ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations (Construction) Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations (Construction) Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The aim of this qualification is to equip learners with the knowledge and understanding

associated with the job role of plant operative. The qualification is appropriate for

apprentices on the Construction Civil Engineering (Plant Operations) Apprenticeship


The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the

regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The

specification for these qualifications has been approved by the Welsh Government for use

by centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment

(CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland.

This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Qualification Profile

Qualification title ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Ofqual qualification number 601/7106/6

Level Level 2

Total qualification time 380 hours

Guided learning hours 331


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/9/15

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Qualification Structure

Candidates must achieve 38 credits:

  • 10 credits from the Mandatory units
  • A minimum of 20 credits from Optional Group B
  • A minimum of 8 credits from Optional Group C

Mandatory Units




Unit Title Unit



Value GLH

L/503/4252 Workplace health, safety and welfare 2 4 40

R/503/4253 Conform to productive working practices 2 4 40

D/503/4384 Set out secondary dimensional work controls 2 2 20

Optional Group B Units




Unit Title Unit



Value GLH

A/503/4280 Install road drainage 2 8 80

D/503/4305 Lay domestic drainage 2 8 80

D/503/4322 Reinstate ground conditions 2 8 80

H/503/4306 Lay kerbs and channels 2 4 40

K/503/4307 Lay modular pavement 2 8 80

R/503/4270 Form concrete structures 2 8 80

Optional Group C Units




Unit Title Unit



Value GLH

D/503/4269 Excavate holes and trenches 2 4 40

F/503/4281 Install street ironwork 2 4 40

F/503/4314 Provide temporary excavation support 2 8 80

H/503/4323 Search for underground services 2 2 20

J/503/4282 Lay and finish concrete 2 8 80

L/503/4302 Prepare and operate machinery to receive and transport

loads 2 6 60

M/503/4258 Arrange and secure loads 2 8 80

M/503/4311 Operate a powered tool and equipment 2 2 20

M/503/4325 Sign, light and guard the work area 2 4 40

Y/503/4271 Guide moving loads or machinery 2 8 80

Y/503/4299 Prepare and operate machinery to compact materials 2 6 60

Y/503/4321 Sling and signal the movement of loads 2 6 60

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier

qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations



Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment is

the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards

set in the qualification.

Assessment guidance is included to assure consistency.

Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of

all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – assignments/projects/reports

– worksheets

– portfolio of evidence

– record of oral and/or written questioning

– candidate test papers

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 8.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing the unit achieved with its related credit value, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations (Construction)

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the required number of credits for a qualification. All

certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit L/503/4252

Workplace health, safety and welfare

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand health, safety and

welfare requirements

1.1 State the role of the Health and Safety


1.2 Give examples of how induction, briefings and

application of prior training can avoid risks in

the workplace

1.3 Explain why it is important to take individual

responsibility for health, safety and welfare

1.4 Explain the impact that behaviour can have on

own and others’ health and safety

1.5 State the importance of health, safety and

control equipment

1.6 Explain why changing circumstances can create


2 Understand the organisation’s

approach to health, safety and


2.1 Outline the health, safety and welfare

legislation that applies to the work area

2.2 Outline the organisational policies and

procedures for health, safety and welfare

2.3 List the hazards associated with the work area

2.4 Outline the organisation’s requirements for

dealing with accidents and emergencies in the

work environment

2.5 State procedures for evacuation, including safe

exit procedures

2.6 State methods of reporting hazards in the work


2.7 State procedures for complying with control

measures identified by risk assessments

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

2.8 Outline the security arrangements in the work


3 Understand risk control in the


3.1 List the notices and warning signs associated

with the work environment

3.2 List the health and safety control equipment in

the work area

3.3 State when control equipment should be used

3.4 State the purpose of Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE)

3.5 State work situations where Respiratory

Protective Equipment (RPE) is used

3.6 State work situations where Local Exhaust

Ventilation (LEV) is used

3.7 List the different types of fire extinguisher in

the workplace

3.8 Give examples of situations when different

types of fire extinguisher should be used

4 Confirm health and safety

requirements in the workplace

4.1 Interpret work instructions to maintain safe

systems of work

4.2 Take part in discussions with others to identify

safe systems of work

4.3 Provide feedback on health, safety and welfare


4.4 Report hazards as they are identified

5 Work in accordance with health

and safety requirements

5.1 Store equipment in designated areas

5.2 Ensure equipment is secured appropriately

when stored

5.3 Dispose of waste in required receptacles,

including those for reuse or recycling

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.4 Use safety control equipment according to

