ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal Compliance and Carbon Management Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal Compliance and Carbon Management Course in Islamabad || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The Level 3 Awards in Energy Management qualifications are appropriate for individuals

working in the areas of, for example, facilities management, property or environmental

services, who want to up-skill or demonstrate their skills and knowledge in one of the

energy management specialist areas.

There are 11 Awards which each comprise a single unit; these units are also part of the Level

3 Diploma in Energy Management (refer to the ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Energy

Management specification).

The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the

regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The

specification for these qualifications has been approved by the Welsh Government for use

by centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment

(CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for these qualifications.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Qualification Profiles

601/9098/3 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : An Introduction

601/8109/6 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Technical and Operational

601/8104/7 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Energy Assessments,

Measurements and Verification

601/8103/5 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Behavioural Change and


601/8107/2 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal

Compliance and Carbon Management

601/8108/4 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Strategy/Plan

601/8111/4 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Waste Management

601/8106/0 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Procurement

601/8110/2 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Transport

601/8112/6 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Water

601/8105/9 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Information &

Communications Technology

Total Qualification Time 25 hours for each qualification

Assessment Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/11/15

Qualification end date

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Qualification Structure

To achieve any of the Level 3 Awards in Energy Management, candidates must complete the

relevant unit:

601/9098/3 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : An Introduction

Unit H/507/9083 Energy Management : An Introduction

601/8109/6 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Technical and Operational

Unit K/507/9084 Energy Management : Technical and Operational

601/8104/7 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Energy Assessments,

Measurements and Verification

Unit M/507/9085 Energy Management : Energy Assessments, Measurements and


601/8103/5 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Behavioural Change and


Unit T/507/9086 Energy Management : Behavioural Change and Motivation

601/8107/2 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal

Compliance and Carbon Management

Unit A/507/9087 Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal Compliance and Carbon


601/8108/4 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Strategy/Plan

Unit F/507/9088 Energy Management : Strategy/Plan

601/8111/4 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Waste Management

Unit J/507/9089 Energy Management : Waste Management

601/8106/0 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Procurement

Unit A/507/9090 Energy Management : Procurement

601/8110/2 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Transport

Unit F/507/9091 Energy Management : Transport

601/8112/6 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Water

Unit J/507/9092 Energy Management : Water

601/8105/9 ProQual Level 3 Award in Energy Management : Information &

Communications Technology

Unit L/507/9093 Energy Management : Information & Communications Technology

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer the qualifications. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering the qualifications must be appropriately qualified and occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or quality assurance

verifier qualifications, such as:

 ProQual Level 3 Certificate in Teaching, Training and Assessment

 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment

 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement

 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement

 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices

 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

 enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

 provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;

 provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management



Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment is

the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards

set in the qualification.

Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of

all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – assignments/projects/reports

– worksheets

– portfolio of evidence

– record of oral and/or written questioning

– candidate test papers

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 9


Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the required credits for qualifications will be awarded a certificate

giving the full qualification title.

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and

who have successfully completed the relevant unit. All certificates will be issued to the

centre for successful candidates.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing.

Replacement certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has

been authenticated. Refer to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

