ProQual Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Healthcare and Social Care Support Skills Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Healthcare and Social Care Support Skills Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Healthcare and Social Care Support is appropriate for individuals, such as assistant practitioners, nursing and social work roles in a Healthcare and social care setting.


The awarding organisation for the qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for the qualification has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use  by centres in Northern Ireland. The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).


Qualification Profile                                                                  


Qualification title ProQual Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Healthcare and

Social Care Support

Ofqual qualification number 601/5382/9
Level Level 4
Total qualification time 370 hours
Guided learning hours 310


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/1/15
Qualification end date  






Entry Requirements                                                                  

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.


Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment.


Qualification Structure                                                              

Candidates must achieve a minimum of 37 credits:


  • a minimum of 19 credits from Optional Group A,
  • the remaining credits can be from any combination of units from Optional Group A or Optional Group B


Optional Group A Units

Unit code Title Level Credit
T/504/8615 The structure, organisation and function of the human


4 12
K/600/9711 Manage physical resources 4 3
H/503/7156 Communication skills for health and social care


4 15
D/601/1598 Empowering users of health and social care services 4 15
F/503/7245 Equality and diversity in health and social care 4 10
H/602/5194 Evaluate and develop own contribution to the service 4 3
R/602/5207 Facilitate learning in groups 4 3
K/601/1569 Health and safety in the health and social care workplace 4 15
F/503/7164 Health and social care in context 4 15
L/601/1662 Influences on health and social care organisations 4 15
A/602/5153 Prepare clients through advice and guidance for the

implementation of a course of action

4 3
A/602/5198 Provide support for other practitioners 4 5
M/502/5396 Reflective Practice 4 1
A/602/3189 Work in partnership in health and social care or children

and young people’s settings

4 4
T/602/3188 Understand partnership working 4 1
H/602/3185 Understanding professional supervision practice 4 3
K/602/5200 Undertake research for the service and its clients 4 5
Y/504/0233 Use person-centred practices to deliver personalisation in

health and social care

4 4
K/601/1572 Personal and professional development in health and

social care

4 15
T/601/1560 Communicating in health and social care organisations 4 15
A/601/1608 Physiological Principles for health and social care 4 15
F/601/1593 The sociological context of health and social care 4 15
L/602/2578 Promote professional development 4 4
R/602/2338 Recruitment and selection within health and social care

or children and young people’s settings

4 3
D/602/3170 Understand how to manage a team 4 3
T/602/2574 Manage induction in health and social care or children

and young people’s settings

4 3
T/602/2753 Manage finance within own area of responsibility in

health and social care or children and young people’s


4 4


Optional Group B Units

Unit code Title Level Credit
F/602/2335 Use and develop systems that promote communication 5 3
Y/602/3183 Champion equality, diversity and inclusion 5 4
Y/504/2208 Lead and manage infection prevention and control

within the work setting

5 6
K/602/3172 Develop health and safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices in health and social

care or children and young people’s settings

5 5
R/602/2758 Manage quality in health and social care or children and

young people’s settings

5 5
J/602/3499 Undertake a research project within services for health

and social care or children and young people

5 10
Y/504/8610 Conduct and support others in the assessment of

individuals health and well-being

5 8
H/504/8612 Promote effective nutrition and fluid balance 5 12
A/504/8616 Understand the principles and application of

physiological measurements

5 12
F/504/8617 Understand the principles, theories and concepts related to leading and developing a work team in a

healthcare environment

5 8
M/602/3187 Develop professional supervision practice in health and

social care or children and young people’s work settings

5 5
F/601/9449 Understand child and young person’s development 5 6
D/504/8611 Lifespan developments and healthcare needs 5 10
M/504/8614 The principles and philosophy of healthcare 5 12
J/504/2219 Appraise Staff Performance 5 5
J/601/5242 Assess the individual in a health and social care setting 5 6
Y/601/1566 Principles of health and social care practice 5 15
A/602/6237 Share knowledge and good practice 5 3
F/504/4308 Understanding Dementia Care 5 20
F/602/2612 Facilitate change in health and social care or children

and young people‘s settings

5 6
M/601/1623 Understanding specific needs in health and social care 5 15
R/503/7332 Understanding Deaf culture 5 4
M/601/5252 Support individuals with sensory loss with


5 5
T/601/5253 Support individuals with multiple conditions and/or


5 5
A/601/5318 Promote good practice in the support of individuals with

autistic spectrum conditions

5 7
J/601/5645 Promote access to healthcare for individuals with

learning disability

5 6
R/602/2856 Safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults 5 5
K/504/8613 Safeguarding and protection of children and young


5 5


Y/600/9588 Develop and evaluate operational plans for own area of


5 6
F/602/2853 Lead the management of transitions 5 4
F/504/2218 Understand professional management and leadership in health and social care or children and young people’s


5 6


Centre Requirements                                                                

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.



Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally competent.


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:


  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices





Support for Candidates                                                            

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:


  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning outcomes and assessment criteria;
  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to authenticate evidence



Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.


Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.


Evidence can include:             –     assignments/projects/reports

  • worksheets
  • portfolio of evidence
  • record of oral and/or written questioning
  • candidate test papers



Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to do.


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning outcome has been achieved.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 10.




Internal Quality Assurance                                                       

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.


Adjustments to Assessment                                                    

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.


Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the policy.


Results Enquiries and Appeals                                                

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.





Candidates who achieve the required credits for this qualification will be awarded:


  • A certificate listing the unit achieved, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –


ProQual Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Healthcare and Social Care Support


Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have successfully achieved the required number of credits for the qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Replacement certificates


If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the organisation of the human living cell, from its simplest level to the most complex level found in the human body 1.1 Explain the structure and function of single and complex cells
    1.2 Outline the term system in relation to the human body
    1.3 Explain the relationship between cells and systems
    1.4 Analyse the effects of inheritance in relation to the human body function
2 Understand the principles of the human body systems 2.1 Explain the structure of different human body systems
    2.2 Explain the function of different human body systems
    2.3 Analyse the relationship between the structure and function of different human body systems
    2.4 Explain how the body maintains balance between its systems
    2.5 Investigate factors affecting individual’s health and wellbeing



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the importance of sustainability when using physical resources. 1.1 Explain the importance of using sustainable resources.
    1.2 Explain the potential impact of resource use on the environment.
    1.3 Explain how to use resources effectively and efficiently.
    1.4 Describe actions one can take to minimise any adverse environmental impact of using physical resources.
2 Be able to identify resource requirements for own area of responsibility. 2.1 Consult with colleagues to identify their planned activities and corresponding resource needs.
    2.2 Evaluate past resource use to inform expected future demand.
    2.3 Identify resource requirements for own area of responsibility.
3 Be able to obtain required resources for own area of responsibility. 3.1 Submit a business case to procure required resources.
    3.2 Review and agree required resources with relevant individuals.
    3.3 Explain an organisation’s processes for procuring agreed resources.
4 Be able to monitor and review the

quality and usage of resources in own area of responsibility.

4.1 Monitor the quality of resources against required specifications.
    4.2 Identify differences between actual and planned use of resources and take corrective action.
    4.3 Analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use in own area of responsibility.


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  4.4 Make recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use.



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand how internal communication takes place within health and social care organisations 1.1 Explain the process of communication within health and social care organisations
  1.2 Assess the appropriate use of different modes of communication for different purposes
2 Understand the factors that impact on the effectiveness of


2.1 Assess the impact of personal relationships on effective communications
    2.2 Assess the impact of non-verbal communication on oral communications
    2.3 Analyse the factors that impact on clarity of communications
    2.4 Assess the impact of technology on oral and written communications
    2.5 Review the use of conventions in written communications
3 Understand features of communications between health and social care professionals and service users 3.1 Evaluate formal communication methods and systems used by health and social care organisations to communicate with service users in different contexts
    3.2 Assess the communication skills needed for face to face consultations with service users in different contexts
    3.3 Analyse the issues of confidentiality relating to communication with service users
    3.4 Summarise the additional skills needed by health and social care professionals to ensure effective communication with service users
4 Be able to present oral information effectively in a health and social care context 4.1 Design an oral presentation for an internal audience within a health and social care organisation
    4.2 Use technology to support presentation skills


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    4.3 Carry out a consultation with a service user
    4.4 Present complex information orally
    4.5 Assess effectiveness of own communication
5 Be able to communicate formally in writing in a health and social care context 5.1 Communicate complex information for specific purposes
    5.2 Prepare for and document a meeting
    5.3 Convey quantitative data using charts and graphs
    5.4 Review written communication



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of users of health and social care services 1.1 explain how current legislation and sector skills standards influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services
    1.2 analyse factors that may affect the achievement of promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services
    1.3 analyse how communication between care workers and individuals contribute to promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services
2 Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and social care