instructions, induction and prior training

5.5 Follow the requirements of safety notices and

warning signs, as directed

5.6 Comply with control measures as identified by

risk assessments and safe symbols of work

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit R/503/4253

Conform to productive work practices

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to work

productively in the


1.1 Explain why it is important to be productive in the


1.2 State the procedures that must be followed in the


1.3 List the documentation that must be maintained by the

organisation including job cards, worksheets,

material/resources lists and timesheets

1.4 State the importance of maintaining accurate, up to

date records

2 Understand low/zero

carbon outcomes

2.1 Explain why zero/low carbon production is desirable

2.2 Describe the contribution that the built environment

makes to carbon production

2.3 Explain how zero/low carbon production can be

achieved in the built environment

3 Understand equality and

diversity in the


3.1 State the legislation that protects equality and diversity

in the workplace

3.2 Explain why equality and diversity in the workplace is


4 Know how to

communicate with


4.1 Describe ways of communicating with others that

encourages cooperation

4.2 Outline the methods of communication used in the


4.3 State the information needs of the customer, line

manager, own occupation and allied trades

5 Work productively in the


5.1 Interpret procedures to plan a productive sequence of


5.2 Plan a sequence of work which is productive and sets

out the use of time and resources

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.3 Communicate with others in the work environment to

ensure that work is carried out productively

5.4 Maintain records as required in the workplace and by

the organisation

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit D/503/4384

Set out secondary dimensional work controls

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the secondary

dimensional control

requirements for the specified


1.1 Interpret drawings and work specifications for

the task

1.2 Identify the methods of work to be used in

accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines

1.3 Identify the equipment and resources required

including measuring tools and instruments,

marking equipment and level and alignment


1.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for

the task in accordance with the specification

1.5 State legislative requirements for disposing of


2 Know how to conduct pre and

post-operational checks of


2.1 Identify potential hazards to avoid during the


2.2 State how to conduct pre-use safety and

functional checks of all equipment

2.3 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with problems, accidents and


2.4 State workplace safety and legislative

requirements for the task

3 Measure and set out secondary

dimensional control

requirements to specification

3.1 Measure and set out dimensional control

requirements to specification

3.2 Measure, align and level to specification

3.3 Transfer and set out line, angles and levels

3.4 Operate equipment in accordance with

manufacturer’s guidelines

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Comply with workplace safety and legislative


3.6 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit A/503/4280

Install road drainage

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements

for installing road


1.1 Interpret the given drawings and specification for the


1.2 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing with

problems, accidents and emergencies

1.3 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

2 Know how to prepare for

installing road drainage

2.1 Identify materials and resources required including

pipes, fittings, manholes, inspection chambers,

cement, mortar, concrete, sealant and ancillary


2.2 Calculate the quantity of components and materials

required to meet the specification

2.3 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and ancillary

equipment required

2.4 Identify personal, protective equipment (PPE)

equipment for the task, in accordance with the


2.5 Identify hazards related to road drainage

3 Install drainage

components to line and

gradient required

3.1 Select personal, protective equipment (PPE)

equipment for the task, in accordance with the


3.2 Measure and set out the work area and protect from

damage during the task

3.3 Prepare the ground to receive drainage components

3.4 Lay drains to gradients and alignment to meet the


3.5 Install pre-cast structures of the drainage system

3.6 Lay drainage components to specification

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.7 Test the drainage system is complete and operational

3.8 Operate hand and/or powered tools and equipment

3.9 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit D/503/4305

Lay domestic drainage

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements

for installing domestic


1.1 Interpret drawings and specifications for the task

1.2 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.3 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

