ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Barbering Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 2 Diploma in Barbering Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)



The Level 2 Diplom a in Barbering is suitable for candidates who wish to pursue a

career in men’s hairdressing, it is the minimum required by the industry to work as a junior


The units in this qualification are endorsed by Habia, the standards setting body for hair,

beauty, nails and spa sector.

The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body

is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).

The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Candidates could progress to higher level or specialist qualifications in hairdressing or


Qualification Profile

Level 2 Diplom a in Barbering

Qualification title ProQual Level 2 Diplom a in Barbering

Ofqual qualification number 603/4537/8

Level Level 2

Total qualification time 520 hours

Guided learning hours 465


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 20/5/2019

Qualification end date

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 4

June 2019

Entry Requirem ents

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessm ent of candidate skills and knowledge to

identify any gaps and help plan the assessment.

Qualification Structure

Candidates must achieve a minimum of 52 credits:

  • 39 credits by completing all NINE Mandatory units, plus
  • a minimum of 13 credits from the Optional units

Mandatory Units – complete ALL units to achieve 39 credits



Num ber

Unit Title Credit



Level GLH

H/617/5998 Working in the Hair Industry 4 2 35

K/617/5999 Follow health and safety practice in the salon 3 2 24

L/617/6000 Client consultation for hair services 3 2 30

R/617/6001 Shampoo and condition the hair and scalp 3 2 29

Y/617/6002 Promote products and services to clients in a salon 3 2 28

A/617/6025 Cut men’s hair 6 2 53

F/617/6026 Cut facial hair 4 2 32

H/617/6004 Colour and lighten hair 10 2 91

J/617/6027 Styling men’s hair 3 1 30

Optional Units – a m inim um of 13 credits



Num ber

Unit Title Credit



Level GLH

K/617/6005 Perm and neutralise hair 7 2 60

T/617/6007 Create an image based on a theme within the hair and

beauty sector 7 2 60

A/617/6008 Display stock to promote sales in salon 3 2 24

F/617/6009 Provide scalp massage services 4 2 33

T/617/6010 Salon reception duties 3 2 24

F/617/6012 Relax African type hair 5 2 44

L/617/6028 Provide threading services for hair removal 4 2 29

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Centre Requirem ents

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational

area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers will need to hold appropriate

assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:

  • Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


  • Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment

Processes and Practices

Assessors and internal quality assurers must:

  1. a) be able to provide verifiable evidence of occupational competence, e.g. CVs, references,

qualification certificates, CPD records, product evidence, video evidence, to ensure the

credibility of assessment decisions;

  1. b) demonstrate their continuing participation in CPD activities, for example:
  • ‘hands on’ delivery of relevant services/treatments to fee paying clients in a

commercial salon that can be shown to develop individual skill and knowledge


  • undertaking technical training that develops new and/or updates existing skills

and/or knowledge levels

  • further relevant qualifications

The following activities will not count towards CPD:

  • Reading the trade press and books
  • Listening to tapes and watching tapes/DVDs/Internet

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Centres must have access to the range of services, professional products, tools, materials

and equipment in the centre or workplace to ensure learners have the opportunity to cover

all of the practice activities.

All equipment must meet industry standards and be capable of being used under normal

working conditions.

Sim ulation

The use of head blocks and fake body parts for summative assessment may only be used for

the following unit:

K/617/6005 Perm and neutralise hair

Simulation for this unit should only be used once the use of models, peers and clients has

been exhausted, the best form of assessment is on a real person. If a head block or fake

body part is used in summative assessment the Assessor must record this.

Learning environm ent

Centres must ensure that access to the range of services or treatments and required

professional products, tools, materials and equipment is maintained in the centre and/or

workplace to meet the qualification needs and enable learners to cover all of the practical


The learning and assessment setting should:

  • incorporate a realistic learning environment which provides learners with experience

of working in and under realistic commercial conditions during assessment

  • meet any byelaws, legislation, local authority requirements that would affect a similar

commercial environment

  • meet the requirements of a vocational education establishment

Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

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Assessm ent

This qualification is competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge

and competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a

candidate’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.

All units will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks

Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their

achievement of all of the practical and knowledge and understanding tasks for each unit.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one

piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning

outcome or assessment criterion.

The qualifications must be internally assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified


Unit information, learning outcomes and assessment criteria can be found from page 9 onwards.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres are

made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustm ents to Assessm ent

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy

sets out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of

the policy.

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Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing all units achieved, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 2 Diplom a in Barbering

Claim ing certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be

issued to the centre for successful candidates.

Unit certificates

If a candidate does not achieve all of the requirements for a qualification, the centre may

claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units achieved.

Replacem ent certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been

authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.

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June 2019

Learning Outcom es and Assessm ent Criteria

Mandatory Unit

H/617/5998 Working in the Hair Industry

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with an understanding of the requirements for

working in the hairdressing industry.

The skills developed by the learner will enable them to take responsibility for their own

learning and development within the industry.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand career prospects,

development opportunities and the basic employment rights and responsibilities within the

hairdressing industry.

Learning Outcom es

There are two learning outcomes for this unit, the learner will:

  1. Be able to describe the key characteristics of the hair industry
  2. Be able to describe working practices in the hair industry

Learning Outcom e 1

Be able to describe the key characteristics of the hair industry

Practical Skills

The learner can:

  1. Access sources of information on organisations, services, occupational roles, education

and training opportunities within the hair industry

Underpinning Knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Outline the types of organisation within the hair industry
  2. Outline the main services offered by the hair industry
  3. Describe occupational roles within the hair industry
  4. State the employment characteristics of working in the hair industry
  5. State career patterns within the hair industry
  6. Outline the education and training opportunities within the hair industry
  7. Outline opportunities to transfer to other sectors or industries

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Sources of inform ation

Internet, journals, Habia, training providers, further education colleges, awarding bodies,

Connexions, career guidance


Manufacturers, salons, professional membership organisations, suppliers, industry lead


Occupational roles

Shampooist, junior, receptionist, colour technician, junior stylist, artistic director, manager,

salon owner, barber

Main services

Haircutting, perming, styling, colouring, dressing, shampooing and conditioning, relaxing,

shaving, facial haircutting, scalp massage, face massage, Indian head massage

Em ploym ent chara cteristics

Full time, part time, freelance, seasonal, patterns of work

Career patterns

Career development (junior stylist – senior stylist – manager)


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Learning Outcom e 2

Be able to describe working practices in the hair industry

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Outline good working practices in the salon
  2. State the importance of personal presentation in reflecting the professional image of the

hair industry

  1. Outline opportunities for developing and promoting own professional image within the

hair industry

  1. State the basic employee employment rights and responsibilities
  2. Outline the main legislation that affects working in the hair industry


Good working practices

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), COSHH, methods of sterilisation

Personal presentation

Dress, appearance and personal hygiene

Em ploym ent rights and responsibilities

Rights: contract of employment, minimum wage, safe working environment

Responsibilities: work safely to meet salon and legal requirements


Equal Opportunity and Discrimination Act, Working Time Regulations, National Minimum

Wage, Employment Rights Act, Employment Act, Health and Safety and Work Act.


