ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice qualification is aimed at candidates who are responsible for developing and applying health and safety procedures day-to-day in their organisation. They may be a staff member, supervisor or manager looking to improve their knowledge and skills.


The awarding body for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).



Qualification Profile


Qualification title                      ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and

Safety Practice

Ofqual qualification number     603/3106/9 Level Level 6

Total qualification time             1064 hours Guided learning hours                           532

Pass or fail



Internally assessed and verified by centre staff External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers


Qualification start date             1/4/2018 Qualification end date

Entry Requirements                                                                  

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment. This qualification is approved for candidates aged 19+


Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete all of the Mandatory units.



Mandatory Units
Unit Reference


Unit Title Unit


D/616/9536 Promote a positive health and safety culture 5 27
F/616/9531 Develop and implement the health and safety policy 6 74
J/616/9532 Develop and implement effective communication systems

for health and safety information

5 40
R/616/9534 Develop and maintain individual and organisational

competence in health and safety matters

5 49
Y/616/9535 Identify, assess and control health and safety risks 6 73
H/616/9537 Develop and implement proactive monitoring systems for

health and safety

6 52
K/616/9538 Develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for

health and safety

6 74
M/616/9539 Develop and implement health and safety emergency

response systems and procedures

6 46
H/616/9540 Develop and implement health and safety review systems 6 46
K/616/9541 Maintain knowledge of improvements to influence health

and safety practice

5 51


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.



Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and/or occupationally competent.


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier qualifications, such as:


·         Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment

·         Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement

·         Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

·         Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices

·         Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices



Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:


·         enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning outcomes and assessment criteria;

·         provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;

·         provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to authenticate evidence





This qualification is competence-based, candidates must demonstrate the level of

competence described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s

skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.


The qualification must be internally assessed by an appropriately experienced and qualified assessor.


Each candidate is required to produce a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.


Evidence can include:             –     observation report by assessor

–          assignments/projects/reports

–          professional discussion

–          witness testimony

–          candidate product

–          worksheets

–          record of oral and written questioning

–          Recognition of Prior Learning


Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to do.


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning outcome has been achieved.


Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification are set out from page 8 .



Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.




Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.


Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the policy.




Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.




Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:


·         A certificate listing all units achieved, and

·         A certificate giving the full qualification title –


ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice




Claiming certificates


Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre for successful candidates.



Unit certificates


If a candidate does not achieve all of the units required for a qualification, the centre may claim a unit certificate for the candidate which will list all of the units achieved.



Replacement certificates


If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.

  • Be able to advocate commitment to a positive health and safety culture in the organisation.
  • Be able to develop links with appropriate people and groups on Health and Safety matters.
  • Understand the importance of promoting a positive health and safety culture within the organisation.
  • Provide sufficient and clear information to people in the organisation about the benefits of a positive health and safety culture.
  • Obtain the support of those in the organisation who can promote a positive health and safety culture; tailoring own approach to meet the needs of:
    • directors
    • managers
    • employee representatives.
  • Use opportunities to communicate information about a positive health and safety
  • Create new opportunities to communicate information about a positive health and safety
  • Investigate ways to overcome barriers to
  • Identify the appropriate people and groups with whom to develop links on health and safety matters:
    • within the organisation
    • external to the
  • Provide support and assistance to the appropriate people and groups identified in 1
  • Use appropriate opportunities to develop additional links with people and
  • Plan implementation of opportunities to develop additional links with people and
  • Describe the nature and role of a positive health and safety culture within the
  • Describe the existing health and safety culture within the organisation.
  • Identify how the organisation’s communication system can be utilised to promote the benefits of a positive health and safety culture.
  • Identify the people and groups who may be affected by the health and safety
  • Explain how to engage different individuals and groups in the health and safety
  • Explain external factors influencing a positive health and safety culture, to include sources of expertise and advice on health and safety matters that are available to inform the planning and decision making process for the


  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and

which incorporates:

  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion



There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.




  • Be able to define the statutory and workplace health and safety requirements for the organisation.
  • Analyse the structure of the organisation relative to health and safety.
  • Advocate the Health and Safety Policy to all key stakeholders in the organisation.
  • Assess the existing health and safety systems, policies and procedures in the
  • Evaluate the statutory and workplace health and safety requirements relating to:
    • input of products and/or services
    • the conversion processes
    • output of products and/or services
    • inadvertent, unwanted or unnecessary goods, materials and

waste of all types

  • employees, contractors and others affected by the

organisation’s activities.

