ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration qualification provides a nationally

recognised qualification for anyone working in an administrative role with some knowledge

and experience of administration systems.

The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body

is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The specification for

this qualification has been approved by the Welsh Government for use by centres in Wales

and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) for use by

centres in Northern Ireland.

The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF)

and provides a progression route to higher level or discipline related qualifications.

Qualification Profile

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration

Qualification title ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration

Ofqual qualification number 601/3580/3

Level 3

Total qualification time 580 hours

Guided learning hours 282


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/9/2014

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Qualification Structure

Candidates must achieve 58 credits:

  • 27 credits from the Mandatory units in Group A, plus
  • a minimum of 13 credits from Optional Group B
  • a maximum of 10 credits may be from Optional Group C, and
  • a maximum of 8 credits may be from Optional Group D

Group A Mandatory Units – complete all units

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




D/506/1942 Principles of business 3 10

R/506/1940 Principles of business communication and information 3 4

Y/506/1910 Communicate in a business environment 3 4

Y/506/1941 Principles of administration 3 6

T/506/2952 Manage personal and professional development 3 3

Group B Optional Units – a minimum of 13 credits

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




A/506/1916 Contribute to the development and implementation of an

information system 3 6

D/506/1911 Contribute to the improvement of business performance 3 6

F/506/1920 Administer parking and traffic challenges, representations and

civil parking appeals 3 5

H/506/1912 Negotiate in a business environment 3 4

J/506/1918 Evaluate the provision of business travel or accommodation 3 5

K/506/1913 Develop a presentation 3 3

K/506/1944 Manage an office facility 3 4

L/506/1919 Provide administrative support in schools 3 5

L/506/1936 Build legal case files 3 5

M/506/1914 Deliver a presentation 3 3

M/506/1945 Analyse and present business data 3 6

R/506/1923 Administer statutory parking and traffic appeals 3 6

T/506/1915 Create bespoke business documents 3 4

T/506/1932 Administer parking and traffic debt recovery 3 5

Y/506/1938 Manage legal case files 3 5

A/506/1883 Administer the recruitment and selection process 2 3

D/506/1813 Handle mail 2 3

D/506/1875 Organise business travel or accommodation 2 4

H/506/1876 Provide administrative support for meetings 2 4

K/506/1815 Prepare text from notes using touch typing 2 4

L/506/1869 Contribute to the organisation of an event 2 3

L/506/1905 Employee rights and responsibilities 2 2

M/506/1816 Prepare text from shorthand 2 6

M/506/1895 Buddy a colleague to develop their skills 2 3

R/506/1811 Store and retrieve information 2 4

R/506/1887 Administer parking dispensations 2 3

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Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


R/506/1890 Administer finance 2 4

T/506/1817 Prepare text from recorded audio instruction 2 4

T/506/1879 Administer human resource records 2 3

Y/506/1809 Produce business documentation 2 3

Y/506/1812 Produce minutes of meetings 2 3

D/506/1956 Resolve administrative problems 4 6

H/506/1957 Prepare specifications for contracts 4 4

R/506/1954 Support environmental sustainability in a business

environment 4 4

J/506/1935 Administer legal files 3 5

F/506/1917 Monitor information systems 3 8

Y/506/2295 Maintain and issue stationery and supplies 2 3

Group C Optional Units – a maximum of 10 credits

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




A?506/1821 Manage team performance 3 4

F/506/1934 Participate in a project 3 3

J/506/1921 Manage individuals’ performance 3 4

K/506/1930 Implement and maintain business continuity plans and


3 4

L/506/1922 Manage individuals’ development in the workplace 3 3

M/506/1928 Procure products and/or services 3 5

T/506/1820 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace 3 3

T/506/1929 Implement change 3 5

Y/506/1924 Chair and lead meetings 3 3

J/502/4397 Bespoke software 3 4

J/502/4626 Spreadsheet software 3 6

T/502/4556 Database Software 3 6

Y/502/4629 Word processing software 3 6

T/502/4301 Using email 3 3

L/506/2150 Organise and deliver customer service 3 5

R/506/2151 Resolve customers’ complaints 3 4

A/506/1995 Manage a budget 4 4

J/506/194 Develop and maintain professional networks 4 3

K/506/1989 Manage physical resources 4 4

K/506/1992 Prepare for and support quality audits 4 3

L/506/2004 Manage business risk 4 6

R/506/1999 Manage a project 4 7

Y/506/1955 Develop and implement an operational plan 4 5

J/506/2292 Encourage innovation 3 4

Y/502/4632 Website software 3 5

T/502/4623 Presentation software 3 6

R/506/2909 Recruitment, selection and induction practice 4 6

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Group D Optional Units – a maximum of 8 credits

Unit Reference

Number Unit Title Unit




F/502/9937 Principles of digital marketing and research 3 7

J/502/9938 Principles of marketing stakeholder relationships 3 3

K/502/9933 Principles of market research 3 5

T/502/9935 Principles of marketing and evaluation 3 7

Y/506/2152 Understand the customer service environment 3 5

D/506/1939 Understand the legal context of business 3 6

R/503/9324 Principles of social media within a business 3 6

F/506/2596 Principles of leadership and management 3 8

Barred Units

Source Units Target Units

Evaluate the provision of business travel or

accommodation (J/506/1918)

Organise business travel or

accommodation (D/506/1875)

Participate in a project (F/506/1934) Manage a project (R/506/1999)

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier

qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence


This suite of qualifications are competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of

competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s

skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.

The qualifications must be assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified assessor.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their

achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – observation report by assessor

– assignments/projects/reports

– professional discussion

– witness testimony

– candidate product

– worksheets

– record of oral and written questioning

– Recognition of Prior Learning

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria can be found from page 10 in this document.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing all units achieved with their related credit value, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the required number of credits for a qualification. All

certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Unit certificates

If a candidate does not achieve all of the units/credits required for a qualification, the centre

may claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units/credits achieved.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit D/506/1942

Principles of business

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand business markets 1.1 Explain the characteristics of different business markets

1.2 Explain the nature of interactions between businesses

within a market

1.3 Explain how an organisation’s goals may be shaped by the

market in which it operates

1.4 Describe the legal obligations of a business

2 Understand business innovation

and growth

2.1 Define business innovation

2.2 Explain the uses of models of business innovation

2.3 Identify sources of support and guidance for business


2.4 Explain the process of product or service development

2.5 Explain the benefits, risks and implications associated with


3 Understand financial


3.1 Explain the importance of financial viability for an


3.2 Explain the consequences of poor financial management

3.3 Explain different financial terminology

4 Understand business budgeting 4.1 Explain the uses of a budget

4.2 Explain how to manage a budget

5 Understand sales and marketing 5.1 Explain the principles of marketing

5.2 Explain a sales process

5.3 Explain the features and uses of market research

5.4 Explain the value of a brand to an organisation

5.5 Explain the relationship between sales and marketing

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1940

Principles of business communication and information

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand negotiation in a

business environment

1.1 Explain the importance of negotiation in a business


1.2 Explain the features and uses of different approaches to


1.3 Identify the components of negotiation tactics

2 Understand how to develop and

deliver presentations

2.1 Explain the different types of presentation and their


2.2 Explain how different resources can be used to develop a


2.3 Explain different methods of giving presentations

2.4 Explain best practice in delivering presentations

2.5 Explain how to collect and use feedback on a


3 Understand how to create bespoke

business documents

3.1 Explain the characteristics of bespoke documents

3.2 Explain the factors to be taken into account in creating

and presenting bespoke documents

3.3 Explain the legal requirements and procedures for

gathering information for bespoke documents

3.4 Explain techniques to create bespoke business


3.5 Explain how to gain approval of bespoke documents

4 Understand information systems in

a business environment

4.1 Explain the typical stages of information system


4.2 Analyse the benefits and limitations of different

information systems

4.3 Explain legal, security and confidentiality requirements

for information systems in a business environment

4.4 Explain how to monitor the use and effectiveness of an

information system

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1910

Communicate in a business environment

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand business

communication models, systems

and processes

1.1 Analyse the communication needs of internal and external


1.2 Analyse the different communication models that support


1.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of different communication


1.4 Explain the factors that affect the choice of

communication media

1.5 Explain the importance of using correct grammar,

sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and conventions

in business communications

1.6 Explain the factors to be taken into account in planning

and structuring different communication media

1.7 Explain ways of overcoming barriers to communication

1.8 Explain the use of communications theories and body


1.9 Explain proof-reading techniques for business


2 Be able to communicate in writing

in business

2.1 Identify the purpose and audience of the information to be


2.2 Select communication media that are appropriate to the

audience and information to be communicated

2.3 Present information in the format, layout and style that is

appropriate to the information to be communicated

2.4 Follow agreed business practices when communicating in


2.5 Adapt the style and content of a communication,

appropriate to specific audiences

2.6 Present written communications that are clear, expressed

in correct grammar and reflect what is intended

2.7 Meet agreed deadlines in communicating with others

3 Be able to communicate verbally

in business

3.1 Identify the nature, purpose, audience and use of the

information to be communicated

3.2 Use language that is correct and appropriate for the

audience’s needs

3.3 Use appropriate body language and tone of voice to

reinforce messages

3.4 Identify the meaning and implications of information that

is communicated verbally

3.5 Confirm that a recipient has understood correctly what has

been communicated

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation and

in accordance with organisational policies and standards

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1941

Principles of administration

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to manage an

office facility

1.1 Explain the legal requirements relating to the

management of office facilities

1.2 Describe the typical services provided by an office facility

1.3 Explain how to establish office management procedures

1.4 Explain how to manage office resources

1.5 Explain techniques to monitor and manage work flows

1.6 Explain typical support and welfare facilities for office


2 Understand health and safety in a

business environment

2.1 Explain the legal obligations of the employer for health

and safety in the workplace

2.2 Explain an individual’s responsibilities for health and

safety in the workplace

2.3 Describe accident and emergency procedures

3 Understand how to take minutes

of meetings

3.1 Explain the purpose of meeting minutes

3.2 Explain the legal implications of meeting minutes

3.3 Explain the importance of accuracy in minute taking

3.4 Describe what should and should not be included in

different types of meeting minutes

3.5 Describe how to take notes during meetings

4 Understand how to chair, lead and

manage meetings

4.1 Explain the features and purpose of different types of

formal and informal meeting

4.2 Explain the role and responsibilities of the chair

4.3 Explain the role of others in a meeting

4.4 Explain techniques to facilitate a meeting

4.5 Explain the information requirements of a meeting

before, during and after a meeting

5 Understand how to supervise an

administration team

5.1 Explain the use of targets and budgets to manage


5.2 Explain how to allocate work to individual team members

5.3 Explain different quality management techniques to

manage the performance of an administrative team

5.4 Explain the techniques used to identify the need for

improvements in team outputs and standards

6 Understand how to organise


6.1 Explain the characteristics, requirements and purposes of

different types of events

6.2 Explain the types of information and information sources

needed to organise an event

6.3 Explain how to plan an event

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6.4 Explain how to identify the right resources from an event