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

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Mandatory Unit

K/617/5999 Follow health and safety practice in the salon

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to maintain

health and safety in the salon.

The skills developed by the learner include maintaining health, safety and security practices

in the salon and following and carrying out emergency procedures.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand the main provision

of the Health and Safety at Work Act, employers’ and employees’ responsibilities, hazards

and risk and emergency procedures requirements.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit, the learner will:

  1. Be able to maintain health, safety and security practices
  2. Be able to follow emergency procedures

Learning Outcom e 1

Be able to maintain health, safety and security practices

Practical Skills

The learner can:

  1. Conduct self in the workplace to meet with health and safety practices and salon policy
  2. Deal with hazards within own area of responsibility following salon policy
  3. Maintain a level of personal presentation, hygiene and conduct to meet legal and

salon requirements

  1. Follow salon policy for security
  2. Make sure tools, equipment, materials and work areas meet hygiene requirements
  3. Use required personal protective equipm ent (PPE)
  4. Position self and the client safely throughout the service
  5. Handle, use and store products, materials, tools and equipment safely to meet with

manufacturers’ instructions

  1. Dispose of all types of salon waste safely and to meet with legal and salon


Underpinning Knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Explain the difference between legislation, codes of practice and workplace policies
  2. Outline the main service provisions of health and safety legislation
  3. State the employers’ and em ployees’ health and safety responsibilities

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  1. State the difference between a hazard and a risk
  2. Describe hazards that may occur in the salon
  3. State the hazards which need to be referred
  4. State the purpose of personal protective equipm ent (PPE) used in a salon during

different services

  1. State the importance of personal presentation, hygiene and conduct in maintaining

health and safety in the salon

  1. State the importance of maintaining the security of belongings
  2. Outline the principles of hygiene and infection control
  3. Describe the m ethods used in the salon to ensure hygiene
  4. Describe the effectiveness and limitations of different infection control techniques
  5. Describe how to dispose of different types of salon waste



Trailing wires, faulty electrical equipment, spillages, slippery surfaces, obstructions to access

and egress.

Personal presentation

Dress, appearance and personal hygiene


Client records, salon records, salon equipment, client belongings, staff belongings, salon

products, till point.

Personal protective equipm ent (PPE)

Aprons, gloves, particle mask

Types of salon waste

General waste, waste chemical products, sharps, contaminated waste

Health and safety legislation

Health and Safety at Work Act, Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations,

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, Manual Handling Operations

Regulations, Control of Substances, Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH), Provision

and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, Electricity at Work Regulations, Reporting

injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR), Fire Precautions Act, Health and

Safety First Aid Regulations, Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations

Em ployers’ and em ployees’ health and safety responsibilities

Safe working equipment, safe working environment, PPE

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Difference between a hazard and a risk

A risk is the likelihood of a hazard causing an accident or harm (e.g. injury)

Methods used in the salon to ensure hygiene

Sanitisation of surfaces, sterilisation of tools and equipment, washing of towels and gowns,

personal hygiene

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Learning Outcom e 2

Be able to follow emergency procedures

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Follow emergency procedures
  2. Follow accident reporting procedures which meet with salon policy
  3. Identify named em ergency personnel
  4. Locate fire fighting equipment

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Outline the correct use of fire fighting equipment for different types of fire
  2. State the dangers of the incorrect use of fire fighting equipm ent on different

types of fires

  1. State the importance for reporting and recording accidents
  2. Describe the procedure for reporting and recording accidents
  3. Describe procedures for dealing with em ergencies


Em ergency personnel

Fire warden, first aider

Use of fire fighting equipm ent for different types of fires

Electrical fires: dry powder, carbon dioxide

Non-electrical fires: water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide

Procedures for dealing with em ergencies

Raising the alarm, contacting emergency services, evacuation, drills, accidents, first aid


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

Mandatory Unit

L/617/6000 Client consultation for hair services

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to carry out

client consultation on a range of different hairdressing services and products.

The skills developed by the learner include methods of analysing factors that may limit or

prohibit services and products. The learner will acquire knowledge of the basic structure of

the hair and skin, the hair growth cycle and the characteristics of the different hair types.

The learner will understand the methods of communication required to obtain information

and provide advice for a variety of salon services and products.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to consult and advise with clients
  2. Know the characteristics of the hair

Learning Outcom e 1

Be able to consult and advice with clients

Practical Skills

The learner can:

  1. Communicate in a manner that creates confidence, trust and maintains good will
  2. Establish client requirements for products and services using appropriate

com m unication techniques

  1. Consult and complete client records
  2. Identify factors that may limit or prevent the choice of services or products
  3. Advise the client on any factors which may limit, prevent or affect their choice of

services or product

  1. Provide the client with clear recommendations for referral when required
  2. Recommend and agree a service or product
  3. Follow safe and hygienic working practices

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Explain how to communicate effectively
  2. Outline com m unication techniques used during client consultation
  3. State the importance of consulting client records
  4. Describe the tests carried out for different services
  5. State the importance of following manufacturers’ instructions, salon policy and legal


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  1. State the importance of identifying factors that may limit, prevent or affect the


  1. State the importance of identifying and recording contra-indications
  2. State who to refer clients to for different contra-indications
  3. State the importance of not naming referable contra-indications
  4. Describe the information that should be on a record card
  5. Describe how client records should be held and maintained
  6. State the importance of client confidentiality
  7. Outline legislation that affects how information is used during client consultation


