ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination Occupations (Construction) Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination Occupations (Construction) Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

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Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough
Examination Occupations (Construction)
Qualification Specification
© ProQual 2018
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Introduction 3
Qualification profile 3
Qualification structure 4
Centre requirements 6
Support for candidates 6
Assessment 7
Internal quality assurance 7
Adjustments to assessment 7
Results enquiries and appeals 8
Certification 8
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria 9
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence of
individuals who specialise in testing and inspection in the construction industry. The learner
will need to demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding in core subject areas, and will
also need to demonstrate occupational competence in a specialist subject area:
Pathway 1 Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination of Plant, Machinery,
Equipment or Accessories
Pathway 2 Leak Detection in Waterproof Systems
Pathway 3 Dynamic Pile Testing
The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the
regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).
This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
Qualification Profile
Qualification title ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and
thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Ofqual qualification number 603/3001/6
Level Level 3
Total qualification time 750 hours
Guided learning hours 187
Pass or fail
Internally assessed and verified by centre staff
External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers
Qualification start date 2/3/2018
Qualification end date
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.
Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify
any gaps and help plan the assessment.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Qualification Structure
Candidates must complete ALL of the Mandatory units, plus the Mandatory unit(s) for ONE
of the Pathways.
Mandatory Units – complete all units
CITB refs
provided for
Unit Ref. Title Level CITB Internal
Unit Ref.
A/503/2772 Confirming work activities and resources for an
occupational area in the workplace
3 209v2
M/503/2915 Developing and maintaining good occupational working
relationships in the workplace
5 210v2
R/503/2924 Confirming the occupational method of work in the
3 211v2
Pathway 1 – Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination of Plant,
Machinery, Equipment or Accessories
Mandatory Units – complete both units
CITB refs
provided for
Unit Ref. Title Level CITB Internal
Unit Ref.
J/616/4461 Inspecting plant or machinery for operational serviceability
in the workplace 2 663v2
H/616/4466 Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to
determine operational serviceability in the workplace
Pathway 2 – Leak Detection in Waterproof Systems
Mandatory Unit – complete this unit
provided for
Unit Ref. Title Level CITB Internal
Unit Ref.
K/616/9054 Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection in the workplace 3 800v1
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Pathway 3 – Dynamic Pile Testing
Mandatory Unit – complete this unit
CITB refs
provided for
Unit Ref. Title Level CITB Internal
Unit Ref.
M/616/9055 Dynamic load and integrity testing of piles in the workplace 3 801v1
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Centre Requirements
Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please
complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.
Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally
Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance
For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and
one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific
occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based
units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier
qualifications, such as:
• Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
• Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
• Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
• Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
• Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and
Support for Candidates
Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:
• enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning
outcomes and assessment criteria;
• provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
• provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to
authenticate evidence
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment is
the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards
set in the qualification.
Assessment guidance is included to assure consistency.
Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of
all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.
Evidence can include: – assignments/projects/reports
– worksheets
– portfolio of evidence
– record of oral and/or written questioning
– candidate test papers
Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to
Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning
outcome has been achieved.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 9.
Internal Quality Assurance
An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres
are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair
assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.
Adjustments to Assessment
Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of
candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets
out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special
considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.
Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Results Enquiries and Appeals
All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with
reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.
Candidates who achieve the requirements qualifications will be awarded:
• A certificate listing the unit achieved, and
• A certificate giving the full qualification title –
ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination
Occupations (Construction)
Claiming certificates
Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have
successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre
for successful candidates.
Replacement certificates
If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement
certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer
to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming work activities and resources for an occupational work area in the
Unit Number: A/503/2772
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Identify work activities,
assess required resources
and plan the sequence of
1.1 Identify work activities, assess required resources and
plan the sequence of work.
1.2 Identify work activities and formulate a plan for their
own sequence of work.
1.3 Explain the types of work relative to the occupational
area and how to identify different work activities.
1.4 Explain methods of assessing the resources needed
from a range of available information.
1.5 Explain the required information and the different
methods used to prepare a work programme relative to
the occupational area.
2 Obtain clarification and
advice where the resources
required are not available.
2.1 Seek advice and clarity from appropriate sources on resources
available and the alternatives that can be used for the work
when required resources are not available.
2.2 Explain the different sources and methods that can be used to
obtain clarification and advice when the required resources
are not available.
