ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying Qualification Specification Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying Qualification Specification Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The ProQual Utility Mapping and Surveying suite of qualifications provides nationally

recognised qualifications for those working in a surveying or construction environment. The

Level 6 Diploma is aimed at those working in a Principal Surveyor role.

The units in the Diploma cover topics relating to planning and managing site surveying

operations; presenting survey information; assessing and producing mapping data;

identifying hazards and risks; implementing risk reduction methods; plan and manage

vacuum excavation.

The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body

is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for

these qualifications has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in

Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use

by centres in Northern Ireland.

This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF),

and it provides a progression route to further qualifications and unit accreditation in

ProQual’s Utility Mapping and Surveying qualifications suite or other discipline-related


Qualification Profile

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Qualification title ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Ofqual qualification number 600/5210/7

Level Level 6

Total qualification time 400

Guided learning hours 230


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/5/12

Qualification end date


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete 5 Mandatory units.

Mandatory Units

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit


A/600/6733 Agree project requirements and plan site surveying in geomatics and

site surveying management 6

M/600/6745 Manage the analyses and presentation of site surveying information

in geomatics and site surveying management 5

A/600/6750 Identify, assess and present spatial data in geomatics and site

surveying management 6

L/503/9841 Vacuum excavations 4

L/600/6736 Identify hazards and control risks in geomatics and site surveying




October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or quality assurance

verifier qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence


This qualification must be assessed in a work environment.

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

For learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification, see page 8.


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying


Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing all units achieved, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be

issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Unit certificates

If a candidate does not achieve all of the units required for a qualification, the centre may

claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units achieved.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement



October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit A/600/6733

Agree project requirements and plan site surveying in geomatics

and site surveying management

This unit covers the key responsibilities for understanding client and project requirements and for

planning site surveying accordingly, as well as maintaining and developing his/her skills.

It is about understanding and communicating project and client requirements. It is also concerned

with the planning for site surveying, including obtaining any advice and permissions needed.

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify, assess and

agree project requirements for

site surveying

1.1 identify and agree with the client what their goals and

priorities are, both now and for the future

1.2 identify what data is needed, how accurate the data

needs to be and what data outputs are required from

site surveying

1.3 clarify the client’s requirements, the options available

and the constraints and risks which might apply to the


1.4 analyse and assess how accurate, up to date and

complete the existing information is, and decide what

additional information is needed

1.5 make a preliminary investigation to identify any access

problems and equipment which will be needed, and

assess the implications for site surveying

1.6 summarise and present the project requirements and

client’s preferences

1.7 agree project requirements and budget with clients in


1.8 estimate, accurately, and justify the cost of site


2 Understand how to identify,

assess and agree project

requirements for site surveying

2.1 Explain how to identify and agree with the client what

their goals and priorities are, both now and for the


2.2 Describe how to identify what data is needed, how

accurate the data needs to be and what data outputs are

required from site surveying

2.3 Explain how to clarify the client’s requirements, the

options available and the constraints and risks which

might apply to the project

2.4 Examine how to analyse and assess how accurate, up to

date and complete the existing information is, and

decide what additional information is needed


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2.5 Examine how to make a preliminary investigation to

