ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence of

individuals who specialise in steel erecting in the construction and engineering industries.

The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the

regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). This

qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Qualification Profile

Qualification title ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Ofqual qualification number 603/2366/8

Level Level 3

Total qualification time 420

Guided learning hours 205


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 11/9/2017

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete all of the Mandatory units; candidates may also complete any of

the Additional Units.

Mandatory Units




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

K/602/6329 Contribute to effective working relationships in steel erection 2 15

K/602/6332 Work safely and minimise risk in steel erection 2 20

M/602/6333 Identify and deal with hazards and emergencies in steel erection 3 30

M/616/4308 Prepare structural leads for moving and installing 3 80

T/616/4309 Move structural steel sections 3 40

A/602/6335 Install structural steelwork components 2 20

J/602/6337 Work safely at height on steel structures 2 40

L/602/6338 Assemble bolted joints in structural steelwork 2 20

Additional Units




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

K/616/4310 Determine technical requirements for steel erecting 3 20

M/616/4311 Determine resource requirements for steel erecting 3 20


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors

and internal verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to

hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting


Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment is

the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards

set in the qualification.

Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of

all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – assignments/projects/reports

– worksheets

– portfolio of evidence

– record of oral and/or written questioning

– candidate test papers

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 8.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing the unit achieved with its related credit value, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the required number of credits for a qualification. All

certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Unit K/602/6329

Contribute to effective working relationships in steel erection

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Establish and maintain productive

working relationships.

1.1 Develop working relationships with different people in the

work environment such as: those for whom they are

responsible, those to whom they are responsible, clients,

colleagues, other tradespersons, suppliers, security/safety


2 Deal with disagreements in an

amicable and constructive way so

that effective relationships are


2.1 Accept the opinions of others in relation to work


2.2 Review different points of view on work related matters

in a positive and constructive way in order to maintain

working relationships and productivity.

2.3 Apply mediation (in accordance with the individual’s

responsibilities) in the event of disagreements between

third parties in order to maintain productive working


3 Keep others informed about work

plans or activities which affect


3.1 Use appropriate types of communication

(formal/informal, written, verbal) to clearly relay

important information to others.

4 Seek assistance from others in a

polite and courteous way without

causing undue disruption to

normal working activities.

4.1 Approach workplace colleagues / associates in an

appropriate manner and at an appropriate time, in order

to seek assistance on work related issues.

5 Respond in a timely and positive

way when others ask for help or


5.1 Prioritise requests for help and information in relation to

wider work activities.

5.2 Clarify requests for help and information to identify

exactly what is required.

5.3 Ensure appropriate responses are provided within agreed


6 Understand the importance of

creating and maintaining working


6.1 Describe the individual’s responsibilities for creating and

maintaining working relationships and explain why it is

important to do so.

7 Understand problems affecting


7.1 Describe different problems that can affect relationships,

and the actions that can be taken to deal with specific


8 Understand lines of

communication and


8.1 Explain the individual’s responsibilities and the

responsibilities of others within the work location.

8.2 Describe the lines of communication that exist within the

individual’s working environment and explain the agreed

procedure for passing information.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit K/602/6332

Work safely and minimise risk in steel erection

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand health and safety

legislation, regulations and safe

working practices and procedures.

1.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


1.2 Explain the consequences for employers and

employees of not fulfilling their legal health and safety


1.3 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments,

method statements, and permit to work systems, and

the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

1.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

2 Understanding personal site safety


2.1 Describe how to recognise health safety training

needs, the procedure for requesting training and who

to ask for help in understanding the work instructions.

2.2 Describe how to get information relating to the safe

use of equipment and how to ensure the equipment is

used safely.

2.3 Describe how to recognise when personal protective

equipment should be used and how to select and use

the correct equipment for the work to be undertaken.

2.4 Describe different types of vibration injuries and

explain how they can be prevented.

2.5 Explain the importance of personal behaviour in

maintaining workplace standards.

2.6 Describe the checks which are needed to make sure

that portable electrical appliances are safe to use.

2.7 Describe what a safe system for electrical isolation

should include and why low voltage is generally safer

in relation to health and safety.

2.8 Describe the risks from over head cables and how to

control them.

2.9 Describe what must be done when carrying hazardous

substances in vehicles.

2.10 Describe where asbestos is likely to be found, what

should be done if it is thought to have been found and

how it is a risk to health.