Com m unication techniques

Verbal: questioning techniques, language used, tone of voice

Non-verbal: listening techniques, body language, eye contact, facial expression

Use of: visual aids, client records

Client records

Client response to consultation questions, client record card for details of service and



Adverse hair, skin or scalp conditions (suspected infections, infestations and disorders),

incompatibility of previous service or products used, history of allergies or skin sensitivities

to products, head/face shape, hair types and textures, density, length, growth patterns,

client requirements and lifestyle


To: general medical practice, chemist, senior stylist

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, legislation, PPE, relevant Health &



Porosity, elasticity, incompatibility, skin test, pre-perm test curl, curl development test,

colour test, strand test, perm skin test


Data Protection Act, Supply of Goods and Services Act, Consumer Protection Act, Sale of

Goods Act

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Learning outcom e 2

Know the characteristics of the hair

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe visual signs of suspected infections, infestations and disorders visible to the

naked eye

  1. Describe the basic structure of the skin and hair
  2. Describe the characteristics of the hair structure with the different hair types
  3. Describe the hair growth cycle
  4. State the average hair growth rate
  5. Describe the general factors that contribute to health y hair


Basic structure of the skin and hair

Dermis, epidermis, sweat glands, sebaceous gland, erector pili muscle, blood capillaries, hair

bulb, hair shaft follicle, nerve endings

Hair structure

Cuticle, cortex medulla

Hair types

Caucasian, African type, Asian

Hair growth cycle

Anagen, catagen, telegen

General factors that contribute to healthy hair

Health, diet, environment, chemicals used in the hair


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

Mandatory Unit

R/617/6001 Shampoo and condition the hair an d scalp

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to shampoo and

condition the hair and scalp.

The skilled developed by the learner include the use and control of water flow and the

application of massage techniques for shampooing and conditioning.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to select suitable products and

understand how shampooing and conditioning affects the hair and scalp.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare to shampoo and condition the hair and scalp
  2. Be able to shampoo and condition the hair and scalp

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare to shampoo and condition the hair and scalp

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for shampooing and conditioning services
  2. Identify the condition of the hair and scalp using suitable consultation techniques

Underpinning knowledge:

The learner can:

  1. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work


  1. Describe the different consultation techniques used
  2. Describe the hair and scalp conditions and their causes
  3. Describe different ranges of shampooing and conditioning products and equipment
  4. Explain the importance of following manufacturers’ instructions


Consultation techniques

Open and closed questions, use of visual aid

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Hair and scalp conditions

Hair conditions: chemically damaged, heat damaged, environmentally damaged, product build

up, normal

Scalp conditions: dandruff affected, oily, dry, product build up, normal


Shampoos: for normal hair, for oil hair, for dry/damaged hair, for dandruff affected hair

Conditioners: surface conditioner, penetrating conditioning, scalp treatment

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Learning outcom e 2

Be able to shampoo and condition the hair and scalp

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use products, tools and equipment suitable for the client’s hair and scalp


  1. Use and adapt m assage techniques to meet the needs of the client
  2. Adapt the water temperature and flow to suit the needs of the client’s hair, scalp and

comfort, and leave the hair clean and free of products

  1. Disentangle hair without causing damage to hair or scalp
  2. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  3. Provide suitable aftercare

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe when and how to use the products, equipment and tools to treat different

hair and scalp conditions

  1. Explain how the pH value of shampoo and conditioning products used affects the hair


  1. Describe the possible consequences of using incorrect shampooing and conditioning


  1. Describe the effects of m assage techniques when shampooing and conditioning

different lengths and densities of hair

  1. Describe how shampoo and water act together to cleanse the hair
  2. Describe how water temperature affects the hair structure
  3. Explain the importance of thoroughly rinsing hair to remove shampoos and

conditioning products

  1. Explain the direction in which the hair cuticle lies and its importance when disentangling

wet hair

  1. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  2. Outline safe and hygienic working practices
  3. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment

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Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions using a range of

related terminology


Shampoos: for normal hair, for oil hair, for dry/damaged hair, for dandruff affected hair

Conditioners: surface conditioner, penetrating conditioner, scalp treatment

Hair and scalp conditions:

Hair conditions: chemically damaged, heat damaged, environmentally damaged, product build

up, normal

Scalp conditions: dandruff affected, oil, dry, product build up, normal

Massage techniques

Effleurage, friction, rotary, petrissage

Hair structure

Cuticle, cortex, medulla

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

Aftercare advice

Correct combing and brushing techniques, frequency of use of shampoos and conditioning

products, suitable shampoos and conditioning products and how to use them


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

Mandatory Unit

Y/617/6002 Promote products and services to clients in a salon

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to promote

products and services to the client.

The skills developed by the learner include: identifying additional products and services for

clients using suitable methods of communication to give accurate and relevant information

being able to identify buying signals and securing agreement.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how the promotion

of products and services will benefit the salon, how to progress the sale, legislation and

regulations which affect the selling of services.

There is one learning outcome for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to promote products and services to the client

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Establish the client’s requirements
  2. Use suitable com m unication techniques to promote products and services
  3. Introduce services and/or products to the client at the appropriate time
  4. Give accurate and relevant information to the client
  5. Identify buying signals and interpret the client’s intentions correctly
  6. Identify services and/or products to meet requirements of the client

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the benefits to the salon of promoting services and products to the client
  2. Describe the listening and questioning techniques used for promotion and selling
  3. Describe the different consultation techniques used to promote products and


  1. Explain the terms ‘features’ and ‘benefits’ as applied to services and products
  2. Describe the principles of effective face-to-face communication
  3. State the importance of effective personal presentation
  4. State the importance of good product and service knowledge
  5. Outline the stages of the sale process
  6. Describe how to interpret buying signals
  7. Describe how to secure agreement and close the sale
  8. Explain the legislation that affects the selling of services and products
  9. Describe m ethods of paym ent for services and products

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Com m unication techniques

Verbal: questioning techniques, language used, tone of voice

Non-verbal: listening techniques, body language, eye contact, facial expression

Use of: visual aids, client records

Services and/or products

Use of products and services which are new to the client, use of the same products or

services the client has used before

Consultation techniques

Open and closed, use of visual aids

Features and benefits

Feature – description of product or service

Personal presentation

Dress, appearance, personal hygiene

Stages of the sales process

Identify need, identify product to meet the need, demonstrating product, overcoming

obstacles, closing sales


Data Protection Act, Trades Description Act, Sale and Supply of Goods Act, Consumer

Protection Act, Consumer Safety Act, Prices Act

Methods of paym ent

Cash, cheque, credit/debit card, vouchers


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

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Mandatory Unit

A/617/6025 Cut Men’s hair

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to cut men’s hair

into basic looks.

