ProQual Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety qualification is aimed at candidates working as a health and safety practitioner, in a position of responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of a team or organisation. The qualification is generic and appropriate for individuals working in a range of sectors.


The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for this qualifications has been approved by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland.


This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).




Qualification Profile


Qualification title                      ProQual Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health

and Safety

Ofqual qualification number     601/4766/0 Level Level 3

Total qualification time             310 hours Guided learning hours                           161

Pass or fail



Internally assessed and verified by centre staff External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers


Qualification start date             1/11/14 Qualification end date




Entry Requirements                                                                  

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.


Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment.


Qualification Structure


Candidates must complete all of the Mandatory Units, plus a minimum of TWO Optional Units.




Mandatory Units – complete all units

Unit Reference


Unit Title Unit


T/602/1912 Ensure responsibility for actions to reduce risks to health and safety 3
L/601/6408 Develop procedures to safely control work operations 3
F/601/9354 Monitor procedures to safely control work operations 3
F/601/6633 Promote a culture of health and safety in the workplace 3
H/601/6687 Conduct a health and safety risk assessment of the workplace 3

Optional Units – a minimum of TWO units

Unit Reference


Unit Title Unit


F/601/6664 Investigate and evaluate health and safety incidents and complaints

in the workplace

J/601/6701 Make sure actions in the workplace aim to protect the environment 3
M/601/6837 Review health and safety procedures in the workplace 3
Y/601/6847 Supervise the health, safety and welfare of a learner in the




Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.



Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally competent.


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:


·         Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment

·         Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement

·         Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

·         Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices

·         Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices




Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:


·         enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning outcomes and assessment criteria;

·         provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;

·         provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to authenticate evidence





This qualification is competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of

competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s

skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.


The qualification must be internally assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified assessor.


Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit. .


Evidence can include:             –     observation report by assessor

–          assignments/projects/reports

–          professional discussion

–          witness testimony

–          candidate product

–          worksheets

–          record of oral and written questioning

–          Recognition of Prior Learning


Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to do.


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning outcome has been achieved.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 8.



Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.




Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.


Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the policy.




Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.




Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:


·         A certificate listing all units achieved, and

·         A certificate giving the full qualification title –


ProQual Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety




Claiming certificates


Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.



Unit certificates


If a candidate does not achieve all of the units required for a qualification, the centre may claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units achieved.



Replacement certificates


If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.




Learning Outcome – The learner will:
Assessment Criterion – The learner can:




  • be able to identify the hazards and evaluate the risks in the
  • identify workplace instructions that are relevant to them and their job


  • identify working practices and hazards in the workplace that could be


  • evaluate the hazards and prioritise in risk


  • report hazards to the responsible




  • be able to reduce the risks to health and safety in the workplace.
  • perform work activities at own level of competence in accordance with identified health and safety:
    • workplace policies
    • instructions and procedures
    • suppliers and manufacturers’ information and
    • relevant legal


  • manage hazards in accordance with workplace instructions and legal


  • report any differences between workplace instructions and supplier/manufacturer instructions.




  • know how to reduce risks to health and safety in the workplace.
  • explain their responsibility in remaining alert to hazards and


  • describe own responsibilities and scope for action in controlling


  • explain the importance of adhering to health and safety policies and


Learning Outcome – The learner will:
Assessment Criterion – The learner can:


  • describe where and when to get additional health and safety


  • describe the importance of personal presentation and behaviour in maintaining health and safety in the




  • be able to develop procedures for maintaining a healthy and safe workplace
  • identify existing health and safety


  • agree realistic objectives for maintaining a healthy and safe workplace for


  • develop health and safety procedures which:
    1. are based on risk assessment and consultation
    2. meet legal requirements
    3. are appropriate to the type of work carried out and to the workplace
    4. identify individuals to whom people must report incidents and health and safety risks, and who they can go to for first


  • develop a health and safety training plan that meets the needs of:
    1. the workplace
    2. the people in the workplace
    3. legal requirements


  • disseminate the Health and Safety training plan to people in the workplace




  • be able to review the effectiveness of health and safety procedures in the
  • identify changes in the workplace and legal requirements to current health and safety procedures.


  • provide other people with opportunities to give feedback about current health and safety procedures.


  • review all relevant health and safety reports and data to identify any opportunities to improve workplace health and safety procedures.


  • identify and obtain feedback and advice from reliable sources of


  • record accurately:



  1. the details of any review carried out
  2. how the review meets legal responsibilities
  3. how the review meets the requirements of workplace instructions.



  • be able to communicate health and safety procedures to others in the
  • report the results of own review to the relevant people.


