate the effectiveness of a presentation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit A/506/1916

Contribute to the development and implementation of an

information system

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the design and

implementation of an

information system

1.1 Explain the types of information to be managed by a system

1.2 Explain how information will be used and by whom

1.3 Explain who needs to be consulted in the design and

implementation of an information system and why

1.4 Explain the impact of legal and organisational security and

confidentiality requirements for the design and

implementation of an information system

2 Be able to contribute to the

development of an information


2.1 Confirm the purpose, use and features of an information


2.2 Identify the information that will be managed by the system

2.3 Confirm requirements for reporting information

2.4 Recommend the functions that will be used to manipulate

and report information

2.5 Develop guidance for the use of an information system that

is accurate and easy to understand

2.6 Recommend user access and security levels for the

information system

2.7 Make contributions to the development of an information

system that are consistent with business objectives and

values and within budgetary constraints

2.8 Participate in system tests in accordance with the


3 Be able to contribute to the

implementation of an

information system

3.1 Implement the information system in accordance with the

plan, minimising disruption to business

3.2 Confirm that staff are trained to use the system prior to its


3.3 Resolve or report problems or faults with the information

system within the limits of their own authority

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal

and ethical requirements in the implementation of an

information system

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit K/506/2169

Resolve customers’ problems

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the monitoring and

resolution of customers’


1.1 Assess the suitability of a range of techniques for

monitoring customer problems

1.2 Explain how to use the resolution of customers’ problems

to improve products and/or services

1.3 Explain how the successful resolution of customers’

problems contributes to customer loyalty and enhanced

business performance

1.4 Explain the features of negotiating techniques used to

resolve customers’ problems

2 Be able to deal with customers’


2.1 Confirm the nature and cause of customers’ problems

2.2 Explain when customers’ problems should be treated as


2.3 Explain the benefits to customers and the organisation of

the options available to solve problems

2.4 Explain the drawbacks to customers and the organisation of

the options available to solve problems

2.5 Explain to customers the options for resolving their


2.6 Agree solutions that meet customers’ and organisational

requirements within their own levels of authority

2.7 Inform colleagues of the nature of problems and actions


2.8 Evaluate the effectiveness of the resolution of customers’


2.9 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements when dealing with customers’


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit R/506/2151

Resolve customers’ complaints

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the monitoring and

resolution of customers’


1.1 Assess the suitability of a range of monitoring techniques

for customers’ complaints

1.2 Explain how to identify those complaints that should

prompt a review of the service offer and service delivery

1.3 Explain negotiating techniques used to resolve customers’


1.4 Explain conflict management techniques used in dealing

with upset customers

1.5 Explain organisational procedures for dealing with

customer complaints

1.6 Explain when to escalate customers’ complaints

1.7 Explain the cost and regulatory implications of admitting

liability on the basis of a customer complaint

1.8 Explain the advantages and limitations of offering

compensation or replacement products and/or services

2 Be able to deal with customers’


2.1 Confirm the nature, cause and implications of customers’


2.2 Take personal responsibility for dealing with complaints

2.3 Communicate in a way that recognises customers’

problems and understands their points of view

2.4 Explain the advantages and limitations of different

complaint response options to customers

2.5 Explain the advantages and limitations of different

complaint response options to the organisation

2.6 Keep customers informed of progress

2.7 Agree solutions with customers that address the

complaint and which are within the limits of their own


2.8 Record the outcome of the handling of complaints for

future reference

2.9 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal

and ethical requirements when dealing with customers’