H/507/9083 Energy Management: An Introduction

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the fundamentals of

energy management

1.1 Define what energy is

1.2 Identify different types of energy

1.3 Define what carbon emissions are

1.4 Define what energy management is

1.5 Identify the importance of core energy management

competencies, including: Technical and Operational,

Energy Assessment and Measurement & Verification,

Behavioural Change and Motivation, Regulatory and

Legal Compliance and Carbon Management, Strategy

and Plan, Waste Management, Procurement,

Transport, Water and ICT

1.6 Explain the role of an energy manager

1.7 Describe the process of energy reporting

1.8 Describe how energy reporting can contribute to

reducing energy consumption

2 Understand energy consumption in

the workplace

2.1 Describe various ways that energy is used in the


2.2 Explain how energy use varies with respect to

equipment used in the workplace

2.3 Describe the typical inefficiencies in energy

consumption in working environments

2.4 Describe how energy consumption can be measured

in the workplace

2.5 Explain what energy saving practices can be

introduced to reduce energy consumption

2.6 Explain organisational benefits of the reduction of

energy consumption

3 Understand obstacles to reducing

energy consumption in the


3.1 Explain the key obstacles to reducing energy

consumption in the workplace

3.2 Describe what actions can be taken to overcome the

key obstacles to reducing energy consumption

3.3 Identify different channels used for stakeholders’


4 Understand common energy use

systems in the workplace

4.1 Outline common energy use systems

4.2 Describe how common energy use systems operate

4.3 Outline opportunities for improvement of energy use

systems in workplace

5 Understand the importance of

collecting and managing energy data

5.1 Describe where to find energy data

5.2 Describe how to collect energy data

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.3 Identify different types of meters

5.4 Identify individual identifiers of meters

5.5 Describe an energy bill and its elements, including the

meter’s individual identifiers

5.6 Describe different types of data collection methods

6 Understand the importance of

energy audits and assessments in

the workplace

6.1 Explain the framework for carrying out an energy


6.2 Describe approaches to energy assessments

6.3 Demonstrate an understanding of energy audits and

assessments as means of identifying opportunities to

improve energy performance

7 Understand the importance of

energy consumption awareness in

the workplace

7.1 Identify opportunities of raising energy consumption

awareness in the workplace

7.2 Describe various channels of disseminating energy

awareness across the workplace

8 Understand the key legislative and

regulatory requirements covering

energy in the UK

8.1 Identify what legislation is in place to reduce energy

consumption and carbon emissions

9 Understand the importance of an

organisation’s energy strategy,

planning and policy

9.1 Explain the importance of an organisation’s energy

strategy, planning and policy

9.2 Outline an organisation’s energy objectives and


9.3 Identify the benefits of an organisation’s energy

strategy, planning and policy

9.4 Identify global energy trends and their impact of

organisational setting

10 Understand key areas of waste

management in the workplace

10.1 Explain what the European Waste Hierarchy is

10.2 Identify waste streams in the workplace

10.3 Describe how waste can be a renewable resource

11 Understand key areas of


11.1 Describe simple procurement actions

11.2 Explain advantages and disadvantages of direct and

indirect suppliers

12 Understand the relevance of

transport to energy management

12.1 Explain the relevance of transport to energy


12.2 Describe how energy consumption varies according

to the type of transport used

12.3 Outline what action can be taken to reduce energy

consumption from transport

13 Understand water consumption in

the workplace

13.1 Explain the impact of water consumption on energy

consumption and carbon emissions

13.2 Describe processes within the workplace which use


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

13.3 Identify actions that can be taken to reduce water


14 Understand the impact of ICT on

energy consumption

14.1 Explain IT as an element of energy and water


14.2 Describe how energy consumption varies according

to the type of ICT equipment used

14.3 Identify actions that can be taken to reduce energy

consumption from ICT

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


K/507/9084 Energy Management : Technical and Operational

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand how energy is consumed

in different types of building and/or


1.1 Identify different sources of energy in a building or


1.2 Identify how energy is distributed from the energy

source to energy users in a building or process (e.g.

electric cables, pipes, ducts, etc.)

1.3 Use data to determine which energy use equipment

and systems consume the most energy

1.4 Build a profile to show energy consumption in a

building or process

1.5 Identify major mechanisms where energy (electricity

and heat) is gained, lost and/or can be recovered from

a building or process

2 Understand how energy use

equipment and systems operate

2.1 Describe how key energy use systems operate in a

building or process

2.2 Describe how energy consumption can vary in a

building (e.g. occupancy, weather pattern,

temperature, etc.) or process (e.g. production levels,

waste, etc.)