  • alert everyone in the workplace, promptly, to the revised health and safety


  • set effective measures for monitoring the revised health and safety




  • know the legal responsibilities for health and
  • identify responsibilities for health and safety as required by:
    1. current legislations
    2. legislation covering own job role
    3. the particular health and safety risks present in own job role and the precautions to be taken
    4. the specific organisational health and safety instructions for own job


  • explain the importance of:


  1. remaining alert to hazards in the
  2. dealing with and promptly reporting
  3. knowing the hazards that exist in the workplace.
  4. knowing the different types of working practices present in the


  • explain own awareness of others in the workplace to include:


  1. the roles and responsibilities of others in the workplace.
  2. commonly used working
  3. channels of communication and consultation in the


  • explain the need for health and safety information in the workplace to include:


  1. the instructions that may be required about health and safety in the
  2. where to find the health and safety information that may be available in the workplace.
  3. how to prepare and write specific instructions and
  4. measures to check the different types of health and safety




  • Be able to check that health and safety instructions are followed.
  • Keep up to date with health and safety regulations and workplace instructions, making sure that information is from reliable


  • Conduct monitoring of the workplace at agreed intervals and in accordance with workplace instructions.


  • Confirm that workers are health and safety competent as defined in their job role and that identified health and safety training needs have been met.


  • Communicate workplace instructions and receive feedback.




  • Be able to recommend changes to health and safety workplace instructions.
  • Respond to any breaches of health and safety instructions in a way which meets workplace and legal requirements


  • Make recommendations for any changes to health and safety workplace instructions to the responsible




  • Be able to make sure that hazards and risks are controlled safely and effectively.
  • Maintain accurate records of workplace


  • Check other people are aware of the hazards/risks and know the action(s) to be taken to minimise them.


  • Confirm that appropriate precautions to control risks have been agreed with the people responsible for health and


  • conduct a review to make sure all recommended action has been


  • Report any conflicts that still exist between workplace and legal




  • Know how to monitor procedures to safely control work operations
  • Explain employers’ and employees’ legal responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.


  • Explain the difference between ‘hazard’, ‘risk’ and



  • Describe the types of information available from reports and records covering the


  • Explain the importance of evaluating information from reports and records covering the




  • Be able to develop plans to promote a health and safety culture in the
  • Identify where any improvements and changes may be


  • Identify how information on health and safety instructions and regulations are currently communicated.


  • Identify current level of workforce understanding and support for health and safety instructions and


  • Develop a plan based on the findings, to include performance measures, review dates and resources.


  • plan opportunities for promoting the advantages and legal necessity of following health and safety procedures.




  • Implement the plan to promote a health and safety culture in the
  • Present the plan to the responsible people for the workplace to gain their


  • identify those in the workplace who will require information and advice about the plan to promote a health and safety culture in the workplace.


  • Ensure that relevant information and advice is provided at in a timely way and provide opportunities for encouraging ideas on good practice.


  • Measure the effectiveness of the plan against past and present




  • Be able to monitor and review plan to promote health and safety culture in the
  • research and be aware of the legal and moral responsibilities


  • instigate performance measures to monitor the effectiveness of the plan and review opportunities for further




  • Know reasons for promoting a health and safety culture in the workplace.
  • explain employers, employees and moral and legal responsibilities for health and


  • explain own legal responsibilities for health and safety in their job


  • explain how to interpret workplace health and safety


  • explain how to assess the level of understanding of workplace health and safety


  • identify the information needs of those affected by the plan, to include:
    1. sources of information on health and safety
    2. the importance of keeping people informed and discussing their involvement
    3. the communication and consultation requirements in the



  • explain the awareness of:


  1. workplace hazards that exist and the importance of remaining aware of them
  2. the importance of dealing with or promptly reporting risks
  • the particular health and safety risks present in own job role and roles of others
  1. limitations within own job




Learning Outcome – The learner will:
Assessment Criterion – The learner can:




  • Be able to prepare for a workplace risk
  • Evaluate the workplace to decide areas for risk assessment.


  • Select the method of hazard identification appropriate to the workplace being assessed and in line with legal


  • List the hazards in a way which meets legal, good practice and workplace


  • Recognise own limitations and seek expert advice and guidance on operational controls when appropriate.




  • Be able to identify hazards in the workplace
  • Make sure the hazard investigation fully identifies those areas in the workplace where hazards with a potential for serious harm to health and safety are most likely to occur with impact on:


  1. people in the workplace and
  2. other




  • Be able to conduct a risk assessment of the workplace.
  • Carry out risk assessment of the hazards identified using appropriate documentation.


