ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Traffic Management Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Traffic Management Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

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The Level 3 Diploma in Traffic Management is designed for traffic officers and control centre staff working in traffic management roles throughout the UK


The awarding organisation for the qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).



Qualification Profile


Qualification title                      ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Traffic Management

Ofqual qualification number     603/2801/0 Level Level 3

Total qualification time             420 hours Guided learning hours                           210

Pass or fail



Internally assessed and verified by centre staff External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers


Qualification start date             15/12/2017 Qualification end date



Entry Requirements                                                                  

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.


Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment.


Qualification Structure

To achieve the qualification candidates must complete ALL of the Mandatory units, plus the Mandatory/Optional units from one of the Pathways:

o   Pathway 1 Control Rooms

o   Pathway 2 On Road


Mandatory Units – complete ALL units for all Pathways
Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level GLH
J/601/7668 Contribute to enhancing safety and minimising risks in the workplace and on the network 3 30
A/601/2421 Maintain and develop your own knowledge, skills and competence 3 15
Y/601/5312 Equality and diversity 3 30



Pathway 1: Control Room
Mandatory Units – candidates must complete ALL units
Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level GLH
F/601/7670 Establish positive telephone relationships 3 25
D/601/8843 Use Information Technology to support effective traffic management 3 45
R/601/7673 Contribute to the handling of incidents on the road network 3 30
Optional Units – candidates must complete a minimum of TWO units
Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level GLH
J/601/7685 Establish and address requirements of callers on the road network 3 20
L/601/7686 Monitor the road network using CCTV systems and equipment 3 20
R/601/7687 Control tunnel systems and equipment on the road network 3 30
D/601/7692 Monitor and respond to meteorological information on the road network 3 20
H/601/8861 Manage urban traffic by controlling traffic signals 3 30
T/601/8864 Manage traffic on inter urban roads using traffic management technology 3 30
J/601/8867 Implement tunnel emergency procedures on the road network 3 40
R/601/8872 Develop working relationships with colleagues 3 15
T/601/8878 Liaise with the media regarding operational traffic management 3 20
J/601/8884 Support customer service improvements 2 25
M/500/8968 Preparing for the Coaching Role 3 15


Pathway 2: On Road
Mandatory Units – candidates must complete ALL units
Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level GLH
K/601/7677 Respond to and provide support at incidents on the road network 3 25
D/601/8857 Use Emergency Traffic Management in addressing incidents on the road network 3 45
T/601/7679 Prepare and drive official vehicles on the road network 3 30
Optional Units – candidates must complete a minimum of TWO units
Unit Reference Number Unit Title Unit Level GLH
R/601/8872 Develop working relationships with colleagues 3 15
J/601/8884 Support customer service improvements 2 25
H/601/8892 Remove vehicles and obstructions from the road network 3 30
T/601/8878 Liaise with the media regarding operational traffic management 3 20
F/601/8978 Respond to Traffic Management Incidents – Bronze Command 3 25
D/601/8888 Patrol tunnels on official vehicles on the road network 3 25
D/601/8891 Escort Vehicles to a place of safety on the road network 3 20
M/500/8968 Preparing for the Coaching Role 3 15


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.



Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally competent.


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:


·         Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment

·         Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement

·         Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

·         Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices

·         Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices


Assessors must be occupationally competent in the unit(s) they are assessing. This means that each assessor must, according to current sector practice, be competent in the functions covered by the unit(s) they are assessing.



Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:


·         enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning outcomes and assessment criteria;

·         provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;

·         provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to authenticate evidence



Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.


Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.


Evidence can include:             –      assignments/projects/reports

–         worksheets

–         portfolio of evidence

–         record of oral and/or written questioning

–         candidate test papers


Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to do.


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning outcome has been achieved.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 9.




Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.




Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.


Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the policy.


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.





Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:


·         A certificate listing the units achieved, and

·         A certificate giving the full qualification title –


ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Traffic Management




Claiming certificates


Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.



Replacement certificates


If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.