2.1 explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people
    2.2 analyse how organisational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care services
    2.3 analyse the tensions that arise when balancing the rights of the individual to independence and choice against the care provider’s duty to protect
3 Understand the responsibility of managing and monitoring risks in health and social care settings 3.1 use a case study from a health or social care setting to identify the extent to which individuals are at risk of harm
    3.2 analyse the effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health or social care setting for promoting the

management of risks


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Understand how good practice in the administration of medication is essential for users of health and

social care services

4.1 review current legislation, codes of practice and policy that apply to the handling of medication
    4.2 evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care

setting for administering medication



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the key legislative frameworks for equality and diversity in Health and Social Care 1.1 Analyse the key legislative frameworks governing equality and diversity
    1.2 Define how equality and diversity is supported by other regulations and guidelines
2 Understand equality and diversity legislation in relation to Health

and Social Care

2.1 Analyse how key legislation is interpreted within a chosen Health and Social Care setting
    2.2 Analyse the importance and benefits of equality and diversity in a Health and Social Care setting
3 Understand how equality and diversity is promoted and managed in Health and Social Care 3.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures in promoting and guiding equality and diversity practice in Health and Social Care
    3.2 Evaluate how Health and Social Care organisations promote and manage equality and diversity
4 Be able to identify and challenge discriminatory behaviour and/or


4.1 Analyse the signs and indications of discrimination by individuals and organisations
    4.2 Evaluate the impact of discrimination on an individual and at organisational level
    4.3 Propose how discriminatory behaviour and/or practices can be challenged



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the process of evaluating practice 1.1 Identify criteria used to evaluate practice
    1.2 Evaluate practice including identifying areas for development
    1.3 Identify the information to be evaluated
    1.4 Agree the feedback to be accessed
    1.5 Identify the objectives of the service which will inform evaluation
2 Be able to carry out evaluation of practice 2.1 Evaluate information using identified criteria
    2.2 Implement agreed criteria to evaluate practice
    2.3 Evaluate the effect of own values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours on work role
    2.4 Identify aspects of knowledge required by the service and the profession
    2.5 Seek guidance and support when issues are beyond own knowledge and experience
3 Be able to identify development objectives 3.1 Use outcomes of evaluation to prioritise and agree development objectives
    3.2 Identify and access the necessary resources for development
    3.3 Record personal development plans
    3.4 Review and update personal development plans



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to manage group dynamics 1.1 Summarise the key theoretical models of group work
    1.2 Use facilitation and intervening skills in group situations
    1.3 Analyse how to balance the needs of tasks and group processes
    1.4 Encourage group members to participate effectively and ensure that they feel comfortable
2 Be able to establish and maintain effective communication with group members 2.1 Use appropriate methods of communication
    2.2 Put learners at ease
    2.3 Establish what factors are likely to affect learning and behaviour in groups
    2.4 Identify how to address individual needs in a group setting
    2.5 Recognise and deal with issues of power, conflict and authority in groups
3 Be able to facilitate collaborative learning 3.1 Agree with the group, the purpose, process and intended outcomes of group activity
    3.2 Summarise the different learning styles
    3.3 Evaluate the range of learning activities available
    3.4 Access relevant resources and support for learners
    3.5 Adapt group activities to the size and composition of the group


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to enable individuals to reflect on the way in which they have been learning and participating in the group 4.1 Agree and implement appropriate methods of eliciting personal views on learning
    4.2 Monitor individual learner’s progress in a group setting
    4.3 Feedback on progress made and process of learning to the group and to individual members in a positive and encouraging manner



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand how health and safety legislation is implemented in the health and social care workplace 1.1 review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements
    1.2 assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structures
    1.3 analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace
2 Understand the ways in which health and safety requirements impact on customers and the work of practitioners in the health and social care workplace 2.1 analyse how information from risk assessments informs care planning for individuals and organisational decision- making about policies and procedures
    2.2 analyse the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers
    2.3 discuss how dilemmas encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health, safety and security may be addressed
    2.4 analyse the effect of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace
3 Understand the monitoring and

review of health and safety in the health and social care workplace

3.1 explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed
    3.2 analyse the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive, healthy and safe culture


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  3.3 evaluate own contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the structural organisation of a chosen health and/or social care area 1.1 Analyse organisational structures within the chosen area
    1.2 Evaluate the roles and responsibilities

of agencies external to the area who advise and influence it

    1.3 Analyse individual functions and roles within organisations in the area
2 Understand the implications of legislative frameworks in the chosen health and social care area 2.1 Analyse the legislative frameworks impacting on the chosen area and explain their intended functions.
    2.2 Evaluate the way in which legislative frameworks have been interpreted in terms of regulation, codes of practice and standards in the chosen area.
    2.3 Assess the impact of policies, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisations and working practices in chosen area.
3 Understand external influences on a chosen health and/or social care area 3.1 Analyse the factors and organisations which have influenced government decisions on health and social care
    3.2 Assess the impact of social values and attitudes on health and social care
    3.3 Assess barriers to access for health and social care and how effectively these have been overcome
4 Understand the individual rights underpinning delivery of health and social care to service users 4.1 Analyse the individual rights that underpin health and social care practice
    4.2 Evaluate the importance of these rights in health and social care



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the relationship between the external environment and health and social care organisations 1.1 analyse the impact of external environmental factors on health and social care organisations
    1.2 evaluate the ways in which organisations respond to the impact of external factors, including those of external stakeholders
2 Understand the impact of organisational structure and culture on health and social care service delivery 2.1 compare and contrast different types of organisational structures in health and social care
    2.2 analyse the concept of organisational culture in health and social care services
    2.3 analyse theories relating to the behaviour of individuals and groups in health and social care organisations
    2.4 explain how the organisational structure and culture of a health and care organisation impacts on service delivery
3 Understand the role of leadership in health and social care organisations 3.1 discuss concepts of leadership as related to health and social care organisations
    3.2 analyse how leadership can influence the effectiveness of health and social care organisations
    3.3 evaluate the specific leadership contributions in a health or social care organisation



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to assist clients to prepare an action plan 1.1 Confirm the course of action with the client and the roles and responsibilities of those involved
    1.2 Explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of the chosen course of action, including the timescales and any cost implications
    1.3 Identify any unrealistic expectations and explore possible modifications
2 Be able to assist clients to develop the action plan 2.1 Incorporate relevant information into the action plan
    2.2 Ensure the plan specifies methods, timescales, and responsibilities
    2.3 Produce the plan in the agreed format and review it with the client
    2.4 Agree the process for future reviews
3 Be able to assist clients to identify how the plan might be implemented 3.1 Identify potential methods for implementing the course of action and identify any potential difficulties
    3.2 Confirm with clients their understanding of the action plan
    3.3 Obtain agreement from the client for action plan to commence



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to agree the support required by other practitioners 1.1 Identify which practitioners need support
    1.2 Agree the purpose and objectives for the support required
    1.3 Agree the procedures for the recording and exchange of information
    1.4 Agree boundaries of confidentiality
    1.5 Determine when and how to review the support agreement
2 Be able to promote the effective practice of others 2.1 Identify organisational expectations of practitioners
    2.2 Support practitioners to identify the limits of their competence
    2.3 Intervene in a timely way to maintain

practitioner’s effectiveness and resolve tensions which may exist

    2.4 Provide constructive feedback on other’s practice
3 Be able to deliver support sessions to practitioners 3.1 Agree the issues which should be covered in the sessions
    3.2 Enable practitioners to reflect on their practice
    3.3 Identify and agree options for practitioners’

specific requirements

    3.4 Review support sessions and record the outcomes



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to review own performance and exchange good practice 1.1 Review and update personal development objectives on a regular basis to reflect progress made and any new and changing expectations about own role
    1.2 Take action to meet own learning needs and develop own support and accountability systems
    1.3 Develop methods for disseminating information and sharing knowledge and good working practices
2 Be able evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of own practice 2.1 Monitor own progress and take prompt action to address any problems which may arise
    2.2 Review the efficiency and effectiveness of own practice taking into account relevant theories and feedback of others
    2.3 Apply the results of these reflections and development activities to improving own performance and practice
3 Be able to evaluate the relevance of the wider social, economic and environmental context to working with vulnerable young people 3.1 Critically review national and local plans and policies for own role and analyse their implications for working with young people



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand partnership working 1.1 Identify the features of effective partnership working
    1.2 Explain the importance of partnership working with

•  Colleagues

•  Other professionals

•  Others

    1.3 Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes
    1.4 Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working
2 Be able to establish and maintain working relationships with colleagues 2.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with colleagues
    2.2 Develop and agree common objectives when working with colleagues
    2.3 Evaluate own working relationship with colleagues
    2.4 Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with colleagues
3 Be able to establish and maintain working relationships with other professionals 3.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with other professionals
    3.2 Develop procedures for effective working relationships with other professionals
    3.3 Agree common objectives when working with other professionals within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities
    3.4 Evaluate procedures for working with other professionals