6.5 Describe the likely types of information needed by

delegates before, during and after an event

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/2952

Manage personal and professional development

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify personal and

professional development


1.1 Compare sources of information on professional

development trends and their validity

1.2 Identify trends and developments that influence the

need for professional development

1.3 Evaluate their own current and future personal and

professional development needs relating to the role,

the team and the organisation

2 Be able to fulfil a personal and

professional development plan

2.1 Evaluate the benefits of personal and professional


2.2 Explain the basis on which types of development

actions are selected

2.3 Identify current and future likely skills, knowledge and

experience needs using skills gap analysis

2.4 Agree a personal and professional development plan

that is consistent with business needs and personal


2.5 Execute the plan within the agreed budget and


2.6 Take advantage of development opportunities made

available by professional networks or professional


3 Be able to maintain the relevance of

a personal and professional

development plan

3.1 Explain how to set specific, measurable, achievable,

realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives

3.2 Obtain feedback on performance from a range of valid


3.3 Review progress toward personal and professional


3.4 Amend the personal and professional development

plan in the light of feedback received from others

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit A/506/1916

Contribute to the development and implementation of an

information system

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the design and

implementation of an

information system

1.1 Explain the types of information to be managed by a system

1.2 Explain how information will be used and by whom

1.3 Explain who needs to be consulted in the design and

implementation of an information system and why

1.4 Explain the impact of legal and organisational security and

confidentiality requirements for the design and

implementation of an information system

2 Be able to contribute to the

development of an information


2.1 Confirm the purpose, use and features of an information


2.2 Identify the information that will be managed by the system

2.3 Confirm requirements for reporting information

2.4 Recommend the functions that will be used to manipulate

and report information

2.5 Develop guidance for the use of an information system that

is accurate and easy to understand

2.6 Recommend user access and security levels for the

information system

2.7 Make contributions to the development of an information

system that are consistent with business objectives and

values and within budgetary constraints

2.8 Participate in system tests in accordance with the


3 Be able to contribute to the

implementation of an

information system

3.1 Implement the information system in accordance with the

plan, minimising disruption to business

3.2 Confirm that staff are trained to use the system prior to its


3.3 Resolve or report problems or faults with the information

system within the limits of their own authority

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal

and ethical requirements in the implementation of an

information system

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit D/506/1911

Contribute to the improvement of business performance

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

resolving business problems

1.1 Explain the use of different problem-solving techniques

1.2 Explain the organisational and legal constraints relating to


1.3 Describe the role of stakeholders in problem-solving

1.4 Describe the steps in the business decision-making process

1.5 Analyse the implications of adopting recommendations and

implementing decisions to solve business problems

2 Understand improvement

techniques and processes

2.1 Describe the purpose and benefits of continuous


2.2 Analyse the features, use and constraints of different

continuous improvement techniques and models

2.3 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis

2.4 Explain the importance of feedback from customers and

other stakeholders in continuous improvement

3 Be able to solve problems in


3.1 Identify the nature, likely cause and implications of a


3.2 Evaluate the scope and scale of a problem

3.3 Analyse the possible courses of action that can be taken in

response to a problem

3.4 Use evidence to justify the approach to problem-solving

3.5 Develop a plan and success criteria that are appropriate to

the nature and scale of a problem

3.6 Obtain approval to implement a solution to a problem

3.7 Take action to resolve or mitigate a problem

3.8 Evaluate the degree of success and scale of the implications

of a solved problem

4 Be able to contribute to the

improvement of activities

4.1 Identify the nature, scope and scale of possible

contributions to continuous improvement activities

4.2 Measure changes achieved against existing baseline data

4.3 Calculate performance measures relating to cost, quality

and delivery

4.4 Justify the case for adopting improvements identified with


4.5 Develop standard operating procedures and resource plans

that are capable of implementing agreed changes

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit F/506/1920

Administer parking and traffic challenges, representations and civil

parking appeals

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the administration of

parking and traffic challenges

1.1 Explain the provisions and constraints of relevant

legislation, codes of practice, Traffic Regulation Orders

and the Data Protection Act

1.2 Explain how to access, use and interpret the information

needed to process challenges, representations and Civil

Parking Notice (CPN) appeals

1.3 Evaluate the importance of keeping accurate and up to

date records of information and decisions

1.4 Explain how to validate information in the administration

of parking and traffic challenges

1.5 Explain the features and use of specialist software to

process and record challenges, representations and CPN


1.6 Explain the types of internal evidence needed to support

reliable decisions for the administration of parking and

traffic challenges

1.7 Explain when and why it may be appropriate to reactivate

the enforcement process

2 Be able to process the receipt of

challenges, representations and

CPN appeals

2.1 Record the receipt of written challenges, representations

and CPN appeals

2.2 Confirm that the information is complete, accurate,

consistent and valid

2.3 Decide whether to allow or uphold the appeal against

recognised eligibility criteria

2.4 Provide accurate advice and information on the progress

and outcome of the case

3 Be able to respond to challenges,

representations and CPN appeals

3.1 Confirm that the information is complete, accurate,

consistent and valid

3.2 Suspend the enforcement process while cases are being


3.3 Obtain additional evidence where gaps are identified

3.4 Seek appropriate advice on cases beyond their level of


3.5 Refer cases beyond their level of authority to the right


3.6 Inform customers of the decision and possible courses of

action they can take within the agreed timescale

3.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when responding to

challenges, representations and CPN appeals

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit H/506/1912

Negotiate in a business environment

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning negotiation

1.1 Describe the requirements of a negotiation strategy

1.2 Explain the use of different negotiation techniques

1.3 Explain how research on the other party can be used in


1.4 Explain how cultural differences might affect negotiations

2 Be able to prepare for

business negotiations

2.1 Identify the purpose, scope and objectives of the negotiation

2.2 Explain the scope of their own authority for negotiating

2.3 Prepare a negotiating strategy

2.4 Prepare fall-back stances and compromises that align with the

negotiating strategy and priorities

2.5 Assess the likely objectives and negotiation stances of the

other party

2.6 Research the strengths and weaknesses of the other party

3 Be able to carry out business


3.1 Carry out negotiations within responsibility limits in a way that

optimises opportunities

3.2 Adapt the conduct of the negotiation in accordance with

changing circumstances

3.3 Maintain accurate records of negotiations, outcomes and

agreements made

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal

and ethical requirements when carrying out business


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/506/1918

Evaluate provision of business travel or accommodation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the provision of business

travel or accommodation


1.1 Explain the factors to be taken into account in setting

evaluation criteria for the provision of business travel

or accommodation

1.2 Explain different travel or accommodation-related

needs and services

1.3 Explain different arrangements that could be made for

the provision of business travel or accommodation

1.4 Explain the scope of legal and organisational security

and confidentiality requirements relating to business

travel or accommodation

2 Be able to evaluate the quality of

organisational business travel or

accommodation arrangements

2.1 Assess the performance of providers of travel or

accommodation against agreed criteria

2.2 Identify instances of exceptional and inadequate


2.3 Evaluate the benefits and limitations of existing

arrangements for organising business travel or

accommodation and their implications

2.4 Identify alternative potential providers and ways of

providing travel or accommodation

3 Be able to recommend

improvements to organisational

business travel or accommodation


3.1 Produce costed plans that set out different options,

their benefits, limitations and implications

3.2 Shortlist alternative potential providers of business

travel or accommodation against agreed criteria

3.3 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when recommending

improvements to arrangements for business travel or


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1913

Develop a presentation

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to develop

a presentation

1.1 Explain best practice in developing presentations

1.2 Explain who needs to be consulted on the development of a


1.3 Explain the factors to be taken into account in developing a


1.4 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different

communication media

2 Be able to develop a


2.1 Identify the purpose, content, style, timing and audience for a


2.2 Select a communication media that is appropriate to the nature

of a presentation, message and audience

2.3 Tailor a presentation to fit the timescale and audience’s needs

2.4 Prepare a presentation that is logically structured, summarises

the content and addresses the brief

2.5 Take action to ensure that a presentation adheres to

organisational guidelines and policies

2.6 Develop materials that support the content of a presentation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1944

Manage an office facility

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of an office


1.1 Explain the requirements of establishing and implementing

office management procedures

1.2 Explain how to manage the effectiveness of work and systems

1.3 Explain how to manage any constraints attached to office

facilities and related budgets

1.4 Explain the factors to be taken into account in the design of

office systems, procedures and guidance documents

1.5 Explain how to create an environment that is conducive to

productive work

2 Be able to manage and

maintain an office facility

2.1 Maintain equipment and consumables to agreed levels

2.2 Establish systems to evaluate the effectiveness of office

systems and procedures

2.3 Review the effectiveness of office systems and procedures to

meet users’ needs, adapting them to meet changing demands

2.4 Manage the maintenance of office equipment to meet users’

needs and expectations

2.5 Manage effective relationships with suppliers

2.6 Take action to ensure that administrative services are provided

to agreed standards

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/1919

Provide administrative support in schools

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand administration within

a school environment

1.1 Analyse the scope, use and requirements of a school

administrative system

1.2 Explain how their own role contributes to the

achievement of a school’s goals

1.3 Describe the policy context, issues and initiatives that

affect the work of a school administrator

1.4 Explain a school’s administration policy and procedures

for dealing with others

1.5 Explain the requirements and procedures for dealing with

child protection and student welfare

1.6 Explain when it may be appropriate to override the

requirement to maintain confidentiality

2 Be able to provide administrative


2.1 Build positive working relationships with others

2.2 Present a professional and friendly image in line with

school policy

2.3 Coordinate the content and publishing of documents in

accordance with the brief

2.4 Organise trips, events, placements, secondments or work

experience in accordance with the brief

2.5 Maintain facilities to the required standard

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when providing

administrative services

3 Be able to operate school

administrative systems and


3.1 Maintain accurate records

3.2 Maintain the currency of registers, licences and contracts

3.3 Present reports and statistical returns on time in the

agreed format

3.4 Select analysis and evaluation techniques that are

appropriate to the purpose of the report and the nature of

the information

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/1936

Build legal case files

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to build

legal case files

1.1 Explain the administrative requirements of the different legal

areas being administered

1.2 Explain the scope and limits of their own responsibilities and


1.3 Explain the requirements of the duty of confidentiality

1.4 Explain how to identify shortfalls in evidence and materials

1.5 Explain the features and uses of different interviewing techniques

1.6 Explain the use of specialist software for processing legal cases

1.7 Explain how to access and use sources of information and


1.8 Explain the potential consequences of not meeting deadlines

when building a legal case file

2 Be able to build case files 2.1 Identify gaps in evidence and materials needed

2.2 Carry out interviews in accordance with the principles of best

practice in communication and interviewing

2.3 Obtain evidence and materials needed to complete the file

2.4 Generate correspondence that conforms with the house style and

regulatory requirements

2.5 Submit cases on time in line with internal and external deadlines

2.6 Complete follow-up actions in accordance with the instructions

2.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal and

ethical requirements when building case files

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit M/506/1914

Deliver a presentation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the delivery of