2 Know how to prepare for

installing domestic


2.1 Give examples of safety and security checks to be

conducted on the work environment prior to drainage


2.2 Identify the materials and resources required including

components, pipes, inspection chambers, sand,

cement, aggregate, adhesives and solvents

2.3 Identity the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task, in accordance with the specification

2.5 Identify the types of hazards to be aware of during the


3 Carry out work safely and

to specification

3.1 Select personal, protective equipment (PPE) for the

task in accordance with the specification

3.2 Lay new and/or replacement plastic and clay foul and

water drainage pipes

3.3 Position drainage components to required alignment,

gradient and falls

3.4 Install plastic, concrete and brick inspection chambers

3.5 Test foul and surface water drainage systems

3.6 Bed drainage components to specification

3.7 Backfill the work area as required

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.8 Operate hand and/or powered tools and equipment

3.9 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit D/503/4322

Reinstate ground conditions

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

reinstating ground conditions

1.1 Interpret the given drawings and specification for

the task

1.2 Identify the type of ground surface to be


1.3 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.4 State legislative requirements for disposing of


2 Know how to prepare for the

reinstatement of ground


2.1 Identify the materials and resources required

including flags, blocks, edging, aggregates,

cement, black top, top soil and seeds

2.2 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.3 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for

the task, in accordance with the specification

2.4 Identify any potential hazards to be aware of

during the task

3 Reinstate ground conditions to


3.1 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) for

the task, in accordance with the specification

3.2 Prepare the surrounding area to reduce the risk of

damage during the task

3.3 Lay materials to specification

3.4 Compact materials according to the specification

3.5 Reinstate hard landscaping of flag, block, concrete

and black top surfaces to specification

3.6 Reinstate cultivated and grassed areas

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.7 Operate hand and/or powered tools and


3.8 Maintain a clean and tidy work area during the


3.9 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit H/503/4306

Lay kerbs and channels

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to prepare for the

construction of kerbs and


1.1 Interpret drawings and specifications for the


1.2 Identify the materials and resources required

including sand, cement, aggregates, additives,

pre-cast and stone kerbs and channels

1.3 Confirm the quantity of materials required

1.4 State how to set up pins and lines to the

required level

1.5 Give examples of tools and equipment used for

setting out

1.6 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with problems, accidents and


1.7 State legislative requirements for disposing of


2 Know how to set out the work

area for the construction of

kerbs and channels

2.1 Confirm the type of kerbs and channels to be


2.2 State how to set out the work area

2.3 State how to prepare ground and formation

2.4 State how to set uplines to the required gradient

2.5 State how to transport and stack kerbs and


3 Lay kerbs and channels to


3.1 Bed kerbs and channels to required specification

3.2 Operate hand and/or powered tools and


3.3 Comply with workplace safety and legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit K/503/4307

Lay modular pavement

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

modular paving

1.1 Interpret the given drawings and specification for

the task

1.2 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.3 State legislative requirements for disposing of


2 Know how to prepare and

set out for modular paving

2.1 Identify materials and resources required including

sand, concrete, blocks, stone sets, bricks and flags

2.2 Identify hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.3 Calculate the quantity of materials required to meet

the specification

2.4 Identify personal, protective equipment (PPE) for

the task, in accordance with the specification

2.5 Identify the types of hazards to be aware of during

the work

3 Lay modular paving 3.1 Select personal, protective equipment (PPE) for the

task, in accordance with the specification

3.2 Measure and set out the work area to specification

3.3 Prepare ground and base, lay sub-base and set out

edge restraints to specification

3.4 Lay bedding materials and screed to the required

level and specification

3.5 Protect the work from becoming damaged during

the task

3.6 Lay modular block, brick, set and flag, domestic and

commercial paving to specification

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.7 Operate hand and/or powered tools and equipment

3.8 Compact and seal the paved area

3.9 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit R/503/4270

Form concrete structures

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

forming concrete


1.1 Interpret the given drawings and specification for the


1.2 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.3 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