identify any access problems and equipment which will

be needed, and assess the implications for site surveying

2.6 Explain how to summarise and present the project

requirements and client’s preferences

2.7 Evaluate how to agree project requirements and budget

with clients in writing

2.8 Examine how to estimate, accurately, and justify the cost

of site surveying

3 Be able to plan site surveying

processes and operations

3.1 develop a clear and accurate site surveying method

statement, specification and a programme

3.2 assess any constraints which might affect the planning of

site surveying and limit the processes which are selected

3.3 consult with experts for advice where additional,

specialist information is needed and commission any

specialist site surveying that may be needed

3.4 obtain permission to carry out the site surveying from

owners of sites who will be affected and from any legal

authorities which have to be notified

3.5 identify and implement quality assurance and safety

standards which are suitable for site surveying

4 Understand how to plan site

surveying processes and


4.1 Propose how to develop a clear and accurate site

surveying method statement, specification and a


4.2 Examine how to assess any constraints which might

affect the planning of site surveying and limit the

processes which are selected

4.3 Explain how to consult with experts for advice where

additional, specialist information is needed and

commission any specialist site surveying that may be


4.4 Explain how to obtain permission to carry out the site

surveying from owners of sites who will be affected and

from any legal authorities which have to be notified

4.5 Describe how to identify and implement quality

assurance and safety standards which are suitable for

site surveying


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying


Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the

assessment criteria, across all the ranges.

The following ranges apply:

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

  1. Goals and priorities:
  • quantity
  • quality
  • cost
  • time
  • purpose
  • user requirements
  1. Site surveying:
  • Geographical Information System
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation
  • setting out
  1. Constraints and risks:
  • available resources
  • health and safety
  • the environment
  • security
  • appropriate insurance cover
  1. Presenting:
  • orally
  • in writing
  • graphically
  • electronically


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcomes 3 and 4

  1. Site surveying methods:
  • visual
  • approximate measured
  • detailed measurement of all specified features
  • graphic
  • instrumental
  1. Site surveying:
  • Geographical Information System
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation
  • setting out
  1. Permission from:
  • client
  • site owner and occupiers
  • adjoining owners and occupiers
  • notifiable authorities

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the

assessment criteria, across the ranges.

Performance Evidence

There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criteria. Where the workplace

evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the

remaining items of range for each relevant assessment criteria.

Learning Outcome 1

Product Evidence

The candidate must provide documentary evidence from the workplace covering the

following item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating


  1. Summary(ies) of client’s goals, priorities and requirements


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  1. Client’s requirements and budget agreed in writing
  2. Record(s) of the analysis and assessment of how accurate, up to date and complete

the existing information is, and also of the decisions made about what additional

information is needed.

  1. Record(s) of the preliminary investigation to identify any access problems and

equipment which will be needed, and he assessment of the implications for the site


  1. Record(s) of estimated and justified site surveying costs.

Process Evidence:

  1. Presentation(s) of the summary of requirements and preferences, constraints and

risks that apply to the project.

Learning Outcome 3

Product Evidence:

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the

following item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating


  1. Method statement(s), specification(s) and programme(s) for site surveying which

include assessed constraints; expert advice; permissions; chosen site surveying

methods; identified quality assurance and safety standards.

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing this evidence.


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Unit M/600/6745

Manage the analyses and presentation of site surveying

information in geomatics and site surveying management

This unit is about managing the preparation and conducting of site surveying information. It covers

the recording, checking, compiling and communicating site surveying information.

It is about ensuring that the necessary checks and arrangements are made prior to site surveying

operations; ensuring that the site survey is conducted using a method which maintains the required

level of accuracy; ensuring that site surveying information is provided in a suitable format for

presentation; and ensuring that registers and records and drawings are kept up to date and in a

secure environment.