1.1 Analyse the advantages and limitations of different

methods of, and media for, making presentations

1.2 Explain how the type and size of the audience affects

the delivery of a presentation

1.3 Explain the factors to be taken into account in

developing contingency plans when delivering


1.4 Explain voice projection and timing techniques when

delivering presentations

1.5 Explain the factors to be taken into account in

responding to questions from an audience

1.6 Explain different methods for evaluating the

effectiveness of a presentation

2 Be able to prepare to deliver a


2.1 Confirm the layout of the venue and correct functioning

of equipment and resources prior to making a


2.2 Develop contingency plans for potential equipment and

resource failure

2.3 Take action to ensure that the presentation fits the time

slot available

3 Be able to deliver a presentation 3.1 Speak clearly and confidently, using language that is

appropriate for the topic and the audience

3.2 Vary their voice tone, pace and volume appropriately

when delivering a presentation

3.3 Use body language in a way that reinforces messages

3.4 Use equipment and resources effectively when

delivering a presentation

3.5 Deliver a presentation within the agreed timeframe

3.6 Respond to questions in a way that meets the

audience’s needs

3.7 Evaluate the effectiveness of a presentation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit M/506/1945

Analyse and present business data

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the analysis and

presentation of business data

1.1 Explain the uses and limitations of primary and secondary


1.2 Explain the uses and limitations of quantitative and

qualitative data

1.3 Evaluate the issues relating to the validity and reliability of

data and its analysis

1.4 Explain the use of IT tools to carry out research

1.5 Assess the risks attached to making judgments based on

limited or unrepresentative samples

1.6 Assess the risks attached to generalizing research findings

1.7 Explain different formats and techniques for the

presentation of the analysis

2 Be able to analyse quantitative

and qualitative business data

2.1 Agree the parameters of the analysis

2.2 Clarify any ethical requirements of the analysis

2.3 Organise the data in a way that will facilitate its analysis

2.4 Select valid and reliable data analysis methods and

techniques that are appropriate to the data and analysis


2.5 Apply analytical techniques that are appropriate to the

purpose of the research and the nature of the data

2.6 Confirm the accuracy of data analysis and make necessary


2.7 Draw conclusions that are valid and supported by evidence

3 Be able to present the analysis of

business data

3.1 Present data in the agreed reporting format and house style

3.2 Acknowledge the limitations of the analysis

3.3 Reference data sources

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1923

Administer statutory parking and traffic appeals

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the administration of

statutory parking and traffic


1.1 Explain the requirements, rules and constraints of

relevant legislation, codes of practice and the Data

Protection Act

1.2 Explain the grounds on which someone may appeal and

on which they may file a statement of truth

1.3 Explain the evidence needed to carry out an


1.4 Explain how to validate information for statutory

parking and traffic appeals

1.5 Explain the requirements for preparing and presenting a

case summary

1.6 Explain the preparations and codes of conduct relating

to attending a hearing for statutory parking and traffic


1.7 Describe the actions needed to close a case and refund


1.8 Explain who needs to be informed of the outcomes of a

statutory appeal and why

1.9 Explain the features of specialist software to process

and record statutory appeals

1.10 Explain the potential consequences of not acting within

the given deadline

1.11 Explain when and why an appeal may be referred by an

adjudicator to an independent person to consider


1.12 Explain the actions needed to reactivate the recovery

process after the failure of statutory parking and traffic


2 Be able to prepare case evidence

for statutory parking and traffic


2.1 Record the receipt of statutory appeal notifications or

revocation orders

2.2 Confirm that the information is accurate and consistent

2.3 Notify the right person of any discrepancies

2.4 Meet the requirements of the deadline

3 Be able to investigate cases for

statutory appeals

3.1 Confirm that the information supplied is accurate, valid

and reliable

3.2 Obtain additional evidence where gaps are identified

3.3 Refer cases beyond their own level of authority to the

right person

3.4 Make and record decisions in statutory appeal cases on

the basis of the evidence provided

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Keep the adjudicator and appellant or respondent