2 Know how to prepare for

the formation of concrete


2.1 Identify potential hazards, including underground and

overhead utilities apparatus, in the work area

2.2 Identify the type of materials and resources required

including ready-mix concrete, slump test equipment,

skips, poker vibrator, tampers, floats and trowels

2.3 Calculate the quantity of materials required

2.4 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.5 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task, in accordance with the specification

3 Mix, place and finish

structural concrete

3.1 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task, in accordance with the specification

3.2 Protect the work area to minimise potential damage

to surrounding areas

3.3 Check the suitability of the concrete and area for


3.4 Mix concrete to the required specification

3.5 Place concrete to the specified level by chute,

elephant’s trunk, overhead skip and pumping

3.6 Vibrate, compact, finish and cure the concrete to


3.7 Operate hand and/or powered tools and equipment

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.8 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit D/503/4269

Excavate holes and trenches

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

excavation work

1.1 Interpret drawings and specifications for the work

1.2 Confirm the composition of the ground to be


1.3 Identify the materials and resources required

including timber, trench sheeting and mechanical

support mechanisms

1.4 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

1.5 Identify the personal, protective equipment (PPE)

for the task, in accordance with the specification

1.6 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

2 Know how to prepare the

work area for excavation


2.1 Identify hazards, underground and overhead

utilities apparatus to avoid during the task

2.2 Identify the type of surface and sub-surface


2.3 State how to remove any street ironworks and

obstructions from the work area

2.4 State how to measure the area to be excavated

2.5 State how to mark out the area to be excavated in

accordance with the specification

3 Manually excavate holes and


3.1 Operate hand and/or powered tools and


3.2 Excavate holes and trenches according to


3.3 Avoid damage to service apparatus and substructures

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Position and secure excavation supports

3.5 Store re-usable extracted materials

3.6 Assist with providing access and egress


3.7 Comply with workplace safety requirements

3.8 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit F/503/4281

Install street ironwork

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to prepare for the

installation of ironworks

fixtures in the road

1.1 Interpret given information to identify the work


1.2 Identify ironwork installation requirements from

the given instructions

1.3 Identify the ironwork fixtures required for the work

1.4 Identify the materials and resources required

including sand, cement, mortar, resin based

materials, access covers, gully grates and frames

1.5 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

1.6 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

2 Know how to excavate for

installation of ironwork

fixtures in the road

2.1 Identify personal, protective equipment (PPE) for

the task in accordance with the specification

2.2 Identify the types of hazards to be aware of during

the task

2.3 Identify the area where the street ironwork is to be


2.4 State how to secure the site for work to be carried


2.5 State legislative requirements for disposing of


3 Excavate and install ironwork

fixtures in the road

3.1 Mark out the area to be excavated according to the


3.2 Excavate for fitting ironworks according to the


3.3 Install the selected ironwork fixtures

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Protect ironwork during curing

3.5 Operate hand and/or powered tools and


3.6 Reinstate the surrounding excavation to


3.7 Adhere to statutory requirements, safety notices

and warning signs

3.8 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit F/503/4314

Provide temporary excavation support

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements and

type of temporary supports and

equipment required for the


1.1 Interpret the drawings and specifications for the


1.2 Identify the quantity and size of shoring material


1.3 Identify the type of support shoring required

including poling boards, wailings, struts, wedges,

soldiers, trench sheets, proprietary systems and

ancillary fixing devices

1.4 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

ancillary equipment required

1.5 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for

the task, in accordance with the specification

2 Know how to install temporary

excavation supports safely

2.1 Identify hazards, underground and overhead

utilities apparatus to avoid during the work

2.2 Identify safe access and egress points around the

excavation support

2.3 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with problems, accidents and