The skills developed by the learner include layering, club cutting, scissor over comb, use of

clippers and free-hand cutting techniques.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand the main factors

that need to be considered when cutting hair, the effect cutting hair at different angles has

on the haircut, the importance of applying tension to the hair when cutting and safety

considerations that must be taken into account.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare for a cutting service
  2. Be able to provide a cutting service

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare for a cutting service

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for cutting service
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Assess the potential of the hair to achieve the desired look by identifying the influencing


Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Explain the safety considerations that must be taken into account when cutting hair
  2. State the factors that need to be considered when cutting hair
  3. Describe the typical patterns of male pattern baldness
  4. State the effects created by different sized clipper blades and attachments
  5. State the risk of in-growing hair from continual close cutting on the skin
  6. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify service objectives
  7. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work


  1. Describe a range of looks for men

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Consultation techniques

Open and closed questions, use of visual aids


Hair: wet, dry, curly, straight

Client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth patterns, head/face

shapes/features, presence of facial hair, client lifestyle, elasticity, contra-indications, neck

shapes, natural hairline, presence of male patterns baldness

Safety considerations

Handling scissors, handling electrical equipment, protection from inflection and cross

infection, deportment, trip hazards from hair cuttings, first aid procedures


Uniform layer, graduation, around the ear outline, with fade

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Learning outcom e 2

Be able to provide a cutting service

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use cutting tools and equipm ent to achieve the desired look
  3. Establish and follow guidelines to accurately achieve the required look
  4. Use cutting techniques that take into account the identified factors
  5. Create neckline shapes that are accurate and taken account of the natural hairline
  6. Position self and the client appropriately throughout the service
  7. Cross check the cut to ensure even balance and weight distribution
  8. Remove unwanted hair outside the desired outline shape
  9. Create balanced and shaped sideburns that suit the required look
  10. Create a finished cut that is to the satisfaction of the client
  11. Provide suitable aftercare advice
  12. Follow safe and hygienic working practices

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment
  2. Describe the correct use and routine maintenance of cutting tools and

equipm ent

  1. Describe the effect of different cutting techniques
  2. State the effect cutting hair at different angles has on the finished look
  3. State the im portance of applying the correct degree of tension to the hair

when cutting

  1. State the im portance of cutting to the natural hairline in barbering
  2. Explain how to ensure that sideburns are cut level
  3. State the im portance of cross checking the cut
  4. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  5. Outline safe and hygienic working practices


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions, using a range of

related terminology

Cutting tools and equipm ent

Scissors, cutting comb, clippers and attachments

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 28

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Hair: curly, straight, client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth

patterns, head/face shapes/features, client lifestyle, elasticity, contra-indications

Cutting techniques

Layering club cutting, scissor over comb, clipper with guard, freehand, thinning, fade


Uniform layer, graduation, around the ear outline, with fade

Neckline shapes

Square, rounded, tapered

Aftercare advice

Recommended time intervals between cuts, how to maintain the look, suitable styling and

finishing products to use

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

Effect cutting hair at different angles has on the finished look

Angles to create uniform layering, angles to create graduation

Im portance of applying the correct degree of tension

Elasticity of hair when wet and dry, accuracy of work

Im portance of cutting to the natural hairline in barbering

Suitability of neckline shape for men, length of time the look will last

Im portance of cross checking the cut

Even balance, accuracy of cut to the guideline, even weight distribution


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 29

June 2019

Mandatory Unit

F/617/6026 Cut facial hair

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to maintain facial

hair shapes using basic cutting techniques.

The skills developed by the learner include the use of scissor, clippers and attachments to

maintain shapes by scissors over comb, clipper over comb and freehand cutting techniques.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to identify and

maintain basic beard and moustache shapes, factors to consider prior to and during cutting,

selection and use of tools and equipment and specific safety considerations to be taken into

account when cutting facial hair.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare for cutting facial hair service
  2. Be able to provide a cutting facial hair service

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare for a cutting facial hair service

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for facial hair services
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Assess the potential of the hair to achieve the desired look by identifying the

influencing factors

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Explain the safety considerations that must be taken into account
  2. Describe the factors that need to be considered when cutting facial hair
  3. Explain how the factors may influence the way the hair is cut
  4. State the effects created by different sized clipper blades and attachments
  5. State the effects of continual close cutting on the skin
  6. Describe the potential risk of in-growing hair
  7. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify service objectives
  8. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work


  1. Describe a range of basic facial hair shapes and looks

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 30

June 2019


Facial hair

Beards: full face, moustaches, eyebrows

Consultation techniques

Open and closed questions, use of visual aids


Tapered beardline, full beard outlines, moustaches only, eyebrow shape


Client requirements, hair density, hair growth patterns, suspected infections, suspected

infestations, head/face shapes/features, skin disorders (psoriasis, skin type)

Safety considerations

Handling scissors, handling electrical clippers, protection from infection and cross infection,

protection from hair clippings, deportment, trip hazards from hair cuttings, first aid


Facial hair shapes

Beards: full face

Moustaches: traditional, current fashion, that stay across the top lip, that curve around the

side of the mouth

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June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to provide a cutting facial hair service

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use cutting equipm ent to achieve the desired look
  3. Establish and accurately follow guidelines to achieve the required look
  4. Use cutting techniques that take into account the identified factors
  5. Position self and the client appropriately throughout the service
  6. Check the cut regularly to ensure accurate distribution of balance, weight and shape
  7. Remove any unwanted hair outside the outline shape
  8. Create a finished cut that is to the satisfaction of the client
  9. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  10. Provide suitable aftercare advice