3 Evaluate the work activities
and the requirements of
any significant external
factors against the project
3.1 Assess progress of work against project requirements, taking
into account external factors relating to:
– other occupations and /or customers
– resources
– weather conditions
– health and safety requirements.
3.2 Explain different methods of evaluating work activities against
the following project requirements:
– contract conditions
– contract programme
– health and safety requirements of operatives.
3.3 Evaluate the requirements of significant external factors that
could affect the progress of work, in relation to:
– other related programmes
– special working conditions
– weather conditions
– other occupations/people
– resources
– health and safety requirements.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming work activities and resources for an occupational work area in the
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
4 Identify work activities
which influence each other
and make the best use of
the resources available.
4.1 Determine work activities that have an influence on
each other.
4.2 Evaluate which work activities make the best use of
available resources in relation to:
– occupations and/or customers associated with the
– tools, plant and/or ancillary equipment
– materials and components.
4.3 Explain different methods and sources that can identify
which work activities influence each other.
4.4 Describe how to determine the sequence of work
activities and how long each work activity will take.
4.5 Describe what zero and low carbon requirements are.
4.6 Explain how work activities and different ways of using
resources can impact on zero and low carbon
requirements, and make a positive contribution to the
5 Identify changed
circumstances that require
alterations to the work
programme and justify them
to decision makers.
5.1 Evaluate project progress against the work programme
to identify any changed circumstances.
5.2 Inform line management and/or customers on the type
and extent of any required changes to the work
5.3 Explain how to identify possible alterations to the work
programme to meet changed circumstances relating to
action lists, method statements, duration, schedules
and/or occupation specific requirements.
5.4 Explain how to assess contractual/work effects resulting
from alterations to the work programme.
5.5 Explain the methods used to justify to decision makers
on the effects resulting from alterations to the work
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming work activities and resources for an occupational work area in the
Additional information about this unit
Assessment Guidance This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in
accordance with the ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated
Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry
experience and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational
expertise and knowledge, and must use a combination of
assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Subject Sector Area 05.2 Building and Construction
Availability for use Shared unit
Unit guided learning hours 33
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Developing and maintaining good occupational working relationships in the
Unit Number: M/503/2915
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Develop, maintain and
encourage working
relationships to promote
good will and trust.
1.1 Give appropriate advice and information to relevant
people about the occupational work activities and/or
associated occupations involved.
1.2 Apply the principles of equality and diversity by
considering the needs of individuals when working and
communicating with others.
1.3 Explain the methods and techniques used and personal
attributes required to encourage and maintain working
relationships that promote goodwill and trust with
relevant people.
1.4 Explain the principles of equality and diversity and how
to apply them when working and communicating with
2 Inform relevant people
about work activities in an
appropriate level of detail,
with the appropriate level
of urgency.
2.1 Communicate on the following work activity
information to relevant people following organisational
– appropriate timescales
– health and safety requirements
– co-ordination of work procedures.
2.2 Explain the different methods and techniques used to
inform relevant people about work activities.
2.3 Explain the effects of not informing relevant people
with the expected level of urgency.
2.4 Explain the different types of work activity related
information and to what level of detail the following
people would expect to receive:
– colleagues
– employers
– customers
– contractors
– suppliers of products and services
– other people affected by the work/project.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Developing and maintaining good occupational working relationships in the
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Offer advice and help to
relevant people about work
activities and encourage
questions/requests for
clarification and comments.
3.1 Give appropriate advice and information to relevant
people about the different methods of carrying out
occupational work activities to achieve the required
3.2 Explain the techniques of encouraging questions
and/or requests for clarification and comments.
3.3 Explain the different ways of offering advice and help
to different people about work activities, in relation to:
– progress
– results
– achievements
– occupational problems
– occupational opportunities
– health and safety requirements
– co-ordinated work.
4 Clarify proposals with
relevant people and discuss
alternative suggestions.
4.1 Engage regular discussions with relevant people about
the occupational work activity and/or other
occupations involved.
4.2 Explain the methods of clarifying alternative proposals
with relevant people.
4.3 Explain the methods of suggesting alternative
5 Resolve differences of
opinion in ways that
minimise offence and
maintain goodwill, trust and
5.1 Examine and agree the work activities that satisfy all
people involved and will meet the required outcome of
the proposed method of work.