2.3 Identify appropriate energy performance indicators

(e.g. energy use, energy consumption, energy

efficiency, etc.) for the energy use equipment and


2.4 Describe how inefficiencies arise and what

opportunities there are to improve the energy

performance of various energy uses

3 Understand the role of design,

installation and commissioning of

energy use equipment and systems

3.1 Describe how the energy consumption of one energy

use equipment can have an effect on the energy

consumption of another energy use equipment

3.2 Outline the importance of design, installation and

commissioning on the planned operating life of energy

use equipment and systems

3.3 Describe the design and installation requirements for

energy use equipment that brings about energy


3.4 Describe techniques used to ensure that energy use

equipment and systems have been installed, tested

and commissioned according to energy efficient

design requirements

4 Understand how to use operational

and maintenance controls to operate

the energy use equipment and

systems efficiently

4.1 Outline the importance of operational controls and

maintenance controls on the planned operating life of

energy use equipment and systems

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.2 Identify sources of information for operational and

maintenance controls of energy use equipment and


4.3 Define the operational and maintenance requirements

for energy use equipment and systems that brings

about energy efficiency –

 Start-up and shut down

 Matching energy demand with supply

 Scheduling techniques

 Operating procedures

 Maintenance procedures, etc.

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


M/507/9085 Energy Management – Energy Assessments, Measurements and Verification

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to understand basic metering

and know how to collect and record


1.1 Describe how energy and water are measured

(manually and remotely/automatically)

1.2 Identify and classify existing (fiscal) metering

1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of billing information

1.4 Verify the accuracy of billed (non-financial) data

1.5 Select and install sub-metering

2 Be able to carry out basic checks on

bills and other recorded data to verify

accuracy and repeatability

2.1 Define a metering and measurement plan

2.2 Meet the installation requirements and install the

meter as per manufacturers’ requirements

2.3 Define calibration requirements

2.4 Record information using:

 simple spreadsheets

 proprietary software systems

2.5 Check the accuracy of information

3 Be able to set targets in line with

published guidelines

3.1 Use the information to measure energy performance

3.2 Identify the variable that affects the energy

consumption in their organisation

3.3 Define the energy baseline and energy performance


3.4 Make adjustments to information to compare yearon-year information

3.5 Use data to set targets for energy performance

4 Be able to report against targets to a

range of stakeholders

4.1 Develop plans to monitor energy consumption and

energy projects

4.2 Report energy performance against targets to senior

management, colleagues and other stakeholders

4.3 Report in accordance with legislative and regulatory


5 Be able to compare Energy

Assessment methods

5.1 Identify the pros and cons of different energy

assessment methods

5.2 Use a transparent and consistent methodology to

identify and quantity opportunities for improvements

in energy performance

5.3 Be able to define the opportunities for improvements

in energy performance

5.4 Relate the opportunities for improvement in

cost/energy savings and carbon reduction

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6 Be able to choose product and system

solutions that reduce energy/carbon

6.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the energy

performance of buildings and processes

6.2 Identify opportunities to improve energy performance

6.3 Identify where to view up-to-date, credible

information about improving energy performance

6.4 Relay the benefits of the information into

organisational/operational benefits (£)

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


T/507/9086 Energy Management : Behavioural Change and Motivation

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to identify changes required to

improve energy performance

1.1 Define their energy performance goals

1.2 Communicate the need for change to various


2 Be able to develop structures and strategies

for change to improve energy performance

2.1 Identify sources of guidance within their


2.2 Identify key players

2.3 Use data and organisational information and be

able to communicate with key players

3 Be able to monitor and report on progress

towards defined energy performance goals

3.1 Report and communicate on the status of

energy performance and progress of


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


A/507/9087 Energy Management : Regulatory & Legal Compliance and Carbon


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be aware of key EU directives and UK

legislation relevant to energy and

climate change

1.1 Identify relevant EU energy and climate change


1.2 Identify relevant UK energy and climate change


2 Be aware of economic incentives for

energy management

2.1 Describe economic incentives that are currently


3 Be able to quantify the impact of

legislation on their organisation

3.1 Identify key issues for UK companies arising from EU

and UK legislation

4 Be able to anticipate broad changes

that might affect long-term

organisational plans

4.1 Explain the issue of compliance versus best practice

in the context of their organisation

4.2 Outline the long term direction of legislation

5 Know where to find current

legislation and regulatory information

5.1 Identify sources of up-to-date information

6 Understand factors influencing

carbon reduction

6.1 Identify current regulations and legislation relating to

carbon reduction

6.2 Identify opportunities for carbon reduction and

penalties for non-reduction

6.3 Describe factors that influence carbon reduction, e.g.

types of buildings/operations/renewables

6.4 Identify reporting needs

6.5 State their organisation’s position on carbon


7 Be able to assess simple carbon


7.1 Define the boundary of carbon footprint (e.g. scope

1, scope 2 and scope 3)