3 Understand others site safety


3.1 Explain who is responsible for ensuring that

equipment is checked and safe to use.

3.2 Describe who is responsible and who must assess the

health and safety of people working on a client’s site.

3.3 Describe the legal rights and responsibilities of the

appointed safety representatives and the powers of

the regulatory inspectors.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4 Know first aid procedures. 4.1 Describe the first aid procedures that typically apply in

the workplace.

4.2 Describe the aspects of first aid in the workplace that

all personnel are expected to know.

5 Understand evacuation procedures. 5.1 Describe how to work safely in an excavation.

5.2 Explain procedures for shutdown and evacuation and

state where procedures can be obtained.

6 Understand contingency reporting

documentation and systems.

6.1 Describe the contingency reporting documentation

and systems that are relevant to workplace activities.

7 Understand appropriate reporting

lines and procedures.

7.1 Explain how to comply with the various reporting lines

and procedures that apply in the working



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit M/602/6333

Identify and deal with hazards and emergencies in steel erection

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Recognise industrial processes, tools,

equipment and materials that have

the potential to cause harm.

1.1 Identify different hazardous processes, tools,

equipment and materials which exist in the work


1.2 Identify hazardous industrial processes associated with

particular working environments.

2 Check for and identify potential

hazards in the workplace in line with

agreed and approved procedures.

2.1 Safely check for potential hazards in accordance with

agreed and approved procedures.

2.2 Identify potential hazards in the workplace and report

in accordance with approved procedures.

2.3 Minimise potential hazards using the criteria and

procedures specified in the risk control strategy.

3 Take appropriate action to minimise

the risk from hazards and


3.1 Take appropriate action upon identification of a hazard

or emergency.

3.2 Call for expert help using warning systems as


3.3 Follow shut down and evacuation procedures

promptly and correctly.

3.4 Deal safely with hazards and emergencies in

accordance with organisational policy and procedures.

3.5 Report in accordance with the overall risk control


4 Understand health and safety

legislation, regulations and safe

working practices and procedures.

4.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


4.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments,

method statements, and permit to work systems, and

the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

4.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

5 Understand hazard spotting and

safety assessment methods and


5.1 State where information on hazard spotting and safety

assessment methods and techniques can be found.

5.2 Describe the hazard spotting and safety assessment

methods and techniques, which apply in the work


6 Understand types of hazards involving

processes, tools, equipment and


6.1 Describe common types of hazard associated with

processes, tools, equipment and materials.

6.2 State what the individuals’ responsibilities are in terms

of dealing with and notifying others of hazards.

7 Understand effects of hazards on

persons, property and the


7.1 Describe the effects of hazards on persons, property

and the environment.

8 Understand actions to minimise risk

from hazards.

8.1 Describe the types of actions required to deal with and

minimise the risks from different hazards.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit T/616/4309

Move structural steel sections

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work safely at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk from


1.3 Refer safety related matters to appropriate

persons as required.

1.4 Work in accordance with relevant sections of the

Health and Safety at Work Act and its associated


1.5 Work in accordance with the requirements of risk

assessments, permit to work systems.

2 Prepare work area, materials and

equipment to carry out the movement

structural steel sections.

2.1 Ensure that the work environment, equipment,

construction elements and materials are suitable

for the work activities to be undertaken.

2.2 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are

connected correctly and ready for use.

2.3 Ensure the work area and materials are prepared

to the required standards for the engineering

activity to be completed.

2.4 Select, obtain and prepare the appropriate tools

and equipment and check they are in a safe and

usable condition.

2.5 Agree and confirm load movement procedures

and method of signalling and communication

with relevant personnel.

2.6 Report completion of preparations in line with

organisational procedures.

2.7 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

3 Carry out the movement of structural steel


3.1 Select the appropriate slinging technique suitable

for the characteristics of the loads, the intended

lift and approved procedures and practices.

3.2 Identify and clarify difficulties in carrying out the

slinging and movement of loads with the

appropriate person.

3.3 Attach lifting equipment in accordance with the

chosen slinging technique.

3.4 Confirm the slung load support and balance is

satisfactory and the load is secure prior to


3.5 Use agreed communication system to accurately

direct movement of load destination.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Monitor the stability of the load throughout


3.7 Ensure the load is positioned, set down, secured

before the lifting equipment is relaxed and


3.8 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

4 Carry out the necessary actions after the

movement of structural steel sections.