5.2 Explain the methods and techniques used to resolve
differences of opinion in ways which minimise offence
and maintain goodwill, trust and respect.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Developing and maintaining good occupational working relationships in the
Additional information about this unit
Assessment Guidance This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in
accordance with the ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated
Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry
experience and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational
expertise and knowledge, and must use a combination of
assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Sector Subject Areas 05.2 Building and Construction
Availability for use Shared unit
Unit guided learning hours 27
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming the occupational method of work in the workplace
Unit Number: R/503/2924
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Assess available project
data accurately to
determine the occupational
method of work.
1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,
specifications, schedules, manufacturer’s information,
methods of work, risk assessments and programmes of
1.2 Explain how to summarise the following project data:
– required quantities
– specifications
– detailed drawings
– health and safety requirements
– timescales
– scope of works.
1.3 Explain the different methods of assessing available
project data.
1.4 Explain how to use project data to interpret the work
method, In relation to:
– standard work procedures
– sequence of work
– organisation of resources (people, equipment,
– work techniques
– working conditions (health, safety and welfare)
– risk assessment.
2 Obtain additional
information from
alternative sources in cases
where the available project
data is insufficient.
2.1 Collect and collate additional information from
alternative sources to clarify the work to be carried out.
2.3 Explain different methods and techniques of obtaining
additional information from the following alternative
sources when available project data is insufficient:
– customers or representatives
– suppliers
– regulatory authorities
– manufacturer’s literature.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming the occupational method of work in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Identify work methods that
will make best use of
resources and meet project,
statutory and contractual
3.1 Examine potential work methods to carry out the
occupational work activity.
3.2 Determine which work methods will make best use of
relevant resources and meet health and safety requirements
relating to technical and/or project criteria.
3.3 Explain how to identify work methods that make best use of
resources and meet project, statutory and contractual
requirements against technical criteria, in relation to:
– health and safety welfare (principles of protection)
– fire protection
– access and egress
– equipment availability
– availability of competent workforce
– pollution risk
– waste and disposal
– zero and low carbon outcomes
– weather conditions.
3.4 Explain how to identify work methods that make best use of
resources and meet project, statutory and contractual
requirements against project criteria, in relation to:
– conforming to statutory requirements
– customer and user needs
– contract requirements in terms of time, quantity and
– environmental considerations.
3.5 Explain how different methods of work can achieve zero/low
carbon outcomes.
4 Confirm and communicate the
selected work method to
relevant personnel.
4.1 Confirm the selected occupational work method that meets
project, statutory and contractual requirements.
4.2 Communicate appropriately to relevant people on the
selected occupational work method.
4.3 Describe the different techniques and methods of confirming
and communicating work methods to relevant people.
4.4 Explain the principles of equality and diversity and how to
apply them when working and communicating with others.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Confirming the occupational method of work in the workplace
Additional information about this unit
Assessment Guidance This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in
accordance with the ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated
Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry
experience and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational
expertise and knowledge, and must use a combination of
assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Sector Subject Areas 05.2 Building and Construction
Availability for use Shared unit
Unit guided learning hours 37
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Inspecting plant or machinery for operational serviceability in the workplace
Unit Number: J/616/4461
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Interpret the given
information relating to the
work and resources when
inspecting plant or
machinery for operational
1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from drawings,
specifications, schedules, method statements, risk
assessments, workshop manuals, technical service bulletins,
parts manuals and manufacturers’ information.
1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived from
risk assessments and method statements.
1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed to report
and rectify inappropriate information and unsuitable
resources and how they are implemented.
1.4 Describe different types of information, their source and how
they are interpreted in relation to:
– drawings, specifications, schedules, method statements,
risk assessments, workshop manuals, technical service
bulletins, parts manuals, manufacturers’ information and
current regulations associated with the inspection,
examination and test of plant and machinery.
2 Know how to comply with
relevant legislation and
official guidance when
inspecting plant or
machinery for operational
2.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential
accidents and health hazards, whilst working:
– in the workplace, below ground level, at height, in
confined spaces, with tools and equipment, with
materials and substances, with movement/storage
of materials and by manual handling and mechanical
2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for
tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation to
site, workplace, company and operative.
2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are and
who is responsible for making reports.
3 Maintain safe and healthy
working practices when
inspecting plant or
machinery for operational
3.1 Use health and safety control equipment and access
equipment (if applicable) safely to carry out the activity
in accordance with current legislation and organisational
requirements when inspecting plant or machinery for
operational serviceability.