informed of progress and outcomes

3.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when investigating cases

for statutory appeals

4 Be able to contest statutory

parking and traffic appeals

4.1 Prepare a case summary in accordance with

organisational guidelines and codes of practice

4.2 Collate, label and present documentation in the format

required by the appeals service

4.3 Respond promptly to requests for further information

4.4 Inform everyone who needs to know of the outcomes of

a statutory appeal

4.5 Keep accurate records of information and decisions


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1915

Create bespoke business documents

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to create

bespoke business documents

1.1 Explain the use of bespoke business documents

1.2 Describe the factors to be taken into account in selecting the

appropriate method of presenting a business document

1.3 Describe the use of technology to create bespoke business


1.4 Explain the purpose and requirements of corporate identity

in bespoke business documents

1.5 Analyse different design techniques used to create attractive

bespoke business documents

1.6 Explain the factors to be taken into account in evaluating the

impact of bespoke business documents

2 Be able to design bespoke

business documents

2.1 Confirm the purpose, nature, content, style, quality

standards, audience and deadline of the document

2.2 Identify the optimum method of presenting the document

2.3 Create design options that meet the specification

2.4 Take into account feedback from stakeholders

3 Be able to create bespoke

business documents

3.1 Include content that meets the brief, is accurate and

grammatically correct

3.2 Use design techniques to create documents that meet the


3.3 Integrate non-text items into the agreed layout

3.4 Present documents within the agreed timescale

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1932

Administer parking and traffic debt recovery

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the parking and

traffic debt recovery process

1.1 Explain the requirements, rules and constraints of relevant

legislation, codes of practice and the Data Protection Act

1.2 Explain the criteria, policy and procedures relating to debt


1.3 Analyse the role of the Traffic Enforcement Centre and

magistrates’ court in the debt recovery process

1.4 Explain the requirements of debt recovery documentation

1.5 Explain the features and benefits of different investigation


1.6 Explain who needs to be informed of the outcomes of the

debt recovery process and why

1.7 Explain the actions to be taken at each stage of the debt

recovery process

1.8 Explain the potential consequences of an inadequate audit


1.9 Explain the actions needed to close a debt recovery case

2 Be able to administer the

parking and traffic debt

recovery process

2.1 Monitor the quality of the data to be registered at the Traffic

Enforcement Centre or magistrates’ court

2.2 Serve debt recovery documentation in accordance with

organisational policy and relevant legislation

2.3 Prepare case evidence in accordance with organisational

policy and relevant legislation

2.4 Make decisions on the basis of the evidence within the limits

of their own authority

2.5 Inform everyone who needs to know of the progress and

outcomes of the case

2.6 Monitor the performance of debt recovery agents

2.7 Take prompt action in the event of problems arising in the

debt recovery process

2.8 Keep accurate and up-to-date records of actions and decisions


2.9 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal

and ethical requirements when administering the parking and

traffic debt recovery process

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1938

Manage legal case files

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of legal case


1.1 Explain the administrative requirements of the different legal

areas being administered

1.2 Explain the scope and limits of their own responsibilities and


1.3 Explain the requirements of the duty of confidentiality

1.4 Describe the structure, format and contents of a case file

1.5 Explain how to validate information when managing a legal case


1.6 Explain the requirements of processing appeals

1.7 Explain the potential consequences of not meeting internal and

external deadlines when managing a legal case file

2 Be able to manage case


2.1 Plan the management of a case file to meet deadlines

2.2 Identify the location of required documents and materials

2.3 Take action to ensure the file contains accurate and up-to-date

information, documents and materials and is secure

2.4 Take action to ensure court bundles are prepared correctly

2.5 Generate correspondence and documents that conform with the

requirements of house style and legal and procedural


2.6 Submit documents on time

2.7 Process and record the hearing outcomes in accordance with

organisational and procedural requirements

2.8 Close and archive files in accordance with organisational and

regulatory requirements

2.9 Keep fee-earners informed of actions taken, progress,

developments and problems

2.10 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal and

ethical requirements when managing case files

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit A/506/1883

Administer the recruitment and selection process

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

recruitment and selection


1.1 Explain the different administrative requirements of internal and

external recruitment

1.2 Describe the uses of a job description and a person specification

1.3 Explain the administrative requirements of different methods of


1.4 Explain the requirements of different pre-employment checks to

be carried out

1.5 Explain what information needs to be communicated to successful

and unsuccessful applicants at each stage of the recruitment and

selection process

1.6 Explain the requirements of confidentiality, data protection and

system security

2 Be able to administer the

recruitment process

2.1 Check that the job or role details are correct and are in accordance

with the brief

2.2 Place job advertisements in the agreed media in accordance with

the timescales

2.3 Record applicant responses within the timescale

2.4 Provide requested information to applicants in accordance with

organisational policies and procedures

2.5 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical


3 Be able to administer the

selection process

3.1 Invite shortlisted applicants to participate in the selection process

in accordance with organisational procedures

3.2 Co-ordinate selection arrangements in accordance with the brief

3.3 Carry out agreed pre-employment checks within the agreed


3.4 Inform applicants of the outcome of their application in

accordance with organisational policies and procedures

3.5 Keep selection records up-to-date

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit D/506/1813

Handle mail

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to deal

with mail

1.1 Explain how to deal with “junk” mail

1.2 Describe what to do in the event of problems arising when dealing

with incoming or outgoing mail

1.3 Describe how to operate a franking machine

1.4 Explain how to prepare packages for distribution

1.5 State organisational policies and procedures on mail handling,

security and the use of courier services

1.6 Explain the process for reporting suspicious or damaged items in

accordance with organisational procedures

2 Be able to deal with

incoming mail

2.1 Sort incoming mail in line with organisational procedures

2.2 Distribute incoming mail and packages to the right people according

to the agreed schedule

2.3 Deal with incorrectly addressed and “junk” mail in accordance with

organisational procedures

3 Be able to deal with

outgoing mail

3.1 Organise the collection of outgoing mail and packages on time

3.2 Identify the best option for dispatching mail according to the

required degree of urgency, size and value of the item

3.3 Dispatch outgoing mail on time

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit D/506/1875

Organise business travel or accommodation

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the organisation of

business travel or accommodation

for others

1.1 Explain any budgetary or policy constraints relating to

business travel or accommodation

1.2 Describe financial arrangements relating to business travel

or accommodation

1.3 Explain how to make arrangements for visas and related

foreign travel documentation

1.4 Describe the procedures for obtaining or exchanging

foreign currency

2 Be able to research business

travel or accommodation options

for others

2.1 Identify different suppliers that are capable of delivering

the services required within budget

2.2 Recommend travel or accommodation arrangements that

best meet the requirements

2.3 Recommend suppliers of travel or accommodation that

best meet the requirements

3 Be able to make business travel or

accommodation arrangements for


3.1 Confirm the requirements for travel or accommodation

3.2 Agree arrangements that specify any limitations,

prohibitions or responsibilities and which meet the


3.3 Prepare and issue itinerary/schedule documentation that

reflect agreed arrangements accurately

3.4 Obtain travel or accommodation documentation within

the required timescale

3.5 Confirm the acceptability of payments to be made within

the limits of their own authority

3.6 Keep up-to-date records of travel or accommodation

arrangements and agreed commitments

3.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal

and ethical requirements when making business travel or

accommodation arrangements for others

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit H/506/1876

Provide administrative support for meetings

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the administration of


1.1 Describe the purpose of the meeting and who needs to


1.2 Explain why it is important to have a minimum number of

attendees for a meeting

1.3 Explain ways to achieve maximum attendance at


1.4 Explain the access, health, safety and security

requirements relating to meetings

1.5 Describe how to set up the resources needed for a


1.6 Explain the responsibilities of the meeting chair and

meeting secretary

1.7 Explain the difference between formal and informal


1.8 Explain the legal implications of formal meetings

2 Be able to make administrative

preparations for meetings

2.1 Book meeting venue, resources, and facilities in

accordance with the brief

2.2 Collate documents needed for a meeting

2.3 Distribute meeting invitations, documents and other

meeting-related requirements within the timescale

2.4 Confirm meeting attendees and any special requirements

3 Be able to support the

administration of meetings

3.1 Take action to ensure that the equipment allocated for

use at a meeting functions correctly

3.2 Provide support to meetings in accordance with requests

3.3 Ensure the venue is restored to the required conditions

after the meeting

3.4 Distribute meeting records promptly to the agreed

distribution list

3.5 Carry out any follow-up actions in accordance with the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1815

Prepare text from notes using touch typing

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to create

text from notes

1.1 Explain the importance of confirming the purpose of the text and

intended audience

1.2 Describe the problems that may occur in transcribing notes

written by others

1.3 Explain the consequences of incorrect spelling, punctuation,

grammar and sentence structure, and inaccurate content

1.4 Explain how technology features can help to create, format and

check the accuracy of text

1.5 Describe ways of checking produced texts for accuracy and


1.6 Describe organisational procedures for the storage, security and

confidentiality of information

2 Be able to produce text

using touch typing

2.1 Agree the purpose, format and deadlines for texts

2.2 Touch type texts at the speed and level of accuracy required by

the organisation

2.3 Check that the text is accurate and the meaning is clear and


2.4 Store texts and original notes safely and securely following

organisational procedures

2.5 Present texts in the required formats and within the agreed


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/1869

Contribute to the organisation of an event

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand event


1.1 Explain the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of

individuals involved in the event

1.2 Explain the purpose and features of different types of events

1.3 Describe the type of resources needed for different types of


1.4 Describe the different needs attendees may have and how to

meet these

1.5 Explain the requirements of health, safety and security when

organising events

1.6 Describe the types of problems that may occur during events and

how to deal with them

2 Be able to carry out preevent actions

2.1 Identify venue requirements for an event

2.2 Obtain resources within the agreed timescales

2.3 Distribute pre-event documentation to delegates in accordance

with the event plan

2.4 Co-ordinate attendee responses within the agreed timescale

2.5 Identify any special requirements of event attendees

3 Be able to set up an event 3.1 Set up layout and resources in accordance with the event plan

3.2 Confirm that all identified resources are in place and meet


3.3 Behave in a way that maintains organisational values and


4 Be able to carry out postevent actions

4.1 Ensure the venue is restored to the required conditions in

accordance with the terms of the contract

4.2 Carry out follow-up actions in accordance with the event plan

and agreements made at the event

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/1905

Employee rights and responsibilities

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the role of organisations

and industries

1.1 Explain the role of their own occupation within an

organisation and industry

1.2 Describe career pathways within their organisation and


1.3 Identify sources of information and advice on an

industry, occupation, training and career pathway

1.4 Describe an organisation’s principles of conduct and

codes of practice

1.5 Explain issues of public concern that affect an

organisation and industry

1.6 Describe the types, roles and responsibilities of

representative bodies and their relevance to their own


2 Understand employers’ expectations

and employees’ rights and obligations

2.1 Describe the employer and employee statutory rights

and responsibilities that affect their own role

2.2 Describe an employer’s expectations for employees’

standards of personal presentation, punctuality and


2.3 Describe the procedures and documentation that

protect relationships with employees

2.4 Identify sources of information and advice on

employment rights and responsibilities

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit M/506/1816

Prepare text from shorthand

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to use

shorthand to create text

1.1 Explain the importance of confirming the purpose of the text

and intended audience

1.2 Describe techniques that may be used when taking shorthand


1.3 Explain the consequences of incorrect spelling, punctuation,

grammar and sentence structure, and inaccurate content

1.4 Explain how technology features can help to create, format and

check the accuracy of text

1.5 Describe ways of checking produced texts for accuracy and


1.6 Describe organisational procedures for the storage, security and

confidentiality of information

2 Be able to use shorthand to

prepare text

2.1 Agree the purpose, format and deadlines for texts

2.2 Take dictation using shorthand at the speed required by the


2.3 Input and format text from shorthand notes

2.4 Check that text is accurate and the meaning is clear and correct

2.5 Store texts and original notes safely and securely following

organisational procedures

2.6 Present texts in the required formats and within the agreed


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit M/506/1895

Buddy a colleague to develop their skills

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to buddy a


1.1 Describe what is expected of a buddy

1.2 Explain techniques to give positive feedback and constructive


1.3 Explain techniques to establish rapport with a buddy

2 Be able to plan to buddy a


2.1 Agree which aspects of a colleague’s work may benefit from


2.2 Confirm organisational requirements for standards of

behaviour, presentation, communication and performance

of a buddy colleague

2.3 Agree a schedule of meetings that minimise disruption to


2.4 Agree specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (SMART) buddying objectives

3 Be able to support a buddy

colleague carrying out work


3.1 Remain unobtrusive while a buddy colleague carries out their

work activities

3.2 Provide examples of how to carry out tasks correctly

3.3 Identify instances of good practice and areas for

improvement through observation

3.4 Praise a buddy colleague on well completed tasks

3.5 Give constructive feedback on ways in which a buddy could

improve performance

3.6 Offer a buddy hints and tips based on personal experience

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1811

Store and retrieve information

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand information storage

and retrieval

1.1 Describe systems and procedures for storing and retrieving


1.2 Outline legal and organisational requirements for

information security and retention

1.3 Explain how to create filing systems to facilitate information

identification and retrieval

1.4 Explain how to use different search techniques to locate

and retrieve information

1.5 Describe what to do when problems arise when storing or

retrieving information

2 Be able to gather and store


2.1 Gather the information required within the agreed


2.2 Store files and folders in accordance with organisational


2.3 Store information in approved locations

2.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

3 Be able to retrieve information 3.1 Confirm information to be retrieved and its intended use

3.2 Retrieve the required information within the agreed


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1887

Administer parking dispensations

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

administration of parking


1.1 Explain the scope and limits of their own responsibilities and

authority in issuing parking dispensations

1.2 Describe the legal and regulatory requirements relating to

parking dispensations

1.3 Describe the parking dispensation eligibility criteria and checks

1.4 Describe organisational security and anti-fraud policies,

procedures and processes

1.5 Describe the features of software to manage the issues of

permits, season tickets, suspensions, dispensations or waivers

and blue badges

1.6 Explain where to go for help when dealing with parking


2 Be able to process

applications for parking


2.1 Advise customers of the eligibility criteria for parking


2.2 Determine whether customers are eligible by matching the

case to the criteria

2.3 Clarify any areas of doubt or confusion with customers

2.4 Carry out relevant checks in accordance with organisational

procedures and legislative procedures

2.5 Record the reasons for the decision as to whether or not to

grant parking dispensations

2.6 Maintain the requirements of confidentiality and data


3 Be able to issue parking


3.1 Communicate the decision and return related paperwork on

parking dispensations to customers in accordance with

organisational procedures

3.2 Process payments and refunds in accordance with

organisational procedures

3.3 Keep records up-to-date

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1890

Administer finance

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand finance for


1.1 Describe organisational hierarchy and levels of authority for

financial transactions

1.2 Explain organisational systems for sales invoicing, purchasing,

payments and receipts

1.3 Describe the use of a purchase order, invoice, receipts and


2 Be able to administer


2.1 Record income and expenditure in accordance with

organisational policies and procedures

2.2 Process purchase orders, invoices or expenses in accordance

with organisational policies and procedures

2.3 Process outgoing payments to the correct recipient

2.4 Accept or allocate incoming payments in accordance with

organisational policies

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1817

Prepare text from recorded audio instruction

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the preparation of

text from recorded notes

1.1 Explain the importance of confirming the purpose of the text

and intended audience

1.2 Describe the main features of the different types of

technology that can be used for playing back recordings

1.3 Explain how different speaking styles of those giving

dictation can affect outputs

1.4 Explain the consequences of incorrect spelling, punctuation,

grammar and sentence structure, and inaccurate content

1.5 Describe ways of checking produced texts for accuracy and


1.6 Describe organisational procedures for the storage, security

and confidentiality of information

2 Be able to prepare text from

recorded notes

2.1 Agree the purpose, format and deadlines for texts

2.2 Input and format text from audio recording

2.3 Check that text is accurate and the meaning is clear and


2.4 Store texts and original recordings safely and securely

following organisational procedures

2.5 Present texts in the required formats and within the agreed


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1879

Administer human resource records

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the administration of

human resource (HR) records

1.1 Explain what HR-related information needs to be kept

and why

1.2 Explain the relationship of HR to other parts of an


1.3 Describe the impact of other organisations on HR


1.4 Describe the features and uses of organisational

systems for managing human resource information

1.5 Explain the requirements of confidentiality, data

protection and system security

1.6 Describe the information to be provided for different

management reports

1.7 Explain the limits of their own authority in

administering HR records

1.8 Explain the implications of not keeping HR records upto-date

1.9 Explain the actions to be taken in the event of

problems arising or incomplete or inaccurate data

2 Be able to administer HR information 2.1 Keep HR records up-to-date

2.2 Process data in accordance with organisational


2.3 Provide information within the limits of confidentiality

2.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal

and ethical requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1809

Produce business documents

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to prepare

business documents

1.1 Explain the requirements for language, tone, image and

presentation for different documents

1.2 Explain how to integrate images into documents

1.3 Describe how corporate identity impacts upon document


1.4 Explain the requirements of data protection, copyright and

intellectual property legislation relating to document production

1.5 Describe organisational procedures for version control

1.6 Describe security requirements relating to document production

2 Be able to prepare business


2.1 Identify the purpose, audience, content, style, format and