7.2 Carry out carbon footprint studies

7.3 Monitor and review carbon footprint studies

8 Be able to factor the cost of carbon

into Business Cases

8.1 Describe carbon markets and how they operate

8.2 Identify the carbon costs of different types of energy

8.3 Describe how Power Purchase Agreements are used

for off-site generation of energy

8.4 Explain what is meant by:

 carbon credits

 carbon offsets

 carbon efficiency

8.7 Explain how their organisation can influence its

supply base

8.8 Explain why carbon consultants may be engaged

8.9 Explain the potential use of renewable energy

solutions within their organisation

8.10 Develop and use a carbon plan

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


F/507/9088 Energy Management : Strategy/Plan

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand global energy trends and

their impact on business operations

1.1 Explain global energy trends in terms of:

 Supply and demand of energy

 Projection of energy consumption

 Climate change adaptation

 De-carbonising energy supply markets


1.2 Explain the impact of energy consumption on:

 Energy pricing

 Business competition and survival

 Security of supply

 Climate change and wider environment


1.3 Explain the financing of energy savings in terms of:

 In-company financing

 On-demand energy purchasing

 Green investment banking

 Energy performance contracting


2 Determine suitable objectives and

targets for improvement

2.1 Describe the relationship between an energy policy,

objectives, targets and action plan

2.2 Analyse various improvement projects within a

portfolio of opportunities

2.3 Define the overall project plan and implementation

schedule taking into consideration:

 Energy policy

 Energy objective and targets

 Compliance with regulatory and other


3 Develop an action plan around energy,

carbon and water

3.1 Plan and implement operational and maintenance

controls of energy use in their organisation

3.2 Prioritise the implementation of opportunities for


3.3 Develop systems to manage change and address

barriers for change

3.4 Develop and execute contingency plans

3.5 Benchmark the overall plan against other similar


4 Understand how success will be

measured and verified

4.1 Describe how energy performance can be measured

and verified

4.2 Propose and implement monitoring to verify energy


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


J/507/9089 Energy Management : Waste Management

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand key challenges in

waste streams and the appropriate

use of waste

1.1 Describe the different steps of the European Waste


1.2 Describe the waste stream of their organisation,


 recyclables

 food waste

 waste water

 unrecyclables

 energy from waste

 landfill and hazardous or toxic waste

2 Understand financial advantages

and disadvantages of their

organisation’s waste stream

2.1 Explain the fiscal and reputational value of processing


2.2 Explain the fiscal and reputational risks of landfill of


3 Understand the use of waste as a

renewable resource

3.1 Describe processes of using waste as a resource, e.g.

the use of food waste through anaerobic digestion, the

waste being feedstock, energy producer source of

renewable fertilizer

3.2 Describe the processing of other waste streams (e.g.

recyclables, waste water, unrecyclables, energy from

waste, landfill and hazardous or toxic waste)

4 Be able to undertake a basic audit

of greenhouse gas emissions in

their workplace

4.1 Identify the greenhouse gas emissions of all aspects of

waste processes such as sorting, transport, processing

and final use

4.2 Understanding greenhouse gas emissions from energy

from waste and landfill

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


A/507/9090 Energy Management : Procurement

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Be able to carry out simple

procurement actions

1.1 Conduct daily monitoring and review of procured

goods, including:

 the makeup of charges on bills

 sources of information, e.g. pass-through charges

 impact of subsidies/taxes

 interface with operations

2 Be able to plan for their personal


2.1 Identify areas for personal development in the

purchasing of energy, e.g.