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit D/506/2170

Gather, analyse and interpret customer feedback

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to gather, analyse

and interpret customer feedback

1.1 Describe methods of collecting data for customer


1.2 Explain random sampling techniques used to collect


1.3 Explain how to evaluate bias in non-random samples

1.4 Explain the principles of questionnaire design

1.5 Assess the suitability of a range of techniques to

analyse customer feedback

1.6 Explain techniques used to monitor the quality of data


1.7 Explain the use of software to record and analyse

customer feedback

1.8 Explain the validation issues associated with customer


1.9 Explain the importance of anonymising comments from

customers who do not wish to be identified

2 Be able to plan the collection of

customer feedback on customer

service issues

2.1 Identify the objectives of collecting customer feedback

2.2 Justify the reasons for selecting different data

collection methods

2.3 Develop a data collection and analysis plan that

specifies the sampling frame, data collection and

recording methods and timeframe

3 Be able to gather customer feedback 3.1 Collect customer feedback using the sampling frame

identified in a customer service plan

3.2 Record data in a way that makes analysis


3.3 Verify that all data is handled in line with legal,

organisational and ethical policies and procedures

4 Be able to analyse and interpret

customer feedback to recommend


4.1 Use data analysis methods to identify patterns and

trends in customer feedback

4.2 Use the findings of a data analysis to identify areas for

improvement to customer service

4.3 Present the findings of an analysis in the agreed format

4.4 Recommend improvements in response to the findings

of an analysis

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit L/506/1905

Employee rights and responsibilities

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the role of organisations

and industries

1.1 Explain the role of their own occupation within an

organisation and industry

1.2 Describe career pathways within their organisation and


1.3 Identify sources of information and advice on an

industry, occupation, training and career pathway

1.4 Describe an organisation’s principles of conduct and

codes of practice

1.5 Explain issues of public concern that affect an

organisation and industry

1.6 Describe the types, roles and responsibilities of

representative bodies and their relevance to their own


2 Understand employers’ expectations

and employees’ rights and obligations

2.1 Describe the employer and employee statutory rights

and responsibilities that affect their own role

2.2 Describe an employer’s expectations for employees’

standards of personal presentation, punctuality and


2.3 Describe the procedures and documentation that

protect relationships with employees

2.4 Identify sources of information and advice on

employment rights and responsibilities

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit T/505/4673

Health and Safety Procedures in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know health and safety procedures

in the workplace.

1.1 Define the main responsibilities for health and safety in

the workplace of the following:

  1. a) employers
  2. b) employees.

1.2 Describe two health and safety laws affecting the


1.3 Define the importance of following health and safety

procedures in the workplace.

1.4 Define the types of information or support available in

relation to a specified aspect of health and safety in the


2 Be able to carry out tasks with

regard to health and safety in the


2.1 Carry out a risk assessment of a specified workplace


2.2 Use equipment or tools safely in the workplace.

2.3 Describe how to prevent accidents in the workplace.

2.4 Assess how own health and safety practices could be


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit M/506/1959

Manage events

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of an event

1.1 Explain how organisational objectives will be met by an event

1.2 Explain the flexibilities and constraints of an event’s budget

1.3 Evaluate the use of project management techniques in event


1.4 Analyse how models of contingency and crisis management can be

applied to event management

1.5 Analyse the use of customer relationship management (CRM) systems

to attract attendees

1.6 Evaluate the application of the principles of logistics to event


1.7 Describe the insurance requirements of an event

2 Be able to manage the

planning of an event

2.1 Identify the purpose of an event and the key messages to be


2.2 Identify target attendees for an event

2.3 Assess the impact of an event on an organisation and its stakeholders

2.4 Establish requirements for resources, location, technical facilities,

layout, health and safety

2.5 Identify how event-related risks and contingencies will be managed

2.6 Develop an event plan that specifies objectives, success and

evaluation criteria

2.7 Make formal agreements for what will be provided, by whom and


2.8 Determine methods of entry, security, access and pricing

3 Be able to manage an


3.1 Manage the allocation of resources in accordance with the event

management plan

3.2 Respond to changing circumstances in accordance with contingency


3.3 Deliver agreed outputs within the timescale

3.4 Manage interdependencies, risks and problems in accordance with

the event management plan

3.5 Comply with the venue, insurance and technical requirements

3.6 Apply the principles and good practice of customer care when

managing an event

3.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements when managing an event

4 Be able to follow up an


4.1 Ensure that all post-event leads or actions are followed up

4.2 Optimise opportunities to take actions that are likely to further

business objectives

4.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of an event against agreed criteria

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Management


Unit F/506/2176

Review the quality of customer service

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to review the

quality of customer service

1.1 Explain the value of measuring the quality of customer


1.2 Analyse the criteria for and factors involved in setting

customer service standards

1.3 Explain how to construct representative samples

1.4 Analyse methods of validating information and information


1.5 Explain how to set and use customer service performance


1.6 Explain the use of customer feedback in the measurement of

customer service

1.7 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of a range of data

analysis methods

2 Be able to plan the

measurement of customer


2.1 Identify the features of customer service against which

customer satisfaction can be measured

2.2 Select data collection methods that are valid and reliable

2.3 Specify monitoring techniques that measure customer


2.4 Establish evaluation objectives and key performance

indicators (KPIs) in the measurement of customer service

2.5 Specify the information to be collected

3 Be able to evaluate the quality

of customer service

3.1 Validate the information collected to identify useable data

3.2 Use information analysis methods that are appropriate to

the nature of the information collected

3.3 Identify instances of effective customer service, shortfalls

and gaps from the information analysis against agreed


3.4 Develop recommendations that address identified areas for

improvement supported by evidence


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