ProQual Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction) Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

ProQual Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction) Course in Pakistan || Registration Open

Registration Open= +92-3315999937, +92- 3215056755 (WhatsApp Only)


The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence of

individuals who work in this specialised area of the construction industry. This qualification

enables learners to gain recognition for their skills and the potential to take on more

responsibility in the workplace.

The awarding organisation for this qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the

regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The

specification for these qualifications has been approved by the Welsh Government for use

by centres in Wales and by the Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment

(CCEA) for use by centres in Northern Ireland.

This qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Qualification Profile

Qualification title ProQual Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations


Ofqual qualification number 601/8034/1

Level Level 2

Total qualification time 670 hours

Guided learning hours 228


Pass or fail

Internally assessed and verified by centre staff

External quality assurance by ProQual verifiers

Qualification start date 1/10/15

Qualification end date

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify

any gaps and help plan the assessment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete all of the Mandatory units, plus the Mandatory and Optional

uniits within one of the Pathways

Mandatory Units – complete all units




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

A/503/1170 Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the

workplace 1 7

J/503/1169 Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace 2 10

F/503/1171 Moving, handling and storing resources in the workplace 2 17

Pathway 1 – Roof Sheeting and Cladding

Pathway 2 – Specialised Cladding and Rainscreen Systems

Pathway 1 – Roof Sheeting and Cladding

Mandatory Units – complete all units




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

M/600/7040 Preparing Resources for Roof Sheeting and Cladding in the

Workplace 2 60

F/600/7043 Installing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 67

J/600/7044 Installing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Rainwater Goods in the

Workplace 2 43

Optional Units – complete at least one unit




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

Y/600/7047 Refurbishing Roof Sheeting and Cladding in the Workplace 2 73

Y/600/7050 Repairing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 67

K/506/4617 Preparing and operating ergonomic manipulating machines to lift

and transfer loads in the workplace 2 37

R/506/3929 Slinging and hand signalling the movement of suspended loads in

the workplace 2 33

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Pathway 2 – Specialised Cladding and Rainscreen Systems

Mandatory Units – complete all units




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

R/600/7063 Preparing Backgrounds to Receive Wall Cladding Systems in the

Workplace 2 67

K/600/7070 Repairing Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 67

M/600/7071 Removing Existing Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 60

Optional Units – complete a maximum of one unit




Unit Title Unit

Level GLH

M/503/2736 Installing Rainscreen Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 83

T/503/2737 Installing Specialised Wall Cladding and Bespoke Systems in the

Workplace 2 83

A/503/2738 Installing Timber Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace 2 83

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Centre Requirements

Centres must be approved to offer this qualification. If your centre is not approved please

complete and submit form ProQual Additional Qualification Approval Application.


Staff delivering this qualification must be appropriately qualified and occupationally


Assessors/Internal Quality Assurance

For each competence-based unit centres must be able to provide at least one assessor and

one internal quality assurance verifier who are suitably qualified for the specific

occupational area. Assessors and internal quality assurance verifiers for competence-based

units or qualifications will normally need to hold appropriate assessor or verifier

qualifications, such as:

  • Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
  • Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement
  • Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
  • Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
  • Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and


Support for Candidates

Materials produced by centres to support candidates should:

  • enable them to track their achievements as they progress through the learning

outcomes and assessment criteria;

  • provide information on where ProQual’s policies and procedures can be viewed;
  • provide a means of enabling Internal and External Quality Assurance staff to

authenticate evidence

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)



Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge described in the unit. Assessment is

the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards

set in the qualification.

Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of

all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Evidence can include: – assignments/projects/reports

– worksheets

– portfolio of evidence

– record of oral and/or written questioning

– candidate test papers

Learning outcomes set out what a candidate is expected to know, understand or be able to


Assessment criteria specify the standard a candidate must meet to show the learning

outcome has been achieved.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this qualification can be found from page 9.

Internal Quality Assurance

An internal quality assurance verifier confirms that assessment decisions made in centres

are made by competent and qualified assessors, that they are the result of sound and fair

assessment practice and that they are recorded accurately and appropriately.

Adjustments to Assessment

Adjustments to standard assessment arrangements are made on the individual needs of

candidates. ProQual’s Reasonable Adjustments Policy and Special Consideration Policy sets

out the steps to follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special

considerations and the service that ProQual provides for some of these arrangements.