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to manage the

preparations for site surveying


1.1 ensure that the site surveying method statement is

confirmed with the people who will be affected and is

accurate before starting the work

1.2 ensure that the permission of people who will be

affected has been checked and confirmed before

starting work

1.3 ensure that suitable equipment is arranged to be

brought to the site and kept safely and securely

1.4 ensure that equipment is checked and adjusted in

accordance with quality assurance procedures so that it

is fit for purpose before it is used for taking


1.5 ensure that the people who will be involved in site

surveying are briefed about site surveying arrangements

and the safety arrangements

1.6 ensure that people and organisations who will be

affected by the site surveying are contacted and

provided with clear and accurate information and asked

for their cooperation

1.7 ensure that safety arrangements for personal safety are

checked and confirmed and conform to good practice,

legislation and regulation

2 Understand how to manage the

preparations for site surveying


2.1 Explain how to ensure that the site surveying method

statement is confirmed with the people who will be

affected and is accurate before starting the work

2.2 Explain how to ensure that the permission of people

who will be affected has been checked and confirmed

before starting work

2.3 Explain how to ensure that suitable equipment is

arranged to be brought to the site and kept safely and


2.4 Explain how to ensure that equipment is checked and

adjusted in accordance with quality assurance


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

procedures so that it is fit for purpose before it is used

for taking measurements

2.5 Explain how to ensure that the people who will be

involved in site surveying are briefed about site

surveying arrangements and the safety arrangements

2.6 Explain how to ensure that people and organisations

who will be affected by the site surveying are contacted

and provided with clear and accurate information and

asked for their cooperation

2.7 Explain how to ensure that safety arrangements for

personal safety are checked and confirmed and conform

to good practice, legislation and regulation

3 Be able to manage the

observation and recording of

site surveys

3.1 ensure that the site surveying is conducted using a

method which maintains the level of accuracy required,

balances content and cost and keeps disruption to a


3.2 confirm safe working practices when on the site

3.3 ensure that experts are consulted when specialist

information is needed which is relevant to the site

surveying method

3.4 ensure that appropriate horizontal and vertical controls

are set and recorded

3.5 ensure that appropriate observations and

measurements are taken using valid methods

3.6 ensure that work procedures and practices are changed

to allow for different circumstances and conditions

3.7 ensure that site surveying data is recorded clearly and

appropriately and store it securely for later analysis

3.8 ensure that a clear and appropriate record is kept of the

time spent on the survey and of any problems that come

up which may affect cost or accuracy

3.9 ensure that the equipment is operated, maintained,

transported and stored in accordance with the

manufacturer’s recommendations and good practice

4 Understand how to manage the

observation and recording of

site surveys

4.1 Explain how to ensure that the site surveying is

conducted using a method which maintains the level of

accuracy required, balances content and cost and keeps

disruption to a minimum

4.2 Explain how to confirm safe working practices when on

the site

4.3 Explain how to ensure that experts are consulted when

specialist information is needed which is relevant to the

site surveying method

4.4 Explain how to ensure that appropriate horizontal and

vertical controls are set and recorded


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.5 Explain how to ensure that appropriate observations and

measurements are taken using valid methods

4.6 Explain how to ensure that work procedures and

practices are changed to allow for different

circumstances and conditions

4.7 Explain how to ensure that site surveying data is

recorded clearly and appropriately and store it securely

for later analysis

4.8 Explain how to ensure that a clear and appropriate

record is kept of the time spent on the survey and of any

problems that come up which may affect cost or


4.9 Explain how to ensure that the equipment is operated,

maintained, transported and stored in accordance with

the manufacturer’s recommendations and good practice

5 Be able to manage the analysis

and presentation site survey


5.1 collect together enough site surveying information to

allow an appropriate analysis to be made

5.2 check and verify the site surveying information

5.3 analyse and process the site surveying information


5.4 present the site surveying information, the commentary

and any supporting information accurately, clearly and in

a format which is suitable for those who need to use it

5.5 use methods and media which are suitable for the

drawings required, and which can be produced with the

resources and time available

5.6 produce drawings and associated information using

standard drawing conventions which are complete,

accurate, and comply with the design information

5.7 obtain necessary checks and approvals for the content

and presentation of drawings which are consistent with

quality assurance procedures

5.8 advise people who will be using the site surveying

information on how to interpret it

5.9 keep registers and records of drawings which are

complete, accurate and up-to-date and consistent with

quality assurance procedures and held in a confidential

and secure environment

6 Understand how to manage the

analysis and presentation site

survey information

6.1 Explain how to collect together enough site surveying

information to allow an appropriate analysis to be made

6.2 Explain how to check and verify the site surveying



October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6.3 Examine how to analyse and process the site surveying