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.5 Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with other professionals
4 Be able to work in partnership with others 4.1 Analyse the importance of working in partnership with others
    4.2 Develop procedures for effective working relationships with others
    4.3 Agree common objectives when working with others within the boundaries of own role and responsibilities
    4.4 Evaluate procedures for working with others
    4.5 Deal constructively with any conflict that may arise with others



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand partnership working 1.1 Identify the features of effective partnership working
    1.2 Explain the importance of partnership working with

•  Colleagues

•  Other professionals

•  Others

    1.3 Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes
    1.4 Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the purpose of supervision 1.1 Evaluate theoretical approaches to professional supervision
    1.2 Analyse how the requirements of legislation, codes of practice, policies and procedures impact on professional supervision
2 Understand how the principles of supervision can be used to inform

performance management

2.1 Explain key principles of effective professional supervision
    2.2 Analyse the importance of managing performance in relation to

•  governance

•  safeguarding

•  key learning from critical reviews and inquiries

3 Understand how to support individuals through professional supervision 3.1 Analyse the concept of anti-oppressive practice in professional supervision
    3.2 Explain methods to assist individuals to deal with challenging situations
    3.3 Explain how conflict may arise within professional supervision
    3.4 Describe how conflict can be managed within professional supervision
4 Understand how professional supervision supports performance 4.1 Explain the responsibility of the supervisor in setting clear targets and performance indicators
    4.2 Explain the performance management cycle
    4.3 Compare methods that can be used to measure performance
    4.4 Describe the indicators of poor performance
    4.5 Explain how constructive feedback can be used to improve performance


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  4.6 Evaluate the use of performance management towards the achievement of objectives



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify sources and availability of information 1.1 Identify the types of information required
    1.2 Evaluate potential sources of information
    1.3 Access information following the appropriate procedures
    1.4 Address any related risks or problems with the collection of information
2 Be able to collect data to meet research objectives 2.1 Apply organisational collection principles correctly and consistently
    2.2 Address any problems which occur when collecting information
    2.3 Record the collected information using appropriate systems
3 Be able to analyse and report on the data collected 3.1 Identify the appropriate methods of analysis
    3.2 Use the appropriate methods of analysis
    3.3 Present a rationale for any unexpected results
    3.4 Access systems for recording analysis results using agreed procedures
    3.5 Present research results in a suitable format, using acknowledgements appropriately



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to put person-centred values into practice 1.1 Identify the values central to personalisation

·         Independence and rights

·         Coproduction, choice and control

·         Inclusive and competent communities

    1.2 Demonstrate how person-centred values are delivered through own practice

·         Independence and rights

·         Coproduction, choice and control

·         Inclusive and competent communities

    1.3 Use person-centred practices to agree outcomes
2 Be able to implement person- centred thinking to deliver personalised services 2.1 Identify what is important to and for the Service User using person-centred tools
    2.2 Demonstrate how to enhance the Service

User’s voice, choice, and control

    2.3 Use person-centred thinking tools to learn about the Service User
    2.4 Produce a person-centred description/support plan
3 Be able to use person-centred thinking tools for on-going implementation of support plans 3.1 Enable the Service User to take the action needed to implement their support plan and achieve their required outcomes
    3.2 Clarify responsibilities in delivering a support plan and achieving outcomes identified by the Service User
    3.3 Use person-centred practices in the context of different support arrangements
    3.4 Explain how person-centred practices are adapted to people in diverse contexts


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to provide practical assistance with updating and reviewing Support Plans 4.1 Use person-centred practices to continuously update the information in a support plan to reflect the Service User’s choices
    4.2 Enable the Service User to prepare for their review in a way that maximises their control
    4.3 Facilitate a person-centred review
    4.4 Identify the actions that need to happen to achieve the outcomes identified at a review
5 Be able to take a person-centred approach to risk 5.1 Apply a person-centred approach to risk
    5.2 Determine the steps required in order to establish shared decision-making
6 Be able to promote well-being and community membership 6.1 Support Service Users in identifying outcomes which promote their well-being
    6.2 Develop the Service User’s social capacity, support networks and membership of their community
    6.3 Identify ways in which Service Users can maintain and widen their involvement in, and contribution to, their community




  • Understand how personal values and principles influence individual contributions to work in health and social care settings
  • compare personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care



  • assess how personal culture and experience influence own role in supporting users of services and others in health and social care settings


  • discuss how new developments and changes to personal values can impact on work in health and social care


  • Be able to produce, monitor, revise and evaluate plans for personal progress in developing the skills and abilities required of a health and social care practitioner
  • assess current skills ability and learning style


  • produce a holistic development plan with short, medium and long-term goals


  • monitor progress against the plan according to the requirements of a health and social care practitioner, revising the plan as required


  • evaluate the effectiveness of the development plan to own development as a health and social care practitioner




  • Understand the application of principles of professional engagement with users of health and social care services
  • explain the nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts


  • evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.3 discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships
4 Be able to demonstrate development of own skills and understanding in relation to working with others in health and social care practice. 4.1 evaluate the effectiveness of personal contributions when working with others in health and social care practice
    4.2 explain how the limits of own work role impacts on work with others
    4.3 analyse own role in minimising barriers to effective teamwork in health and social care practice
    4.4 discuss how to improve personal contributions to the collective

effectiveness of a team.



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to explore how communication skills are used in health and social care 1.1 apply relevant theories of communication to health and social care contexts
    1.2 use communication skills in a health and social care context
    1.3 review methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals in health and social care settings
    1.4 analyse the use of strategies to support users of health and social care services with specific communication needs
2 Understand how various factors influence the communication process in health and social care 2.1 explain how the communication process is influenced by values and cultural factors
    2.2 explain how legislation, charters and codes of practice impact on the communication process in health and social care
    2.3 analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication
    2.4 suggest ways of improving the communication process in a health and social care setting
3 Be able to explore the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in health and social care 3.1 access and use standard ICT software packages to support work in health and social care
    3.2 analyse the benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care workers and care organisations
    3.3 analyse how legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Know the structure and functioning of the human body 1.1 outline the main anatomical features of the human body
    1.2 discuss how body systems interact to ensure the body functions and grows
2 Understand the relationship between body functioning and relevant detailed

anatomy and physiology

2.1 explain normal body responses to everyday activities
    2.2 discuss how body responses are explained by cellular and tissue structure and physiology
    2.3 explain how the body coordinates its internal activities
3 Understand how routine data collected in health and social care informs the planning of care for individuals 3.1 explain the recording and use of routine measures in health and social care
    3.2 assess how routine measures provide information about body functioning
    3.3 examine how information about body functioning may inform care planning for individuals
4 Be able to relate routine variations in body structure and functioning to care received by individuals 4.1 explain how age may affect body structure and functioning
    4.2 assess the impact of common disorders on body structure and functioning
    4.3 relate the effects of common disorders

and infection to the care routinely given to individuals affected by them



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the contemporary nature of society 1.1 explain how political, social and economic constructs can be used to categorise society
    1.2 review current trends in societal change, including how these might shape social expectations
    1.3 discuss the influence of cultural values and beliefs in society
    1.4 evaluate the implications of societal change for the health and social care sector
2 Understand how social inequalities influence the life chances and health status of individuals 2.1 use data to explain inequalities which exist in health and social care
    2.2 analyse social inequalities from a sociological perspective
    2.3 analyse how inequalities which exist in health and social care can impact on an

individual’s health status and life chances

3 Understand sociological concepts and theory in relation to contemporary social and health issues 3.1 apply sociological concepts and theory to definitions of health and wellbeing
    3.2 use data to explain how social and health issues are socially constructed
    3.3 explain the possible implications of social and health issues for health and social care service providers
    3.4 analyse social and health issues in terms of their impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals in society



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice
    1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development
    1.3 Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development
    1.4 Explain factors to consider when selecting opportunities and activities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date
2 Be able to prioritise goals and targets for own professional development 2.1 Evaluate own knowledge and performance against standards and benchmarks
    2.2 Prioritise development goals and targets to meet expected standards
3 Be able to prepare a professional development plan 3.1 Select learning opportunities to meet development objectives and reflect personal learning style
    3.2 Produce a plan for own professional development, using an appropriate source of support
    3.3 Establish a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan
4 Be able to improve performance through reflective practice 4.1 Compare models of reflective practice
    4.2 Explain the importance of reflective practice to improve performance
    4.3 Use reflective practice and feedback from others to improve performance
    4.4 Evaluate how practice has been improved through:


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

  •  reflection on best practice

•  reflection on failures and mistakes




  • Understand the recruitment and selection processes in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Explain the impact on selection and recruitment processes, in own setting, of:
    • Legislative requirements
    • Regulatory requirements
    • Professional codes
    • Agreed ways of working


  • Explain circumstances when it is necessary to seek specialist expertise in relation to recruitment and selection


  • Analyse how serious case reviews and inquiries have contributed to the establishment of policies and procedures within recruitment which safeguard vulnerable adults, children and young people.