3.2 Comply with information relating to specific risks to
health when inspecting plant or machinery for
operational serviceability.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Inspecting Plant or Machinery for Operational Serviceability in the Workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Continued 3.3 Explain why and when health and safety control equipment,
identified by the principles of protection, should be used,
relating inspecting plant or machinery for operational
serviceability and the types, purpose and limitations of each
type, the work situation and general work environment, in
relation to:
– collective protective measures
– personal protective equipment (PPE)
– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
3.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety control
equipment should be used in accordance with the given
3.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to in
accordance with organisational authorisation and personal
skills when involved with fires, spillages, injuries and other
task-related hazards.
4 Select the required quantity
and quality of resources for
the methods of work to
inspect plant or machinery
for operational
4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation to
materials, components, fixings, tools, equipment and
4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses, sustainability,
limitations and defects associated with the resources in
relation to:
– consumables
– inspection equipment
– fixings
– hand tools, portable powered tools, specialist tools and
4.3 Describe how the resources should be used correctly and how
problems associated with the resources are reported.
4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been
developed and how they are used for the selection of
required resources.
4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the resources
and methods of work.
4.6 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area and wastage
associated with the method/procedure to inspect plant and
machinery for operational serviceability.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Inspecting Plant or Machinery for Operational Serviceability in the Workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
5 Minimise the risk of damage
to the work and
surrounding area when
inspecting plant or
machinery for operational
5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from damage
in accordance with safe working practices and
organisational procedures.
5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work space.
5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current legislation.
5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the
purpose of protection in relation to general workplace
activities, other occupations and adverse weather
5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried out
safely in accordance with environmental
responsibilities, organisational procedures,
manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and
official guidance.
6 Complete the work within
the allocated time when
inspecting plant or
machinery for operational
6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
allocated time.
6.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and explain
why deadlines should be kept in relation to:
– types of progress charts, timetables and estimated times
– organisational procedures for reporting circumstances
which will affect the work programme.
7 Comply with the given
contract information to
inspect plant or machinery
for operational
serviceability to the
required specification.
7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when inspecting plant
or machinery for operational serviceability:
– inspecting, checking, recording and reporting.
7.2 Complete the following inspections to given working
– routine checks, daily, weekly
– periodic e.g. monthly, annual, number, hours run
– pre-use, delivery
– post-use, return, off hire.
7.3 Record and report results and findings of inspection using the
appropriate method, in accordance with given working
7.4 Safely use and handle materials, hand tools, specialist tools,
portable power tools and ancillary equipment.
7.5 Safely store the materials, tools and equipment used when
inspecting plant or machinery for operational serviceability.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Inspecting plant or machinery for operational serviceability in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
7 Continued 7.6 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work practices,
follow procedures, report problems and establish the
authority needed to rectify them, to:
– identify inspection criteria
– conduct inspections, daily/weekly, periodic
(monthly, annual, number and hours run), pre-use
and post-use and returned items
– identify the difference between test, inspection and
thorough examination
– check the calibration of inspection tools and
– use specialist inspection equipment and test and
diagnostic aids
– identify deterioration, damage, excess wear and
– identify non-critical defects
– identify critical defects
– classify the serviceability of plant and machinery
– consider plant and machinery life expectancy
– report findings
– use hand tools, portable power tools, specialist tools
and equipment
– work at height
– use access equipment
– complete and maintain records.
7.7 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to
effectively communicate within a team inspecting plant
or machinery for operational serviceability.
7.8 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment used
when inspecting plant or machinery for operational
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Inspecting plant or machinery for operational serviceability in the workplace
Additional information about this unit
This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with the
ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience
and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge,
and must use a combination of assessment methods as defined in the
Consolidated Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Sector Subject Areas 5.2 Building and Construction
Availability for use Shared unit
Unit guided learning
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Unit Number: H/616/4466
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Interpret the given
information relating to the
work and resources when
carrying out specific tests
on plant or machinery to
determine operational
1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from
drawings, specifications, schedules, method statements,
risk assessments, workshop manuals, technical service
bulletins, parts manuals and manufacturers’
1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived
from risk assessments and method statements.
1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed to
report and rectify inappropriate information and
unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.
1.4 Describe different types of information, their source and
how they are interpreted in relation to:
– drawings, specifications, schedules, method
statements, risk assessments, workshop manuals,
technical service bulletins, parts manuals,
manufacturers’ information and current regulations
associated with the specific testing of plant or
2 Know how to comply with
relevant legislation and
official guidance when
carrying out specific tests
on plant or machinery to
determine operational
2.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential
accidents and health hazards, whilst working:
– in the workplace, below ground level, at height, in
confined spaces, with tools and equipment, with
materials and substances, with movement/storage
of materials and by manual handling and mechanical
2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for
tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation to
site, workplace, company and operative.