  • Identify those external to the organisation who may be affected by its


  • Be able to develop the Health 2.1 Identify deficiencies in the current Health and Safety


and Safety Policy.

  • Be able to implement the Health and Safety
  • Identify resource constraints that could affect proposals for change.
  • Provide opportunities for key stakeholders to review the revised/new
  • Revise the Health and Safety Policy to remedy
  • Formulate the strategy for promoting commitment to the Health and Safety Policy by all those in the
  • Advocate the adoption of the new/improved Health and Safety Policy.
  • Specify the strategy for implementation of the Health and Safety Policy, to include:
    • providing support and assistance during the implementation


  • planning effective action in case problems arise during


  • providing adequate opportunities for feedback
  • responding appropriately to the feedback
  • planning the implementation process to ensure minimum


  • Ensure quality management requirements are applied to all health and safety


  • Know the steps required to develop and implement the Health and Safety
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Explain the nature and role of the Health and Safety Policy within the
  • Explain the input – conversion – output model of organisational systems.
  • Describe how to research the organisation’s current Health and

Safety procedures.

  • Explain how individual and group motivation will be
  • Explain external factors influencing health and safety e.g. Statutory health and safety requirements and industry best practice.
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and which


  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion


There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to evaluate health and safety
  • Be able to produce communication systems for health and safety information into the
  • Be able to control the effectiveness of the communication systems for health and safety information going out of the
  • Research proposed and new health and safety legislation, codes of practice, standards, health and safety risk assessment and control procedures and practices, technical developments and best practice in order to:
    • develop as appropriate to the organisation
    • implement as appropriate in the
  • Evaluate health and safety information for the organisation:
    • coming into the organisation
    • flowing within the organisation
    • going out of the
  • Develop appropriate systems for communicating health and safety information relating to input materials, goods, equipment, services and resources bought in by the organisation covering:
    • proactive monitoring
    • health and safety performance initiatives
    • health and safety promotion activities
    • reactive
  • Effectively communicate health and safety information to the organisation using a range of methods.
  • Communicate health and safety information externally to the
  • Maintain records of all health and safety information relating to input materials, goods, equipment, services and resources bought in by the organisation.
  • Manage the communication systems for the health and safety activities of the
  • Confirm that the health and safety culture and policy are kept in the forefront of the activities of the organisation.
  • Confirm that the statutory reporting of the health and safety information required from the organisation to the regulatory and local authorities is carried
  • Confirm that the health and safety information of the organisation is communicated, where appropriate, to trade associations, voluntary bodies, interested parties and
  • Know how to develop and implement effective communication systems for health and safety
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Ensure that the health and safety information of the organisation for products, services and waste is communicated to the
  • Ensure that the relevant health and safety standards and procedures of own organisation are provided to contractors.
  • Evaluate the development and implementation of effective communication systems for health and safety
  • Explain the principles and concepts of:
    • written and verbal communication
    • electronic information, retrieval, storage and communication
  • Analyse the external factors influencing communication systems for health and safety information, to include:
    • health and safety risk assessment, control procedures and practices, technical developments and best practice
    • proposed and new health and safety legislation,

codes of practice and standards

  • health and safety promotional activities relevant

to the needs of an organisation

  • health and safety statutory reporting

requirements for an organisation

  • health and safety statutory information requirements for the products, services and waste of an organisation
  • health and safety standards and procedures of an organisation that are relevant to the contractors used by the
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and which incorporates:
    • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
    • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
    • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
    • applying professional ethics in practice
    • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
    • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion



There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to assess the health and safety competence needs of the organisation.
  • Be able to implement health and safety training to meet identified needs.
  • Know how to develop and maintain individual and organisational competence in health and safety
  • Critically analyse the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the
  • Identify the health and safety competence needs of the functions, activities, tasks and job roles of the organisation.
  • Evaluate the health and safety competence needs of:
    • the organisation
    • individuals in the
  • Address the health and safety competence needs of the
  • Establish health and safety competencies in the organisation in terms of skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • Design and develop training courses to meet health and safety competence needs for given groups and within agreed constraints to include:
    • budget
    • timescales
    • staff
  • Deliver suitable training to meet the health and safety needs of individuals and groups in the organisation.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of training to make sure that the identified needs have been
  • Critically analyse the nature and role of individual and organisational competence in health and safety matters within the
  • Analyse the structure of the organisation with respect to functions, activities, tasks and
  • Evaluate the principles of competence, activity analysis, task analysis and job safety
  • Explain the relationships between competencies, skills and
  • Explain the principles of:
    • training course design and delivery
    • the advantages and disadvantages of different

methods of presentation

  • course evaluation and validation
  • preparing, delivering and marking tests and