  • Be able to contribute to the recruitment process in health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings
  • Review job descriptions and person specifications to meet work setting objectives


  • Work with others to establish the criteria that will be used in the recruitment and selection process


  • Work with others to establish the methods that will be used in the recruitment and selection process


  • Involve individuals in the recruitment process




  • Be able to participate in the selection process in health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings
  • Use agreed methods to assess candidates


  • Use agreed criteria to select candidates


  • Communicate the outcome of the selection process according to the policies and procedures of own setting





  • Be able to evaluate the recruitment and selection
  • Evaluate the recruitment and selection methods and criteria used in own setting


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
processes in health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings 4.2 Recommend changes for improvement to recruitment and selection processes in own setting



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the attributes of effective team performance 1.1 Define the key features of effective team performance
    1.2 Compare the models used to link individual roles and development with team performance
2 Know how to support team development 2.1 Analyse the stages of team development
    2.2 Identify barriers to success and how these can be overcome
    2.3 Analyse the effect group norms may have on team development
    2.4 Differentiate between beneficial conflict and destructive conflict in teams
    2.5 Evaluate methods of dealing with conflict within a team
    2.6 Compare methods of developing and establishing trust and accountability within a team
3 Know how to promote shared purpose within a team 3.1 Evaluate ways of promoting a shared vision within a team
    3.2 Review approaches that encourage sharing of skills and knowledge between team members
4 Know how to promote a ‘no- blame culture’ within a team 4.1 Define the meaning of a ‘no blame culture’
    4.2 Evaluate the benefits of a ‘no blame culture’
    4.3 Describe how systems and processes can be used to support a no blame culture
    4.4 Describe strategies for managing risks associated with a no blame culture
5 Understand different styles of leadership and management 5.1 Compare different styles of leadership and management


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

  5.2 Reflect on adjustments to own leadership and management style that may be required in different circumstances




  • Understand the purpose of induction for health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Explain why induction is important for practitioners, individuals and organisations


  • Identify information and support materials that are available to promote effective induction


  • Explain the link between induction processes, qualifications and progression routes in the sector


  • Analyse the role of the induction process in supporting others to understand the values, principles and agreed ways of working within a work setting


  • Analyse the role of induction in safeguarding individuals and others within a work setting




  • Be able to manage the induction process in health, social care and children and young people’s work settings
  • Explain the factors that influence induction processes for practitioners


  • Develop an induction programme in agreement with others


  • Manage the induction process for practitioners


  • Be able to support the implementation of induction processes in health, social care and children and young people’s work settings
  • Identify different methods that can be used to support the induction process for practitioners


  • Support others involved in the induction of practitioners


  • Obtain feedback from others on practitioners achievement of identified induction requirements


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.4 Support practitioners to reflect on their learning and achievement of induction requirements
    3.5 Provide feedback to practitioners on achievement of induction requirements
    3.6 Support personal development planning for a practitioner on completion of induction
4 Be able to evaluate the induction process in health and social care or children and young people’s settings 4.1 Explain the importance of continuous organisational improvement in the provision of induction
    4.2 Obtain feedback on the induction process from practitioners
    4.3 Obtain feedback on the induction process from others in the work setting
    4.4 Use feedback to identify areas for improvement within the induction process
5 Be able to implement improvements to the induction process in health and social care or children and young

people’s settings

5.1 Work with others to identify improvements within the induction process
    5.2 Work with others to implement changes required to address areas for improvement within the induction




Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand financial management in own work setting 1.1 Explain the importance of effective financial management systems within own work setting
    1.2 Outline sources of funding that are used to construct the budget for own work setting
    1.3 Outline the roles, responsibilities and accountability of all those involved in financial management of the budget for own work setting
2 Be able to plan budget requirement for own area of responsibility 2.1 Work with others to calculate the financial resources required to meet objectives within own area of responsibility
    2.2 Communicate budget requirements within remit of role and responsibility to inform overall budget build
    2.3 Analyse the impact of an insufficient budget on service delivery
    2.4 Work with others to prioritise budget allocation in own area of responsibility
3 Be able to manage a budget 3.1 Explain the financial management systems that are available to monitor budget for own area of responsibility
    3.2 Agree roles and responsibilities of others in recording financial expenditure
    3.3 Calculate planned expenditure over the financial period
    3.4 Monitor actual spend against planned expenditure
    3.5 Analyse variances between planned and actual expenditure


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

    3.6 Implement corrective action to address any variances
    3.7 Make revisions to the budget to take account of variances and new developments
4 Be able to evaluate financial expenditure within own area of responsibility 4.1 Review actual expenditure against planned expenditure within financial period
    4.2 Report findings from budget reviews
    4.3 Make recommendations for adjustments for budget planning and management



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to address the range of communication requirements in own role 1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role
    1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role
    1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role
    1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers
    1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needs
2 Be able to improve communication systems and practices that support positive outcomes for individuals 2.1 Monitor the effectiveness of communication systems and practices
    2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practices.
    2.3 Propose improvements to communication systems and practices to address any shortcomings
    2.4 Lead the implementation of revised communication systems and practices.
3 Be able to improve communication systems to support partnership working 3.1 Use communication systems to promote partnership working
    3.2 Compare the effectiveness of different communications systems for partnership working
    3.3 Propose improvements to communication systems for partnership working
4 Be able to use systems for effective information management 4.1 Explain legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  4.2 Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between organisations
  4.3 Demonstrate use of information management systems that meet legal and ethical requirements



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility 1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
    1.2 Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility
    1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
2 Be able to champion diversity, equality and inclusion 2.1 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in policy and practice
    2.2 Challenge discrimination and exclusion in policy and practice
    2.3 Provide others with information about:

•  the effects of discrimination

•  the impact of inclusion

•  the value of diversity

    2.4 Support others to challenge discrimination and exclusion
3 Understand how to develop systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and


3.1 Analyse how systems and processes can promote equality and inclusion or reinforce discrimination and exclusion
    3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of systems and processes in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility
    3.3 Propose improvements to address gaps or shortfalls in systems and processes


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to manage the risks presented when balancing individual rights and professional

duty of care

4.1 Describe ethical dilemmas that may arise in own area of responsibility when balancing individual rights and duty of care
    4.2 Explain the principle of informed choice
    4.3 Explain how issues of individual capacity may affect informed choice
    4.4 Propose a strategy to manage risks when balancing individual rights and duty of care in

own area of responsibility



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand current infection prevention and control policies, procedures and practices. 1.1 Summarise national and local policies for infection prevention and control.
    1.2 Evaluate how policies, procedures and practices in own work setting meet infection prevention and control regulatory requirements.
    1.3 Explain role and responsibilities in relation to infection prevention and control.
2 Be able to lead the implementation of policies and procedures for infection prevention and control. 2.1 Analyse the differences between applying infection prevention policies and procedures in an individual’s own home to that of a residential care setting.
    2.2 Explain how to ensure a proportionate approach to the implementation of policies and procedures in a range of settings.
    2.3 Communicate policies and procedures for infection prevention and control to others within the work setting.
    2.4 Allocate roles and responsibilities to meet infection prevention and control procedures within own work setting.
    2.5 Manage compliance with procedures for infection prevention and control.
    2.6 Explain actions to take when infection prevention and control procedures and practices are not being complied with.
3 Be able to manage the exchange of information about infections. 3.1 Explain why it is important to share information with others.
    3.2 Provide information on infections to others.


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.3 Manage processes for the exchange of information about infection between others.
    3.4 Manage systems for keeping records of suspected or diagnosed infections.
4 Be able to lead the practice of infection prevention and control. 4.1 Explain why infection prevention and control practice should be included in:

·          job descriptions

·          performance management.

    4.2 Support staff to recognise their role in minimising the risk of spreading infection through:

·          Supervision

·          Appraisal.

    4.3 Provide access to resources for staff to minimise the risks of infection.
    4.4 Monitor infection prevention and control practice.
    4.5 Provide feedback to staff on their practice of infection prevention and control.
    4.6 Manage the learning and development needs for staff about infection prevention and control:

·          During induction

·          Continuing professional development.

5 Be able to manage risk management in infection prevention and control. 5.1 Manage the implementation of risk assessment processes to minimise infection.
    5.2 Manage the implementation of controls identified from risk assessment processes in partnership with the individual and others.
    5.3 Manage risk management records.
    5.4 Manage the reporting of risks and hazards that are outside your area of responsibility.


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
6 Be able to review the effectiveness of policies, procedures and practices for infection prevention and control. 6.1 Assess trends of reported patterns of infections in own work setting.
  6.2 Identify factors that contribute to spread and/or reduction of infection in own work setting.
    6.3 Evaluate the implementation of infection prevention and control procedures in own work setting.
    6.4 Make recommendations for changes to infection prevention and control policies, procedures and practices in own work setting.




  • Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health, and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting


  • Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health, safety and risk management requirements


  • Be able to implement and monitor compliance with health, safety and risk management requirements in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • . Demonstrate compliance with health, safety and risk management procedures


  • . Support others to comply with legislative and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices relevant to their work


  • Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with


  • Complete records and reports on health, safety and risk management issues according to legislative and organisational requirements




  • Be able to lead the implementation of policies, procedures and practices to manage risk to individuals and others in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Contribute to development of policies, procedures and practices to identify, assess and manage risk to individuals and others


  • Work with individuals and others to assess potential risks and hazards


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.3 Work with individuals and others to manage potential risks and hazards
4 Be able to promote a culture where needs and risks are balanced with health and safety practice in health and social care or children and young people’s settings 4.1 Work with individuals to balance the management of risk with individual rights and the views of others
    4.2 Work with individuals and others to develop a balanced approach to risk management that takes into account the benefits for individuals of risk taking
    4.3 Evaluate own practice in promoting a balanced approach to risk management
    4.4 Analyse how helping others to understand the balance between risk and rights improves practice
5 Be able to improve health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices in health and social care or children and young people’s settings 5.1 Obtain feedback on health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices from individuals and others
    5.2 Evaluate the health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices within the work setting.
    5.3 Identify areas of policies, procedures and practices that need improvement to ensure safety and protection in the work setting.
    5.4 Recommend changes to policies, procedures and practices that ensure safety and protection in the

work setting



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the context of quality assurance in a health and social care or children and young people’s setting 1.1 Analyse how legislative and regulatory frameworks inform quality standards that apply to the work setting
    1.2 Analyse how quality standards influence positive outcomes for individuals
    1.3 Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to measure the achievement of quality standards
2 Be able to implement quality standards in a health and social care or children and young people’s setting 2.1 Work with team members and others to

•  agree quality standards for the service

•  select indicators to measure agreed standards

•  identify controls to support the achievement of agreed standards

    2.2 Develop systems and processes to measure achievement of quality standards
    2.3 Support team members to carry out their roles in implementing quality controls
    2.4 Explain how quality assurance standards relate to performance management
3 Be able to lead the evaluation of quality processes in a health and social care or children and young people’s setting 3.1 Support team members to carry out their roles in monitoring quality indicators
  3.2 Use selected indicators to evaluate the achievement of quality standards
    3.3 Work with others to identify:

·         areas of best practice

·         areas for improvement

    3.4 Work with others to develop an action plan to improve quality of service


Unit J/602/3499



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to justify a topic for research within services for health and social care or children and young people 1.1 Identify the area for the research project
    1.2 Develop the aims and objectives of the research project
    1.3 Explain ethical considerations that apply to the area of the research project
    1.4 Complete a literature review of chosen area of research
2 Understand how the components of research are used 2.1 Critically compare different types of research
    2.2 Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data
    2.3 Identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data
    2.4 Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research
3 Be able to conduct a research project within services for health and social care or children and young people 3.1 Identify sources of support whilst conducting a research project
    3.2 Formulate a detailed plan for a research project
    3.3 Select research methods for the project
    3.4 Develop research questions to be used within project
    3.5 Conduct the research using identified research methods
    3.6 Record and collate data


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to analyse research findings 4.1 Use data analysis methods to analyse the data
    4.2 Draw conclusions from findings
    4.3 Reflect how own research findings substantiate initial literature review
    4.4 Make recommendations related to area of research
    4.5 Identify potential uses for the research findings within practice



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the process for carrying out assessments of individual’s health and wellbeing 1.1 Explain national and local policies relevant to assessment processes
    1.2 Evaluate different forms of assessment used in own work setting
    1.3 Explain the role of partnership working to support the assessment process
    1.4 Explain factors that might impact on patient assessment
2 Be able to demonstrate a person centered approach to assessment 2.1 Justify the importance of patient involvement during the assessment process
    2.2 Evaluate methods to overcome barriers to communication when obtaining assessment data from individuals
    2.3 Discuss the considerations relating to individuals during assessment
3 Be able to manage the assessment process 3.1 Conduct timely assessment of individuals within boundaries of own role, skills and abilities
    3.2 Support active participation of individuals and others in shaping assessment process
    3.3 Determine additional assessments as appropriate
    3.4 Analyse the context and sources of data collection


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.5 Demonstrate how to record and store individual assessment information
4 Be able to respond to the outcomes of the assessment 4.1 Identify immediate and on-going action
    4.2 Assist in developing a plan of care in collaboration with the individual and others
    4.3 Implement appropriate interventions identified in plan of care
    4.4 Review the effectiveness of the assessment outcomes
    4.5 Adjust plan of care as appropriate within own scope of practice
5 Be able to support and demonstrate to

others how to undertake assessments within own scope of practice

5.1 Demonstrate the ability to teach others the process of assessment
    5.2 Explain the importance of following plans of care
    5.3 Assess others ability to complete assessment of individual’s health and




Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand relevant legislation, policy and best practice for undertaking physiological measurements 1.1 Describe current legislation, national guidelines, organisational policies and protocols affecting own work practice
    1.2 Assess own competence requirements and training needs to maintain best practice
2 Understand the anatomy and physiology associated with physiological measurements 2.1 Explain the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
    2.2 Explain the anatomy of the respiratory system
3 Be able to assess the impact of lifestyle, culture and family background on individual’s physiological measurements 3.1 Analyse the impact of lifestyle, culture and family background on individual’s physiological measurements
    3.2 Identify national strategies that would apply to improving individuals’ health and wellbeing
4 Understand the physiological state associated with blood pressure 4.1 Explain the physiology of blood pressure
    4.2 Explain how homeostasis maintains blood pressure
    4.3 Analyse individual’s clinical conditions that affect blood pressure
    4.4 Propose actions to correct abnormal blood pressure
5 Understand the physiological state associated with a pulse 5.1 Explain the physiology of a pulse
    5.2 Explain how homeostasis maintains pulse rate
    5.3 Analyse individual’s clinical conditions that affect pulse and rhythms


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    5.4 Propose actions to correct abnormal pulse rates and rhythms
6 Understand the physiological state associated with temperature 6.1 Explain homeostatic principles of temperature
    6.2 Explain normal ranges of temperature
    6.3 Analyse individual’s clinical conditions that affect body temperature
    6.4 Explain how changes in temperature could affect other aspects of physiological measurements
7 Understand the physiological state associated with respiration 7.1 Explain the physiology of respiration
    7.2 Explain how homeostasis maintains respiration
    7.3 Analyse individual’s clinical conditions that affect respiration
    7.4 Propose actions to correct abnormal respiration
8 Understand the physiological state associated with oxygen saturation levels 8.1 Explain the physiology of oxygen saturation
    8.2 Explain homeostatic principles of oxygen saturation
    8.3 Analyse individual’s clinical conditions that affect oxygen saturation levels
    8.4 Analyse external factors that affect oxygen saturation levels
    8.5 Propose actions to correct abnormal oxygen saturation levels
9 Be able to recognise the deteriorating patient 9.1 Explain the signs and symptoms that indicate patients/clients are deteriorating


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    9.2 Discuss the ABCDE approach and actions taken to assess each step
    9.3 Propose actions to escalate care
10 Be able to support others to undertake physiological measurements 10.1 Deliver training to others to enable them to undertake appropriate physiological measurements
    10.2 Assess others learning and application of skill within the work setting in line with

local policy



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand how leadership and management impact on effective team performance 1.1 Explain theories about the nature and role of management
    1.2 Explain theories about the nature and role of leadership
    1.3 Evaluate different management and leadership approaches in relation to team performance
    1.4 Analyse the relationship between leadership and management
2 Understand the processes for team formation and development 2.1 Distinguish between types of teams, explaining how they differ from work groups
    2.2 Explain how balanced teams lead to more effective working
    2.3 Explain the developmental progress of teams using different models
    2.4 Investigate relationship and organisational barriers to effective team working
3 Understand the impact of leadership styles on team performance 3.1 Analyse how leadership styles used in different situations and stages of team development impact team performance
    3.2 Explain the main theories of motivation for team members
    3.3 Explain the importance for leaders to develop vision and goals in a healthcare setting
4 Understand the principles of monitoring and reviewing individual and team performance 4.1 Compare different types of review
  4.2 Explain the benefits of setting SMART objectives


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  4.3 Evaluate a range of assessment methods
  4.4 Explain the importance of linking individual and team objectives to organisational objectives




  • Understand the purpose of professional supervision in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings
  • Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision


  • Outline theories and models of professional supervision


  • Explain how the requirements of legislation, codes of practice and agreed ways of working influence professional supervision


  • Explain how findings from research, critical reviews and inquiries can be used within professional supervision


  • Explain how professional supervision can protect the:
    • Individual
    • Supervisor
    • Supervisee




  • Understand how the principles of professional supervision can be used to inform performance management in health and social care or children and young

people’s work settings

  • Explain the performance management cycle


  • Analyse how professional supervision supports performance


  • Analyse how performance indicators can be used to measure practice


  • Be able to undertake the preparation for professional supervision with supervisees in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings
  • Explain factors which result in a power imbalance in professional supervision