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the correct use and routine maintenance of cutting equipm ent
  2. Describe the effect of cutting techniques
  3. Explain the cutting techniques to use for different facial hair types and looks
  4. State the im portance of cross checking the cut
  5. Describe how to cross check and balance the cut
  6. State the im portance of cutting to the natural facial hairline on full beards
  7. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  8. Outline safe and hygienic working practices
  9. State how to com m unicate and behave in a salon environment


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions using a range of

selected terminology

Cutting equipm ent

Clippers, scissors, clipper guards


Tapered beardline, full beard outlines, moustaches only, eyebrow shape

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 32

June 2019

Cutting techniques

Layering, club cutting, scissor over comb, freehand


Hair: curly, straight, client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth

patterns, head/face shapes/features, client lifestyle, elasticity, contra-indications

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

Aftercare advice

Recommended time intervals between cuts, how to maintain the look, importance of

regularly exfoliating the skin outside of the facial hair shape, suitable exfoliating products to


Im portance of cross checking the cut

Even balance, accuracy of cut to the guidelines, even weight distribution

Im portance of cutting to the natural facial hairline

Suitability of different facial hair shapes, length of time the shape will last, natural finish


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 33

June 2019

Mandatory Unit

H/617/6004 Colour and lighten hair

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to change hair

colour using basic techniques.

The skills developed by the learner include colour applications for full-head, re-growth,

pulled through and weaved packages.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to select

suitable application methods, choose suitable products, work safely and efficiently and to

give after care advice.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare for colouring hair
  2. Be able to provide a colouring service

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare for colouring hair

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for colouring services
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Assess the potential of the hair to achieve the desired look by identifying the influencing


Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Explain the safety considerations that must be taken into account when colouring

and lightening hair

  1. Explain the dangers associated with inhalation of powder lighteners
  2. Outline the types of colouring and lightening products
  3. State the factors that need to be considered when selecting colouring products
  4. Explain the importance of carrying out the necessary tests prior to and during the

colouring service and recording the results

  1. Explain the principles of colour selection
  2. Explain how natural hair pigments influence colour selection
  3. Describe how the international colour chart is used to select colour

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 34

June 2019

  1. Describe how each of the colour products affects the hair structure
  2. Explain the uses of hydrogen peroxide when colouring and lightening the hair
  3. State what percentage and volume strength hydrogen peroxide means
  4. Explain the importance of following manufacturers’ instructions
  5. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify service objectives
  6. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work



Consultation techniques

Open and closed questions, use of visual aids


Skin tone, previous service, existing colour, lifestyle, hair condition, results of tests, client

requirements, temperature, strength of hydrogen peroxide, percentage of white, hair length

Safety considerations

Client preparation, PPE, COSHH, manufacturers’ instructions, client/self positioning, visual

checks of electrical equipment, sterilising tools/equipment, first aid procedures, protection

from infection and cross infection


Temporary, semi permanent, quasi-permanent, permanent, lightener

Necessary tests

Skin tests, elasticity test, porosity test, colour development strand test, colour test,

incompatibility test

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

To darken the base colour, to lighten the base colour, to tone

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 35

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to provide a colouring service

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use the application m ethod, products, tools and equipm ent to

colour hair

  1. Position themselves and the client appropriately throughout the service
  2. Mix and apply the colour using neat sections
  3. Monitor the development of the colour accurately, following manufacturer’s


  1. Remove the colour product thoroughly from the hair and scalp, without disturbing

packages still requiring development

  1. Apply a suitable conditioner of post colour treatment to the hair, following

manufacturers’ instructions

  1. Create a desired look to the satisfaction of the client
  2. Provide suitable aftercare advice
  3. Follow sa fe and hygienic work ing practices

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the correct use and routine maintenance of tools and equipm ent
  2. State the importance of restoring the pH of the hair after a permanent colour
  3. Outline the types and causes of problem s that can occur during the colouring service

and how to resolve them

  1. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  2. Outline safe and hygienic working practices
  3. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, follow instructions using a range of

related terminology

Application m ethod

Full head, re-growth, pulled through, weave, temporary, semi-permanent, quasi-permanent,

permanent, brush and bowl, applicator bottle, highlighting cap, colour packages (foils/wraps),

drying equipment, climazone roller ball, spatula, colour pots

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 36

June 2019

Aftercare advice

How to maintain colour, suitable shampoo and conditioning products, future salon services,

use of heating styling equipment and the effect of perming on other services, how lifestyle

can affect durability of colour

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal and accessories

Problem s

Colour too dark, skin staining, not enough lift, uneven coverage, scalp irritation


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 37

June 2019

Mandatory Unit

J/617/6027 Styling Men’s hair

The aim of this unit is to introduce the learner to the basic technique, products and

equipment for hair styling for men, engaging their interest through experiential learning of

selected barbering skills focused on achieving a final finished look.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare for styling for men
  2. Be able to provide styling for men

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare for styling for men

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare for styling men’s hair

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Identify basic techniques for styling men’s hair
  2. State the factors that influence the choice of hair styling techniques for men
  3. State the importance of the preparation procedures for styling men’s hair



Prepare the client, prepare the work area, PPE, correct posture, shampoo and condition

hair, tools and equipment

Basic techniques

Straightening, smoothing, curling, finger drying, finishing


Head shape, face shape, body shape, lifestyle, adverse skin, scalp and hair conditions, hair

growth patterns, hair growth cycle, hair length, hair type, hair condition, hair texture,

elasticity, density, fashion trends

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 38

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to provide styling for men

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Select appropriate products, tools and equipm ent
  2. Style men’s hair using basic techniques
  3. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  4. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State the purpose of basic hair styling and finishing products, tools and equipm ent



Mousse, gel, lotion, spray, moisturisers, wax, dressing creams, heat protectors

Tools and equipm ent

Combs, brushes, dryers, electrical equipment

Safe and hygienic working practices

PPE, COSHH, methods of sterilisation, relevant health and safety legislation

Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, what to say, how to say it, range of hair styling



Following instructions, following salon/barbers requirements, working co-operatively


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 39

June 2019

Optional Unit

K/617/6005 Perm and neutralise hair

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to perm and

neutralise hair.