2.4 State legislative requirements for disposing of


3 Install temporary excavation


3.1 Construct and fit temporary excavation support

shorings to specification

3.2 Secure temporary excavation support shorings

to specification

3.3 Dismantle and remove the excavation support


3.4 Operate hand and/or powered tools and

ancillary equipment

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Carry out checks on the safety and maintenance

of supporting shorings

3.6 Comply with workplace safety requirements

3.7 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit H/503/4323

Search for underground services

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to interpret information

from public utilities plans and


1.1 State procedures for obtaining services

drawings for the work area from public

service providers

1.2 Identify the work area from the plans and

drawings obtained

1.3 Give examples of different public utility

services from the plans and drawings


1.4 Identify colour coded drawing standards

used by the highways industry and public


1.5 Give examples of underground service

apparatus from the plans and drawings


2 Know how to prepare, set up and

restore the site

2.1 State how to select and test locating

equipment including electronic instruments

2.2 Identify personal protective equipment

(PPE) for the task in accordance with the


2.3 Give examples of statutory requirements

and/or safety notices and warning signs

2.4 State how to mark off the works area to be

tested and proved

2.5 State legislative requirements for disposing

of waste

3 Search for, locate and avoid

underground service apparatus

3.1 Use pipe and cable locating equipment to

search the appointed location

3.2 Identify underground service apparatus

visually, by electronic location and trial holes

3.3 Confirm the type of service and structures


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Confirm any natural environment


3.5 Record and inform the relevant person/s of

the service locations identified

3.6 Mark the area searched and the location of

services identified before excavation


3.7 Operate hand and power tools and

equipment as required

3.8 Comply with current workplace safety and

legislative requirements

3.9 Dispose of waste in accordance with

legislative requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit J/503/4282

Lay and finish concrete

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

laying and finishing


1.1 Interpret the drawings and specifications for the task

1.2 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.3 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

2 Know how to prepare for

laying and finishing


2.1 Calculate the concrete required to meet the works


2.2 Identify the materials and resources required

including concrete, fabric reinforcement, timber,

plywood, edgings and fixings

2.3 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task, in accordance with the specification

2.5 Identify the types of hazards to be aware of during

the work

2.6 Confirm the methods of work to be used

3 Lay and finish concrete to


3.1 Prepare the base and set out the work area

3.2 Lay reinforcement according to specification

3.3 Mix, transport and lay concrete according to


3.4 Place fabric reinforcement

3.5 Form slab edging

3.6 Operate hand and/or powered tools and equipment

3.7 Compact and finish concrete to specification

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.8 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit L/503/4302

Prepare and operate machinery to receive and transport loads

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

receiving and transporting loads

1.1 Identify the type of machinery for the task

1.2 Identify materials and resources required

including consumables, lubricants, fuels,

attachments and load coverings

1.3 Identify hand tools and ancillary equipment

for the task

2 Know how to prepare and conduct

pre-operational checks of

machinery and the work area

2.1 Interpret the drawings and specification for

the task

2.2 Identify any potential hazards, including

underground and overhead utilities

apparatus, to avoid in the work area

2.3 State how to check for obstructions, stability,

safety and security of the work and

surrounding area

2.4 State procedures for preparing machinery to

meet the requirements of the specification

2.5 State how to check machinery is safe for

operational use in line with manufacturers’

recommendations and guidance

2.6 Identify the person/s responsible for

approving safety checks

2.7 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with accidents, emergencies and


2.8 State legislative requirements for disposing

of waste

3 Conduct pre-operational checks of


3.1 Prepare machinery to meet operational

requirements in line with manufacturer’s

recommendations and guidance

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Check safety of components and controls in

line with manufacturer’s recommendations

and guidance

3.3 Confirm machinery is safe for operational use

3.4 Confirm with line management all checks

have taken place before use

3.5 Complete appropriate documentation to

confirm operational checks have taken place

4 Operate machinery to receive,

transport and discharge the

specified load

4.1 Identify the key characteristics of the load to

be transported including type and volume

4.2 Select personal protective equipment (PPE)

for the task in accordance with the


4.3 Operate machinery in accordance with

manufacturer’s guidelines and the operator’s


4.4 Receive, secure and balance loads for


4.5 Transport and deposit loads in the

designated area

4.6 Park, shut down and secure machinery on


4.7 Operate hand tools and ancillary equipment

as required

4.8 Comply with all current workplace safety and

legislative requirements

4.9 Dispose of waste in accordance with

legislative requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit M/503/4258