2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are and
who is responsible for making reports.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Maintain safe and healthy
working practices when
carrying out specific tests on
plant or machinery to
determine operational
3.1 Use health and safety control equipment and access
equipment (if applicable) safely to carry out the activity in
accordance with current legislation and organisational
requirements when carrying out specific tests on plant or
machinery to determine operational serviceability.
3.2 Comply with information relating to specific risks to health
when carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to
determine operational serviceability.
3.3 Explain why and when health and safety control equipment,
identified by the principles of protection, should be used,
relating to carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to
determine operational serviceability and the types, purpose
and limitations of each type, the work situation and general
work environment, in relation to:
– collective protective measures
– personal protective equipment (PPE)
– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
3.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety control
equipment should be used in accordance with the given
3.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to in
accordance with organisational authorisation and
personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,
injuries and other task-related hazards.
4 Select the required quantity
and quality of resources for
the methods of work to
carry out specific tests on
plant or machinery to
determine operational
4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation to
materials, components, fixings/fittings, tools,
equipment and consumables.
4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses, sustainability,
limitations and defects associated with the resources in
relation to:
– consumables
– fixings and fittings
– hand tools, portable power tools, specialist test
equipment and ancillary equipment.
4.3 Describe how the resources should be used correctly
and how problems associated with the resources are
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
4 Continued 4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been
developed and how they are used for the selection of
required resources.
4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the
resources and methods of work.
4.6 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, volume, area
and wastage associated with the method/procedure to
conduct specific tests on plant or machinery to
determine operational serviceability.
5 Minimise the risk of damage
to the work and
surrounding area when
carrying out specific tests on
plant or machinery to
determine operational
5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from damage
in accordance with safe working practices and
organisational procedures.
5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work space.
5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current legislation.
5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the
purpose of protection in relation to general workplace
activities, other occupations and adverse weather
5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried out
safely in accordance with environmental
responsibilities, organisational procedures,
manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and
official guidance.
6 Complete the work within
the allocated time when
carrying out specific tests on
plant or machinery to
determine operational
6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
allocated time.
6.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and
explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:
– types of progress charts, timetables and estimated
– organisational procedures for reporting
circumstances which will affect the work
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
7 Comply with the given
contract information to
carry out specific tests on
plant or machinery to
determine operational
serviceability to the
required specification.
7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when carrying out
specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
– measuring, testing and comparing.
7.2 Complete specific tests to given working instructions on four
of the following:
– electric systems
– cooling systems
– lubrication systems
– emission control
– hydraulic systems
– hydrostatic drive
– transmission systems
– pneumatic systems
– braking systems
– vibration management
– steering/suspension systems
– generator output control
– electronic management
– powered access equipment
– material handling equipment
– water pumps
– craneage
– lifting equipment
– load testing (cranes, hoists, MEWPs, MHE)
7.3 Complete fests to given working instructions for the
– statutory requirement
– compliance with policy and procedures
– operational efficiency (speeds, flow rates, consumption,
emissions, outputs).
7.4 Complete functional, operational and safety checks on plant
or machinery, to given working instructions.
7.5 Complete and maintain records when carrying out specific
tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
7.6 Safely use and handle materials, hand tools, portable power
tools, specialist test equipment and ancillary equipment.
7.7 Safely store the materials, tools and equipment used when
carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine
operational serviceability.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
7 Continued 7.8 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work practices, follow
procedures, report problems and establish the authority
needed to rectify them, to:
– isolate plant, machinery and components
– confirm calibration of test equipment
– test electric systems, cooling systems, lubrication
systems, hydraulic systems, hydrostatic drive,
transmission systems, pneumatic systems, braking
systems, vibration management, steering/suspension
systems, generator output control, electronic
management, powered access equipment, material
handling equipment, water pumps, craneage, lifting
equipment and load testing (cranes, hoists, MEWPs,
– conduct tests for statutory requirements, compliance
with policy and procedures and operational efficiency
(speeds, flow rates, consumption, emissions, output)
– collect measurements, readings, input and output data,
working cycle times and tolerances
– identify and assess the relevance of inconsistent data
– make allowances for situation, environment,
atmospheric conditions
– operate pressure gauge, flow gauge, multi-meter,
portable appliance testing equipment, computer aided
diagnostic software, test lamp, compression
measurement equipment and timing devices
– analyse information collected; make comparisons with
other plant and machinery, consider previous knowledge,
apply sensory abilities (visual, audible, touch and smell)
consult manufacturers’ information and results of other
– compare and confirm test outcome with given
– report findings
– use hand tools, portable power tools and equipment
– work at height
– use access equipment
– complete and maintain records.