information accurately

6.4 Explain how to present the site surveying information,

the commentary and any supporting information

accurately, clearly and in a format which is suitable for

those who need to use it

6.5 Explain how to use methods and media which are

suitable for the drawings required, and which can be

produced with the resources and time available

6.6 Explain how to produce drawings and associated

information using standard drawing conventions which

are complete, accurate, and comply with the design


6.7 Explain how to obtain necessary checks and approvals

for the content and presentation of drawings which are

consistent with quality assurance procedures

6.8 Propose how to advise people who will be using the site

surveying information on how to interpret it

6.9 Explain how to keep registers and records of drawings

which are complete, accurate and up-to-date and

consistent with quality assurance procedures and held in

a confidential and secure environment


The following ranges apply:

Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

  1. Site surveying: (Candidates are required to complete two of the following range items and

have knowledge of four others)

  • Geographical Information Systems
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation
  • setting out
  1. Site surveying method:


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • visual
  • approximate measured
  • detailed measurement of all specified features
  • graphic
  • instrumental
  1. Permission from:
  • client
  • site owner and occupiers
  • adjoining owners and occupiers
  • notifiable authorities
  1. Equipment:
  • mechanical
  • optical
  • electronic
  • geographical positioning system
  1. Site surveying arrangements:
  • working responsibilities
  • details of the survey method
  • the site
  • the equipment
  • calibration certificates
  1. Safety arrangements:
  • personal safety
  • equipment and clothing
  • health and safety practice and regulations
  • industry codes of practice
  • regulations applying to the survey site
  • signage
  • site access and working area

Learning Outcomes 3 and 4

  1. Site surveying: (Candidates are required to complete two of the following range items and

have knowledge of four others)

  • Geographical Information System
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • setting out
  1. Site surveying – method:
  • visual
  • approximate measured
  • detailed measurement of all specified features
  • graphic
  • instrumental
  1. Safe working practices:
  • personal safety
  • equipment and clothing
  • safe use of access equipment
  • health and safety practice and regulations
  • industry codes of practice
  • regulations applying to the survey site
  • signage
  • site access and working area
  1. Circumstances and conditions:
  • topography
  • water
  • obstacles
  • climatic variation
  • live conditions (e.g. buildings and sites in use, roads, railways, runways)
  • planned circumstances
  • emergency circumstances
  1. Equipment:
  • mechanical
  • optical
  • electronic
  • geographic positioning systems

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6

  1. Site surveying: (Candidates are required to complete two of the following range of items

and have knowledge of four others)

  • Geographical Information System
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • setting out
  1. Presenting:
  • orally
  • in writing
  • graphically
  • digitally
  • using physical models
  1. Information:
  • visual
  • approximate measured
  • detailed measurement of all specified features
  • graphic
  • instrumental
  1. Media:
  • hard coy
  • digital
  1. Drawings:
  • sketches
  • schedules
  • presentation drawings
  1. Drawing conventions:
  • detailing standards
  • codes of practice
  • current industry practice
  1. Checks and approvals cover:
  • format
  • presentation
  • accuracy
  • technical content
  • completeness
  • drawing number and revisions
  • cross-referencing and correlation with associated documents
  • status of drawings
  • free from mistakes
  1. Registers and records:
  • incoming and outgoing drawing and document registers
  • records of document approval and revision

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the assessment

criteria, across the ranges.

Performance Evidence


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criteria. Where the workplace evidence

does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items

of range for each relevant assessment criteria.


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome 1

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following

item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:

  1. Record(s) of pre-work checks and confirmation of: the site surveying method statement;

permissions; equipment

  1. Record(s) of equipment checks and adjustments
  2. Record(s) of briefings and requests for co-operation
  3. Records of site checks

Process Evidence:

  1. Checks and confirmations of safety arrangements for personal safety

Learning Outcome 3

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following

item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:

  1. Site surveying records and reports including: records of costs; horizontal and vertical

controls; observations and measurements; the time taken; problems; procedures and


  1. Record(s) of consultation(s) with experts
  2. Equipment operational and maintenance record(s)

Simulations are considered to be an acceptable alternative for producing evidence for the following

item(s) which are considered to be rare/infrequent, but key/critical to demonstrating competence.

