UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System in Islamabad Pakistan

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System in Islamabad Pakistan

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System

What are operating systems?

An operating system manages computer hardware and software. It controls a computer or device’s operation and directs processing. For example, the operating system on a computer may assign where files reside in the computer’s memory. An operating system is like the director of a symphony. Without it, the processes, files, software, apps, and user commands may be a jumbled mess.

Course Description:

This UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System course teaches the basic operating system abstractions, mechanisms, and their implementations. The core of the course contains concurrent programming (threads and synchronization), inter process communication, and an introduction to distributed operating systems.

Why this course?

If you are aspiring to become a Great Computer Programmer then it is highly recommended to understand how exactly an Operating System works inside out. This UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System gives opportunity to understand how exactly data is saved in the disk, how different processes are created and scheduled to run by the CPU, how to interact with different I/O devices and ports.

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Operating system
  • Processes and threads
  • Synchronization
  • CPU Scheduling
  • Dead lock
  • Memory Management
  • File System
  • Security
  • Networking

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the concept of CPU scheduling in systems.
  • Explain the different types of scheduling algorithms.
  • Analyse the CPU scheduler measurements in systems.
  • Discuss the concept of a round-robin in scheduling.
  • Explain the concept of priority scheduling.
  • Discuss the functions of the queue in scheduling.
  • Discuss the concept of process synchronization in operating systems.
  • Explain the critical section problems of process synchronization.
  • Discuss the various algorithm processes of synchronization.
  • Explain the concepts of mutex locks and semaphore in process synchronization.
  • Discuss the processes of semaphore implementation.
  • Discuss the classical problems of synchronization.


This UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Computer Operating System course teaches the basic operating system abstractions, mechanisms, and their implementations. The core of the course contains concurrent programming (threads and synchronization), inter process communication, and an introduction to distributed operating systems

Awarding Body:

United Kingdom Qualifications (UKQ) Limited today is an international awarding organisation, offering qualifications at different levels and in a wide range of subject areas. UK-Qualifications recognises the skills, knowledge and understanding achieved by a learner at a particular level and in a particular subject.

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