  • Know and understand legal and organisational requirements relating to health and
  • explain the legislation, policies and procedures that govern Health and Safety
  • explain how, and to whom, to escalate risks and hazards identified in the workplace and on the network
  • explain the meaning of hazard and risk and describe the difference
  • Know and understand the hazards and risks associated with traffic management
  • describe the risk posed by fire in vehicles in relation combustible and volatile components and materials
  • describe the main types of hazardous materials on the network including body fluids, fuels, contaminants and how to deal with them




  • Be able to respond to risks and hazards and risks on the network
  • identify hazards and assess risks on the network
  • identify available options for mitigating risks on the network
  • implement an appropriate response to address hazards and mitigate risks on the network in line with legislation and organisational procedures
  • gather and record relevant information in accordance with legislation and organisational procedures and escalate where necessary




  • Be able to respond to risks and hazards in the
  • identify hazards and assess risks in the workplace
  • identify available options for mitigating risks in the workplace
  • implement an appropriate response to address hazards and mitigate risks in the workplace in line with legislation and organisational policies, such as radio black spots
  • gather and record relevant information in accordance with legislation and organisational procedures and escalate where necessary



  • Know and understand how to promote road safety
  • describe the impact of various forms of traffic management on the behaviour or road users including;
    • official vehicles,
    • emergency traffic management
    • signs and signals
  • Understand the principles that underpin maintaining and developing own knowledge, skills and competence
  • explain why maintaining and developing knowledge, skills and competences is important for individuals professionally and personally
  • explain the importance of getting feedback on own knowledge, skills and competence
  • identify methods for reviewing own work and progress
  • summarise the impact of changes in own role and the organisation own learning and development needs


  • identify the different forms of support available for development needs
  • explain the importance of taking responsibility for own learning and development
  • Be able to maintain and develop own knowledge, skills and competence
  • gather feedback in order to assess own knowledge, skills and competence
  • identify and record development needs and specify priority areas for development


  • evaluate methods of learning to suit own learning styles and job requirements
  • evaluate outcomes and benefits of learning undertaken
  • apply new knowledge, skills and competence to improve own work rol
  • Understand the key features of a culture which promotes equality and values diversity
  • Explain the meaning and benefits of diversity and the promotion of equality
  • Explain forms of inequality and discrimination and their impact on individuals, communities and society
  • Identify and outline the relevant legislation, employment regulations and policies and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity




  • Understand the importance of the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity for effective work in the sector
  • Explain how the promotion of equality and diversity can protect people from risk of harm
  • Explain action taken to value individuals and its impact
  • Explain good practice in providing individuals with informatio
  • Understand and demonstrate behaviour appropriate to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity
  • Explain and demonstrate ways of communication and behaviour which support equality and diversity
  • Explain impact of own behaviour on individuals and their experience of the organisation’s culture and approach


  • Explain how own behaviour can impact on own

organisation’s culture

  • Explain how working with other agencies can promote diversity
  • Understand how to actively help others in the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity
  • Describe actions by individuals which can undermine equality and diversity and review strategies for dealing with these effectively


  • Explain strategies for dealing with systems and structures which do not promote equality and diversity
  • Understand how to review own contribution to promoting equality and valuing diversity
  • Identify own strengths and areas for development in promoting equality and valuing diversity, using reflection and feedback from individuals
  • Identify and use appropriate sources for support in promoting equality and valuing diversity, explaining why this is necessar
  • Know and Understand the

organisation’s operational procedures for addressing the needs of callers

  • describe the organisation’s accepted

wording when greeting customers

  • explain organisational procedures to inform the callers when calls are recorded
  • Be able to establish positive caller relations
  • communicate clearly and concisely at a pace appropriate to the caller
  • use questions to establish relevant information regarding callers level of understanding


  • acknowledge and clarify points made by the caller and respond using appropriate words, tone and inflexion
  • Be able to maintain control of calls 1        remain calm and manage the expectations

of the caller, balancing their requirements with those of the organisation


  • take relevant and correct actions to address the requirements of the caller
  • close calls effectively
  • Know and understand legal and organisational requirements relating to the IT systems used in road management
  • Identify and describe the legislation, policies, procedures and standards relating to technological systems involved in traffic management
  • Describe the contingency arrangements and the circumstances in which they are invoked


  • Explain the procedures for maintaining the security and confidentially of data
  • Be able to use the IT systems involved in road traffic management
  • Operate appropriate systems to assist in the management of traffic, in accordance with procedures
  • Input, extract and disseminate information in line with procedures
  • Monitor and maintain incident management systems taking appropriate actions where necessary