Arrange and secure loads

Learning Outcome – The learner


Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

arranging and securing a

specified load

1.1 Interpret drawings, specifications, schedules,

method statements and manufacturers’ information

relating to the task

1.2 Interpret technical information about the specified

load from work schedules, method statements,

manufacturer’s guidelines and other sources

1.3 Identify hand tools, equipment and machinery for

the task based on their uses and characteristics

1.4 State procedures for workplace safety and dealing

with problems, accidents and emergencies

1.5 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

2 Know how to prepare for

arranging and securing a

specified load

2.1 Identify the materials and resources required

including lifting and load restraints, steel wire rope,

chain, fabric, web hooks, shackles and clamps

2.2 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task in accordance with the specification

2.3 Identify the weight, centre of gravity, integrity and

shape of the specified load

2.4 Identify any hazards and underground and overhead

utilities apparatus to avoid in the work area

2.5 Identify any damage or defects before the load is


2.6 Confirm the method for slinging or restraining

2.7 Give examples of pre-safety checks of equipment

and machinery

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner


Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Work with colleagues to

arrange and secure a

specified load

3.1 Select personal, protective equipment (PPE) for the

task in accordance with the specification

3.2 Assist colleagues with pre-safety checks and the

arrangement and security of the specified load

3.3 Confirm balance, stability and correct weight


3.4 Operate lifting or load restraint accessories

3.5 Operate hand tools and ancillary equipment

3.6 Remove and store lifting and load restraint


3.7 Comply with workplace safety and legislative

requirements for disposing of waste

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit M/503/4311

Operate a powered tool and equipment

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to conduct pre and postoperational checks of powered tool,

equipment and the work area

1.1 Interpret drawings and work specifications

for the task

1.2 Identify the powered tool and equipment

for the task

1.3 Identify components and controls of tool

and equipment

1.4 State how to check tool and equipment

are safe for operational use

1.5 Give examples of power sources that

safely sustain the tool and equipment

1.6 Identify potential hazards, including

underground and overhead utilities

apparatus, to avoid during the task

1.7 State legislative requirements for

disposing of waste

2 Know the safety requirements for

operating powered tool and


2.1 Identify personal protective equipment

(PPE) for the task in accordance with the


2.2 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with problems, accidents and


2.3 State workplace safety and legislative

requirements for operating powered tool

and equipment

3 Operate and monitor powered tool

and equipment

3.1 Inspect and confirm tool and

equipment are safe for operational use

3.2 Secure accessories and tool attachments

3.3 Operate powered tool and equipment in

accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines

and the operator’s handbook

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Monitor the power unit during the

specified task

3.5 Stop, dismantle and secure all tools and


3.6 Transport and/or store tools and

equipment in line with the specification

3.7 Comply with workplace safety and

legislative requirements

3.8 Dispose of waste in accordance with

legislative requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit M/503/4325

Sign, light and guard the work area

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know how to prepare and select

equipment for signing, lighting and

guarding the work area

1.1 Identify signing, lighting and guarding

equipment to suit site requirements

1.2 Identify any defects on the signing, lighting

and guarding equipment

1.3 State procedures for recording and reporting

defects on equipment

1.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE)

equipment for the task in accordance with

the specification

1.5 State methods for loading and securing the

equipment for transport to the work area

2 Know how to prepare, set up and

restore the site

2.1 Identify the materials and resources required

including signs, lights, guards, traffic lights

and control systems

2.2 Identify the hand and/or powered tools and

equipment required

2.3 State procedures for planning site safety,

storage of materials and traffic control

2.4 State how to set out the basic site layout

2.5 State codes of practice for removing signs

from the work area

3 Prepare for the provision, use and

removal of traffic control systems

3.1 Set out stop/go boards, priority signs, stop

works signs and temporary portable traffic


3.2 Operate stop/go boards, priority signs, stop

works signs and temporary portable traffic

signals to control traffic

3.3 Dismantle and remove all signs and

equipment relating to temporary traffic


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.4 Operate hand and/or powered tools and