The skills developed by the learner include 9-section, directional and brick winding.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to select

suitable winding techniques, choose suitable products for use, work safely and efficiently and

to give aftercare advice.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will

  1. Be able to prepare to perm and neutralise hair
  2. Be able to perm and neutralise hair

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare to perm and neutralise hair

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for perming and neutralising
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Assess the potential of the hair to achieve the desired look by identifying the influencing


Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State the factors that need to be considered when perming and neutralising hair
  2. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify the service


  1. Explain the importance of carrying out the necessary tests prior to and during the

service and recording the results

  1. Explain the importance of following manufacturers’ instructions
  2. Describe the range of perm lotions and neutralising products, tools and

equipm ent

  1. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work


  1. Explain the safety considerations which must be taken into account

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 40

June 2019


Consultation techniques

The use of open and closed questions and visual aids


Client requirements, hair texture, hair growth patterns, haircut and length, hair density,

direction and degree of movement required, client lifestyle, test results, previous services,

hair and scalp conditions, temperature


Porosity, elasticity, incompatibility, development test curl, pre perm test curl

Perm lotions

Acid, alkaline

Tools and equipm ent

Pin-tail comb, wide tooth comb, perm rods (this includes any suitable medium used), band

protectors, heat radiating equipment, sponge, bowl, applicator bowl

Safety considerations

Client preparation, PPE, COSHH, manufacturers’ instructions, client/self positioning, visual

checks of electrical equipment, sterilising tools/equipment, first aid procedures, protection

from infection and cross infection

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 41

June 2019

Learning Outcom e 2

Be able to perm and neutralise hair

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use products and techniques, taking into account factors influencing the


  1. Section and wind the hair, taking meshes to suit the perm rod size to achieve the

desired look

  1. Wind the hair with even tension, making sure all wound perm rods site on their own


  1. Monitor the development of the perming and neutralising processes, following

manufacturers’ instructions

  1. Leave the hair free of perm lotion when the desired degree of curl is achieved, using

water temperature and flow to suit client’s needs

  1. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  2. Provide suitable aftercare advice

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the effects of perm lotions and neutralisers on the hair structure
  2. Outline the factors that determine the use of different types of perm lotions and

neutralising products, tools and equipment

  1. Explain how tem perature affects the perm ing process
  2. State the importance of accurate timing and thorough rinsing of products
  3. Explain when and why it is important to use pre-perm and post-perm treatments
  4. Explain the factors that influence the choice of sectioning techniques and different

sized perm rods

  1. Explain the method of checking curl development
  2. Outline the types and causes of problems that can occur during the perming and

neutralising processes and how to resolve them

  1. Outline safe and hygienic working practices
  2. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  3. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 42

June 2019


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions, using a range of

related terminology

Sectioning techniques

9-section, directional, brick


Hair: curly, straight, client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth

patterns, head/face shapes/features, client lifestyle, elasticity, contra-indications

Perm lotions

Acid, alkaline

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

Aftercare advice

How to maintain perm, shampoo and conditioning products, styling and finishing products,

future salons services, use of heated styling equipment and the effect

How tem perature affects the perm ing process

Scalp sensitivity, client comfort, effect on processing

Problem s

Causes and remedial action for: fish hooks, straight pieces, skin/scalp irritation, fizz, lack of



This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 43

June 2019

Optional Unit

T/617/6007 Create an im age based on a theme within the hair and

beauty sector

The aim of this unit is to introduce the learner to the development of a theme-based image,

linking their ideas to research undertaken via media images related to advertising. Learners

will develop skills to prepare and implement a mood board, so demonstrating their

imaginative and creative skills. Throughout this unit they must demonstrate the ability to

work on their own initiative and/or as part of a team and produce a written evaluation


There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to plan an image
  2. Be able to create an image

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to plan an image

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Create a m ood board based on a them e

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Outline how to identify media images to create a theme
  2. Outline the purpose of a m ood board
  3. Outline how to present a mood board to others
  4. Describe the concepts of advertising to a target audience
  5. Describe the salon’s requirements for client preparation, preparing self and the work


ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 44

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Mood board based on a them e

Demonstrates thought process, progression; resulting in own concept to generate their

theme-based image for the target audience

Purpose of m ood board

Creativity, linked themes


Protective clothing and materials

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 45

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to create an image

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Use technical skills to create a theme-based image
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of a theme-based image
  4. Follow safe and hygienic working practices

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State how to com m unicate in a salon environment
  2. Describe the technical skills required for creating a theme-based image
  3. Describe m ethods of evaluating the effectiveness of the creation of a theme-based


  1. Outline safe and hygienic working practices


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions using a range of

related terminology


Working cooperatively with others, following salon requirements

Technical skills

Hair styling, make-up, nail art and nail enhancement

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE

Methods of evaluating

Verbal feedback, written feedback, photographic evidence, self evaluation

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This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 47

June 2019

Optional Unit

A/617/6008 Display stock to prom ote sales in salon

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to display stock

to promote sales.

The skills developed by the learner include how to identify, select and assemble and

maintain a display to promote stock.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to plan a

display effectively that can attract attention and increase sales, including legal requirements,

affecting the display and sale of goods.

There are two learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare the display area
  2. Be able to maintain and dismantle the display area

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare the display area

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Select the materials, equipment and stock to use
  2. Determine the location of the display to maximise its impact
  3. Assemble the display carefully and safely
  4. Label the displayed products clearly, accurately and in a manner consistent with legal

requirem ents

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State the purpose of a display
  2. List the type of information required in order to plan a display effectively
  3. State how the location and design of the display can attract attention and increase sales
  4. Describe how the location and design-related promotional materials can influence the

effectiveness of a display

  1. Describe safety considerations when assembling a display

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Legal requirem ents

Data Protection, Legislation, Trades Descriptions Act, Sales and Supply of Goods Act,

Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Safety Act, Prices Act

Safety considerations

Manufacturers’ instructions, COSHH, PPE, safe working and hygienic practices, display

positioning, handling equipment manual handling

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 49

June 2019

Learning Outcom e 2

Be able to maintain and dismantle the display area

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Maintain the display area for the duration of the display period
  2. Dismantle the display restore the area and return stock to storage

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the maintenance needs of a promotional display
  2. Outline the safety considerations when dismantling a display, disposing of materials

and returning stock to storage

  1. Explain the key legal requirem ents affecting the display and sales of goods


Safety considerations

Manufacturers’ instructions, COSHH, safe working and hygienic practices, handling

equipment, manual handling

Legal requirem ents

Data Protection Legislation, Trades Description Acts, Sales and Supply of Goods Act,

Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Safety Act, Prices Act


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 50

June 2019

Optional Unit

F/617/6009 Provide Scalp Massage Services

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to provide scalp

massage treatments.