  • Explain how to address power imbalance in own supervision practice


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.3 Agree with supervisee confidentiality, boundaries, roles and accountability within the professional supervision process
    3.4 Agree with supervisee the frequency and location of professional supervision
    3.5 Agree with supervisee sources of evidence that can be used to inform professional supervision
    3.6 Agree with supervisee actions to be taken in preparation for professional supervision
4 Be able to provide professional supervision in health and social care or children and young people’s work settings 4.1 Support supervisees to reflect on their practice
    4.2 Provide positive feedback about the achievements of the supervisee
    4.3 Provide constructive feedback that can be used to improve performance
    4.4 Support supervisees to identify their own development needs
    4.5 Review and revise professional supervision targets to meet the identified objectives of the work setting
    4.6 Support supervisees to explore different methods of addressing challenging situations
    4.7 Record agreed supervision decisions
5 Be able to manage conflict situations during professional supervision in health and social 5.1 Give examples from own practice of managing conflict situations within professional supervision


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  care or children and young people’s work settings 5.2 Reflect on own practice in managing conflict situations experienced during professional supervision process
6 Be able to evaluate own practice when conducting professional supervision in health and social care or children and young

people’s work settings

6.1 Gather feedback from supervisee/s on own approach to supervision process
    6.2 Adapt approaches to own professional supervision in light of feedback from supervisees and





  • Understand the pattern of development that would normally be expected for children and young people from birth-19 years
  • . Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally be expected in children and young people from birth – 19 years


  • . Analyse the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the distinction is important


  • . Analyse the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the pattern normally expected.


  • Understand the factors that impact on children and young people’s development
  • Analyse how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors


  • Analyse how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors


  • Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current


  • Understand the benefits of early intervention to support the development of children and young people
  • Analyse the importance of early identification of development delay


  • Explain the potential risks of late recognition of development delay


  • Evaluate how multi agency teams work together to support all aspects of development in children and young people


  • . Explain how play and leisure activities can be used to support all aspects of development of children and young people
  • Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s
  • Explain how different types of transitions can affect children and young people’s development


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    4.2 Explain the importance of children and young people having positive relationships through periods of transition
    4.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of positive relationships on children and young people’s development
5 Understand how assessing, monitoring and recording the development of children and young people informs the use of interventions 5.1 Explain different methods of assessing, recording and monitoring children and young people’s development
  5.2 Explain how and in what circumstances different methods for assessing, recording and monitoring children and young people’s development in the work setting.
    5.3 Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the pattern normally expected.
    5.4 Evaluate the importance of accurate documentation regarding the development

of children and young people




  • Understand individual’s health and wellbeing through lifespan
  • Understand the stages and processes of human development
  • Explain how different factors impact individual’s health and wellbeing throughout lifespan


  • Explain how concepts help the understanding of developmental processes


  • Research how morbidity and mortality rates change over the lifespan
  • Explain Piaget’s child developmental stages


  • Explain the stages of human development from birth to old age


  • Explain the effects of ageing on health and wellbeing


  • Evaluate major challenges to health and wellbeing at each development stage


  • Understand principles of care provision for individuals at different stages throughout lifespan
  • Explain the care provision required for physical and mental health and wellbeing for individuals


  • Analyse the importance of providing information on health and wellbeing to individuals at different stages throughout lifespan


  • Explain support interventions through periods of change


  • Explain how to interact with individuals who are dying and to those affected by their death according to their wishes



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the relationship between health and wellbeing 1.1 Explain the concept of health
    1.2 Explain the concept of wellbeing
    1.3 Explore the relationship between health and wellbeing in health and social care
2 Understand the principles of the biomedical model 2.1 Explain the biomedical approach to the promotion of health and well-being and treatment of disease
    2.2 Evaluate the biomedical model in relation to health care
3 Understand the principles of the sociological model 3.1 Explain the theoretical approaches of sociology in relation to health care
    3.2 Assess the impact of class, ethnicity and gender on health and wellbeing
    3.3 Investigate current trends in public policies that impact on health and social care
4 Understand the principles of the psychological model 4.1 Assess how psychological perspectives contribute to the understanding and promotion of health and wellbeing
    4.2 Assess the relevance of individualism and diversity on healthcare practice and well- being
    4.3 Assess the effect self-awareness and self- esteem have on individual’s health and wellbeing
5 Understand the holistic approach and impact of the biopsychosocial model 5.1 Explain the benefits of the biopsychosocial model
    5.2 Evaluate the impact of the biopsychosocial model on individual’s health and wellbeing



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand policies, theories and models which underpin appraisal of performance. 1.1 Explain policies and agreed ways of working for appraisals in the work setting.
    1.2 Research models of appraisal to explore their applicability in the work setting.
    1.3 Evaluate how appraisals are used to inform:

·         Achievement of objectives

·         Overall performance

·         Future objectives.

    1.4 Explain how appraisals are used to develop practice.
    1.5 Differentiate between appraisals and disciplinary processes.
    1.6 Use research on the theories of power to explore the relationship between appraiser and appraisee.
2 Be able to support others to understand the purpose of appraisal. 2.1 Support others to develop an understanding of the purpose of appraisals to include:

·         mutual responsibilities

·         the achievement of objectives

·         refection on overall performance

·         professional development

·         how outcomes of the appraisal will be used

·         future objectives.

3 Be able to facilitate preparation for appraisals. 3.1 Confirm with appraisee the objectives against which performance will be appraise.
    3.2 Identify with the appraisee the actions they need to take to prepare for their appraisal.
    3.3 Evaluate evidence gathered from a range of sources towards achievement of objectives.
    3.4 Prepare paperwork for appraisal in line with work setting requirements.


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to support appraise to participate in appraisal meetings. 4.1 Explain how power can be managed within the appraisal process to facilitate the participation of the appraise.
    4.2 Demonstrate how to prepare the environment for the appraisal meeting.
    4.3 Support the appraisee to engage in an evaluation of their performance over the past year to include:

·         areas of practice which have met or exceeded standards

·         areas for development.

    4.4 Provide feedback to appraisee on their performance over the past year to include:

·         areas of practice which have met or exceeded standards

·         areas for development.

    4.5 Identify with appraise work objectives for forthcoming year.
    4.6 Identify with appraisee professional development plan for forthcoming year.
    4.7 Record the appraisal in line with work setting requirements.
5 Be able to evaluate own practice during the appraisal process. 5.1 Evaluate with appraisee their experience of how the appraisal was conducted.
    5.2 Reflect on own practice in managing the appraisal process.



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand assessment processes 1.1 Compare and contrast the range and purpose of different forms of assessment
    1.2 Explain how partnership work can positively support assessment processes
2 Be able to lead and contribute to assessments 2.1 Initiate early assessment of the individual
    2.2 Support the active participation of the individual in shaping the assessment process
    2.3 Undertake assessments within the boundaries of own role
    2.4 Make recommendations to support referral processes
3 Be able to manage the outcomes of assessments 3.1 Develop a care or support plan in collaboration with the individual that meets their needs
    3.2 Implement interventions that contribute to positive outcomes for the individual
4 Be able to promote others’ understanding of the role of assessment 4.1 Develop others’ understanding of the functions of a range of assessment tools
    4.2 Develop others’ understanding that assessment may have a positive and/or negative impact on an individual and their families
    4.3 Develop others’ understanding of their contribution to the assessment process
5 Review and evaluate the effectiveness of assessment 5.1 Review the assessment process based on feedback from the individual and/or others
    5.2 Evaluate the outcomes of assessment based on feedback from the individual and/or others
    5.3 Develop an action plan to address the findings



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice 1.1 explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice
    1.2 outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm
    1.3 analyse the benefit of following a person centred approach users of health and social care services
    1.4 explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of health and social cares services
2 Understand the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisation policy and practice 2.1 explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in health and social care
    2.2 explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements
    2.3 evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice
3 Understand the theories that underpin health and social care practice 3.1 explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice
    3.2 analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care services
    3.3 evaluate the effectiveness of inter- professional working
4 Be able to contribute to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy. 4.1 explain own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health and social care workplace


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  4.2 evaluate own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy
  4.3 make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements.