  • effective written and verbal
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Explain the external factors influencing individual and organisational competence in health and safety:
  • Health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice
  • The quality management requirements for
    • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and which incorporates:
      • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
      • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
      • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
      • applying professional ethics in practice
      • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
      • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion


There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to conduct an inspection of the
  • Be able to assess risks to health
  • Be able to implement risk control measures and safe systems of work in the organisation.
  • Identify the requirements to carry out a health and safety
  • Inspect the workplace to identify and evaluate hazards.
  • Evaluate hazards through observation of work activities.
  • Examine proposed activities to identify and evaluate hazards including:
    • new workplaces
    • new equipment
    • new processes
    • new
  • Select and use appropriate measuring
  • Maintain records of the hazards identified in sufficient detail to meet:
    • statutory requirements
    • organisational requirements
    • industry best practice.
  • Select appropriate risk assessment
  • Conduct a risk assessment of the hazards identified.
  • Select and use instruments or methods to determine the level of exposure affecting:
    • employees
    • others who may be
  • Determine risks to health and safety of:
    • employees
    • others who may be
  • Prioritise the health and safety risks to:
    • employees
    • others who may be
  • Maintain records of the risk assessment in sufficient detail to meet:
    • statutory requirements
    • organisational requirements
    • industry best practice.
  • Critically analyse the existing risk control measures and current systems of work in the
  • Identify for consideration the risk control measures required by:
    • statutory requirements
    • organisational requirements
    • industry best practice.


  • Identify any additional or improved risk control measures that may be
  • Identify the resources required to implement the risk control measures
  • Calculate the cost-effectiveness of the risk control measures
  • Consult with managers, employee representatives and employees about risk controls
  • Plan the implementation of risk control measures in order of
  • Ensure the provision of training for those who need required competences to implement risk control
  • Maintain records of the control measures in sufficient detail to meet:
    • statutory requirements
    • organisational requirements
    • industry best practice.
  • Know how to identify, assess and 4.1 Evaluate the methods of identification of health


control health and safety risks.

and safety hazards within the organisation, including:

  • risk assessment methods
  • physical resources
  • instruments and survey methods which may be used to determine the level of exposure to people who may be
  • Evaluate principles of the analysis methods for determining
  • Explain external factors influencing the identification of health and safety hazards, including:
    • health and safety statutory requirements
    • acceptability of risk
    • quality management requirements for documentation.
  • Evaluate the nature and role of health and safety risk control measures within the
  • Justify health and safety risk control measures, including safe systems of
  • Explain external factors influencing health and safety risk control
  • Evaluate risk control


  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and which incorporates:
    • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
    • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
    • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
    • applying professional ethics in practice
    • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
    • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion


There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to devise inspection and monitoring systems for health and safety proactive performance
  • Be able to keep stakeholders informed of health and safety proactive performance monitoring
  • Develop workplace inspection and monitoring systems and procedures to include:
    • methodology
    • frequency
    • compliance with health and safety regulations
    • organisational
  • Analyse the competence needs of the people who will carry out the inspection and monitoring in the organisation.
  • Plan in conjunction with others the implementation of appropriate inspection and monitoring systems in the organisation.
  • Identify any relevant monitoring equipment that may be required.
  • Review health and safety statutory records and records initiated by the organisation for proactive performance monitoring.
  • Analyse all internal documentation and records to ensure proactive monitoring is appropriately
  • Involve managers, employee representatives and employees in health and safety proactive monitoring systems and
  • Maintain appropriate records of health and safety proactive monitoring systems and
  • Inform directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees of the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the
  • Prepare reports of the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the
  • Interpret to non-specialist audience the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organisation.
  • Propose recommendations based on the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organisation.
  • Respond to the requirements of the regulatory authorities in respect of the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organisation.
  • Understand how to develop and implement proactive monitoring systems for health
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Analyse the nature and role of active health and safety monitoring systems within the
  • Present the rationale for proactive monitoring systems for health and
  • Describe the whole range of monitoring
  • Explain sampling
  • Evaluate the procedure for workplace inspections and activity
  • Explain the principles of effective written and verbal communication.
  • Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.
  • Explain external factors influencing active health and safety monitoring systems:
    • health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice for proactive monitoring systems and documentation.
    • quality management requirements for
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and

which incorporates:

  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion




There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to develop a health and safety loss event reporting and recording system.
  • Be able to implement health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures.
  • Be able to conduct statistical and epidemiological
  • Identify health and safety loss
  • Devise health and safety loss event reporting forms.
  • Develop the health and safety loss event reporting and recording
  • Plan the implementation of the health and safety loss event reporting and recording procedure.
  • Maintain records of the health and safety loss
  • Develop a system to report health and safety loss events to the regulatory
  • Identify which health and safety loss events require a formal
  • Plan the implementation of health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures.
  • Implement health and safety loss event investigation systems and
  • Investigate health and safety loss
  • Identify directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees in order to:
    • advise them about the risk assessments that need to be reviewed in the light of health and safety loss event investigations
    • advise them of the possible breaches of statutory and common law requirements following health and safety loss event investigations.
  • Manage the implementation of recommendations arising from health and safety loss event
  • Keep records of health and safety investigations.
  • Produce statistical and epidemiological analyses of the health and safety loss event data in the organisation in order to:
    • present it in numerical and graphical


  • interpret statistical and epidemiological


  • Be able to maintain communication with stakeholders of health and safety reactive performance monitoring outcomes.
  • Understand how to develop and implement reactive monitoring systems for health and
  • present to directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees in a meaningful
  • Keep records of health and safety loss event statistical and epidemiological
  • Inform directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers, employee representatives and employees of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance
  • Prepare written and verbal reports of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance
  • Interpret to a lay audience the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring.
  • Select appropriate recommendations based on the outcomes of reactive performance monitoring.
  • Comply with the requirements of the regulatory authorities in respect of the outcomes of health and safety reactive performance
  • Evaluate the nature and role of reactive health and safety monitoring systems within the organisation.
  • Critically analyse health and safety loss events that require formal investigation in relation to:
    • types
    • causes
    • impacts
    • systems and
  • Explain reporting and recording procedures for health and safety loss
  • Explain principles of:
    • fault-tree analysis
    • events and causal factors analysis
    • effective written and verbal communication
    • how to respond to the needs of others
    • statistical and epidemiological analyses of data, including the use of the normal and poisson distribution
    • histograms, pie charts, cusum charts and

line graphs.


  Learning Outcome – The learner will:   Assessment Criterion – The learner can:
    5.5 Explain external factors influencing reactive
      health and safety monitoring systems and
    5.6 Explain health and safety statutory and
      common law requirements regarding loss
6 Be able to maintain and record their 6.1 Maintain a personal development portfolio
  professional development   which can contribute to professional bodies’
  CPD requirements and which incorporates:

·         an ongoing evaluation of their

personal competence

·         reflective commentaries on CPD


·         setting and prioritising realistic goals

for professional development

·         applying professional ethics in


·         an appreciation of diversity and

inclusivity in workplaces

·         sharing personal experiences in

professional debate and discussion



There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.


  • Be able to develop health and safety emergency response procedures.
  • Identify the potential sources of an emergency in the organisation.
  • Evaluate the organisation’s ability to provide the required:
    • first aid provision
    • adequate medical provision
    • firefighting provision, on-site and off-site.
  • Ensure that there are the necessary competencies in first aid and firefighting in the
  • Involve managers, employee representatives and employees in the production of emergency
  • Develop health and safety emergency response procedures for the organisation, taking into account:
    • health and safety statutory requirements with respect to the control of an emergency
    • methods of effective communication both on-site and off-site
    • dealing with both on-site and off-site emergencies
    • dealing with the ongoing consequences of fatalities
    • injury accidents
    • dangerous occurrences
    • fires and explosions
    • toxic releases
    • major disasters
    • environmental impact
    • rescue and security
  • Keep adequate records of the health and safety emergency response procedures of the
  • Prepare to respond to the requests of the regulatory and local authorities, the emergency services, other authorities, the media and other interested parties regarding an emergency in the
  • Devise a plan to implement the emergency response procedures.