The following realistic working environment and context must be adopted for the simulation:

appropriate: tools, equipment and instruments; types of contingencies; standards and quality

specifications; physical conditions; type of interaction; communication methods and media;

information and data.

  1. Site surveying conducted including: level of accuracy; safe working practices; controls;

observations and measurements; changing work procedures and practices.

Learning Outcome 5

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following

item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating competence:

  1. Site survey information
  2. Analysis of site survey information
  3. Drawing(s) produced using suitable methods and media and standard drawing conventions
  4. Register(s) and record(s) of drawings which include checks and approvals for the content

and presentation of drawings


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Unit A/600/6750

Identify, assess and present spatial data in geomatics and site

surveying management

This unit is about ensuring that the necessary data is collected and processed and also about

checking and presenting data. It is concerned with identifying data needs and arranging for

data to be collected. It also deals with the checking of data and putting it into a suitable

format for use. It is about processing and presenting mapping data.

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify mapping and

data requirements

1.1 identify what survey data is needed, how accurate the

survey data needs to be and what survey data outputs

are required from the mapping

1.2 develop a clear and accurate method statement, a

programme and a budget for the mapping, and agree

them with the client

1.3 choose mapping methods and compilation sources

which are suitable

1.4 select, plan and schedule processes for the collection of

compilation material, the compiling and managing of

data, and the presentation of results

1.5 commission mapping by selecting people and

organisations who are competent to do the work

2 Understand how to identify

mapping and data requirements

2.1 Describe how to identify what survey data is needed,

how accurate the survey data needs to be and what

survey data outputs are required from the mapping

2.2 Propose how to develop a clear and accurate method

statement, a programme and a budget for the mapping,

and agree them with the client

2.3 Evaluate how to choose mapping methods and

compilation sources which are suitable

2.4 Evaluate how to select, plan and schedule processes for

the collection of compilation material, the compiling and

managing of data, and the presentation of results

2.5 Evaluate how to commission mapping by selecting

people and organisations who are competent to do the


3 Be able to assess and produce

mapping data

3.1 review and confirm that the mapping conforms to the

present method statement

3.2 select and use appropriate data standards

3.3 identify and implement data security requirements for

various applications and types of data

3.4 identify and implement data security requirements for

various applications and types of data


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 obtain and agree terms for permission to use data,

including copyright

3.6 identify the requirements for compilation material and

maintain complete and accurate compilation records

and histories throughout the project

3.7 check data selected from all the specified sources and

reject invalid data

3.8 interpret, analyse, extract, compile and compute data

accurately and in a suitable form for processing and


4 Understand how to assess and

produce mapping data

4.1 Examine how to review and confirm that the mapping

conforms to the present method statement

4.2 Evaluate how to select and use appropriate data


4.3 Describe how to identify and implement data security

requirements for various applications and types of data

4.4 Describe how to identify and implement appropriate

data quality assurance procedures and rejection criteria

4.5 Explain how to obtain and agree terms for permission to

use data, including copyright

4.6 Describe how to identify the requirements for

compilation material and maintain complete and

accurate compilation records and histories throughout

the project

4.7 Explain how to check data selected from all the specified

sources and reject invalid data

4.8 Examine how to interpret, analyse, extract, compile and

compute data accurately and in a suitable form for

processing and presentation

5 Be able to present mapping


5.1 specify the resources and software which will be needed

to process the mapping data and to set up databases

5.2 process the data to provide the information and

database formats which are required

5.3 present the information clearly, accurately and in

formats which are suitable for the intended use

5.4 present the database, data system specification,

commentary and supporting information in a suitable

format for the intended use which will allow continuing


5.5 provide advice on the use, interpretation, management

and maintenance of the information, the database and

the data system


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6 Understand how to present

mapping data

6.1 Evaluate how to specify the resources and software

which will be needed to process the mapping data and

to set up databases

6.2 Explain how to process the data to provide the

information and database formats which are required

6.3 Explain how to present the information clearly,

accurately and in formats which are suitable for the

intended use

6.4 Explain how to present the database, data system

specification, commentary and supporting information in

a suitable format for the intended use which will allow

continuing maintenance

6.5 Propose how to provide advice on the use,

interpretation, management and maintenance of the

information, the database and the data system


The following ranges apply:

Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

  1. Site surveying:
  • Geographical Information System
  • measured building
  • engineering
  • topographical
  • boundary
  • hydrographical
  • geodetic
  • photogrammetric
  • underground utilities
  • tunnelling and mining
  • environmental
  • monitoring and deformation
  • setting out
  1. Data:
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • cartographic
  • format


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying • attributes • data transfer • metadata • archival • statutory

  1. Compilation material: • photographs • aerial photographs • remote sensed data • digital maps • maps • charts • plans • drawings • archive records • legal documents • computer records • Geographic Information Systems
  2. Mapping: • cartographic • thematic • statistical • Geographic Information Systems • maps • charts • plans

Learning Outcomes 3 and 4

  1. Mapping: • thematic • statistical • digital • geographic information data • maps • charts • plans
  2. Data standards: • accuracy • precision • cartographic • format • attributes


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • data transfer
  • metadata
  • archival
  • statutory
  1. Compilation material:
  • photographs
  • remote sensed data
  • digital maps
  • charts
  • plans
  • drawings
  • archive records
  • legal documents
  • computer records
  • geographic information data
  1. Sources:
  • local authorities
  • statutory authorities
  • public utilities
  • government departments
  • consultative bodies (e.g. heritage bodies)
  • public and specialist libraries and archives
  • client records
  • site owners
  • previous owners

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6

  1. Mapping:
  • thematic
  • statistical
  • digital
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • maps
  • charts
  • plans
  1. Processing the data – standards:
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • cartographic
  • format
  • attributes
  • data transfer


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • metadata
  • archival
  • statutory

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the

assessment criteria, across the ranges.

Performance Evidence

There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criteria. Where the workplace

evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the

remaining items of range for each relevant assessment criteria.

Learning Outcome 1

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the

following item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating


  1. Record(s) of identified survey data and output needs; an agreed method statement,

programme and budget; chosen mapping methods and compilation courses;

processes for the collection of compilation material and the compiling and

management of data and presentation of results; and commissioned mapping

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing this evidence.

Learning Outcome 3

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the

following item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating


  1. Review(s) of the mapping method statements
  2. Interpreted, analysed, extracted, compiled and computed mapping data

Learning Outcome 5

Product Evidence

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the

following item(s) that are considered to be common and key/critical to demonstrating


  1. Specification(s) of the resources and software needed
  2. Record(s) of data processed and advice given


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  1. Presented data, databases, data system specification, commentary and support


Unit L/600/6736

Identify hazards and control risks in geomatics and site surveying


This unit covers the candidate’s key responsibilities for maintaining a healthy, safe and productive

work environment, with risks minimised.

It is concerned with identifying hazards and risks and maintaining policies to reduce risks. It is about

taking steps to maintain a healthy, safe and productive work environment which meets legal and

organisational requirements. The work environment could be a survey site or office.