7.9 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to
communicate effectively within a team when carrying
out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine
operational serviceability.
7.10 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment used
when carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery
to determine operational serviceability.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Carrying out specific tests on plant or machinery to determine operational
serviceability in the workplace
Additional information about this unit
This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with the
ConstructionSkills‘ Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must
use a combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy. Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
This unit must be assessed against the endorsements detailed within the
relevant NVQ Structure.
ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough
Examination Occupations (Construction)
Pathway 1 – Testing, Inspecting and thorough Examination of Plant,
Machinery, Equipment or Accessories
Four of the following endorsements required:
Electric systems
Cooling systems
Lubrication systems
Emission control
Hydraulic systems
Hydrostatic drive
Transmission systems
Pneumatic systems
Braking systems
Vibration management
Steering/suspension systems
Generator output control
Electronic management
Powered access equipment
Material handling equipment
Water pumps
Lifting equipment
Load testing (cranes, hoists, MEWPs, MHE)
Sector Subject
5.2 Building and Construction
Availability for
Shared unit
Unit guided
learning hours
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak detection in
the workplace
Unit Number: K/616/9054
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Interpret the given
information relating to the
work and resources when
detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems using
non-destructive leak
1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from drawings,
specifications, schedules, method statements, risk
assessments, manufacturers’ information and instrument
1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived from
risk assessments and method statements.
1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed to report
and rectify inappropriate information and unsuitable
resources and how they are implemented.
1.4 Describe different types of information, their source and how
they are interpreted in relation to:
– drawings, specifications, schedules, method statements,
risk assessments, manufacturers’ information, official
guidance and current regulations governing buildings and
official guidance associated with waterproofing systems.
2 Know how to comply with
relevant legislation and official
guidance when detecting
breaches in waterproofing
systems using non-destructive
leak detection.
2.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential accidents,
health hazards and the environment, whilst working:
– in the workplace, below ground level, in confined spaces,
at height, with tools and equipment, with materials and
substances, with movement and storage of materials by
manual handling and mechanical lifting
2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for tools,
equipment and personal belongings in relation to site,
workplace, company and vehicles.
2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are and who
is responsible for making reports.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Maintain safe and healthy
working practices when
detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems
using non-destructive leak
3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely and
comply with the methods of work to carry out the
activity in accordance with current legislation and
organisational requirements when detecting breaches
in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
3.2 Demonstrate compliance with given information and
relevant legislation when detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection in relation to the following:
– safe use of access equipment
– safe use, storage and handling of materials, tools
and equipment
– specific risks to health
3.3 Explain why and when health and safety control
equipment, identified by the principles of prevention
should be used, relating to detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection, and the types, purpose and limitations of
each type, the work situation and general work
environment, in relation to:
– collective protective measures
– local exhaust ventilation (LEV)
– personal protective equipment (PPE)
– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
3.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety control
equipment should be used in accordance with the given
working instructions.
3.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to in
accordance with organisational authorisation and
personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,
injuries and other task-related activities.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
4 Select the required quantity
and quality of resources for
the methods of work when
detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems using
non-destructive leak
4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation to
tools, equipment and consumables.
4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses, sustainability,
limitations and defects associated with the resources in
relation to:
– test instruments and ancillary equipment
– consumables (batteries, wax crayons, markers and
– recording and report writing equipment
– hand tools, test equipment and ancillary equipment
4.3 Describe how to confirm that the resources and materials
conform to the specification.
4.4 Describe how the resources should be used correctly and how
problems associated with the resources are reported.
4.5 Explain why the organisational procedures have been
developed and how they are used for the selection of
required resources.
4.6 Describe any potential hazards associated with the
resources and methods of work.
4.7 Describe how to calculate quantity, length and area
associated with the method and procedure to detect
breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection.
5 Minimise the risk of damage
to the work and surrounding
area when detecting
breaches in waterproofing
systems using nondestructive leak detection.