  • Analyse information and draw conclusions on effective traffic management, using the technological systems availabl
  • Know and understand legal and organisational requirements for handling incidents on the road network
  • identify the legislation, policies, procedures and standards that relate to the handling of incidents on the road
  • explain how stakeholders contribute to the handling of incidents


  • describe the information required and the factors to consider when determining the level of response to different types of inciden
  • Be able to obtain, disseminate and use information required to handle incidents on the road network
  • obtain the relevant information required to determine the type and level of support for incidents, using the most effective method of communication
  • deploy the most appropriate resource to incidents having considered all of the relevant factors to minimise risks


  • record incident communications and information from and to stakeholders. using appropriate language and codes in line with procedures
  • Know and understand organisational procedures for responding to callers on the road network
  • identify the legislation, policies and procedures applicable to responding to callers on the road network
  • describe the role of the organisation and its partners in responding to the needs of callers on the road network
  • Know and understand how to address the requirements of callers on the road network
  • describe the organisation’s services and those of partner service providers for responding to the needs of callers
  • explain the techniques for gathering and interpreting information from callers
  • describe the procedures for recording and passing on information relating to the needs of callers
  • describe the organisations procedures for dealing with callers with particular communication requirements and difficult callers




  • Be able to deal with the requirements of callers on the road network
  • gather all of the relevant information relating to the needs of callers on the road network
  • evaluate the options available to determine the most appropriate response
  • implement the agreed actions in response to the needs of the caller
  • provide appropriate safety advice to the caller


  • advise the relevant persons of actions required and taken
  • record appropriate details in line with organisational requirements
  • Know and understand the legislation, organizational policies and procedures for the use of CCTV to monitor the road network.
  • identify the legislation applicable to the use of CCTV to monitor the road network
  • explain the procedures for gaining authorisation to use CCTV
  • explain the procedures for dealing with requests for recording of images on CCTV
  • describe the circumstances of inappropriate use of CCTV cameras
  • Understand the operational uses and capabilities of the organisation’s CCTV
  • describe the capabilities of the

organization’s CCTV system including

pan, tilt and zoom


  • explain how the CCTV system logs any actions taken
  • describe the operation and maintenance requirements of the CCTV equipment
  • Be able to monitor and respond to incidents on the road
  • evaluate and prioritise incidents observed on the road network
  • summarise the options available for dealing with disruptions observed on the networ
  • notify appropriate agencies of need to respond to incidents on the road networ
  • summarise traffic management features available within CCTV systems


monitoring the organization’s road



  • apply procedures for accessing other stakeholder CCTV when dealing with an incident
  • Know the purpose and features of tunnel systems available for the safe operation of tunnels within their organizations
  • identify systems within the tunnel(s) of their area of operation
  • summarise the purpose and normal operational use of tunnel systems
  • describe control and use of tunnel systems and equipment
  • explain any inter-dependencies they may have and any hazards they present in normal operational use


  • identify the minimum level of availability of safety equipment for the safe operation of the tunnel network
  • explain the test procedure associated with the systems
  • explain the escalation process in the event of a single or multiple failure to the systems
  • Be able to operate tunnel systems and equipment
  • explain the impact of multiple failures within the same or combination of systems


  • report faults with the equipment and identify the appropriate priority associated with the loss of each system
  • apply the relevant settings and processes to the system(s) to cover the situations identified
  • monitor the function and effectiveness of the equipment used
  • return all systems to a steady state and summarise the actions taken
  • Understand the interpretation of weather information in the management of road
  • explain the different sources of information for meteorological information


  • explain the organisation’s operational procedures relating to monitoring and responding to meteorological information
  • explain the organisation’s arrangements for providing information to road users regarding adverse weather conditions
  • Be able to monitor road and weather conditions
  • monitor systems and modify actions in response to changing circumstances during a period of adverse weather


  • apply the procedures for escalation during weather related incidents, including communication to stakeholder
  • Be able to procure the necessary resources to deal with adverse weather conditions
  • implement appropriate traffic management controls in accordance with organisational procedures


  • establish the resources available in a variety of weather related conditions
  • Know and understand how to monitor the road network
  • Describe methods of monitoring the road network
  • Describe normal traffic levels for roads under their control at any given time of day
  • Explain how incidents and hazards impact the four road networks
  • Demonstrate how to monitor a road network to identify any causes that may disrupt the network