The skills developed by the learner include manual and mechanical scalp massage techniques.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to select

suitable massage techniques, equipment and products, work safely and efficiently and to give

aftercare advice.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare to provide scalp massage services
  2. Be able to carry out scalp massaging services

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare to provide scalp massage services

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and work area for scalp massage services
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Explain and agree the procedure, potential benefits and effects of the service to the


Underpinning knowledge:

The learner can:

  1. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify the service


  1. Explain the safety considerations that must be taken into account
  2. Describe the salon’s requirem ents for client preparation, preparing self and the

work area

  1. Explain the importance of identifying any contra -indications to scalp massage and

how to recognise them

  1. Describe how different factors can affect the performance of scalp massage
  2. Describe the different types of m assage m edia and equipm ent used for scalp

massage services

  1. Explain the importance of following manufacturers’ instructions

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 51

June 2019


Consultation techniques

Use of open and closed questions

Benefits and effects

Increasing blood supply, stimulation and toning of underlying issues, stimulation and

soothing of nerves

Safety considerations

Visual checks of the electrical equipment, correct use of equipment, client/self preparation,

client/self positioning, hygiene, equipment, correct application of massage movement

Requirem ents for client preparation

Preparing the hair/scalp for different types of treatment, protection and positioning for the

client, prepare self

Contra -indications

Broken skin, skin abnormalities, disease, disorders, bruising, inflammation, swelling, epilepsy,

high blood pressure


Hair condition, scalp condition, usual features of the scalp, hair length, hair density

Massage m edia

Spirit based, shampoo, conditioner, pre-blended oils

Equipm ent

Vibro machines, high frequency machines

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 52

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to carry out scalp massaging services

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use products, tools and equipm ent suitable for the client’s hair and scalp


  1. Adapt m assage techniques to take account of influencing factors
  2. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  3. Provide suitable aftercare advice

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe when and how to use m assage m edia and equipm ent to treat different

scalp conditions

  1. Describe how and when to use and adapt the different m assage techniques
  2. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided
  3. Describe the benefits of scalp massage
  4. Outline the basic structure of the skin
  5. State the name and position of the bones and m uscles of the head and neck
  6. Outline safe and hygienic working practices
  7. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions using a range of

related terminology

Scalp conditions

Dandruff-affected, dry, oily, sensitive

Massage techniques

Effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, friction, vibro

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 53

June 2019

Aftercare advice

The types of scalp products suitable for home use by clients

Massage m edia

Spirit based, shampoo, conditioner, pre-blended oils

Equipm ent

Vibro machines, high frequency machines

Structure of the skin

Epidermis, dermis, erector pili muscle, sebaceous gland, blood capillaries

Muscles of the head and neck

Head and neck muscles; (frontalis, temporalis, occipitalis, epicranal

Aponeurosis, stermocleidomastoid, platysma, trapezius)


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 54

June 2019

Optional Unit

T/617/6010 Salon Reception Duties

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to fulfil salon

reception duties.

The skills developed by the learner include handling enquiries, scheduling and recording

appointments and handling payments.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to handle

confidential information, the importance of recording appointments and secure payment


There are three learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to carry out reception duties
  2. Be able to book appointments
  3. Be able to deal with payments

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to carry out reception duties

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Deal with a variety of enquiries
  2. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  3. Identify the nature of the enquiry
  4. Maintain appropriate levels of reception stationery
  5. Maintain a hygienic and tidy reception area

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe procedures for taking messages for a variety of enquiries
  2. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment
  3. List salon services available, their duration and cost
  4. Outline the importance of dealing with enquiries promptly and politely
  5. Explain how to deal with enquiries that cannot be dealt with promptly

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June 2019


Variety of enquiries

In person, by telephone, electronically

Com m unicate

Speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions using a range of

related terminology linked to styling hair

Nature of enquiry

Client, non client, internal, external

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June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to book appointments

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Schedule appointments to meet with salon policy and client requirements
  2. Confirm and record client appointment details
  3. Deal with confidential information to meet salon and legal requirements

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe how to make and record appointments
  2. State the potential consequences of failing to record appointments or messages


  1. State the importance of passing on messages and appointments details to the

appropriate colleagues

  1. Outline the legislation designed to protect the privacy of client details
  2. State the possible consequences of a breach of confidentiality



Data protection legislation

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June 2019

Learning outcom e 3

Be able to deal with payments

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Calculate service costs accurately
  2. Deal with payments for services and or products to meet with salon policy
  3. Follow security procedures when handling payments

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State how to process different m ethods of paym ent
  2. Describe how to deal with problem s that may occur with payments
  3. Explain how to keep payments safe and secure


Methods of paym ent

Cash, cheque, credit/debit card, vouchers

Problem s

Invalid currency, invalid card, incorrect completion of cheque, suspected fraudulent use of

credit/debit card and vouchers, payment disputes


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 58

June 2019

Optional Unit

F/617/6012 Relax African Type Hair

The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to relax African

type women’s hair to create a basic look.

The skills developed by the learner include relaxing virgin and re-growth hair.

The knowledge acquired by the learner will enable them to understand how to relax African

type hair using different techniques and the effects products and equipment have on the hair


There are two learning outcomes for this unit. The learner will:

  1. Be able to prepare African type hair for relaxing
  2. Be able to relax and normalise hair

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare African type hair for relaxing

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare self, the client and the work area for relaxing services
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify service objectives
  3. Assess the potential of the hair to achieve the desired look by identifying the influencing


  1. Apply pre-relaxing products to:
  2. protect the scalp
  3. even out the porosity of the hair

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State the factors that need to be considered
  2. Explain the safety considerations that must be taken into account
  3. Describe the different consultation techniques used to identify service objectives
  4. Describe the salon’s requirement for client preparation, preparing self and the work


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June 2019


Consultation techniques

Open and closed questions, use of visual aids


Hair: virgin hair, chemically treated, curly, straight

Client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth patterns, head/face

shapes/features, client lifestyle, elasticity, hair and scalp conditions, previous chemical