5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from damage
in accordance with safe working practices and
organisational procedures.
5.2 Maintain a clear and tidy work space.
5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current legislation.
5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the purpose
of protection in relation to general workplace activities, other
occupations and adverse weather conditions.
5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried out safely
in accordance with environmental responsibilities,
organisational procedures, manufacturers’ information,
statutory regulations and official guidance.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
6 Complete the work within
the allocated time when
detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems
using non-destructive leak
6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
estimated, allocated time.
6.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and
explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:
– types of productivity targets and time scales
– how times are estimated
– organisational procedures for reporting
circumstances which will affect the work
7 Comply with the given
contract information when
detecting breaches in
waterproofing systems
using non-destructive leak
7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when detecting
breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection:
– measuring, marking, assessing, recording,
interpreting and reporting
7.2 Use and maintain hand tools, testing instruments and
ancillary equipment.
7.3 Detect breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection to given working instructions
using at least one of the following test methods:
– electrical earth leakage – wet method
– electrical earth leakage – dry method
– electrical capacitance (moisture profiling)
7.4 Prepare and present verbal and written reports.
7.5 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work practices,
follow procedures, report problems and establish the
authority needed to rectify them, to:
– identify and follow quality requirements
– identify types of waterproofing systems and their
– complete visual inspections
– conduct the following tests, flood, vacuum,
electrical earth leakage – wet, electrical earth
leakage – dry, electrical capacitance (moisture
profiling) and any combination thereof
– liaise with on-site and test location personnel
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
– ensure own safety while working alone
– ensure minimal disruption is caused to building
– mitigate risk of damage to the buildings
– set up leak detection and testing equipment
– operate leak detection and testing equipment, take,
interpret and record readings
– apply the principles of electrical conductions
– recognise and determine when specialist skills and
knowledge are required and report accordingly
– work with, around and in close proximity to plant
and machinery integrated into waterproof systems
– direct and guide the operations and movement of
plant and machinery
– mark areas of entrapped water (moisture profiling)
– identify the characteristics and limitations of leak
detection methods
– provide verbal and written provisional reports
– write comprehensive test and inspection reports
– use hand tools, testing instruments and ancillary
– work at height
– use access equipment
7.6 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to
communicate effectively within a team when detecting
breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection
7.7 Describe how to maintain the hand tools, testing
instruments and ancillary equipment used when
detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using nondestructive leak detection.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Detecting breaches in waterproofing systems using non-destructive leak
detection in the workplace
Additional information about this unit
This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with the
CITB Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must
use a combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
This unit must be assessed against the endorsements detailed within the
relevant NVQ structure.
ProQual Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Testing, Inspecting and thorough
Examination Occupations (Construction)
Pathway 2 – Leak Detection in Waterproof Systems
One of the following endorsements are required:
Electrical earth leakage – wet method
Electical earth leakage – dry method
Electrical capacitance (moisture profiling)
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Sector Subject
5.2 Building and Construction
Availability for
Shared unit
Unit guided
learning hours
Assessment hours 10
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Dynamic Load and Integrity Testing of Piles in the workplace
Unit Number: M/616/9055
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
1 Interpret the given
information relating to the
work and resources when
dynamic load and integrity
testing piles.
1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from
drawings, specifications, schedules method statements,
risk assessments and manufacturers’ information
1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived
from risk assessments and method statements.
1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed to
report and rectify inappropriate information and
unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.
1.4 Describe different types of information, their source and
how they are interpreted in relation to:
– drawings, specifications, schedules, method
statements, risk assessments, manufacturers’
information, testing instructions and current
regulations governing buildings and official guidance
associated with testing of piles.
2 Know how to comply with
relevant legislation and
official guidance when
dynamic load and integrity
testing piles.
2.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential
accidents, health hazards and the environment, whilst
– in the workplace, below ground level, in confined
spaces, at height, with tools and equipment, with
materials and substances, with movement and
storage of materials by manual handling and
mechanical lifting
2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for
tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation to
site, workplace, company and operative.
2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are and
who is responsible for making reports.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Dynamic Load and Integrity Testing of Piles in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
3 Maintain safe and healthy
working practices when
dynamic load and integrity
testing piles.
3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely and
comply with the methods of work to carry out the
activity in accordance with current legislation and
organisational requirements when dynamic load and
integrity testing piles.