  • Be able to monitor efficiency of traffic signal systems
  • Confirm traffic signals operating status
  • Report traffic signals that are not working correctly in accordance with company procedures
  • Be able to respond to incidents and events occurring on the road network
  • Evaluate and prioritise incidents on a road network
  • Evaluate the options available for dealing with incidents on the road network


  • Initiate the correct procedure or signal plan to use when dealing with the identified incidents
  • Summarise other traffic management measures that can also be considered to deal with an event or incident on the road networ
  • Be able to accurately log any actions taken following the implementation of traffic procedures or signal plans
  • Maintain an accurate log of any changes implemented and the reasons for logging all actions


  • Identify risks that should be considered when implementing traffic signal plans


  • Know and understand the organization’s traffic management information systems in relation to planned and unplanned incidents.
  • Explain organizational procedures for confirming authorisation of planned and unplanned roadworks on the network


  • Explain organizational procedures for confirming stakeholder’s awareness and response to incidents on the network
  • Explain your organisations procedures for reporting and escalating faults
  • Be able to use automatic and manual traffic signal systems in the management of traffic flow
  • Monitor and evaluate the use of traffic signal technology to count and manage traffic flow
  • Use manual interventions in traffic signal systems to deal with traffic congestion
  • Be able to use traffic management technology to inform and assist road users in the event of incidents or events on the road
  • Set information signs for road users


  • Maintain up to date traffic information for stakeholders
  • Monitor and review signage with an incident or even
  • Be able to use CCTV systems to monitor traffic flow
  • Use CCTV to monitor the road network


  • Contribute to managing and escalating incidents observed or reported on the road network


  • Contribute to maintaining modified flow schemes for roadwork’s or events on the road network


  • Know and understand the requirements for dealing with incidents within and on the approach to a tunnel
  • Summarise the legislation governing the tunnels in the area including permanent and temporary restrictions
  • Summarise the risk associated with incidents that may occur within or on the immediate approach to a tunnel


  • Identify the response to the different types of incident
  • Explain the principles of minimum safe operating procedures
  • Describe the difference between responses to similar incidents on the open road and within the tunnel
  • Describe the use of resources available for dealing with emergencies
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of other organisations involved



  • Understand the risks and hazards associated with the use of systems and equipment within a tunnel or on the immediate approach road to the tunnel during emergencies
  • Explain each system and its use during various types of emergency
  • Identify the particular risks associated with each system and its use in an emergency
  • Summarise the escalation process including key organisations / people and the trigger points at which situations need to be escalated


  • Evaluate the information and the support requirements of different groups of road users
  • Be able to respond to incidents or events that may escalate to a significant incident unless properly managed
  • Monitor and evaluate the situation developing within and on the approaches to tunnels
  • Apply the escalation procedures which apply to incidents within a tunnel or approach road
  • Monitor and evaluate the risks associated with evacuation points in tunnel emergencies


  • Assess alternative actions in a variety of emergency situations
  • Identify and deploy resources needed for dealing with emergencies
  • Use signage and communications systems during operational events and incidents to support the needs of road user
  • Instigate Tunnel evacuation procedures
  • Be able to return to normal operations at the end of an emergency
  • Evaluate the options for return to normal operations


  • Conclude emergency situation in accordance with procedures
  • Implement processes to ensure all systems and resources are returned to their pre-emergency state, including any replenishment necessar
  • Record and communicate information about emergencies to relevant stakeholders
  • Know and understand the requirements for dealing with incidents within and on the approach to a tunnel
  • Summarise the legislation governing the tunnels in the area including permanent and temporary restrictions
  • Summarise the risk associated with incidents that may occur within or on the immediate approach to a tunnel
  • Identify the response to the different types of incident