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Plan to share knowledge and good practice 1.1 Identify outcomes to be achieved through sharing knowledge and good practice
    1.2 Identify areas of knowledge and good practice that should be shared within and outside the organisation
    1.3 Agree methods to share knowledge and good practice that will meet outcomes and comply with legal and organisational requirements
    1.4 Demonstrate actions to overcome or reduce barriers to sharing knowledge and good practice
2 Be able to share knowledge and good practice 2.1 Implement agreed arrangements for sharing knowledge and good practice
    2.2 Develop opportunities to share knowledge and good practice within and outside the organisation
3 Be able to incorporate new knowledge into own


3.1 Take opportunities to learn about good practice of others within and beyond the organisation
    3.2 Evaluate the transferability of new knowledge to own practice
    3.3 Use new knowledge to improve own practice
4 Be able to evaluate the sharing of knowledge and good practice 4.1 Evaluate processes for sharing knowledge and good practice within and outside the organisation
    4.2 Research benchmarks for the sharing of knowledge and good practice
    4.3 Recommend improved processes for the sharing of knowledge and good practice



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the common forms of dementia 1.1 Discuss the common and less common forms of dementia, including causes, stages of development and presentation
    1.2 Discuss the causes of dementia, its changing neuro-pathology, the aging process, stages of development and presentation.
    1.3 Analyse diagnosis, treatments, prognosis and current research relating to dementia.
2 Understand the impact of dementia on the individual and their family 2.1 Critically evaluate how the diagnosis and treatments of dementia impact on the individual with dementia and their family.
    2.2 Critically evaluate the impact of developing dementia on the individual with dementia and their family
3 Understand the support needs of the individual with dementia. 3.1 Critically analyse the support needs of the individual with dementia
    3.2 Evaluate the impact of the individual needs of the individual with dementia on service delivery
4 Understand how to provide a person-centred approach to care planning for an individual with dementia 4.1 Analyse how providing a person-centred approach to care planning and support an individual with dementia challenges practice.
    4.2 Analyse how equality, cultural and diversity issues impact on the provision of a person- centred approach to an individual with dementia.
    4.3 Analyse how health, safety and legal considerations impact on the provision of a person-centred approach to an individual with dementia.
5 Understand the challenges of supporting an individual with dementia 5.1 Discuss possible solutions that will promote personalised, safe and quality care for individuals with dementia




  • Understand the principles of change management in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Analyse factors that drive change


  • Describe underpinning theories of change management


  • Describe approaches, tools and techniques that support the change process


  • Explain the importance of effective change management for service provision


  • Be able to facilitate a shared understanding of the need for change in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Promote the benefits of change


  • Analyse challenges that may arise during the process of change


  • Enable others to express views about proposed change


  • Agree with others the changes that need to be made


  • Be able to develop an approved change management plan in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
  • Analyse the impact of a proposed change to the service provision


  • Produce a change management plan that takes account of the identified impact


  • Establish criteria against which the plan can be evaluated


  • Secure any approvals required for the change management plan


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Be able to gain support for a proposed change in health and social care or

children and young people’s settings

4.1 Ensure own actions serve as a positive role model when introducing change
    4.2 Identify others who can promote the vision for change
    4.3 Use strategies that address resistance to change
    4.4 Implement a communication strategy to support others to understand a proposed change
5 Be able to implement approved change management plans in health and social care or children and young people’s


5.1 Agree roles and responsibilities for implementing change management plan
    5.2 Support others to carry out their agreed roles in a change management plan
    5.3 Adapt a change management plan to address issues as they arise
    5.4 Establish strategies for ensuring that the quality of service for individuals is maintained during a period of change
6 Be able to evaluate the change management process in health and social care or children and young people’s


6.1 Agree systems to monitor the effectiveness of the change management plan
    6.2 Work with others to review the change management plan against identified criteria
    6.3 Evaluate outcomes of the change for individuals.



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour 1.1 analyse concepts of health, disability, illness and behaviour in relation to users of health and social care services
    1.2 assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed over time
    1.3 analyse the impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with specific needs
2 Understand how health and social care services and systems support individuals with specific needs 2.1 analyse the care needs of individuals with specific needs
    2.2 explain current systems for supporting individuals with specific needs
    2.3 evaluate the services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs
3 Understand approaches and intervention strategies that support individuals with specific


3.1 explain the approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs
    3.2 evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific need(s)
    3.3 discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific needs
4 Understand strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs. 4.1 explain different concepts of challenging behaviour
    4.2 describe the potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organisations
    4.3 analyse strategies for working with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand Deaf culture 1.1 Explain the term culture
    1.2 Explain your own and other people’s perceptions of Deaf


    1.3 Outline the history of the emergence and recognition of Deaf culture
    1.4 Analyse the political influence of Deaf culture on:

•  current models of disability

•  understanding of the term ‘sensory loss’

•  shaping the values which underpin services

2 Understand the cultural context of d/ Deafness 2.1 Critically examine the historical and cultural context of d/Deafness to include:

•  The impact of d/Deafness on individuals, their families and communities

•  The dilemmas faced by d/Deaf individuals, their families and communities

•  The influence of social perspectives on d/Deafness, d/Deaf individuals and their families

•  The relationship between language and Deaf culture

    2.2 Assess the ways in which those who are born d/Deaf, and those who are deafened, are or are not included in the d/Deaf community
    2.3 Analyse the factors which impact on d/Deaf people’s ability to access information and services



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand language development 1.1 Explain the difference between language and communication
    1.2 Analyse the relationship between culture and language
    1.3 Explain how an understanding of language and communication informs practice
2 Understand factors that affect the language and communication of an individual with sensory loss 2.1 Compare and contrast the impact of congenital and acquired sensory loss on

•  communication

•  language

    2.2 Explain the potential impacts of a deteriorating condition on an

individual’s communication

3 Understand the complexities of specialist communication systems 3.1 Identify when specialist communication systems may be used
    3.2 Evaluate the strengths and weakness of specialist communication systems
4 Be able to support the individual with communication 4.1 Evaluate the suitability of a range of communication methods to meet the needs of the individual
    4.2 Demonstrate a range of suitable communication methods to the individual and/or others
    4.3 Adapt communication methods according to need and context
5 Be able to support others to make use of specialist communication 5.1 Advise others about specialist communication
    5.2 Support others to make use of specialist communication with the individual


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
6 Review communication work 6.1 Review how communication support to individuals meets identified needs in relation to

•  Own work

•  Agreed ways of working

•  Work with others



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the implications of multiple conditions and/or disabilities for the individual 1.1 Explain the correlation between conditions and

•  disability

•  gender

•  age

•  ethnicity

•  socio-economic status

    1.2 Explain how multiple conditions and/or disabilities can impact on the individual
    1.3 Make recommendations for modifications to service delivery that can result in improved outcomes for individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities
2 Be able to support an individual

with multiple conditions and/or disabilities

2.1 Work collaboratively with the individual and/or others to support the individual
    2.2 Provide advice and expertise to support the assessment and/or referral of an individual with multiple conditions and/or disabilities
    2.3 Use referral processes to secure services for the individual
3 Be able to develop others to support the individual with multiple conditions and/or disabilities 3.1 Advise and inform others about the implications of multiple conditions
  3.2 Devise strategies to improve the practice of others

•  at and individual level

•  at an organisational level


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4 Be able to review service provision in respect of individuals with multiple

conditions and/or disabilities

4.1 Reflect on own role in relation to providing a service for individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities
    4.2 Evaluate, with others, the extent to which provision meets the needs of individuals with multiple conditions and/or disabilities




  • Understand how the different and evolving theories about autism reflect the complexity of autistic spectrum conditions
  • Analyse the defining features of autistic spectrum conditions and the impact on practice


  • Evaluate the shift from the categorical view to the spectrum view of autism, with reference to different conditions on the autistic spectrum


  • Identify the implications for practice of controversies concerning the search for cures and interventions for autistic spectrum conditions


  • Review historical and current perspectives on the causes of autism


  • Explain the importance of a person centred approach, focussing on the individual not the diagnosis


  • Analyse how the stereotyped views and prejudice of others impact on the lives of individuals with an autistic spectrum condition




  • Understand the implications of the legal and policy framework underpinning the support of individuals with autistic spectrum conditions
  • Identify the legislation and national and local policies and guidance relevant to the support of individuals with autistic spectrum conditions


  • Explain the applicability of legislation, policies and guidance to people, services or situations


  • Explain the impact of legislation, policies and guidance on the provision of services


  • Explain the influence of autism advocacy groups in highlighting shortcomings in legislation/policy/guidance and in pressing for change


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
3 Be able to promote good practice in the support of individuals with an autistic spectrum condition 3.1 Enable workers to apply different approaches, interventions and strategies according to the

individual’s needs and wishes identified in their person centred support plan

    3.2 Develop practice guidance to maximize consistency and stability in the environment
    3.3 Ensure use of structured activities to optimise

individuals’ learning

    3.4 Demonstrate ways of supporting others to minimise the vulnerability of individuals with autistic spectrum conditions
    3.5 Implement strategies which support others to apply, monitor and review positive behaviour support with individuals
    3.6 Support others to work in partnership with parents and/or other informal carers or support networks
    3.7 Evaluate working practices and strategies in order to maintain good practice and recommend changes
4 Be able to promote to others positive communication strategies for individuals with an autistic spectrum condition 4.1 Analyse the implications for practice of the link between behaviour and communication
  4.2 Develop strategies to support others to understand the link between behaviour and communication
    4.3 Liaise with family/carers and relevant professionals involved with individuals to maximise the effectiveness of communication
    4.4 Support others to implement alternative and augmented communication systems which