3.2 Demonstrate compliance with given information and
relevant legislation when dynamic load and integrity
testing piles in relation to the following:
– safe use of access equipment
– safe use, storage and handling of materials, tools
and equipment
– specific risks to health
3.3 Explain why and when health and safety control
equipment, identified by the principles of prevention
should be used, relating to dynamic load and integrity
testing of piles, and the types, purpose and limitations
of each type, the work situation and general work
environment, in relation to:
– collective protective measures
– personal protective equipment (PPE)
– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
3.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety control
equipment should be used in accordance with the given
working instructions.
3.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to in
accordance with organisational authorisation and
personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,
injuries and other task-related activities.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Dynamic Load and Integrity Testing of Piles in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
4 Select the required quantity
and quality of resources for
the methods of work to
dynamic load and integrity
test piles.
4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation to
materials, components, fixings, tools, equipment and
4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses, sustainability,
limitations and defects associated with the resources in
relation to:
– protection equipment
– data acquisition units and transducers
– hand tools, portable power tools and equipment
– consumables, wedge anchors, acoustic putty and
drill bits
4.3 Describe how to confirm that the resources and
materials conform to the specification.
4.4 Describe how the resources should be used correctly
and how problems associated with the resources are
4.5 Explain why the organisational procedures have been
developed and how they are used for the selection of
required resources.
4.6 Describe any potential hazards associated with the
resources and methods of work.
4.7 Describe how to calculate quantity, length and area
associated with the method and procedure to dynamic
load and integrity test piles
5 Minimise the risk of damage
to the work and
surrounding area when
dynamic load and integrity
testing piles.
5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from damage
in accordance with safe working practices and
organisational procedures.
5.2 Maintain a clear and tidy work space.
5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current legislation.
5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the purpose
of protection in relation to general workplace activities, other
occupations and adverse weather conditions.
5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried out safely
in accordance with environmental responsibilities,
organisational procedures, manufacturers’ information,
statutory regulations and official guidance.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Dynamic Load and Integrity Testing of Piles in the workplace
Learning outcomes
The learner will be able to:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
6 Complete the work within
the allocated time when
dynamic load and integrity
testing piles.
6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
estimated, allocated time.
6.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and
explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:
– types of productivity targets and time scales
– how times are estimated
– organisational procedures for reporting
circumstances which will affect the work
7 Comply with the given
contract information to
dynamic load and integrity
test piles to the required
7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when dynamic
load and integrity testing of piles:
– measuring, marking out, fitting, assembling and
7.2 Use and maintain hand tools, data acquisition units,
transducers and ancillary equipment.
7.3 Test and/or assess piles to given working instructions
relating to the following:
– identify test and/or assessment parameters (high
strain dynamic and/or low strain integrity)
– prepare piles
– set up data acquisition unit and transducer(s)
– record data for each pile
– check quality of the data recorded
– identify anomalies
– remove equipment
7.4 Report data to analyst.
7.5 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work practices,
follow procedures, report problems and establish the
authority needed to rectify them, to:
– liaise with on-site personnel
– identify test parameters for high strain (dynamic)
and low strain (integrity) testing
– confirm methods of work
– identify the characteristics between high and low
strain integrity testing
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
– prepare piles
– prepare and set up data acquisition units and
– use data acquisition units
– check quality of the data recorded
– recognise anomalies in data
– identify the criteria for conducting retests
– estimate load bearing capacity of piles from the test
– remove transducers from piles
– submit field records and data
– recognise and determine when specialist skills and
knowledge are required and report accordingly
– use hand tools, portable power tools and
– use access equipment
7.6 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to
communicate effectively within a team when dynamic
load and integrity testing piles
7.7 Describe how to maintain the hand and portable power
tools, data acquisition units, transducers and ancillary
equipment used when dynamic load and integrity
testing of piles.
ProQual, February 2018
Level 3 NVQ Testing, Inspecting & Thorough Examination Occupations (Construction)
Title: Dynamic Load and Integrity Testing of Piles in the workplace
Additional information about this unit
Assessment Guidance This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in
accordance with the CITB Consolidated Assessment Strategy
for Construction and the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry
experience and a sufficient depth of relevant occupational
expertise and knowledge, and must use a combination of
assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.
Sector Subject areas 5.2 Building and Construction
Availability for use Shared unit
Unit guided learning hours 200
Assessment hours 10
ProQual Awarding Body
ProQual House
Westbridge Court
Annie Med Lane
South Cave
HU15 2HG
Tel: 01430 423822

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)

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