  • Explain the principles of minimum safe operating procedures
  • Describe the difference between responses to similar incidents on the open road and within the tunnel
  • Describe the use of resources available for dealing with emergencies
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of other organisations involve
  • Understand the risks and hazards associated with the use of systems and equipment within a tunnel or on the immediate approach road to the tunnel during emergencies
  • Explain each system and its use during various types of emergency
  • Identify the particular risks associated with each system and its use in an emergency
  • Summarise the escalation process including key organisations / people and the trigger points at which situations need to be escalated
  • Evaluate the information and the support requirements of different groups of road users
  • Be able to respond to incidents or events that may escalate to a significant incident unless properly managed
  • Monitor and evaluate the situation developing within and on the approaches to tunnels
  • Apply the escalation procedures which apply to incidents within a tunnel or approach road
  • Monitor and evaluate the risks associated with evacuation points in tunnel emergencies
  • Assess alternative actions in a variety of emergency situations
  • Identify and deploy resources needed for dealing with emergencies
  • Use signage and communications systems during operational events and incidents to support the needs of road
  • Instigate Tunnel evacuation proceduct
  • Be able to return to normal operations at the end of an emergency
  • Evaluate the options for return to normal operations
  • Conclude emergency situation in accordance with procedures
  • Implement processes to ensure all systems and resources are returned to their pre-emergency state, including any replenishment necessary
  • Record and communicate information about emergencies to relevant stakeholders
  • Understand the benefits of working with colleagues.
  • Describe the benefits of productive working
  • Be able to establish working relationships with colleagues
  • Identify colleagues within own and other
  • Agree the roles and responsibilities for colleagues
  • Be able to act in a professional and respectful manner when working with colleagues.
  • Explain how to display behaviour that shows
  • Be able to communicate with colleagues. 1        Identify, information to others clearly

and concisely

4.2        Explain how to receive and clarify own understanding of informatio

  • Be able to identify potential work-related difficulties and explore
  • Identify potential work-related difficulties and conflicts of interest
  • Explain how to resolve identified potential difficultie
  • Understand organisational procedures relating to liaison with the media
  • Describe their organisational procedures for liaising with the media
  • Outline their organisation’s chain of command

for communication with the media

  • Summarise the types of network management issues and terminology to be used when communicating with the media
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of their organisation’s partners in communication with the medi
  • Explain the importance of ensuring that information communicated to the media is accurate and up-to-date
  • Know how to make best use of the media
  • Explain the importance of the media in providing information to road-users


  • Describe how different media types may be used effectively


  • Explain the importance of timing and scheduling which affect the suitability of different media types
  • Be able to liaise with the media regarding operational traffic management issues
  • Gather and verify information relating to road network management issues for communication with the media
  • Communicate accurate and up-to-date network management issues to the media in line with organisational procedures
  • Liaise with partners involved in addressing incidents to agree information to be provided to the media
  • Provide regular, accurate updates to the media and web on network management issues
  • Review media reports reporting any inaccurate or inappropriate reports in line with organisational procedures
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all communications with the media
  • Use feedback to identify potential customer service improvements
  • Gather informal feedback from their customers
  • Use their organisation’s procedures to collect

feedback from their customers

  • Use the information from their customers to develop a better understanding of their customer service experience
  • Identify ways the service they give could be improved based on information they have gathered
  • Share their ideas for improving customer service with colleagues
  • Implement changes in customer service
  • Identify a possible change that could be made to improve customer service
  • Present their idea for improving customer service to a colleague with the appropriate authority to approve the change
  • Carry out changes to customer service procedures based on their own idea or proposed by their organisation
  • Keep their customers informed of changes to customer service
  • Give customers a positive impression of changes that have been made
  • Work positively with others to support customer service changes
  • Assist with the evaluation of changes in customer service
  • Discuss with others how changes to customer service are working
  • Work with others to identify any negative effects of changes and how these can be avoided
  • Know and understand how to support customer service improvements
  • Show that they know and understand how customer experience is influenced by the way service is delivered
  • Show that they know and understand how customer feedback is obtained
  • Show that they know and understand how to work with others to identify and support change in the way service is delivered
  • Show that they know and understand why it is important to give a positive impression to their customer about the changes made by the organisation even if the learner disagrees with them
  • Understand own role and responsibilities in relation to coaching
  • Identify and describe the role and responsibilities of the coach, indicating the boundaries of the
  • Identify and explain the qualities and skills required in a coach
  • Identify and describe resources and/or materials required for coaching
  • Understand ways to identify individual coaching needs
  • Identify and describe individual learning needs that can be met through coaching
  • Identify and describe individual learning styles that need to be considered when coaching
  • Understand key techniques to establish and maintain an effective coaching relationship
  • Identify and explain styles of coaching to meet learner needs
  • Explain the importance of and demonstrate a code of conduct, ground rules and confidentiality in a coaching relationshi
  • Explain and demonstrate ways of assisting coachees to clarify their goals and explore options to facilitate their achievement
  • Explain and demonstrate how potential barriers to learning may be identified and overcome
  • Describe and demonstrate ways of building rapport with individuals in coaching sessions
  • Describe and demonstrate ways of creating an environment in which effective coaching can take place
  • Understand how to review progress
  • Describe how to review the coachee’s