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
      enable individuals to communicate effectively with those around them
5 Be able to implement strategies to support individuals with an autistic spectrum condition to

manage their sensory world

5.1 Explain the types of sensory and perceptual difficulties that many individuals with an autistic spectrum condition experience
    5.2 Develop, with appropriate professional support, a sensory management strategy
    5.3 Implement a sensory management strategy to meet the needs of individuals who have problems with sensory processing
    5.4 Create environments which prevent sensory overload or increase sensory stimulation,

depending on the needs of the individual




  • Understand issues related to access to healthcare services for individuals with learning disabilities
  • Explain the rights based approach to accessing healthcare services


  • Identify inequalities in access to healthcare services in different sections of the population


  • Analyse how different investigations, inquiries and reports have demonstrated the need for improved access and services for individuals with learning disabilities


  • Describe the impact of legislation, policy or guidance underpinning the need for healthcare services to enable access to individuals with a learning disability


  • Analyse how legislation, policy or guidance on capacity and consent should be used with regards to individuals considering and receiving treatment


  • Understand the healthcare needs that may affect individuals with learning disabilities
  • Analyse trends of healthcare needs among individuals with learning disabilities


  • Explain systematic approaches that may support better health and healthcare for individuals with a learning disability


  • Research the difficulties in diagnosing some health conditions in individuals with a learning disability


  • Understand good practice in supporting people with a learning disability to access healthcare services
  • Analyse the effectiveness of existing communication systems and practices in supporting individuals to meet their healthcare needs


  • Evaluate different ways of working in partnership to support individuals to meet their healthcare needs


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    3.3 Explain how to promote access to healthcare through the use of reasonable adjustments
    3.4 Analyse the rights of others significant to the individual to be involved in planning healthcare services
4 Understand how to support others to develop, implement, monitor and review plans for healthcare 4.1 Explain how to champion a person-centred focus to the healthcare planning process
    4.2 Explain factors to consider when supporting others to develop and implement plans for healthcare
    4.3 Explain how to support others to monitor and review plans for healthcare
    4.4 Explain how to challenge healthcare providers and services when required to advocate with or on behalf of individuals
    4.5 Explain how to support others to raise concerns and challenge healthcare services
5 Be able to develop processes to support others to meet the healthcare needs of individuals with a learning disability 5.1 Develop a person-centred strategy to underpin work with an individual to identify and meet their healthcare needs
    5.2 Develop systems to support others to work across a range of healthcare services to meet the health needs of individuals with a learning disability
    5.3 Ensure systems are used by others in meeting the healthcare needs of individual’s
    5.4 Evaluate the impact of systems in meeting

individual’s healthcare needs

6 Be able to promote good practice to others in their support of individuals with learning disabilities accessing healthcare 6.1 Promote effective use of communication methods to enable individuals to understand their healthcare needs and what options are available to them


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
  6.2 Promote partnership working to meet the healthcare needs of individuals with learning disabilities
  6.3 Promote awareness of the use of reasonable adjustments to enable individuals with learning disabilities to access healthcare services
  6.4 Ensure the appropriate involvement of others significant to the individual in planning and

delivering healthcare



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the legislation, regulations and policies that underpin the protection of vulnerable adults 1.1 Analyse the differences between the concept of safeguarding and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults
    1.2 Evaluate the impact of policy developments on approaches to safeguarding vulnerable adults in own service setting
    1.3 Explain the legislative framework for safeguarding vulnerable adults
    1.4 Evaluate how serious case reviews or inquiries have influenced quality assurance, regulation and inspection relating to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
    1.5 Explain the protocols and referral procedures when harm or abuse is alleged or suspected
2 Be able to lead service provision that protects vulnerable adults 2.1 Promote service provision that supports vulnerable adults to assess risks and make informed choices
    2.2 Provide information to others on:

•  indicators of abuse

•  measures that can be taken to avoid abuse taking place

•  steps that need to be taken in the case of suspected or alleged abuse

    2.3 Identify the policies and procedures in own work setting that contribute towards safeguarding and the prevention of abuse
    2.4 Monitor the implementation of policies and procedures that aim to safeguard vulnerable adults and prevent abuse from occurring
    2.5 Provide feedback to others on practice that supports the protection of vulnerable adults


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Be able to manage inter-agency, joint or integrated working in order to protect vulnerable adults 3.1 Follow agreed protocols for working in partnership with other organisations
  3.2 Review the effectiveness of systems and procedures for working in partnership with other organisations
4 Be able to monitor and evaluate the systems, processes and practice that safeguards vulnerable adults 4.1 Support the participation of vulnerable adults in a review of systems and procedures
  4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of systems and procedures to protect vulnerable adults in own service setting
    4.3 Challenge ineffective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
    4.4 Recommend proposals for improvements in systems and procedures in own service setting



Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the legislation, regulations and policies that underpin the protection of children and young people 1.1 Analyse the differences between the concept of safeguarding and the concept of protection in relation to children and young people
    1.2 Evaluate the impact of policy developments on approaches to safeguarding children and young people in own service setting
    1.3 Explain the legislative framework for safeguarding children and young people
    1.4 Evaluate how serious case reviews or inquiries have influenced quality assurance, regulation and inspection relating to the safeguarding of children and young people
    1.5 Explain the protocols and referral procedures when harm or abuse is alleged or suspected
2 Be able to lead service provision that protects children and young people 2.1 Promote service provision that supports children and young people to assess risks and make informed choices
    2.2 Provide information to others on:

•  indicators of abuse

•  measures that can be taken to avoid abuse taking place

•  steps that need to be taken in the case of suspected or alleged abuse

    2.3 Identify the policies and procedures in own work setting that contribute towards safeguarding and the prevention of abuse
    2.4 Monitor the implementation of policies and procedures that aim to safeguard children and young people and prevent abuse from occurring
    2.5 Provide feedback to others on practice that supports the protection of children and young people


Learning Outcome – The learner will:  

Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Be able to manage inter-agency, joint or integrated working in order to protect children and young people 3.1 Follow agreed protocols for working in partnership with other organisations
  3.2 Review the effectiveness of systems and procedures for working in partnership with other organisations
4 Be able to monitor and evaluate the systems, processes and practice that safeguards children and young people 4.1 Support the participation of children and young people in a review of systems and procedures
  4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of systems and procedures to protect children and young people in own service setting
    4.3 Challenge ineffective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding of children and young people
    4.4 Recommend proposals for improvements in systems and procedures in own service setting



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Be able to align objectives of own area of responsibility with those of own organisation. 1.1 Identify operational objectives within own area of responsibility.
    1.2 Analyse objectives of own area of responsibility in relation to those of own organisation.
2 Be able to implement operational plans in own area of responsibility. 2.1 Assess risks associated with operational plans and include contingency arrangements.
    2.2 Identify support from relevant stakeholders.
    2.3 Implement operational plan within own area of responsibility.
3 Be able to monitor and evaluate operational plans in own area of responsibility. 3.1 Monitor procedures within the operational plan.
    3.2 Evaluate operational plans and implement any necessary actions.



Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
1 Understand the impact of change and transitions on the wellbeing of individuals 1.1 Explain ways in which transitions and significant life events affect individuals’ wellbeing
    1.2 Analyse how theories on change inform approaches to the management of transitions.
    1.3 Explain the concept of resilience in relation to transitions and significant life events
    1.4 Analyse the factors that affect individuals’

ability to manage transitions and changes

2 Be able to lead and manage provision that supports workers to manage transitions and significant life events 2.1 Explain how solution focused practice is used to support the management of transitions.
    2.2 Promote a culture that supports and encourages individuals to explore challenges.
    2.3 Support workers to encourage individuals to identify their own strengths and abilities.
    2.4 Support workers to engage with individuals and others to identify outcomes and targets that build on their strengths and abilities.
    2.5 Ensure workers support individuals to implement plans to meet identified outcomes and targets
    2.6 Enable workers to identify any additional support they may require to support individuals through transition and change




  • Understand theories of management and leadership and their application to health and social care or children and young people settings.
  • Research theories of management and


  • Analyse how theoretical models of management and leadership can be applied to a range of situations in a work setting.


  • Analyse how the values and cultural context of an organisation influence the application of management and leadership


  • Understand the relationship between professional management and leadership.
  • Evaluate the interdependencies between leadership and


  • Analyse the conflicts between the application of management and leadership


  • Describe how conflicts between management and leadership models can be


  • Understand the skills of professional management and leadership in health and social care or children and young people’s
  • Analyse the skills required to be an
    • Effective manager
    • Effective leader.


  • Explain why managers in health and social care or children and young peoples settings need both management and leadership


  • Analyse how leadership skills can influence the values of an


  • Explain why leadership styles may need to be adapted to manage different situations.


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
4 Understand the impact of policy drivers on professional management and leadership in health and social care or children and young people’s services. 4.1 Identify factors that influence policy drivers.
  4.2 Analyse emerging themes and trends that impact on management and leadership of health and social care and children or

young people’s services.


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