deadlines of a document

2.2 Use document production resources in line with organisational


2.3 Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence


2.4 Produce documents that meet the requirements within the

agreed timescale

3 Be able to distribute

business documents

3.1 Provide final documents in the appropriate medium for

authorised readers

3.2 Specify restrictions and distribution lists in accordance with the


3.3 Maintain the requirements of security in the production,

distribution and storage of documents

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1812

Produce minutes of meetings

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to take

minutes of meetings

1.1 Explain the purpose of different types of minutes and other

meeting records

1.2 Explain the legal requirements of formal minutes

1.3 Describe organisational conventions for producing minutes

1.4 Describe the responsibilities of the minute taker in a meeting

1.5 Explain why it is important to maintain confidentiality of meetings,

discussions and actions

1.6 Explain why it is necessary to record who proposed and seconded

suggestions and changes

2 Be able to take notes of


2.1 Take accurate notes of the attendance, proceedings, areas of

discussion and agreed actions of meetings

2.2 Record allocated responsibilities for agreed actions

3 Be able to produce

minutes of meetings

3.1 Transcribe notes accurately into meeting minutes using correct

language, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure and in the

agreed style

3.2 Include agreed attachments or appendices

3.3 Obtain approval for the final documents

3.4 Distribute minutes to the agreed distribution list

3.5 Maintain the requirements of confidentiality

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit D/506/1956

Resolve administrative problems

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the resolution of

administrative problems

1.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of

information on an administrative function

1.2 Explain the basis for selecting tools, techniques and

strategies to analyse administrative functions

1.3 Explain the constraints attached to the use of

resources needed to resolve administrative problems

1.4 Explain how to apply risk assessment and

management techniques to identify and resolve

administrative problems

1.5 Analyse the effectiveness of different techniques

used to resolve administrative problems

2 Be able to identify administrative


2.1 Collect information relevant to the administrative


2.2 Use analytical techniques that are appropriate to the

administrative problem

2.3 Clarify whether an administrative problem is

recurrent, intermittent or a sole instance

2.4 Identify patterns of issues and problems

2.5 Identify the likely cause of an administrative problem

3 Be able to resolve administrative


3.1 Select a strategy that is appropriate for the nature,

scale, seriousness and priority of the administrative


3.2 Develop a plan that addresses the administrative

problem whilst minimising disruption to business

3.3 Identify success criteria that are capable of measuring

the effectiveness of solutions to solve administrative


3.4 Implement a problem-solving plan within the agreed

timescale and constraints

3.5 Take action to ensure that systems and processes are

capable of preventing future reoccurrences

3.6 Evaluate the effectiveness of problem solving


3.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when resolving

administrative problems

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit H/506/1957

Prepare specifications for contracts

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles supporting

the preparation of specifications for


1.1 Explain the scope of contract specifications

1.2 Explain the roles and interests of those who should be

involved in a tender process

1.3 Analyse the legal implications of a range of types of

contracts and agreements

1.4 Explain the requirements of confidentiality and data


1.5 Evaluate the risks associated with procurement and

tendering processes

1.6 Explain the basis for the design of a tender evaluation


2 Be able to prepare specifications for


2.1 Confirm the requirements for the contract


2.2 Draft contract specifications that meet the

requirements including post-contractual requirements

2.3 Specify the parameters of the contract in line with the


2.4 Provide sufficient information to enable potential

suppliers to develop proposals that are capable of

meeting the specification

2.5 Define objective selection criteria to evaluate tender


2.6 Establish a selection process that meets organisational


2.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when preparing

specifications for contracts

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1954

Support environmental sustainability in a business environment

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles supporting

environmental sustainability in a

business environment

1.1 Describe current legislation in relation to

environmental sustainability in a business


1.2 Explain government incentives that support

environmental sustainability in a business


1.3 Analyse the relationship between environmental

sustainability and corporate social responsibility

1.4 Explain the health and safety considerations for

environmental sustainability and waste management

1.5 Explain techniques to evaluate the impact of an

organisation’s environmental and sustainability

policies and procedures

2 Be able to implement best practice in

environmental sustainability in a

business environment

2.1 Identify the environmental standards that are

relevant to an organisation

2.2 Evaluate the impact of an organisation’s business on

its environment

2.3 Promote a culture of efficient consumption of energy

in line with an organisation’s energy management


2.4 Establish procedures to minimise waste and maximise

the recycling of materials

2.5 Establish procedures to meet hazardous waste


2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when implementing

best practice in a business environment

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/506/1935

Administer legal files

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

administration of legal files

1.1 Explain the administrative requirements of the different legal

areas being administered

1.2 Explain the scope and limits of their own responsibilities and


1.3 Explain the requirements of the duty of confidentiality

1.4 Explain the use of specialist software for processing legal cases

1.5 Explain the potential consequences of inadequate or inaccurate

record keeping

1.6 Describe the organisational and regulatory purpose and nature

of different legal checks and searches

1.7 Explain the organisational and regulatory purpose of a client

care letter

1.8 Explain how records of time spent on work are used

2 Be able to maintain a legal


2.1 Confirm that information on file is complete, accurate and valid

2.2 Process money received from clients in accordance with

organisational and regulatory requirements

2.3 Keep fee-earners informed of actions taken, progress,

developments and problems

2.4 Take action to ensure that files are correctly labelled and dated

including summaries of their contents

2.5 Generate correspondence that conform with the requirements

of house style

2.6 Record all time spent, costs and disbursements accurately

2.7 Generate accurate bills that conform with organisational and

regulatory requirements

2.8 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal and

ethical requirements when maintaining a legal file

3 Be able to close and archive

a legal file

3.1 Address any outstanding issues for a legal file

3.2 Prepare accurate final bills in accordance with organisational

and regulatory requirements

3.3 Take action to ensure that closed files contain all the necessary


3.4 Confirm whether any documents need to be added to the firm’s

precedent, knowledge or data bank

3.5 Close files in accordance with organisational standards and

procedures when the account shows a nil balance

3.6 Archive files in accordance with organisational and regulatory


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit F/506/1917

Monitor information systems

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how

information systems

are used

1.1 Explain how the intended use of reports affects the choice of format

and language

1.2 Explain how the audience of reports affects the choice of format and


1.3 Explain the features of different problem-solving techniques related

to information systems

1.4 Evaluate the suitability of possible problem-solving actions related to

information systems

1.5 Explain techniques to validate the reliability of information

1.6 Analyse the suitability of different evaluation techniques related to

information systems

1.7 Assess the potential consequences of breaches of confidentiality

1.8 Evaluate the potential consequences of publishing reports containing

inaccurate or unsubstantiated information

2 Be able to monitor

information systems

2.1 Develop a plan to monitor information systems that specifies

objectives, scope, timescale, resource implications, the techniques to

be used and reporting requirements

2.2 Carry out monitoring activities in accordance with the plan

2.3 Provide training and support to system users that is appropriate to

their needs

2.4 Identify the cause of problems with an information system

2.5 Suggest solutions to problems with an information system

2.6 Recommend adaptations to the system in response to identified

problems or developments

2.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and legal and

ethical requirements when monitoring information systems

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/2295

Maintain and issue stationery and supplies

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the maintenance of

stationery and supplies

1.1 Describe organisational policies, procedures and levels of

authority in maintaining supplies

1.2 Explain how to carry out a stock check of stationery

1.3 Describe the types of problems that may occur with

deliveries and stock items

1.4 Explain how to deal with problems that occur with

deliveries and stock items

1.5 Explain the factors to take into account when ordering


1.6 Explain the benefits and limitations of different potential

suppliers, against organisational requirements

1.7 Explain how to calculate quantities of stationery and

supplies to be ordered

1.8 Describe how to dispose of or recycle waste

2 Be able to maintain stocks of

stationery and supplies

2.1 Maintain stocks of stationery and supplies at the required


2.2 Maintain the requirements of storage and security

2.3 Carry out stock checks in accordance with organisational

policies and procedures

2.4 Chase up late or incorrect orders with suppliers

3 Be able to issue stock of

stationery and supplies

3.1 Issue stationery and supplies in accordance with

organisational requirements

3.2 Maintain up-to-date records of stock issued, received and

in storage

3.3 Deal with unwanted or damaged stationery and supplies


3.4 Recommend ways in which the system for receiving and

issuing stock could be improved

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit A/506/1821

Manage team performance

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management of

team performance

1.1 Explain the use of benchmarks in managing performance

1.2 Explain a range of quality management techniques to

manage team performance

1.3 Describe constraints on the ability to amend priorities and


2 Be able to allocate and assure the

quality of work

2.1 Identify the strengths, competences and expertise of team


2.2 Allocate work on the basis of the strengths, competences

and expertise of team members

2.3 Identify areas for improvement in team members’

performance outputs and standards

2.4 Amend priorities and plans to take account of changing


2.5 Recommend changes to systems and processes to improve

the quality of work

3 Be able to manage

communications within a team

3.1 Explain to team members the lines of communication and

authority levels

3.2 Communicate individual and team objectives,

responsibilities and priorities

3.3 Use communication methods that are appropriate to the

topics, audience and timescales

3.4 Provide support to team members when they need it

3.5 Agree with team members a process for providing

feedback on work progress and any issues arising

3.6 Review the effectiveness of team communications and

make improvements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit F/506/1934

Participate in a project

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to

manage a project

1.1 Explain the features of a project business case

1.2 Explain the stages of a project lifecycle

1.3 Explain the roles of people involved in a project

1.4 Explain the uses of project-related information

1.5 Explain the advantages and limitations of different project

monitoring techniques

1.6 Analyse the interrelationship of project scope, schedule, finance,

risk, quality and resources

2 Be able to support the

delivery of a project

2.1 Fulfil their role in accordance with a project plan

2.2 Collect project-related information in accordance with project


2.3 Use appropriate tools to analyse project information

2.4 Report on information analysis in the agreed format and timescale

2.5 Draw issues, anomalies and potential problems to the attention of

project managers

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements in supporting the delivery of a project

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/506/1921

Manage individuals’ performance

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management of

underperformance in the


1.1 Explain typical organisational policies and procedures on

discipline, grievance and dealing with underperformance

1.2 Explain how to identify causes of underperformance

1.3 Explain the purpose of making individuals aware of their

underperformance clearly but sensitively

1.4 Explain how to address issues that hamper individuals’


1.5 Explain how to agree a course of action to address


2 Be able to manage individuals’

performance in the workplace

2.1 Agree with team members specific, measurable,

achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) objectives

that align to organisational objectives

2.2 Delegate responsibility to individuals on the basis of their

expertise, competence, skills, knowledge, and

development needs

2.3 Apply motivation techniques to maintain morale

2.4 Provide information, resources and on-going mentoring to

help individuals meet their targets, objectives and quality


2.5 Monitor individuals’ progress towards objectives in

accordance with agreed plans

2.6 Recognise individuals’ achievement of targets and quality


2.7 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when managing individuals’

performance in the workplace

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1930

Implement and maintain business continuity plans and processes

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to plan for the implementation of

business continuity plans and processes

1.1 Describe the components of a business continuity


1.2 Explain the uses of a business continuity plan

1.3 Explain the features of different business

continuity planning models

1.4 Explain the potential consequences of inadequate

business continuity plans and processes

1.5 Confirm the required aim, scope and objectives of

business continuity plans

1.6 Engage stakeholders in developing business

continuity plans and processes

1.7 Identify business-critical products and/or services

and the activities and resources that support


2 Be able to implement business continuity

plans and processes

2.1 Develop a framework for business continuity


2.2 Recommend resources that are proportionate to

the potential impact of business disruption

2.3 Communicate the importance and requirements

of business continuity plans and processes to


2.4 Meet their own objectives within the plan

3 Be able to maintain the fitness for purpose

of on-going business continuity plans and


3.1 Provide training for staff who may be affected

3.2 Validate and test the strength of business

continuity plans and processes

3.3 Update plans and processes in the light of

feedback from business continuity exercises and

other sources of information

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/1922

Manage individuals’ development in the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to carry out performance


1.1 Explain the purpose of performance reviews and


1.2 Explain techniques to prepare for and carry out


1.3 Provide a private environment in which to carry out


1.4 Carry out performance reviews and appraisals in

accordance with organisational policies and


1.5 Provide clear, specific and evidence-based feedback


1.6 Agree future actions that are consistent with appraisal

findings and identified development needs

2 Be able to support the learning and

development of individual team


2.1 Describe training techniques that can be applied in the


2.2 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of learning

and development interventions and methods

2.3 Explain organisational learning and development

policies and resource availability

2.4 Review individuals’ learning and development needs at

regular intervals

2.5 Suggest learning and development opportunities and

interventions that are likely to meet individual and

business needs

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit M/506/1928

Procure products and/or services

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify

procurement requirements

1.1 Explain current and likely future procurement requirements

1.2 Decide whether the purchase of products and/or services

offers the organisation best value

1.3 Evaluate ethical and sustainability considerations relating to


1.4 Justify the decision to buy products and/or services with

evidence of an analysis of risk, costs and benefits

2 Be able to select suppliers 2.1 Explain the factors to be taken into account in selecting


2.2 Explain organisational procurement policies, procedures and


2.3 Explain the effect of supplier choice on the supply chain

2.4 Use appropriate media to publicise procurement


2.5 Confirm the capability and track record of suppliers and their

products and/or services

2.6 Select suppliers that meet the procurement specification

3 Be able to buy products

and/or services

3.1 Explain the action to be taken in the event of problems arising

3.2 Agree contract terms that are mutually acceptable within their

own scope of authority

3.3 Record agreements made, stating the specification, contract

terms and any post-contract requirements

3.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1820

Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the organisational

aspects of equality, diversity and

inclusion in the workplace

1.1 Explain the difference between equality, diversity and


1.2 Explain the impact of equality, diversity and inclusion

across aspects of organisational policy

1.3 Explain the potential consequences of breaches of

equality legislation

1.4 Describe nominated responsibilities within an

organisation for equality, diversity and inclusion

2 Understand the personal aspects of

equality, diversity and inclusion in

the workplace

2.1 Explain the different forms of discrimination and


2.2 Describe the characteristics of behaviour that supports

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

2.3 Explain the importance of displaying behaviour that

supports equality, diversity and inclusion in the


3 Be able to support equality, diversity

and inclusion in the workplace

3.1 Ensure colleagues are aware of their responsibilities for

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

3.2 Identify potential issues relating to equality, diversity

and inclusion in the workplace

3.3 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, and

legal and ethical requirements when supporting

equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/506/1929

Implement change

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of change


1.1 Explain the importance of effective leadership when

implementing change

1.2 Explain the role of internal and external stakeholders

in the management of change

1.3 Evaluate the suitability of change management models

for different contexts

1.4 Explain how to assess the business risks associated

with change

1.5 Assess the need for contingency planning when

implementing change

1.6 Assess the need for crisis management when

implementing change

1.7 Explain the different types of barriers to change and

how to deal with these

1.8 Explain how to evaluate change management projects

2 Be able to plan the implementation of


2.1 Explain the need for change

2.2 Explain the potential consequences of not

implementing change

2.3 Explain the roles and responsibilities of a change

management project team

2.4 Develop a plan that includes specific, measurable,

achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART)

objectives and resources

2.5 Brief team members on their roles and responsibilities

and the objectives of the change

2.6 Gain acceptance to the need for change from team

members and other stakeholders

3 Be able to manage the

implementation of a change plan

3.1 Explain organisational escalation processes for

reporting problems

3.2 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of

monitoring techniques

3.3 Implement the plan within the agreed timescale

3.4 Provide support to team members and other

stakeholders according to identified needs

3.5 Monitor the progress of the implementation against

the plan

3.6 Manage problems in accordance with contingency


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4 Be able to evaluate the effectiveness

of the implementation of change


4.1 Assess the suitability of techniques used to analyse the

effectiveness of change

4.2 Collate valid feedback and information from


4.3 Analyse feedback and information against agreed


4.4 Identify areas for future improvement

4.5 Communicate the lessons learned with those who may


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1924

Chair and lead meetings

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to prepare to

lead meetings

1.1 Identify the type, purpose, objectives, and background to a meeting

1.2 Identify those individuals expected, and those required to attend a


1.3 Prepare for any formal procedures that apply to a meeting

1.4 Describe ways of minimising likely problems in a meeting

1.5 Take action to ensure that meeting documentation is prepared

correctly and distributed to the agreed people within the agreed


2 Be able to chair and

lead meetings

2.1 Follow business conventions in the conduct of a meeting

2.2 Facilitate meetings so that everyone is involved and the optimum

possible consensus is achieved

2.3 Manage the agenda within the timescale of the meeting

2.4 Summarise the agreed actions, allocated responsibilities, timescales

and any future arrangements

3 Be able to deal with

post-meeting matters

3.1 Take action to ensure that accurate records of a meeting are

produced and distributed in the agreed format and timescale

3.2 Take action to ensure that post-meeting actions are completed

3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of a meeting and identify points for future