  • Assess the level of risk and how risks can be controlled to minimise


  • Assess the level of risk, identifying those that could not be


  • prioritise hazards which could result in serious harm to people at work and other


  • Identify control measures and implement and record them, include actions with expected completion


Learning Outcome – The learner will:
Assessment Criterion – The learner can:


  • Identify changes to policies and practices resulting from the risk


  • Deliver findings of the risk assessment with actions identified.




  • Be able to review risk
  • Instigate a review that compares the latest risk assessment to current workplace and working practices and identify any significant differences between previous and new working


  • Plan action to be taken resulting from the findings and:


  1. identify new hazards arising from
  2. make changes to the risk assessment to include them.
  3. promptly inform everyone affected by the changes.




  • Know the employer’s responsibility for risk assessments as required by current legislation.
  • Explain own responsibilities for health and safety as defined by current legislation and:


  1. specific legislation covering own job
  2. particular health and safety risks which may affect own job role and precautions


  • Identify resources for the risk assessment to take place and:


  1. how and where to find expert advice and guidance.
  2. the work areas and people for whom the learner is carrying out the risk
  3. the work activities of the people in the workplace where the learner is carrying out the risk assessment.


Learning Outcome – The learner will:
Assessment Criterion – The learner can:


  • Describe the purpose, legal implications and importance of carrying out risk assessments and:
    1. the methods of identifying hazards including direct observation, examining records and conducting
    2. the workplace hazards most likely to cause
    3. the importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in the
    4. the importance of dealing with or promptly reporting


  • Apply effective communication




  • Be able to investigate and report workplace incidents and complaints in accordance with legal and workplace
  • Establish prior to the investigation:
    1. the required documentation and support materials.
    2. the way people involved will be briefed to ensure understanding of the purpose and the expected
    3. how people involved will have the opportunity to clarify any points about the investigation.


  • Carry out an investigation by gathering accurate and comprehensive information from the people involved in a supportive way and review for inconsistencies.


  • Prepare a report containing details of incidents and complaints and forward to those requesting it in the agreed format, timescale and accordance with legal regulations and workplace requirements.




  • Be able to make recommendations as a result of workplace investigations.
  • Recommend improvements to health and safety based on accurate and detailed analysis of reports, advice, and support material collected during the


  • Develop recommendations which comply with:


  1. current working
  2. relevant legislation and workplace health and safety


  • Propose recommendations for improving health and safety, which are workable and include measures for


  • Present recommendations to the appropriate people with realistic and achievable plans for implementing


  • Produce an action plan to include a review process for checking implementation of the recommendations.



  • Know the employers’ and

employees’ legal responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.

  • Explain the responsibilities of employers and employees for health and safety as defined by legislation, to include:


  1. own capabilities and scope in own job
  2. the work areas and job roles where the learner is carrying out the


  • Explain the workplace requirements for conducting and reporting investigations including:
    1. what hazards may exist in the
    2. the importance of dealing with and promptly reporting
    3. workplace budgets in relation to carrying out an
    4. roles of external regulatory and research organisations.


  • Explain how to write actions plans and:
    1. apply analytical
    2. requirements for maintaining confidentiality of


  • Be able to identify risks to the environment arising from the workplace.
  • Identify people in the workplace to whom environmental matters are


  • Confirm they are up to date on environmentally friendly working practices relevant to the workplace.


  • Identify any current working practices in own job role that could cause harm to the


  • Identify materials, products or equipment in any part of own job role which could cause harm to the environment.


  • Report any differences between legal regulations and workplace instructions and the actual use of materials and products hazardous to the environment.


  • promptly report to the people responsible for environmental matters the hazards that present high




  • Be able to minimise the risks to the environment arising from the
  • Research the relevant legal requirements and workplace environmental instructions for own job role


  • Define within own capability and the scope of job responsibilities how to:


  1. control the environmental hazards
  2. promptly report environmental risks that the learner is unable to deal with
  3. pass on suggestions for limiting risks to the environment to the responsible person


  • apply the correct instructions for:
    1. handling materials and products that can be harmful to the environment
    2. their proper


  • Know the legislation relating to environmental matters that affect own
  • Explain own responsibilities for the environment as defined by any specific legislation covering own job role and:


  1. responsibility for controlling hazards to the environment.
  2. particular risks to the environment that may be present in own workplace and job
  3. how to use resources and materials effectively and
  4. the importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards to the environment in the whole
  5. the responsibility for items (materials and equipment) that can be hazardous to the environment.
  6. the specific workplace environmental instructions covering own job
  7. specific working practices covering own job role


  • Explain the importance of dealing with, or promptly reporting risks to the environment and communicating who the responsible people


  • Describe the substances and processes categorised as hazardous to the


  • Explain workplace instructions for handling hazards to the environment that the learner is unable to deal with.


