BMus (Hons) Instrumental Teaching Explore musical teaching and prepare to teach a student in your final year Course in Islamabad|| Registration Open

BMus (Hons) Instrumental Teaching Explore musical teaching and prepare to teach a student in your final year Course in Islamabad|| Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


This BMus (Hons) Instrumental Teaching degree explores all aspects of musical learning and teaching., exploring music, instrumental teaching and how to teach a variety of students. You will discover instrumental technique and how sound is physically produced on the instrument in the first year before focusing on repertoire and the various musical gradings used by that schools and external exams. You will experience being a musical beginner as you learn a new instrument from scratch.

This course allows you to explore the technique and mechanics of your own instrument and how it works with various learners, from young children with changing bodies to adults with more established muscular routines. You will investigate graded examination systems across classical and popular music and explore how music is taught in the National Curriculum for mainstream and special needs children and explore the psychology of learning and teaching and prepare to support individual students. Every pupil is different so you will learn to prepare, assess, reflect, and revise interactions and how teaching material is presented. Your understanding will support positive and pupil-centred teaching, instead of using a reactive approach. You will explore the psychology of learning music, develop your teaching techniques and have a chance to work with children in workshops and in schools.

In your third year you will experience one-to-one and group teaching, and teach individual lessons to peers and colleagues. Recordings of these lessons will be used to reflect on your planning, progress, and effectiveness in tailoring lessons to the learning needs of individuals.

Finally you will create your own curriculum and plan a year’s repertoire and study for a student of your choice. Many areas in teaching follow a curriculum, but there is no set curriculum for music lessons. This opportunity to plan for a future pupil gives you notable head start in the teaching profession, equipping you with the skills you will need after you graduate.

You will also have the opportunity to choose a module on international experience where you will be involved in all aspects of event planning, arranging workshops and performances, intercultural exchanges, and the logistics of timetabling the schedule of getting from A to B.

On this course you will:

  • Explore aspects of musical learning and teaching.
  • Learn a new instrument from scratch.
  • Discover the national music curriculum and musical gradings.
  • Have opportunities to work with children and teach workshops.
  • Explore the psychology of learning music.
  • Take on your own private student during your final year.

Teaching and Assessment

How you will learn

You will learn through scheduled lectures, workshops and tutorials in typical class sizes of up to 25 students.

You will be assessed through a range of assignments including:

  • Essays
  • Examinations
  • Performance/practical work
  • Project work
  • Presentations
  • Seminar discussions

Saara Sofia Paakko

Conservatoire student
“The atmosphere at the university is lovely due to the small size of the institution, and I love being around like-minded people.”

The Course

What you will study

You will study a selection of core and optional modules in each year. Each module is worth a number of credits is delivered differently, depending on its content and focus of study.

This list is indicative and subject to change.

Select a year

First study

You will work on your technical development and expressive facility in performance in a bespoke way with regular one to one tuition. We pride ourselves in helping you to form an excellent working relationship with your one to one tutor, which will enable you to identify areas for development, understand your specialist discipline with mindful awareness.

Year Four

During your fourth year you will continue your studies with:

  • First Study
  • Ensemble
  • Second Study
  • Personal Study
  • Masterclasses
  • Repertoire for Young Performers
  • International Experience
  • Teaching Experience


Learn from experienced performers, musicians and tutors

You will be taught by a core team of experienced and highly qualified tutors alongside a wide-ranging team of more than 60 specialist instrumental and vocal teachers.

As well as supporting student development and the student experience our staff are active, practicing professional musicians and researchers who regularly perform and record. We have around 140 professional tutors who visit campus regularly throughout the semester to deliver our practical and contextual modules. You will be supported by your one-to-one tutor and your module tutors, as well as your Academic Advisor.


Where you could go after your studies

This BMus Instrumental Teaching degree will prepare you for a range of careers after you graduate. You will have the opportunity to complete work placements during your degree and graduate ready to have an impact on the workplace. You can also take part in our student and graduate internship scheme to hone your skills and prepare for your career.

Past graduates have progressed into a range of roles, including:

  • Director of Music
  • Instrumental or vocal peripatetic teachers
  • Private instrumental or vocal teacher
  • Head of Music
  • Teaching assistant
  • Drama/dance teacher
  • Dance teacher
  • Professional performer
  • Chamber music/band members
  • Choir / Orchestra leader / conductor

Further Study

You could choose to continue your studies at postgraduate level.

Study options at the University of Chichester include:

  • MA Music Performance
  • MA Music Teaching
  • PGCE Primary
  • PGCE Secondary Music
  • PhD/MPhil

University of Chichester alumni receive a discount on postgraduate fees.

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Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)

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