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/502/4397

Bespoke Software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Input and combine information using

bespoke software

1.1 Input relevant information accurately so that it is ready

for processing

1.2 Select and use appropriate techniques to link and

combine information within the application and across

different software applications

2 Create and modify appropriate

structures to organise and retrieve

information efficiently

2.1 Evaluate the use of software functions to structure,

layout and style information

2.2 Create, change and use appropriate structures and/or

layouts to organise information efficiently

2.3 Manage data files effectively, in line with local and/or

legal guidelines and conventions for the storage and

use of data where available

3 Exploit the functions of the software

effectively to process and present


3.1 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques to

edit, analyse and format information

3.2 Check information meets needs, using IT tools and

making corrections as necessary

3.3 Identify and respond appropriately to quality problems

to ensure that outcomes are fit for purpose and meet


3.4 Select and use presentation methods to aid clarity and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/502/4636

Spreadsheet software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Use a spreadsheet to enter, edit and

organise numerical and other data

1.1 Identify what numerical and other information is

needed in the spreadsheet and how it should be


1.2 Enter and edit numerical and other data


1.3 Combine and link data from different sources

1.4 Store and retrieve spreadsheet files effectively, in

line with local guidelines and conventions where


2 Select and use appropriate formulas and

data analysis tools and techniques to meet


2.1 Explain what methods can be used to summarise,

analyse and interpret spreadsheet data and when

to use them

2.2 Select and use a wide range of appropriate

functions and formulas to meet calculation


2.3 Select and use a range of tools and techniques to

analyse and interpret data to meet requirements

2.4 Select and use forecasting tools and techniques

3 Use tools and techniques to present, and

format and publish spreadsheet


3.1 Explain how to present and format spreadsheet

information effectively to meet needs

3.2 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques

to format spreadsheet cells, rows, columns and

worksheets effectively

3.3 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques

to generate, develop and format charts and


3.4 Select and use appropriate page layout to

present, print and publish spreadsheet


3.5 Explain how to find and sort out any errors in


3.6 Check spreadsheet information meets needs,

using IT tools and making corrections as necessary

3.7 Use auditing tools to identify and respond

appropriately to any problems with spreadsheets

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/502/4556

Database software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Plan, create and modify relational database

tables to meet requirements

1.1 Explain how a relational database design enables

data to be organised and queried

1.2 Plan and create multiple tables for data entry

with appropriate fields and properties

1.3 Set up and modify relationships between

database tables

1.4 Explain why and how to maintain data integrity

1.5 Respond appropriately to problems with

database tables

1.6 Use database tools and techniques to ensure

data integrity is maintained

2 Enter, edit and organise structured

information in a database

2.1 Design and create forms to access, enter, edit

and organise data in a database

2.2 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques

to format data entry forms

2.3 Check data entry meets needs, using IT tools and

making corrections as necessary

2.4 Respond appropriately to data entry errors

3 Use database software tools to create, edit

and run data queries and produce reports

3.1 Explain how to select, generate and output

information from queries according to


3.2 Create and run database queries to display,

amend or calculate selected data

3.3 Plan and produce database reports from a

multiple-table relational database

3.4 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques

to format database reports

3.5 Check reports meet needs, using IT tools and

making corrections as necessary

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/502/4629

Word processing software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Enter and combine text and other

information accurately within word

processing documents

1.1 Summarise what types of information are

needed for the document and how they should

be linked or integrated

1.2 Use appropriate techniques to enter text and

other types of information accurately and


1.3 Create, use and modify appropriate templates

for different types of documents

1.4 Explain how to combine and merge

information from other software or multiple


1.5 Combine and merge information within a

document from a range of sources

1.6 Store and retrieve document and associated

files effectively, in line with local guidelines and

conventions where available

1.7 Select and use tools and techniques to work

with multiple documents or users

1.8 Customise interface to meet needs

2 Create and modify appropriate layouts,

structures and styles for word processing


2.1 Analyse and explain the requirements for

structure and style

2.2 Create, use and modify columns, tables and

forms to organise information

2.3 Define and modify styles for document


2.4 Select and use tools and techniques to organise

and structure long documents

3 Use word processing software tools and

techniques to format and present documents

effectively to meet requirements

3.1 Explain how the information should be

formatted to aid meaning

3.2 Select and use appropriate techniques to

format characters and paragraphs

3.3 Select and use appropriate page and section

layouts to present and print multi-page and

multi-section documents

3.4 Check documents meet needs, using IT tools

and making corrections as necessary

3.5 Evaluate the quality of the documents

produced to ensure they are fit for purpose

3.6 Respond appropriately to any quality problems

with documents to ensure that outcomes meet

needs and are fit for purpose

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/502/4301

Using Email

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Use e-mail software tools and

techniques to compose and send


1.1 Select and use software tools to compose and

format e-mail messages, including attachments

1.2 Explain methods to improve message transmission

1.3 Send e-mail messages to individuals and groups

1.4 Explain why and how to stay safe and respect

others when using e-mail

1.5 Use an address book to manage contact


2 Manage use of e-mail software


2.1 Develop and communicate guidelines and

procedures for using e-mail effectively

2.2 Read and respond appropriately to e-mail messages

and attachments

2.3 Use email software tools and techniques to

automate responses

2.4 Explain why, how and when to archive messages

2.5 Organise, store and archive e-mail messages


2.6 Customise e-mail software to make it easier to use

2.7 Explain how to minimise e-mail problems

2.8 Respond appropriately to email problems

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/2150

Organise and deliver customer service

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to organise

customer service delivery

1.1 Explain how different methods of promoting products

and/or services impact on customer service delivery

1.2 Explain who should be involved in the organisation of

customer service delivery

1.3 Explain the importance of differentiating between

customers’ wants, needs and expectations

1.4 Explain different ways of segmenting customer groups

1.5 Explain how customer segmentation is used in organising

customer service delivery

1.6 Explain how to analyse the “customer journey”

2 Be able to plan the delivery of

customer service

2.1 Identify customers’ needs and expectations

2.2 Map the “customer journey”

2.3 Confirm that systems and structures are in place to enable

the delivery of agreed standards of customer service

2.4 Prepare the resources needed to deliver products and/or

services to different types of customers

2.5 Plan how to deal with unexpected additional workloads

2.6 Allocate priorities to address points of service failure

3 Be able to deliver customer


3.1 Take steps to ensure that the needs of customers are

balanced with organisational objectives

3.2 Agree realistic and achievable actions with customers

3.3 Identify areas for improvement in their own customer

service delivery

3.4 Adapt their own customer service delivery to meet

customers’ changing expectations

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/2151

Resolve customers’ complaints

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the monitoring and

resolution of customers’


1.1 Assess the suitability of a range of monitoring techniques

for customers’ complaints

1.2 Explain how to identify those complaints that should

prompt a review of the service offer and service delivery

1.3 Explain negotiating techniques used to resolve customers’


1.4 Explain conflict management techniques used in dealing

with upset customers

1.5 Explain organisational procedures for dealing with

customer complaints

1.6 Explain when to escalate customers’ complaints

1.7 Explain the cost and regulatory implications of admitting

liability on the basis of a customer complaint

1.8 Explain the advantages and limitations of offering

compensation or replacement products and/or services

2 Be able to deal with customers’


2.1 Confirm the nature, cause and implications of customers’


2.2 Take personal responsibility for dealing with complaints

2.3 Communicate in a way that recognises customers’

problems and understands their points of view

2.4 Explain the advantages and limitations of different

complaint response options to customers

2.5 Explain the advantages and limitations of different

complaint response options to the organisation

2.6 Keep customers informed of progress

2.7 Agree solutions with customers that address the

complaint and which are within the limits of their own


2.8 Record the outcome of the handling of complaints for

future reference

2.9 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal

and ethical requirements when dealing with customers’


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit A/506/1995

Manage a budget

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how to identify

financial requirements

1.1 Explain how to calculate the estimated costs of activities,

resources and overheads needed to achieve objectives

1.2 Analyse the components of a business case to meet

organisational requirements

1.3 Analyse the factors to be taken into account to secure the

support of stakeholders

1.4 Describe the business planning and budget-setting cycle

2 Understand how to set


2.1 Explain the purposes of budget-setting

2.2 Analyse the information needed to enable realistic budgets to

be set

2.3 Explain how to address contingencies

2.4 Explain organisational policies and procedures on budgetsetting

3 Be able to manage a budget 3.1 Use the budget to control performance and expenditure

3.2 Identify the cause of variations from budget

3.3 Explain the actions to be taken to address variations from


3.4 Propose realistic revisions to budget, supporting

recommendations with evidence

3.5 Provide budget-related reports and information within agreed


3.6 Explain the actions to be taken in the event of suspected

instances of fraud or malpractice

4 Be able to evaluate the use of

a budget

4.1 Identify successes and areas for improvement in budget


4.2 Make recommendations to improve future budget setting and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/506/1949

Develop and maintain professional networks

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

effective networking

1.1 Describe the interpersonal skills needed for effective


1.2 Explain the basis on which to choose networks to be


1.3 Evaluate the role of shared agendas and conflict management

in relationship-building

1.4 Evaluate the role of the internet in business networking

1.5 Assess the importance of following up leads and actions

1.6 Analyse ethical issues relating to networking activities

2 Be able to identify

professional networks for


2.1 Identify potential networks for professional development from

an analysis of their benefits compared with individual needs

and aspirations

2.2 Shortlist networks for development against defined criteria

2.3 Assess the benefits and limitations of joining and maintaining

selected network(s)

3 Be able to maintain

professional networks

3.1 Identify the potential for mutual benefit with network


3.2 Promote their own skills, knowledge and competence to

network members

3.3 Provide information, services or support to network members

where the potential for mutual benefit has been identified

3.4 Establish the boundaries of confidentiality

3.5 Agree guidelines for the exchange of information and


3.6 Take action to ensure that participation in networks reflects

current and defined future aspirations and needs

3.7 Make introductions to people with common or

complementary interest to and within networks

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1989

Manage physical resources

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify the

need for physical


1.1 Identify resource requirements from analyses of organisational


1.2 Evaluate alternative options for obtaining physical resources

1.3 Evaluate the impact on the organisation of introducing physical


1.4 Identify the optimum option that meets operational requirements

for physical resources

2 Be able to obtain

physical resources

2.1 Develop a business case for physical resources that is supported by

evidence, cost estimates, contingency arrangements and an analysis

of likely benefits

2.2 Obtain authorisation and financial commitment for the required


2.3 Negotiate best value from contracts in accordance with

organisational standards and procedures

2.4 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements when obtaining physical resources