4.1 Reinstate the work area to a safe condition and

correctly dispose of waste materials.

4.2 Store re-usable materials and equipment in

accordance with appropriate procedures.

4.3 Complete all necessary documentation.

5 Understand health and safety legislation,

regulations and safe working practices and


5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk

assessments, method statements, and permit to

work systems, and the relevance of local

procedures and guidance notes.

5.3 Hazards and conditions that affect the lifting


5.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

6 Understand the work area, material and

equipment preparation and restoration

requirements for the movement of

structural steel sections.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment

preparation and restoration requirements and


6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing

or restoring the work areas, material and


6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction

elements used and explain the care and control


6.4 Describe types of lifting equipment in relation to

structural steel sections.

6.5 Describe lifting gear capabilities.

6.6 Describe types of defects and faults and discard

criteria for lifting equipment.

6.7 Describe coding and identification systems for

lifting equipment.

6.8 Explain material handling techniques and

preparation methods.

7 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for the

movement of structural steel sections.

7.1 Describe how to interpret the instructions for the

movement of structural steel sections.

7.2 Describe relevant personnel involved with the

activity and methods used for signalling and



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.3 Describe methods for slinging in relation to safe

working loads and angles of lift.

7.4 Describe procedures and practices for slinging

and signalling for the movement of structural

steel sections.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit M/616/4308

Prepare structural loads for moving and installing

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work safely at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk from


1.3 Refer safety related matters to appropriate

persons as required.

1.4 Work in accordance with relevant sections of the

Health and Safety at Work Act and its associated


1.5 Work in accordance with the requirements of risk

assessments, permit to work systems.

2 Prepare work area, materials and

equipment to move and install structural


2.1 Ensure that the work environment, equipment,

construction elements and materials are suitable

for the work activities to be undertaken.

2.2 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are

connected correctly and ready for use.

2.3 Ensure that consumables are as specified and fit

for purpose.

2.4 Obtain and prepare the appropriate tools and

equipment, and check they are in a safe and

usable condition.

2.5 Ensure completion of preparations in line with

organisational procedures.

2.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

3 Prepare structural loads for moving. 3.1 Establish the weight of the structural load to be


3.2 Determine the method for moving the structural

load and the equipment required.

3.3 Check the equipment to be used is capable of

moving the structural load safely.

3.4 Determine an appropriate route for moving the

structural load, minimising the risk to people and


3.5 Secure and protect the structural load and

equipment before moving operations start.

3.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

4 Carry out the necessary actions after

completion of the move of structural load.

4.1 Reinstate the work area to a safe condition and

correctly dispose of waste materials.

4.2 Store re-usable materials and equipment in

accordance with appropriate procedures.

4.3 Complete all necessary documentation.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Understand health and safety legislation,

regulations and safe working practices and


5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk

assessments, method statements, and permit to

work systems, and the relevance of local

procedures and guidance notes.

5.3 Describe the hazards and risks that can arise in

structural load moving and installing activities

5.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

6 Understand the work area, material and

equipment preparation and restoration

requirements for moving and installing

structural loads.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment

preparation and restoration requirements and


6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing

or restoring the work areas, material and


6.3 Describe the types of equipment used for moving

and installing structural loads and explain the care

and control procedures.

7 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for moving and

installing structural loads.

7.1 Explain lifting, moving and handling equipment

methods and techniques.

7.2 Explain methods and techniques used to

determine the weight of structural loads.

7.3 Explain slinging and lifting methods and


7.4 Describe route planning methods and techniques.

7.5 Explain reporting documentation and control



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit A/602/6335

Install structural steelwork components

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work Safely at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk

from hazards.

1.3 Refer safety related matters to appropriate

persons as required.

1.4 Work in accordance with relevant sections of the

Health and Safety at Work Act and its associated


1.5 Work in accordance with the requirements of

risk assessments, permit to work systems.

2 Prepare work area, materials and

equipment to erect structural steelwork


2.1 Ensure that the work environment, equipment,

construction elements and materials are suitable

for the work activities to be undertaken.

2.2 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are

connected correctly and ready for use.

2.3 Ensure the work area is prepared to the required

standards for the engineering activity to be


2.4 Obtain and prepare the appropriate tools,

equipment and constructional element and

check they are in a safe and usable condition.