Tests: incompatibility test, strand test, pre-perm test, elasticity test, curl test and

development curl test

Safety considerations

Client preparation, PPE, COSHH, service requirements, relevant Health and Safety

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 60

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to relax and normalise hair

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Select and use products, tools and equipm ent suitable for the client’s hair
  3. Position self and the client appropriately throughout the service
  4. Follow manufacturers’ instructions when applying and timing the relaxer, taking strand

tests at suitable times throughout the process

  1. Monitor the comfort of the client at regular intervals throughout the relaxing process,

remedying any problem s that may arise

  1. Follow safe and hygienic working practices
  2. Remove chemicals in a way which minimises the risk of damage to the hair
  3. Use post relaxing treatments to restore the hair’s pH balance
  4. Achieve the required degree of straightness that is acceptable to the client
  5. Provide suitable aftercare advice

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe the benefits and potential effects of different relaxing products on the hair


  1. Explain the importance of accurate timing and thorough rinsing of products
  2. Explain the effect of pre- and post-relaxer treatments on hair structure
  3. Describe the factors that should be considered when selecting sodium or non-sodium

relaxing products and why it is important to use products from the same system

  1. Describe the method and sequence of application of scalp protectors, relaxing and

normalising products

  1. Describe the potential problem s that can occur when relaxing hair and how to

remedy them

  1. Outline sa fe and hygienic working practices
  2. State how to com m unicate and behave within a salon environment
  3. Describe the aftercare advice that should be provided

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June 2019


Com m unicate

Speaking, listening body language, reading, recording, following instructions, using a range of

technical related terminology

Products, tools and equipm ent

Lye, no lye, pre- and post- relaxer treatment, neutralising shampoo, barrier cream,

applicator brush, tail comb, non metallic bowl

Problem s

Causes and remedial actor for: under processed hair, over processed hair skin/scalp

irritation, breakage, and discolouration

Safe and hygienic working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, health and safety legislation, PPE,

positioning of client and stylist, removal of accessories

Aftercare advice

Recommend time intervals between relaxing service, how to maintain the look, suitable

styling and finishing products to use, how to maintain the condition of the hair, identifying

additional services


Hair: virgin hair, chemically treated, curly, straight

Client requirements, hair texture, length and density, hair growth patterns, head/face

shapes/features, client lifestyle, elasticity, hair and scalp conditions, previous chemical


Tests: incompatibility test, strand test, pre-perm test, elasticity test, curl test and

development curl test


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 62

June 2019

Optional Unit

L/617/6028 Provide threading services for hair removal

This is a preparation for work unit which is based on capability and knowledge. The unit is

about providing threading for hair removal on different areas of the face. To carry out this

unit the learner will need to maintain effective, health, safety and hygiene procedures

throughout their work.

There are two learning outcomes for this unit.

  1. Be able to prepare for threading
  2. Be able to provide threading

Learning outcom e 1

Be able to prepare for threading

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Prepare themselves, client and work area for threading
  2. Use suitable consultation techniques to identify treatment objectives
  3. Provide clear recommendations to the client
  4. Select products, tools and equipm ent to suit client treatment needs

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. Describe workplace requirements for preparing themselves, the client and the work


  1. State the environm ental conditions suitable for threading
  2. Describe different consultation techniques used to identify treatment objectives
  3. Describe how to select product tools and equipm ent to suit client treatment


  1. Describe the contra -indications which prevent or restrict threading


Consultation techniques

Verbal: questioning techniques, language used, tone of voice

Non-verbal: listening techniques, body language, eye contact, facial expressions

Use of: visual aids, client records

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June 2019


To remove unwanted hair

Products, tools and equipm ent

Products: cleansing product, soothing product

Tools: thread tweezers

Equipment: mirror, bin, couch/chair, magnifying lamp

Environm ental conditions

Warmth, lighting, ventilation, privacy, volume and type of music/sounds and pleasant aroma

Contra -indications

Prevent treatment: fungal infection, bacterial infection, viral infection, infestations, severe

eczema, severe psoriasis, severe skin conditions

Restrict treatment: broken bones, recent scar tissue, hyper-keratosis, skin allergies, cuts and

abrasions, epilepsy, diabetes, skin disorders, undiagnosed lumps and swellings, product


ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 64

June 2019

Learning outcom e 2

Be able to provide threading

Practical skills

The learner can:

  1. Com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Follow health and safety working practices
  3. Position themselves and client correctly throughout the treatment
  4. Use products, tools, equipm ent and techniques to suit client’s treatment needs
  5. Complete the treatment to the satisfaction of the client
  6. Record the results of the treatment
  7. Provide suitable aftercare advice

Underpinning knowledge

The learner can:

  1. State how to com m unicate and behave in a professional manner
  2. Describe health and safety working practices
  3. State the importance of positioning themselves and the client correctly throughout the


  1. State the importance of using products, tools, equipm ent and techniques to suit

client’s treatment needs, skin types and conditions

  1. Describe how treatments can be adapted to suit client treatment needs
  2. State the contra -indications that may occur during and following treatments and

how to respond

  1. State the importance of completing the treatment to the satisfaction of the client
  2. State the importance of completing treatment records
  3. State the aftercare advice that should be provided
  4. Describe the structure and functions of the skin
  5. Describe the structure and functions of the hair


Com m unicate and behave

Communicate: speaking, listening, body language, reading, recording, following instructions,

using a range of related terminology

Behave: working cooperatively with others, following salon requirements

Health and safety working practices

Methods of sterilisation, disposal of contaminated waste, legislation, PPE, positioning of

client and therapist, removal of accessories

ProQual L2 Diploma in Barbering 65

June 2019

Products, tools and equipm ent

Products: cleaning product, soothing product

Tools: thread tweezers

Equipment: mirror, bin, couch/chair, magnifying lamp


Mouth, neck, hand

Aftercare advice

To avoid: perfumed products, make-up, restrictive clothing, UV exposure

To apply: soothing antiseptic products

Future treatment needs

Skin types and conditions

Skin types: normal, dry, oily and combination

Conditions: dehydrated, sensitive and mature

Contra -indications

Normal response: erythema, swelling

Adverse response: bruising, bleeding, removal of skin


This unit will be assessed by:

  • practical tasks, and
  • knowledge and understanding tasks in the Knowledge Assessment Workbook.

There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria.


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