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify hazards and

risks and implement risk

reduction methods

1.1 undertake risk management processes

1.2 review information and any factors and costs relating to

potential hazards

1.3 identify the hazards arising from processes that need to

be assessed

1.4 assess the significant hazards to identify the residual

risks and apply effective methods to reduce risks

1.5 verify that the risk reduction methods and procedures

comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines

1.6 check that resultant information on significant residual

risks is provided to the appropriate people

1.7 identify the resources that are necessary to implement

the risk reduction methods and procedures

1.8 identify the activities required to implement the risk

reduction methods and procedures

1.9 implement and maintain risk reduction methods and


1.10 promote the implementation of the risk reduction

methods and procedures

1.11 record the risk reduction methods and procedures in the

appropriate information systems

2 Understand how to identify

hazards and risks and implement

risk reduction methods

2.1 Evaluate how to undertake risk management processes

2.2 Examine how to review information and any factors and

costs relating to potential hazards

2.3 Describe how to identify the hazards arising from

processes that need to be assessed

2.4 Examine how to assess the significant hazards to identify

the residual risks and apply effective methods to reduce



October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2.5 Examine how to verify that the risk reduction methods

and procedures comply with all relevant regulations and


2.6 Explain how to check that resultant information on

significant residual risks is provided to the appropriate


2.7 Describe how to identify the resources that are

necessary to implement the risk reduction methods and


2.8 Describe how to identify the activities required to

implement the risk reduction methods and procedures

2.9 Explain how to implement and maintain risk reduction

methods and procedures

2.10 Propose how to promote the implementation of the risk

reduction methods and procedures

2.11 Explain how to record the risk reduction methods and

procedures in the appropriate information systems

3 Be able to establish and use

systems for managing health,

safety and welfare

3.1 ensure that health, safety and welfare responsibilities

have been allocated to people which are consistent with

statutory requirements, and the specific project


3.2 arrange for hazard warnings to be posted which are

appropriate to operations and the project environment

3.3 ensure that health, safety and welfare equipment and

resources have been allocated, which meet the project,

contractual and statutory requirements

3.4 ensure that there are appropriate and sufficient

qualified first aiders and brief the work force about first

aid arrangements

3.5 develop systems which meet statutory requirements for

identifying and reducing hazards and for reporting

accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences

3.6 ensure that the workforce have been provided with

appropriate health, safety and welfare training

4 Understand how to establish and

use systems for managing

health, safety and welfare

4.1 Explain how to ensure that health, safety and welfare

responsibilities have been allocated to people which are

consistent with statutory requirements, and the specific

project requirements

4.2 Explain how to arrange for hazard warnings to be posted

which are appropriate to operations and the project


4.3 Explain how to ensure that health, safety and welfare

equipment and resources have been allocated, which


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

meet the project, contractual and statutory


4.4 Explain how to ensure that there are appropriate and

sufficient qualified first aiders and brief the work force

about first aid arrangements

4.5 Evaluate how to develop systems which meet statutory

requirements for identifying and reducing hazards and

for reporting accidents and emergencies and preventing


4.6 Explain how to ensure that the workforce have been

provided with appropriate health, safety and welfare



The following ranges apply:

Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

  1. Risk Management:
  • hazard identification
  • risk assessment
  • prevention and protection
  • method statement
  1. Hazards:
  • falls from height
  • slips, trips and falls (same level)
  • hit by falling or moving objects
  • manual handling
  • health issues
  • power sources
  • hazardous substances
  • trapped by a device or structure collapsing or overturning
  • confined spaces
  • fire
  • water
  1. Assessing:
  • likelihood of occurrence
  • severity of harm incurred
  1. Methods:


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • eliminate
  • control at source
  • cumulative protection
  • manage
  • personal protection equipment


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcomes 3 and 4

  1. Statutory requirements:
  • construction specific health , safety and welfare regulations
  • general health, safety and welfare legislation
  • recognised industry Codes of Practice
  1. Specific project requirements:
  • contract
  • organisational policy
  • site operations

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the candidate consistently meets all the assessment

criteria, across the ranges.

Performance Evidence

There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criteria. Where the workplace evidence

does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be provided to cover the remaining items

of range for each relevant assessment criteria.

Learning Outcome 1

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following

item(s) that are considered to be critical to demonstrating competence:

  1. Information on risk management processes and significant residual risks which includes

reviewed information on factors relating to hazards, assessed significant hazards, and

implemented and recorded risk reduction methods.

Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing this evidence.