2.5 Report completion of preparations in line with

organisational procedures.

2.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

3 Erect structural steelwork components. 3.1 Determine what has to be done and how this will

be achieved.

3.2 Secure the construction elements in line with the


3.3 Securely fix any necessary temporary support


3.4 Take appropriate measures to protect the

finished construction.

3.5 Check that the installation is complete and that

all components are free from damage.

3.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

4 Carry out the necessary actions after

completion of the erection of structural

steelwork components.

4.1 Reinstate the work area to a safe condition and

correctly dispose of waste materials.

4.2 Store re-usable materials and equipment in

accordance with appropriate procedures.

4.3 Complete all necessary documentation.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Understand Health and safety legislation,

regulations and safe working practices and


5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk

assessments, method statements, and permit to

work systems, and the relevance of local

procedures and guidance notes.

5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

6 Understand the work area, material and

equipment preparation and restoration

requirements for the erection of structural

steelwork components.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment

preparation and restoration requirements and


6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly

preparing or restoring the work areas, material

and equipment.

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction

elements used and explain the care and control


6.4 Explain material handling techniques and

preparation methods.

7 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for the erection of

structural steelwork components.

7.1 Describe construction component installation

methods and techniques.

7.2 Explain methods of providing temporary support

during installation.

7.3 Explain the tools and methods used for checking.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit J/602/6337

Work safely at height on steel structures

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work Safely at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk from


1.3 Refer safety related matters to appropriate

persons as required.

1.4 Work in accordance with relevant sections of the

Health and Safety at Work Act and its associated


1.5 Work in accordance with the requirements of risk

assessments, permit to work systems.

2 Prepare work area, materials and

equipment to work safely at height on steel


2.1 Ensure that the work environment, equipment,

and materials are suitable for the work activities

to be undertaken.

2.2 Ensure that where appropriate identify and

implement site exclusion zones.

2.3 Ensure that work access is suitable and allows the

work to be carried out safely.

2.4 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are

connected correctly and ready for use.

2.5 Ensure the work area and materials are prepared

to the required standards for the engineering

activity to be completed.

2.6 Obtain and prepare the appropriate tools and

equipment and check they are in a safe and

usable condition.

2.7 Report completion of preparations in line with

organisational procedures.

2.8 Ensure the communication channels are selected

and established which are suitable for the work

to be undertaken.

2.9 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

3 Work safely at height on steel structures. 3.1 Ensure that access is gained in accordance with

laid down procedures.

3.2 Monitor the site to ensure the access method

continues to allow you to work safely.

3.3 Implement appropriate safety systems and

procedures to minimise the risk of injury to

personnel or assets should the lifting or support



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Ensure lifting and working at height is only

carried out when environmental and weather

conditions are suitable.

3.5 Take appropriate action where deployment of

access equipment cannot be executed safely.

3.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

4 Carry out the necessary actions after

completing working safely at height on

steel structures.

4.1 Reinstate the work area to a safe condition and

correctly dispose of waste materials.

4.2 Store re-usable materials and equipment in

accordance with appropriate procedures.

4.3 Complete all necessary documentation.

5 Understand Health and safety legislation,

regulations and safe working practices and


5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk

assessments, method statements, and permit to

work systems, and the relevance of local

procedures and guidance notes.

5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

6 Understand the work area, material and

equipment preparation and restoration

requirements for working safely at height

on steel structures.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment

preparation and restoration requirements and


6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing

or restoring the work areas, material and


6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction

element, materials and consumables used and

explain the care and control procedures.

6.4 Explain material handling techniques and

preparation methods.

7 Understand the tools, equipment,

terminology, techniques and practices for

working safely at height on steel


7.1 Describe access and egress requirements for

working at height.

7.2 Describe how to select and use types of fall arrest



September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit L/602/6338

Assemble bolted joints in structural steelwork

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work Safely at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk

from hazards.

1.3 Refer safety related matters to appropriate

persons as required.

1.4 Work in accordance with relevant sections of the

Health and Safety at Work Act and its associated


1.5 Work in accordance with the requirements of

risk assessments, permit to work systems.

2 Prepare work area, materials and

equipment to assemble bolted joints in

structural steelwork.

2.1 Ensure that the work environment, equipment

and materials are suitable for the work activities

to be undertaken.

2.2 Ensure that all necessary service supplies are

connected correctly and ready for use.