progress, identifying action required

  • Explain and use good practice in providing feedback to learners on their progress
  • Identify opportunities in the organisation to use learning received through coaching
  • Understand how to evaluate the effectiveness of own practice
  • Use reflective practice and feedback from others to review own coaching role and identify areas for
  • Understand the legal and organisational requirements responding to and supporting incidents on the network
  • explain the legislation, policies and procedures in relation to responding to incidents on the road network
  • describe the importance of road incident scene investigations and the roles of those involved
  • explain the roles and responsibilities of the organisation’s partner stakeholders in dealing with incidents; and the procedures for liaising with them
  • describe what factors need to be considered in responding to an incident
  • explain the importance of maintaining accurate and up to date records and how to do
  • Be able to respond to an incident. 1       assess the nature of the response required

and take actions in line with procedures

  • identify changing road and traffic conditions associated with the incident and modify actions accordingly
  • drive the vehicle safely and effectively, demonstrating the use of suitable warning devices, in line with your organisations procedures
  • Be able to attend and manage an incident
  • position vehicle and use equipment effectively to ensure the Health and Safety of self and others
  • assess whether any injuries have been sustained and address these in line with organisational procedures
  • arrange the deployment of adequate resources to deal with the incident
  • ensure that decisions can be justified in line with organisational procedures
  • gather and record information clearly and accurately, sharing only relevant information, in line with data protection and your organisations procedures
  • Be able to provide support to road users on the network
  • assess the support needs of individual road users on the road network
  • identify and agree a way forward which supports the needs of road users on the road network
  • take action to support road users in line with organisational requirements
  • Know and Understand the legal and organisational requirements relating to implementing and removing
  • Explain the legislation, policies and procedures relating to implementing and removing ETM
  • Describe the different methods of ETM including lane closures, rearward relief/reverse flows, hard shoulder box and rolling road blocks
  • Describe your organisation’s partner stakeholders and service provider’s principal roles and responsibilities in dealing with ETM
  • Explain circumstances when the use of ETM may be necessary
  • Be able to implement ETM 1        Assess the need for and type of ETM

required to address incident needs

  • Implement appropriate ETM to meet the needs of the incident
  • Monitor effectiveness of ETM deployment
  • Modify ETM deployment to meet changing needs of the incident
  • Achieve safe removal of ETM
  • Be able to use the vehicle and equipment to implement and remove ETM.
  • Use the vehicle safely and legally to deploy and remove vehicle assisted ETM
  • Use equipment safely including cones, lights and sign
  • Know and Understand relevant legal and organisational requirements for preparing and driving vehicles on the road network
  • identify and explain the legislation, policies, procedures and codes of practice including the organisation’s standards relevant to preparing and driving vehicles
  • identify the parts of the vehicle which should be inspected and the limitations of these checks
  • identify the types of operational equipment required for patrol and the condition in which the vehicle should be left after use
  • explain the importance of taking into account the Health and Safety of self and others whilst driving and how to do this
  • explain the hazards, and the actions to take to mitigate the risks, associated with driving on different areas of the network, including;
    • Elevated sections
    • Tunnels
    • Bull-nose
    • Hard shoulder


  • describe the restrictions upon the types of traffic permitted to use the network in your area and alternative routes available, including;
    • Bridges
    • Weight restrictions
    • Tunnels


  • describe the potential impact of visual emergency warning devices on other road users and how these may be used effectively