Learning Outcome 3

The candidate must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the following

item(s) that are considered to be critical to demonstrating competence:

  1. Record(s) of allocating health, safety and welfare responsibilities and resources, arranging

for hazard warnings to be posted, appointment of first aiders and briefings of the workforce

about first aid arrangements.

  1. Record(s) of systems for identifying and reducing hazards, reporting accidents and

emergencies and preventing recurrences and for ensuring that the workforce have been

provided with appropriate health, safety and welfare training.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment.


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Unit L/503/9841

Vacuum Excavations

This unit is about planning and managing a vacuum excavation.

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the range of applications

for a vacuum excavator

1.1 Explain the situations when it would be appropriate to

use a vacuum excavator

1.2 Describe the different applications (uses) of a vacuum


1.3 Describe the benefits of using vacuum excavation

1.4 Explain the limitations of using such equipment

1.5 Explain what environmental considerations should be

taken into account when undertaking a vacuum


2 Know the Safety aspects and key

features of vacuum excavators

2.1 Undertake a specific risk assessment and draw up a

method statement for the vacuum excavation

operation using all the acknowledged guidance

2.2 Describe the safety features of the equipment

2.3 Undertake safety checks on the equipment prior to use

2.4 Explain how to operate the equipment correctly in

accordance with manufacturer’s instructions

2.5 Describe how to maintain the equipment

3 Interpret the given information

relating to the work and

resources when carrying out

vacuum excavation

3.1 Describe different types of information, their source

and how they are interpreted in relation to:

  • drawings
  • instructions
  • specifications
  • method statements
  • schedules
  • manufacturers’ information

3.2 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify

  • inappropriate information, and
  • unsuitable resources

and state how the procedures are implemented

4 Be able to plan and manage a

vacuum excavation

4.1 Organise the work according to given information or

instructions using all available resources

4.2 Describe how to communicate ideas between team


4.3 Guide and direct plant and plant operations to given

work instructions using different communication



October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.4 Describe how to organise and communicate with team

members and other associated occupations

4.5 Develop a clear and accurate method of excavation

4.6 State the purpose of the work programme and explain

why deadlines should be kept

4.7 Communicate within a team when preparing and using

the excavation plant

4.8 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them

4.9 Explain how to communicate site rules and specific

safety requirements


The following ranges apply:

Learning Outcome 2

  1. Acknowledged guidance:
  • HSE guides
  • Statutory requirements
  • Organisational policy and procedures
  • Manufacturers guides
  • Recognised Codes of Practice
  • Safe working practices
  1. Manufacturer’s instructions:
  • Equipment operational manuals
  • Equipment maintenance manuals

Learning Outcome 3

  1. Organisational procedures:
  • Internal reporting procedures
  • Quality assurance procedures
  • Statutory requirements
  • Contract conditions

Learning Outcomes 3 and 4

  1. Information:
  • Method statement
  • Project plan
  • Drawings/plans
  • Client requirements


October 2017

Level 6 Diploma in Utility Mapping and Surveying

  • Site rules
  • Authorities to start work
  • Site access and working area

Learning Outcome 4

  1. Available resources:
  • Plant and equipment resources
  • Scope and use of equipment
  • Operative resources
  • Client instructions
  • Method statements
  • Operational/site requirements
  • Project programme
  1. Communication:
  • Written instructions
  • Toolbox talks
  • Team talks
  • Progress meetings
  • Marked up programmes
  1. Safe working practice:
  • Communicate with team
  • Regulations applying to the site
  1. Site rules:
  • Site induction
  • Site specific rules
  • Check PPE
  • Operational set up
  • Scope of operation
  • Construction specific; HSW
  • Health and safety practice and regulations
  • Environmental controls on site

The candidate must produce work-based documentary evidence against each of the assessment

criteria. Where the work place evidence does not cover the whole range, knowledge evidence must

be provided to cover the remaining items of the range for each relevant assessment criteria.


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