MA Inclusive Special Education Improve your understanding of working within SEND education Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

MA Inclusive Special Education Improve your understanding of working within SEND education Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


Learn how to best utilise evidence-based practice in order to unlock the potential of all learners

Our MA Inclusive Special Education gives you an opportunity to develop a greater understanding and critical appreciation of the concepts, approaches and issues related to the education of children and young adults who have a special educational need and/or a disability.

The programme has a strong emphasis on appraising SEND policies and practices, promoting the rights and advocacy of the person with SEND and challenging issues of equity and inclusion.

Undertaking research within your own workplace, will enable you to develop your skills in making links between theory and practice and enhance your knowledge in a specialist academic field.

This MA will be suitable for Postgraduate students who want to continue their Masters studies with a subject specialism and you will normally have a good honours degree or equivalent, and work in an education or related sector.

On this course you will:

  • Develop your knowledge and understanding of the education of those with special educations needs and/or disabilities.
  • Be taught over two years via a flexible, modular programme with an additional year for your final dissertation.
  • Learn part-time, with evening and weekend sessions per academic year.
  • Pursue your personal area of interest to build your MA course around you.

The Course

Learn how to best utilise evidence-based practice in order to unlock the potential of all learners

The MA Inclusive Special Education will develop your knowledge and critical understanding of the conceptual and theoretical developments in the education of children and young adults with special educational need and/or disabilities.

You will have the opportunity to evaluate theory and practice by undertaking work-based research that addresses issues of equity and inclusion, diversity and social justice in the workplace.

The modules and the assessment will require you to critically engage in educational, political and global debates relating to inclusive special education and develop skills in evaluating and analysing the links between theory and practice by undertaking research in the workplace

This list is indicative and subject to change.

Disability Studies

This module allows you to examine the history of disability rights, the implications of the SEND Code of Practice, and the various contemporary definitions of “disability”. You will also consider the role of critical writings of Foucault and Bourdieu within this context.

Under some circumstances you are also able to select modules from other Masters programmes including: MA Education; MA Advanced Professional Practice.

Teaching and Assessment

Discover innovative teaching techniques and varied assessment methods


The course is based at the Bognor Regis Campus. Taught sessions will take place on alternate Tuesday evenings and one Saturday in each semester.

The MA Inclusive Special Education can normally be completed in three years on a part-time basis as follows: two years (four semesters) with one module per semester, plus a further year (two semesters) for the Dissertation.


Assessments equate to 6,000 words for each 30-credit module.

Each module has a distinct criterion for each assessment based on the modules core content.

You will be encouraged to complete assignments that are linked to your workplace practice and personal interest.

Assessed work typically includes oral presentations, case studies, observational studies, literature reviews and action research.


Develop your career opportunities within the education sector

Our MA Inclusive Special Education graduates progress into a range of careers within the sector, with opportunities to move directly into classroom teaching, specifically in roles within Special Educational Needs.

Graduates can also progress to become educational administrators or consultants, as well as work for local or national government with a focus on public education systems.

Career paths include roles within:

  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons
  • Charities
  • Museums
  • Galleries
  • Church and faith organisations
  • International development

Further study

Former MA Inclusive Special Education students have also progressed to PhD programmes in Social Studies at the University of Chichester.

Their research areas include:

  • Default Males: An exploration into the construction of identity for white, working-class men
  • How schools understand the Government’s directive to facilitate cultural capital amongst their pupils

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Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)

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