  • describe factors which influence the driving style of an individual including:
    • Road class and surface
    • Time of day or night
    • Volume of traffic
  • Visibility and
  • describe the procedure for performing a one and two vehicle Rolling Road Block, including the roles of driver and observer in each
  • Be able to carry out a Pre-use Inspection of a vehicle according to procedures
  • perform a pre-use inspection of the vehicle, in line with legislative and organisational requirements
  • take action to rectify defects or damage to the vehicle and equipment in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements
  • ensure that any required operational equipment is available and in proper working order
  • complete documentation regarding inspections and associated
  • Be able to drive an official vehicle safely and within relevant jurisdictions
  • drive safely and legally taking into account relevant legislation, the Highway Code and organisational procedures
  • recognise and respond correctly to fatigue, stress and any further factors which might impair judgement, performance and decision making whilst driving
  • manoeuvre the vehicle safely and within their limits of authority to undertake traffic management including:
    • Entering/Exiting the Hard Shoulder
    • Reversing on the Hard Shoulder
    • Entering/Exiting Service Areas and Observation
    • Using the fend off technique
    • Safely using Slip-roads, Link Roads and Emergency Exit Points
    • Use visual warning devices effectively
  • Know and Understand the legal and organisational requirements relating to removal of vehicles and obstructions from the
  • Explain the legislation, policies and procedures relating to the removal of vehicles and obstructions
  • Describe the different methods of removal, and how to implement them
  • Describe your organisation’s partner stakeholders and service provider’s principal roles and responsibilities in dealing with the removal of vehicles and obstructions
  • Be able to identify and implement the safest method for removing vehicles and obstacles from the network.
  • Assess the risks involved with the vehicle or obstruction and determine the safest method for clearing the carriageway
  • Remove the vehicle or obstruction to a suitable location taking into account the Health and Safety of yourself and other road users
  • Use statutory powers to remove vehicles and loads from the road network
  • Be able to use the vehicle and equipment correctly to implement the removal of vehicles and obstructions.
  • Use their vehicle safely and legally when removing vehicles and obstructions
  • Use equipment safely including ropes, cones, lights and signs
  • Understand the legal and organisational requirements of taking the role of Bronze Command at incidents on the road network
  • Explain the legislation, policies and procedures in relation to health, safety and welfare when taking the role of Bronze command at incidents on the road network
  • Explain their role and responsibilities when acting as Bronze Command and the purpose of Bronze Command
  • Explain the types of facilities which may be required to meet the needs of individuals affected by the incident
  • Explain the correct procedures for handing over responsibilities to other agencies
  • Be able to manage an incident, on the road network, in the role of Bronze Command.
  • Work in co-operation and communicate effectively with colleagues and other responders
  • Confirm the availability and location of relevant services and facilities, communicating any constraints to relevant persons or find suitable alternatives


  • Identify any resources required and deploy them to meet the demands of the response


  • Monitor the health, safety and welfare of individuals within their area of responsibility
  • Brief and debrief any individuals within their area of authority
  • Make and apply decisions based upon dynamic risk assessments
  • Identify when the incident requires a Silver response
  • Know and understand the requirements for patrolling tunnel(s) and responding to incidents
  • Explain the fixed traffic management systems available within tunnels(s)
  • Explain the purpose and objectives of patrolling tunnels
  • Identify any specific restrictions, evacuation routes and points and any environmental requirements associated with the tunnel(s)
  • Evaluate the difficulties caused by operating within a tunnel and describe the actions which minimise them
  • Compare the differences in own driving behaviour when operating on the approaches to or in a tunnel compared to driving on the open road
  • Describe the key hazards and risks associated with vehicle and non-vehicle related incidents in a tunnel
  • Describe the on-road response procedures for dealing with incidents in, or on the approaches to tunnels, including fires, hazardous materials and spillages
  • Be able to carry out patrol operations in official vehicles
  • Manoeuvre the vehicle in a manner designed to achieve effective and safe traffic flow amongst other road-users
  • Apply traffic management measures to suit the needs of planned and unplanned incident
  • Carry out evacuations from tunnels in accordance with organisational procedures
  • Know and Understand the relevant legislation, policies and procedures for escorting vehicles.
  • Explain the legislation, policies and procedures for escorting vehicles
  • Explain the importance of continually assessing the safety of self and others at all times during the escort
  • Be able to plan the route and confirm their own role in the escort.
  • Plan their own role and route; taking into account road and weather conditions, traffic flow and behaviour and all other relevant considerations


  • Specify the types of equipment required for escorting a vehicle


  • Be able to escort vehicles safely 1        Drive the vehicle safely, taking appropriate

action at junctions, traffic lights and roundabouts

  • Deal with hazards and risks during the escort and take appropriate action
  • Complete the relevant documentation relating to escorts

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