  • Be able to implement procedures 2.1 Confirm that sufficient facilities, materials and equipment,


for the control of a health and safety emergency.

including communication equipment, are available to deal with the control of an emergency in the organisation.

  • Provide detail in the procedures of the competencies required.
  • Communicate the plan to all appropriate people in the organisation.
  • Establish effective liaison with the appropriate emergency services and the regulatory and local


  • Understand how to develop and implement health and safety emergency response systems and
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Respond to the requests of the regulatory and local authorities and where necessary, the requests of the media and other interested
  • Confirm that the investigation procedure has been carried out.
  • Maintain records of the procedures for the control of a health and safety emergency in the
  • Explain the nature and role of health and safety emergency response systems and procedures within the organisation.
  • Explain the organisation’s emergency response


  • Explain the organisation’s simulated emergency response


  • Explain the principles of press releases and media management.
  • Explain the external factors influencing health and safety emergency response systems and
  • Explain the health and safety statutory requirements for:
    • emergency response procedures
    • first aid and medical service provision
    • fire precautions
    • major disasters
    • ionising radiation incidents
    • environmental impact
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and

which incorporates:

  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion




There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to investigate the efficiency and cost effectiveness of health and safety management
  • Be able to confirm that each part of the health and safety management system is working as intended.
  • Be able to confirm that the entire health and safety system is working as
  • Analyse each part of the health and safety management system.
  • Define the factors and features that are essential for the effective working of each part of the health and safety management
  • Define the review frequency of each part of the health and safety management
  • Advise directors, senior, line, functional and technical managers of any improvements required to the efficient and cost-effective working of each part of the health and safety management
  • Plan the implementation of changes to each part of the health and safety management
  • Maintain records of the review of each part of the health and safety management
  • Analyse all components of the health and safety management
  • Define the factors and features that are essential for the effective working of the health and safety management system.
  • Define the review frequency of the health and safety management
  • Assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the health and safety management
  • Develop changes to improve the efficiency and cost- effectiveness of the health and safety management system.
  • Manage the implementation of any necessary changes to the health and safety management
  • Maintain records of the review of the health and safety management
  • Assess the nature and role of health and safety review systems within the
  • Describe the organisation’s health and safety management


  • Define the factors and features that are essential for the efficient and cost-effective working of a health and safety management
  • Assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a health and safety managemen
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Explain the principles of:
    • electronic and paper record systems
    • how to respond to the health and safety needs of
  • Analyse external factors influencing health and safety review systems, to include:
    • health and safety statutory requirements
    • industry best practice
    • quality requirements for
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and

which incorporates:

  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities
  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion






There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.

  • Be able to identify new developments in health and
  • Be able to influence colleagues on health and safety
  • Know how to maintain knowledge of improvements in health and safety
  • Be able to maintain and record their professional development
  • Evaluate sources of information and advice on the latest developments in health and
  • Evaluate the impact on the organisation of developments in health and safety legislation, policies and
  • Advocate the adoption in the organisation of new developments in health and safety
  • Contribute to professional technical groups to enhance the development of health and
  • Maintain own continuous professional
  • Identify opportunities to participate in professional discussions and reviews on best practice in health and safety
  • Contribute to groups and committees engaged in developing health and safety
  • Influence the policies and practices of professional organisations and groups on health and safety
  • Critically analyse health and safety best practice with colleagues through meetings, publications, conferences and other
  • Influence colleagues and others on health and safety matters.
  • Advocate to colleagues the adoption of industry best practice.
  • Explain the nature and role of improvements in health and safety practice within the organisation and how they can impact on the
  • Evaluate print-based and electronic sources of information and advice on health and safety
  • Explain principles of:
    • effective written and verbal communication
    • electronic means of
  • Explain external factors influencing improvements in health and safety practice:
    • professional, non-professional and technical groups
    • professional
  • Maintain a personal development portfolio which can

contribute to professional bodies’ CPD requirements and

which incorporates:

  • an ongoing evaluation of their personal competence
  • reflective commentaries on CPD activities


  • setting and prioritising realistic goals for professional development
  • applying professional ethics in practice
  • an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity in workplaces
  • sharing personal experiences in professional debate and discussion




There must be valid, authentic and sufficient for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.


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