2.5 Check that the physical resources received match those ordered

3 Be able to manage the

use of physical resources

3.1 Take action to ensure physical resources are used in accordance

with manufacturers’ instructions

3.2 Evaluate the efficiency of physical resources against agreed criteria

3.3 Recommend improvements to the use of physical resources and

associated working practices

3.4 Analyse the benefits of effective equipment in the conservation of

energy and the environment

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/506/1992

Prepare for and support quality audits

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles

underpinning the management of


1.1 Analyse the principles of quality management

1.2 Analyse the purpose and requirements of a range of

quality standards

1.3 Analyse the advantages and limitations of a range of

quality techniques

1.4 Assess how the management of quality contributes to

the achievement of organisational objectives

2 Be able to prepare for quality audits 2.1 Establish the quality requirements applicable to the

work being audited

2.2 Confirm that documentation is complete

2.3 Confirm that any previously agreed actions have been


2.4 Make available information requested in advance by


3 Be able to support quality audits 3.1 Provide access to information on request within scope

of the audit

3.2 Agree actions and timescales with auditors that will

remedy non-conformance or non-compliance

3.3 Identify instances where business processes, quality

standards and/or procedures could be improved

3.4 Develop a quality improvement plan that addresses

the issues raised

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit L/506/2004

Manage business risk

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the management

of business risk

1.1 Explain what is meant by business risk

1.2 Analyse business risk identification theories and models

1.3 Explain measures and techniques to mitigate business risk

1.4 Explain their own level of authority in managing risk

2 Be able to address business


2.1 Monitor work in line with organisational risk procedures

2.2 Identify potential risks using agreed risk criteria

2.3 Assess identified risks, their potential consequences and the

probability of them happening

2.4 Communicate to stakeholders the likelihood of the risk

occurring and its potential consequences

2.5 Explain organisational business risk management policies

3 Be able to mitigate business


3.1 Develop risk management plans and processes that are

proportionate to the risk and the available resources

3.2 Implement risk management plans in accordance with

organisational requirements

3.3 Monitor on-going risk-related developments and amend plans

in the light of changing circumstances

3.4 Keep stakeholders informed of any developments and their

possible consequences

3.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken, identifying possible

future improvements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/1999

Manage a project

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the

management of a


1.1 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis for a project

1.2 Evaluate the use of risk analysis techniques

1.3 Evaluate project planning and management tools and techniques

1.4 Evaluate the impact of changes to project scope, schedule, finance,

risk, quality and resources

1.5 Analyse the requirements of project governance arrangements

2 Be able to plan a


2.1 Analyse how a project fits with an organisation’s overall vision,

objectives, plans and programmes of work

2.2 Agree the objectives and scope of proposed projects with


2.3 Assess the interdependencies and potential risks within a project

2.4 Develop a project plan with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic

and time-bound (SMART) objectives, key performance indicators

(KPIs) and evaluations mechanisms appropriate to the plan

2.5 Develop proportionate and targeted plans to manage identified risks

and contingencies

2.6 Apply project lifecycle approaches to the progress of a project

3 Be able to manage a


3.1 Allocate resources in accordance with the project plan

3.2 Brief project team members on their roles and responsibilities

3.3 Implement plans within agreed budgets and timescales

3.4 Communicate the requirements of the plans to those who will be


3.5 Revise plans in the light of changing circumstances in accordance

with project objectives and identified risks

3.6 Keep stakeholders up to date with developments and problems

3.7 Complete close-out actions in accordance with project plans

3.8 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical

requirements when managing a project

4 Be able to evaluate the

effectiveness of a


4.1 Conduct periodic reviews of the progress and effectiveness of a

project using information from a range of sources

4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of capturing and managing project-related


4.3 Report on the effectiveness of plans

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/1955

Develop and implement an operational plan

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

operational planning

1.1 Evaluate the use of risk analysis techniques in operational


1.2 Explain the components of an operational plan

1.3 Analyse the relationship between strategic and operational


1.4 Evaluate the use of planning tools and techniques in the

operational planning process

1.5 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis

2 Be able to develop an

operational plan

2.1 Identify specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound (SMART) objectives and key performance indicators


2.2 Identify evaluation mechanisms appropriate to the plan

2.3 Take action to ensure that plans are consistent with

organisational strategy, objectives, values, policies and


2.4 Develop proportionate and targeted plans to manage

identified risks

2.5 Take action to ensure that plans complement and maximise

synergy with other business areas

2.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and

ethical requirements

3 Be able to implement an

operational plan

3.1 Implement plans within agreed budgets and timescales

3.2 Communicate the requirements of the plans to those who

will be affected

3.3 Revise plans in the light of changing circumstances in

accordance with strategic objectives and identified risks

4 Be able to evaluate the

effectiveness of an operational


4.1 Conduct periodic reviews of the progress and effectiveness

of the plans, using information from a range of sources

4.2 Report on the effectiveness of operational plans in the

appropriate format

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/506/2292

Encourage innovation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify opportunities for


1.1 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of

techniques used to generate ideas

1.2 Explain how innovation benefits an organisation

1.3 Explain the constraints on their own ability to make


1.4 Agree with stakeholders terms of reference and criteria

for evaluating potential innovation and improvement

1.5 Engage team members in finding opportunities to

innovate and suggest improvements

1.6 Monitor performance, products and/or services and

developments in areas that may benefit from


1.7 Analyse valid information to identify opportunities for

innovation and improvement

2 Be able to generate and test ideas

for innovation and improvement

2.1 Generate ideas for innovation or improvement that

meet the agreed criteria

2.2 Test selected ideas that meet viability criteria

2.3 Evaluate the fitness for purpose and value of the

selected ideas

2.4 Assess potential innovations and improvements against

the agreed evaluation criteria

3 Be able to implement innovative

ideas and improvements

3.1 Explain the risks of implementing innovative ideas and


3.2 Justify conclusions of efficiency and value with evidence

3.3 Prepare costings and schedules of work that will enable

efficient implementation

3.4 Design processes that support efficient implementation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/502/4632

Website software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Create structures and styles and use them to

produce websites

1.1 Determine what website content and layout

will be needed for each page and for the site

1.2 Plan and create web page templates to layout


1.3 Select and use website features and structures

to enhance website navigation and


1.4 Create, select and use styles to enhance

website consistency and readability

1.5 Provide guidance on laws, guidelines and

constraints that affect the content and use of


1.6 Explain what access issues may need to be

taken into account

1.7 Explain when and why to use different file types

for saving content

1.8 Store and retrieve files effectively, in line with

local guidelines and conventions where


2 Select and use website software tools and

features to develop multiple page websites

with multimedia and interactive features

2.1 Prepare content for web pages so that it is

ready for editing and formatting

2.2 Organise and combine information needed for

web pages in line with any copyright

constraints, including across different software

2.3 Select and use appropriate editing and

formatting techniques to aid meaning

2.4 Select and use appropriate programming and

development techniques to add features and

enhance websites

2.5 Select and use file formats that make

information easier to download

2.6 Check web pages meet needs, using IT tools

and making corrections as necessary

3 Publish and test multiple page websites with

multimedia and interactive features

3.1 Select and use appropriate testing methods to

check that all elements and features of complex

websites are working as planned

3.2 Identify any quality problems with websites and

explain how to respond to them

3.3 Select and use an appropriate programme to

upload and publish the website and make sure

that it will download efficiently

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Respond appropriately to quality problems with

websites to ensure outcomes are fit for


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/502/4623

Presentation software

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Input and combine text and other

information within presentation slides

1.1 Explain what types of information are required for

the presentation

1.2 Enter text and other information using layouts

appropriate to type of information

1.3 Insert charts and tables and link to source data

1.4 Insert images, video or sound to enhance the


1.5 Identify any constraints which may affect the


1.6 Organise and combine information for presentations

in line with any constraints

1.7 Store and retrieve presentation files effectively, in

line with local guidelines and conventions where


2 Use presentation software tools to

structure, edit and format


2.1 Explain when and how to use and change slide

structure and themes to enhance presentations

2.2 Create, amend and use appropriate templates and

themes for slides

2.3 Explain how interactive and presentation effects can

be used to aid meaning or impact

2.4 Select and use appropriate techniques to edit and

format presentations to meet needs

2.5 Create and use interactive elements to enhance


2.6 Select and use animation and transition techniques

appropriately to enhance presentations

3 Prepare interactive slideshow for


3.1 Explain how to present slides to communicate

effectively for different contexts

3.2 Prepare interactive slideshow and associated

products for presentation

3.3 Check presentation meets needs, using IT tools and

making corrections as necessary

3.4 Evaluate presentations, identify any quality problems

and discuss how to respond to them

3.5 Respond appropriately to quality problems to ensure

that presentations meet needs and are fit for


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/506/2909

Recruitment, selection and induction practice

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles and theories

underpinning recruitment, selection and

induction practice

1.1 Explain workforce planning techniques

1.2 Describe the information needed to identify

recruitment requirements

1.3 Assess the impact of an organisation’s structure and

culture on its recruitment and selection policies and


1.4 Analyse the factors involved in establishing

recruitment and selection criteria

1.5 Evaluate the suitability of different recruitment and

selection methods for different roles

1.6 Analyse patterns of employment that affect the

recruitment of staff

1.7 Explain the factors to be taken into account when

developing job specifications, personal

specifications and job advertisements

1.8 Explain the induction process

1.9 Explain the relationship between human resource

processes and the induction processes

2 Be able to recruit people into an


2.1 Determine current staffing needs

2.2 Identify current skills needs from identified staffing


2.3 Identify future workforce needs

2.4 Develop a resourcing plan that addresses identified

needs within budgetary limitations

2.5 Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different

methods of recruitment for an identified role

2.6 Explain how recruitment policies and practices

meet legal and ethical requirements

2.7 Select the most appropriate method of recruitment

for identified roles

3 Be able to select appropriate people for

the role

3.1 Plan assessment processes that are valid and


3.2 Provide those involved in the selection process with

sufficient information to enable them to make

informed decisions

3.3 Justify assessment decisions with evidence

3.4 Inform applicants of the outcome of the process in

line with organisational procedures

3.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of the selection process

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Adhere to organisational policies and procedures,

legal and ethical requirements when carrying out

selection assessments

4 Be able to induct people into an


4.1 Develop induction materials that meet operational

and new starters’ needs

4.2 Explain to new starters organisational policies,

procedures and structures

4.3 Explain to new starters their role and


4.4 Explain to new starters their entitlements and

where to go for help

4.5 Assess new starters’ training needs

4.6 Confirm that training is available that meets

operational and new starters’ needs

4.7 Provide support that meets new starters’ needs

throughout the induction period

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit F/502/9937

Principles of digital marketing and research

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the role and

requirements of digital


1.1 Explain the role of digital marketing within the overall

marketing strategy

1.2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of digital marketing

for different marketing applications

1.3 Explain the importance of targeted digital marketing

1.4 Describe the sources of data lists for use in targeting

customers and potential customers

1.5 Explain the legal requirements and implications of digital


1.6 Describe the design requirements of data capture and

reporting systems for digital marketing

1.7 Explain the importance of evaluating the impact of digital

marketing activities

2 Understand the principles of

search engine optimisation (SEO)