 making retrospective claims for charging errors

 how to deal with unexpected or unplanned


 not allowing a contract to expire

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


F/507/9091 Energy Management : Transport

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand key energy management

challenges associated with the transport and

logistics sector

1.1 Explain the key challenges, such as:

 energy security

 sources of inefficiencies in transport system

 congestion (when transport demand

exceeds transport supply)

 air pollution

2 Understand the impact of climate change

on the transport sector

2.1 Describe the climate adaptation and mitigation

strategies associated with the transport sector

2.2 Identify the impacts associated with climate


3 Understand local, regional, national and

international energy management

initiatives/policies associated with the

transport sector

3.1 Describe initiatives that have been adopted to

improve efficiency, reduce congestion and other

negative impacts associated with the transport


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


J/507/9092 Energy Management : Water

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand water use and conservation in

their workplace

1.1 Describe the areas of water use in their workplace

1.2 Describe the impact of water use in their


1.3 Describe the supply chain and customer issues

associated with water

1.4 Identify water companies, regulatory bodies and

sources of information

1.6 Describe current trends in terms of regulation and

water competition

1.7 Explain external environmental impacts of water

use and conservation

2 Be able to undertake a basic water audit of

their workplace

2.1 Describe the water boundary conditions for the

workplace site

2.2 Track water inputs, uses and outputs in the


2.3 Identify sources of water, including mains supply,

rainwater, greywater and boreholes

2.4 Identify water using products and systems within

the workplace

2.5 Identify discharges of water and areas of reuse

2.6 Measure water flows through, meter readings,

bills, abstraction records and discharge records

2.7 Identify water leaks

2.8 Describe the role of meters and submeters

2.9 Develop a basic water audit for the workplace

3 Be able to identify the water-using fixtures

and fittings in their workplace

3.1 Describe water-using fixtures and fittings, e.g.

 Water efficiency showers

 Water efficient taps

 Water efficient toilets

 Water efficient kitchen taps

 Water efficient white goods

 Operation of regulators, restrictors and


3.2 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of

specific water efficient devices

4 Be able to identify water efficiency within

processes in their workplace

4.1 Identify processes within the workplace which use


4.2 Identify sources of information for water efficient

processes, such as cleaning-in-place, air

conditioning, equipment cooling systems, etc.

4.3 Describe the water requirements of IT systems

internally and externally

ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.4 Identify areas of water use optimisation in

production systems or operations

4.5 Identify financial instruments and sources of

information and assistance for process efficiency

5 Be able to understand the links between

water and energy in their workplace

5.1 State how much energy is used for heating and

cooling water

5.2 State how much energy is used for pumping and

treating water and waste water

5.3 Explain the water-energy nexus

5.4 Identify the energy used in external water and

wastewater treatment

5.5 Identify energy related costs associated with

water, ice and steam

6 Be able to develop behaviour change

programmes and communications for

water efficiency in their workplace

6.1 Identify who is responsible for water use in the


6.2 Explain the role of Facilities Management

contractors in water management

6.3 Describe how to inform colleagues of water

efficiency measures

6.4 Develop effective water efficiency messages and


6.5 Develop behaviour change programmes

6.6 Communicate water efficiency externally and


ProQual, October 2015

Level 3 Awards in Energy Management


L/507/9093 Energy Management : Information & Communications Technology

Learning Outcome – The learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Understand the energy and water

usage by ICT in their workplace

1.1 Describe how water is used in ICT cooling systems

1.2 Define the typical power footprint of computing devices

and peripherals

1.3 Explain how to use power monitoring equipment to

measure the energy usage of ICT equipment

1.4 Explain how to use appropriate sampling and reliable

estimation methods of energy consumption

1.5 Describe how to conduct ICT equipment surveys

1.6 Describe how to use power meters and software tools

to measure energy usage

1.7 Describe the energy usage of ICT infrastructures such as

fat client, thin client, web-based, including where the

ICT services are being delivered and their energy


2 Be able to model different IT

infrastructures and estimate power


2.1 Model different types of infrastructure and their likely

power consumption and water usage

2.2 Conduct internal audits and ensure a consistent


2.3 Assess, plan and cost changes to ICT infrastructure

2.4 Treat energy consumption information from vendors


2.5 Describe heat dissipation and cooling methods for

server infrastructure and PC equipment

2.6 Explain how infrastructure design can affect energy


3 Be able to estimate the carbon

footprint of their organisation’s ICT

infrastructure including offsite


3.1 Estimate the carbon footprint, including:

 Energy sources and their fuel mix

 The boundaries of their organisation

 Outsourced ICT functions such as hosting/business

continuity solutions and their impact

 Questions to ask external suppliers


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