  • Be able to undertake a review of health and safety in the
  • Obtain authorisation for the review from the person responsible for the


  • Agree work schedule, purpose, scope, timescales and priorities for the review with the responsible person for the


  • Identify areas in the workplace to be reviewed and the methods to be


  • Identify suitable resources and documentation for the workplace under


  • Brief other people involved in the review to make sure they understand its purpose and the process undertaken.




  • Be able to carry out a review of workplace health and
  • Identify and use appropriate protective clothing and equipment that is suitable to the workplace under review.


  • Research working practices to make sure the review covers all areas including those that may need special checking.


  • Record differences between previous review findings and the current


  • List the health and safety hazards that could cause serious harm in the


  • Consult with the responsible person to list any non- compliances with health and safety in priority order and make recommendations to control


  • Produce an action plan for improving health and safety to include follow up for monitoring and implementation of recommendations and corrective action.


  • Evaluate and report findings:



  1. in accordance with established instructions
  2. in accordance with the action plan



  • Know how to review health and safety procedures in
  • Explain the employers and employees legal and moral responsibilities.


  • Explain own responsibilities for health and safety as defined by


  1. specific legislation covering own job role
  2. the structure of the organisation and
  3. people responsible for health and safety in the workplace under review and:
    1. how to select and use personal protective equipment.
    2. what particular health and safety risks may be present in peoples’ job
  • the work areas and job roles the learner is planning to review


  • Explain what notice period needs to be given before the review takes


  • Explain the importance of knowing the hazards and risks which may arise in the


  • Describe the resources needed to carry out a review and:
    1. select effective communication
    2. apply effective interviewing
    3. possess presentational and communication


  • Describe appropriate post review plans and the recording and reporting


  • Prepare for and receive a trainee in the
  • Define his/her responsibilities for a trainee entering the workplace.


  • Prepare for the trainee to enter the workplace by:


  1. delivering or organising a planned
  2. defining a clear job role or programme of work activities for the
  3. obtaining available information to assess the suitability of the workplace for the specific
  4. making sure work equipment and personal protective equipment are available and the trainee knows how to use
  5. ensuring the trainee understands their responsibilities and what is expected of them relative to their own health and safety and that of others in the workplace


  • Identify and report to the responsible person all control measures needed to ensure the health and safety of the trainee in the


  • Confirm that the trainee can demonstrate understanding of safe working practices prior to entering the workplace, and has been provided with health and safety information and training in line with:


  1. employers’ requirements
  2. health and safety legislation



  • Inform all others who will be involved with the trainee of their responsibilities for their health, safety and welfare.


  • Produce and implement a plan for the supervision of the trainee to include arrangements to cover absences and that they are




  • Supervise, monitor and review the health, safety and welfare of a learner in the
  • Explain to the trainee the responsibilities for supervising and monitoring health, safety and welfare in the


  • Check the trainee:
    1. understands their job role or programme of
    2. knows, understands, and follows instructions and safe working


  • Provide ongoing information, advice and support to the trainee in relation to safe working practices and organisational


  • Identify additional training needs relative to health, safety and welfare of the trainee and that they are recorded and


  • Assess the trainee’s understanding of, and compliance with, health and safety requirements are reviewed on a regular


  • Liaise with others to support the trainee’s


  • Contribute to reviews and ensure that the supervision plan is regularly updated and


  • Inform the person responsible of any concerns regarding the trainee’s performance relative to health and




  • Know how to introduce a trainee to the
  • explain what information is necessary and available to assess the suitability of the workplace for the trainee that the learner is supervising in the workplace and:


  1. specific learning barriers to the trainee, e.g. physical, communication, prohibited
  2. specific risk assessments and control methods relating to a
  3. health, safety and welfare training and support required by the trainee during induction
  4. employers’ instructions and procedures in relation to the health, safety and welfare of the


  1. own responsibilities relative to supervising the trainee.


  • Explain the need to check the trainee’s understanding of health and safety relative to their job role:


  1. reviewing with the trainee their understanding of health and safety relative to their job
  2. identifying effective communication methods available and when appropriate to be


  • Explain how to respond to incidents, development needs and achievements of the trainee relating to health and


  • Identify others involved in the trainee’s programme, their role and


  • Understand the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ as applied to health and


Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)

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