2.3 Ensure the work area and materials are prepared

to the required standards for the engineering

activity to be completed.

2.4 Obtain and prepare the appropriate tools and

equipment and check they are in a safe and

usable condition.

2.5 Report completion of preparations in line with

organisational procedures.

2.6 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

3 Assemble bolted joints in structural


3.1 Follow the relevant instructions, assembly

drawings and specifications.

3.2 Assemble the components in the correct

positions in line with appropriate methods and


3.3 Secure the components using the specified

connectors and securing devices.

3.4 Check the completed assembly to ensure all

operations are completed and the finished

assembly meets the specification.

3.5 Deal promptly and effectively with problems and

report those that cannot be solved.

4 Carry out the necessary actions after

completing assembling bolted joints in

structural steelwork.

4.1 Reinstate the work area to a safe condition and

correctly dispose of waste materials.

4.2 Store re-usable materials and equipment in

accordance with appropriate procedures.

4.3 Complete all necessary documentation.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Understand Health and safety legislation,

regulations and safe working practices and


5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk

assessments, method statements, and permit to

work systems, and the relevance of local

procedures and guidance notes.

5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

5.4 Describe the hazards and risks associated with

the use of powered access equipment

6 Understand the work area, material and

equipment preparation and restoration

requirements for assembling bolted joints

in structural steelwork.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment

preparation and restoration requirements and


6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly

preparing or restoring the work areas, material

and equipment.

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, materials and

consumables used and explain the care and

control procedures.

6.4 Describe the conditions for positioning, setting

up and using selected power access equipment.

6.5 Explain equipment handling techniques and


7 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for assembling

bolted joints in structural steelwork.

7.1 Explain the principles, uses and conventions of

engineering drawings, and related specifications.

7.2 Describe assembly methods and techniques.

7.3 Describe how to identify defects in products and


7.4 Describe compliance checking methods and


7.5 Describe quality control procedures and

recognition of assembly defects.


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit K/616/4310

Determine technical requirements for steel erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work safely and minimise risk at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk

from hazards

1.3 Refer relevant safety related matters to the

appropriate person

1.4 Comply with health and safety and other

relevant legislation, regulations, and guidelines

1.5 Comply with the requirements of risk

assessments and permit to work systems

2 Determine technical requirements to achieve

steel erecting objectives

2.1 Identify and confirm the objectives to be


2.2 Assess the work circumstances and their

technical implications

2.3 Select and specify for implementation the most

appropriate technical requirements to meet the


2.4 Identify and report those requirements that

cannot be achieved

2.5 Deal promptly and effectively with problems

and report those that cannot be solved

3 Understand legislative, regulatory and local

requirements, safe working practices and


3.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


3.2 Explain the purpose and use of risk assessment,

method statements and permit to work systems

3.3 Explain the relevant of local procedures and


3.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures in their

working environment

4 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for determining

technical requirements to achieve steel

erecting objectives

4.1 Describe the information and documentation

systems in their working environment, including

engineering drawings and related specifications

4.2 Explain how to solve problems and snagging


September 2017

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Steel Erecting

Unit M/616/4311

Determine resource requirements for steel erecting

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Work safely and minimise risk at all times. 1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

1.2 Take appropriate action to minimise the risk

from hazards

1.3 Refer relevant safety related matters to the

appropriate person

1.4 Comply with health and safety and other

relevant legislation, regulations, and guidelines

1.5 Comply with the requirements of risk

assessments and permit to work systems

2 Determine resource requirements to achieve

steel erecting objectives

2.1 Assess and record resource requirements to

meet the objectives

2.2 Specify supply schedules to meet work


2.3 Select and specify for implementation the most

appropriate technical requirements to meet the


2.4 Advise appropriate personnel within their

organisation of work requirements

2.5 Deal promptly and effectively with problems

and report those that cannot be solved

3 Understand legislative, regulatory and local

requirements, safe working practices and


3.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety


3.2 Explain the purpose and use of risk assessment,

method statements and permit to work systems

3.3 Explain the relevant of local procedures and


3.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures in their

working environment

4 Understand the tools, terminology,

techniques and practices for determining

technical requirements to achieve steel

erecting objectives

4.1 Describe the information and documentation

systems in their working environment, including

engineering drawings and related specifications

4.2 Explain how to solve problems and snagging


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