equipment as required

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit Y/503/4271

Guide moving loads or machinery

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the procedures for guiding

the movement of loads and


1.1 Identify signals, instructions and commands

associated with the guidance of loads and


1.2 Identify the uses and characteristics of different

items of signalling and communications


1.3 Identify the signalling and communications

equipment required in accordance with the


1.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE)

for the task in accordance with the specification

1.5 State legislative requirements for disposing of


2 Understand the safe movement

of loads or machinery

2.1 Identify hazards, including underground and

overhead utilities apparatus, to avoid in the

work area

2.2 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with accidents, emergencies and


2.3 Give examples of the signals and commands

used to guide the movement of loads or


3 Move loads or machinery 3.1 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) for

the task in accordance with organisational


3.2 Protect the work area to minimise potential

damage to the work and the surrounding areas

3.3 Guide the movement of loads or machinery

3.4 Signal and communicate according to the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.5 Confirm loads have been placed securely in the

planned location

3.6 Comply with workplace safety and legislative


3.7 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislative


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit Y/503/4299

Prepare and operate machinery to compact materials

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the requirements for

compacting materials

1.1 Identify the machinery required

1.2 Identify the materials and resources required

including consumables, lubricants, fuels,

attachments and compaction aids

1.3 Identify the hand tools and ancillary

equipment required

2 Know how to prepare and conduct

pre-operational checks of

machinery and the work area

2.1 Interpret drawings and the specification for

the task

2.2 Identify any potential hazards, including

underground and overhead utilities

apparatus, to avoid in the work area

2.3 State how to check for obstructions, stability,

safety and security of the work and

surrounding area

2.4 State procedures for preparing machinery to

meet the requirements of the specification

2.5 State how to check machinery is safe for

operational use in line with manufacturers’

recommendations and guidance

2.6 Identify the person/s responsible for

approving safety checks

2.7 State procedures for workplace safety and

dealing with accidents, emergencies and


2.8 State legislative requirements for disposing of


3 Conduct pre-operational checks of


3.1 Prepare machinery to meet operational

requirements in line with manufacturer’s

recommendations and guidance

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Check safety of components and controls in

line with manufacturer’s recommendations

and guidance

3.3 Confirm machinery is safe for operational use

3.4 Confirm with line management all checks have

taken place before use

3.5 Complete appropriate documentation to

confirm operational checks have taken place

4 Compact materials and restore the

work area

4.1 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) in

accordance with organisational requirements

4.2 Operate machinery in accordance with

manufacturer’s guidelines and the operator’s


4.3 Operate hand tools and ancillary equipment

as required

4.4 Operate machinery to compact loose

materials to specification

4.5 Avoid damage to structures and utilities

service apparatus

4.6 Park, shut down and secure machinery

4.7 Comply with workplace safety and legislative


4.8 Dispose of waste in accordance with

legislative requirements

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations


Unit Y/503/4321

Sling and signal the movement of loads

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Know the procedures for

slinging and signalling loads

1.1 Interpret drawings and work specifications for the


1.2 Identify the slinging equipment, lifting accessories

and resources to be used for the task

1.3 Identify the hand tools and ancillary equipment


1.4 Give examples of the methods of work to be used to

sling the load

1.5 State security procedures for the workplace

2 Know how to sling and signal

loads safely and securely

2.1 Identify potential hazards within the work area

2.2 Describe own role and responsibilities for the task

2.3 Confirm the method of slinging

2.4 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task in accordance with the specification

2.5 State legislative requirements for disposing of waste

3 Sling and signal loads safely

and securely

3.1 Select personal protective equipment (PPE) for the

task in accordance with the specification

3.2 Secure the load according to the specification

3.3 Communicate signals to colleagues during the task

3.4 Sling loads securely using slinging equipment, lifting

accessories and hand tools and ancillary equipment

3.5 Distribute the weight of the load

3.6 Securely position the load in the specified location

3.7 Remove slinging equipment and lifting accessories

after use


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