2.1 Explain the importance of search engine optimisation

2.2 Describe how to calculate the cost-efficiency of SEO

2.3 Explain the use of Meta Tags, website codes and keywords

2.4 Explain the use of offsite SEO in optimising marketing


2.5 Explain the design principles of response systems

2.6 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of links to other


3 Understand the principles of

marketing research using the


3.1 Explain the scope for customising search-related internet

facilities to enable the identification and retrieval of

targeted information

3.2 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different data

mining techniques

3.3 Explain how to use multiple-table relational databases

3.4 Explain how to ensure the validity and reliability of

information retrieved from the internet

4 Understand the principles of

digital marketing device and

message design

4.1 Explain the potential uses of a Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) system

4.2 Explain the design requirements of a CRM system

4.3 Describe the characteristics of an effective digital marketing


4.4 Describe the characteristics of an effective digital response


4.5 Explain the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of

different tracking systems

4.6 Explain how to overcome the barriers posed by noninteroperable technologies

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Understand how to use digital

technology for marketing


5.1 Explain the implications for the use of digital technology of

campaigns that are aimed at retention, acquisition and


5.2 Explain methods of managing digital databases including

permission marketing and the application of


5.3 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different

digital technologies and combination of technologies for a

range of marketing applications

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit J/502/9938

Principles of marketing stakeholder relationships

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand marketing stakeholder


1.1 Explain the basis on which the need for marketing

stakeholder relationships are identified and prioritised

1.2 Explain the use of stakeholder mapping in developing

ways of building relationships

1.3 Describe the nature of interest of different stakeholder

groups and how this affects the nature of relationships

and communications

1.4 Explain the significance of stakeholders to the

achievement of the overall marketing strategy

1.5 Describe the features of the market in which stakeholders


1.6 Describe how to establish stakeholders’ attitudes to an


1.7 Describe actual and potential synergies and conflicts

between clients and other stakeholders

2 Understand how to build and

manage marketing stakeholder


2.1 Explain how to identify common goals and potential

synergy between stakeholders and an organisation

2.2 Explain the importance of engaging stakeholders in

marketing activities

2.3 Explain the basis upon which stakeholder communications

plans are developed

2.4 Explain the requirements of a competitor management


2.5 Explain the importance of agreeing common objectives

with clients

2.6 Describe the scope of generalist and specialist personnel

that can be deployed in support of building long term

relationships with clients

3 Understand how to monitor and

control marketing stakeholder


3.1 Explain the use of key performance indicators and success

criteria in monitoring the effectiveness of stakeholder


3.2 Describe methods of monitoring the ongoing

effectiveness of stakeholder relationships

3.3 Explain the importance of effective stakeholder

communications and feedback system

3.4 Explain how changes in the market environment in which

stakeholders operate may have an impact on


3.5 Explain how to develop strategies and plans that address

changing stakeholder attitudes and needs

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Explain how to develop reporting systems that meet

agreed success criteria

3.7 Explain the importance of reviewing the effectiveness of

collaborative arrangements with stakeholders

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit K/502/9933

Principles of market research

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the basis on which

market research is commissioned

1.1 Describe how to identify the need for market research and

the sources of evidence to support this

1.2 Describe the basis for scoping the research and identifying

linkages, interdependencies and the possible impact of

one element on others

1.3 Explain how to set research parameters, aims and

evaluation criteria

1.4 Explain the importance of involving stakeholders in the

definition of research to be carried out

1.5 Explain how to evaluate different options for conducting

the research

2 Understand how to design market

research projects

2.1 Explain how to set research objectives, timescales, budget

and resource requirements and success criteria

2.2 Explain how to specify the characteristics and size of the

sample to be researched in accordance with the research

aims and objectives

2.3 Describe the factors to be taken into account when

selecting research instruments that are fit for purpose

2.4 Explain how to ensure the suitability of methods chosen to

conduct research

2.5 Explain the strengths and limitations of quantitative and

qualitative research

2.6 Explain how risks inherent in market research may be


2.7 Explain how to ensure that research data collected is valid

and reliable

2.8 Describe the uses of the research outputs

2.9 Explain how to obtain approval to the proposed research

3 Understand the principles of

marketing data collection

3.1 Explain the difference between primary and secondary

research and how this affects data collection methods and


3.2 Describe the importance of using research instruments


3.3 Explain the role of data collection in a market research


3.4 Explain how to address problems arising in data collection

(eg insufficiency of representative sample, unreliable or

invalid data)

3.5 Explain the importance of accurate data collection and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 Explain marketing data storage, security and access


4 Understand the principles of

marketing data interpretation and


4.1 Explain the volume of data needed to ensure statistical


4.2 Explain how to evaluate the quality, reliability and validity

of market research data

4.3 Describe the use(s) of market research

4.4 Explain the application, strengths and weaknesses of

different data analysis methods

4.5 Explain the use of statistical tools to identify trends,

causes and correlations in marketing data

4.6 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different data

evaluation methods

4.7 Explain the basis on which to reach conclusions as to the

usefulness of the research

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit T/502/9935

Principles of marketing and evaluation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of market


1.1 Explain the importance of defining market segments to

the development and achievement of the marketing


1.2 Explain the difference between market segments and

customer classification

1.3 Explain how the characteristics, motivations and

behaviours of potential target customers are identified

1.4 Explain how to cluster customers with similar


1.5 Describe how to confirm that proposed segments are

real, distinctive, viable and their buying power


1.6 Explain how to evaluate the profitability and stability of

market segments

1.7 Describe how a range of products may appeal to

different market segments

1.8 Explain the motivators and inhibitors that influence

customer behaviour

1.9 Explain the use of Customer Relationship Management

2 Understand how to assess market

opportunities for new products

and/or services

2.1 Describe the economic and buyer behavioural factors

to be taken into account when assessing new market


2.2 Describe the cultural factors that are likely to affect

customers’ perception of products and/or services and

sales performance

2.3 Explain how to identify opportunities and threats in

new markets and for new products in existing markets

2.4 Explain how competitor and potential competitor

activity may affect projected sales performance

2.5 Explain the basis of recommendations to exploit new

market opportunities

3 Understand the principles of

marketing strategy development

3.1 Describe the topics to be addressed in a marketing


3.2 Explain the use of market analyses to inform the

development of a marketing strategy

3.3 Explain how to evaluate risks to the achievement of


3.4 Describe how to forecast sales by product and/or


ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Explain how to present a marketing strategy including

aims, objectives, actions, accountabilities, resources,

budgets and forecasts

3.6 Explain the importance of engaging stakeholders in the

development of a marketing strategy

3.7 Explain the significance of customer loyalty to the

achievement of marketing objectives and strategy

3.8 Explain how to set performance indicators and

evaluation arrangements that are capable of measuring

returns on investment

4 Understand how to evaluate the

effectiveness of a marketing


4.1 Explain the importance of conducting the evaluation in

accordance with the specification

4.2 Describe the factors to be taken into account in the

evaluation of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy

4.3 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different

evaluation methods

4.4 Describe how to identify trends and themes from

evaluation data

4.5 Explain how to ensure the reliability and validity of

evaluation data

4.6 Explain how to achieve an acceptable level of statistical


4.7 Explain how to address critical issues revealed by


4.8 Explain the importance of justifying recommendations

and conclusions with evidence

4.9 Explain the use of impact analysis in the evaluation


4.10 Explain the importance of marketing to the

achievement of business objectives and strategies

4.11 Describe the links between corporate social

responsibility and marketing strategies

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit Y/506/2152

Understand the customer service environment

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the concepts and

practices underpinning customer

service delivery

1.1 Explain the value of customer service as a competitive


1.2 Explain the process of mapping the customer journey

and its importance in delivering effective customer


1.3 Describe techniques used to identify service failures

1.4 Explain the concept and importance of the service profit


1.5 Describe methods of measuring organisational

effectiveness in the delivery of customer service

2 Understand the relationship

between customer service and a


2.1 Explain the importance of a brand to customers and to

an organisation

2.2 Explain how branding can influence customers’

perception of an organisation and its products and/or


2.3 Explain the potential impact of good and poor customer

service on a brand

3 Understand the structure of

customer service

3.1 Explain the features of different customer service

models and customer service standards

3.2 Explain the relationship between customer service and

operational areas of an organisation

3.3 Explain the relationship between customer service and

continuous improvement processes

3.4 Explain the costs and benefits of customer service to an


3.5 Explain the impact of organisational values on how

customers create their expectations

3.6 Explain how organisational values impact on meeting

customer expectations

4 Understand the implications of

legislation on customer service


4.1 Explain the implications of consumer-related legislation

on customer service delivery

4.2 Explain the implications of confidentiality and data

protection legislation for the collection, storage and use

of customer information

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit D/506/1939

Understand the legal context of business

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the legal framework

within which businesses operate

1.1 Explain the legal requirements of different types of


1.2 Describe the roles and powers of government

departments and agencies in regulating business

1.3 Explain the legal provisions relating to intellectual


2 Understand the principles of business


2.1 Explain the corporate governance statutory

framework of a business

2.2 Explain the roles and responsibilities of an

organisation’s governing body

2.3 Explain the financial reporting requirements of an


3 Understand how contract law affects

a business

3.1 Explain the elements of a valid business contract

3.2 Analyse different types of contracts

3.3 Explain the difference between negligence and liability

3.4 Explain the liabilities and entitlements of sellers and

purchasers of goods and services

4 Understand the requirements of

employment law

4.1 Describe the sources, institutions and enforcement

systems for individual employment rights

4.2 Explain the features of types of worker and

employment contracts for service

4.3 Explain the implications of contracts of service and

contracts for service

4.4 Explain the implications of different types of

employment status

4.5 Explain the requirements for an organisation for

health and safety

4.6 Explain the requirements for an organisation for

equality and diversity

4.7 Explain the implications for an organisation of

wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal and redundancy

4.8 Describe the impact of human rights legislation on the

employment relationship

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit R/503/9324

Principles of social media within a business

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how Social Media fits

into the objectives and marketing

of a business

1.1 Describe a business and its type, vision, aims, objectives

and goals

1.2 Identify the brand and values of a business and how these

are portrayed to the audience of a business

1.3 Describe the marketing tools available to a business

1.4 Explain the consequences of using Social Media on the

budget of different sizes and types of business

1.5 Explain the benefits and consequences of encouraging


1.6 Explain the benefits and consequences of encouraging


1.7 Explain the factors to consider when identifying a Social

Media plan for a business

1.8 Explain how Social Media could fit into the marketing plan

of a business

2 Understand how to select Social

Media tools and channels for a


2.1 Describe the different tools and channels that can be used

for Social Media

2.2 Describe the features and benefits of the different tools

and channels that can be used for Social Media

2.3 Identify the potential type of audience for each different

tool and channel that can be used for Social Media

2.4 Explain the factors to consider when selecting different

tools and channels for Social Media

2.5 Evaluate different tools and channels for Social Media

for business use

3 Understand how to measure the

success of using social media tools

and channels

3.1 Explain the importance of measuring the outcomes of

using different Social Media tools and channels

3.2 Explain why SMARTER targets should be set for different

Social Media tools and channels

3.3 Describe the methods a business can use to measure and

identify success of different Social Media tools and


3.4 Describe what success could look like when using

different Social Media tools and channels for different

types and sizes of business

4 Understand how social media

policy and guidelines can impact a


4.1 Describe the components of a business’s social media

policy and guidelines

4.2 Explain the importance of having a social media policy and


4.3 Explain the importance of having a reputation

management policy

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.4 Describe the benefits of managing perception changes in

a business’s reputation

4.5 Describe how to manage perception changes in a

business’s reputation

5 Be able to monitor how a business

is using Social Media

5.1 Explain the importance of knowing how similar businesses

or industries are using Social Media

5.2 Explain how to monitor the ways similar businesses or

industries are using Social Media

5.3 Monitor how a business is using Social Media

5.4 Identify improvements to a business’s use of Social Media

ProQual, November 2017

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration


Unit F/506/2596

Principles of leadership and management

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the principles of

effective decision making

1.1 Explain the importance of defining the objectives, scope

and success criteria of the decisions to be taken

1.2 Assess the importance of analysing the potential impact

of decision making

1.3 Explain the importance of obtaining sufficient valid

information to enable effective decision making

1.4 Explain the importance of aligning decisions with business

objectives, values and policies

1.5 Explain how to validate information used in the decision

making process

1.6 Explain how to address issues that hamper the

achievement of targets and quality standards

2 Understand leadership styles and


2.1 Explain the difference in the influence of managers and

leaders on their teams

2.2 Evaluate the suitability and impact of different leadership

styles in different contexts

2.3 Analyse theories and models of motivation and their

application in the workplace

3 Understand the role, functions and

processes of management

3.1 Analyse a manager’s responsibilities for planning,

coordinating and controlling work

3.2 Explain how managers ensure that team objectives are


3.3 Explain how a manager’s role contributes to the

achievement of an organisation’s vision, mission and


3.4 Analyse theories and models of management

3.5 Explain how the application of management theories

guide a manager’s actions

3.6 Explain the operational constraints imposed by budgets

4 Understand performance


4.1 Explain the relationship between business objectives and

performance measures

4.2 Explain the features of a performance measurement


4.3 Explain how to set key performance indicators (KPIs)

4.4 Explain the tools, processes and timetable for monitoring

and reporting on business performance

4.5 Explain the use of management accounts and

management information systems in performance


4.6 Explain the distinction between outcomes and outputs


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