Centres should contact ProQual for further information or queries about the contents of the


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Results Enquiries and Appeals

All enquiries relating to assessment or other decisions should be dealt with by centres, with

reference to ProQual’s Enquiries and Appeals Procedures.


Candidates who achieve the requirements for qualifications will be awarded:

  • A certificate listing the unit achieved, and
  • A certificate giving the full qualification title –

ProQual Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)

Claiming certificates

Centres may claim certificates for candidates who have been registered with ProQual and who have

successfully achieved the requirements for a qualification. All certificates will be issued to the centre

for successful candidates.

Replacement certificates

If a replacement certificate is required a request must be made to ProQual in writing. Replacement

certificates are labelled as such and are only provided when the claim has been authenticated. Refer

to the Fee Schedule for details of charges for replacement certificates.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit A/503/1170

Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Comply with all workplace

health, safety and welfare

legislation requirements.

1.1 Comply with information from workplace

inductions and any health, safety and welfare

briefings attended relevant to the occupational


1.2 Use health and safety control equipment

safely to carry out the activity in accordance with

legislation and organisational requirements.

1.3 Comply with statutory requirements, safety

notices and warning notices displayed within the

workplace and/or on equipment.

1.4 State why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of

protection, should be used relating to types,

purpose and limitations of each type, the work

situation, occupational use and the general work

environment, in relation to:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

1.5 State how the health and safety control

equipment relevant to the work should be used

in accordance with the given instructions.

1.6 State which types of health, safety and welfare

legislation, notices and warning signs are

relevant to the occupational area and associated


1.7 State why health, safety and welfare legislation,

notices and warning signs are relevant to the

occupational area.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1.8 State how to comply with control measures that

have been identified by risk assessments and

safe systems of work.

2 Recognise hazards associated

with the workplace that have

not been previously controlled

and report them in accordance

with organisational procedures.

2.1 Report any hazards created by changing

circumstances within the workplace in

accordance with organisational procedures.

2.2 List typical hazards associated with the work

environment and occupational area in relation to

resources, substances, asbestos, equipment,

obstructions, storage, services and work


2.3 List the current Health and Safety Executive top

ten safety risks.

2.4 List the current Health and Safety Executive top

five health risks.

2.5 State how changing circumstances within the

workplace could cause hazards.

2.6 State the methods used for reporting changed

circumstances, hazards and incidents in the


3 Comply with organisational

policies and procedures to

contribute to health, safety and


3.1 Interpret and comply with given instructions to

maintain safe systems of work and quality

working practices.

3.2 Contribute to discussions by offering/providing

feedback relating to health, safety and welfare.

3.3 Contribute to the maintenance of workplace

welfare facilities in accordance with workplace

welfare procedures.

3.4 Safely store health and safety control equipment

in accordance with given instructions.

3.5 Dispose of waste and/or consumable items in

accordance with legislation.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.6 State the organisational policies and procedures

for health, safety and welfare, in relation to:

– dealing with accidents and emergencies

associated with the work and environment

– methods of receiving or sourcing information

– reporting

– stopping work

– evacuation

– fire risks and safe exit procedures

– consultation and feedback.

3.7 State the appropriate types of fire extinguishers

relevant to the work.

3.8 State how and when the different types of fire

extinguishers are used in accordance with

legislation and official guidance.

4 Work responsibly to contribute

to workplace health, safety and

welfare whilst carrying out work

in the relevant occupational


4.1 Demonstrate behaviour which shows personal

responsibility for general workplace health,

safety and welfare.

4.2 State how personal behaviour demonstrates

responsibility for general workplace health,

safety and welfare, in relation to:

– recognising when to stop work in the face of

serious and imminent danger to self and/or


– contributing to discussions and providing


– reporting changed circumstances and

incidents in the workplace

– complying with the environmental

requirements of the workplace.

4.3 Give examples of how the behaviour and actions

of individuals could affect others within the


5 Comply with and support all

organisational security

arrangements and approved


5.1 Provide appropriate support for security

arrangements in accordance with approved


– during the working day

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– on completion of the day’s work

– for unauthorised personnel (other operatives

and the general public)

– for theft.

5.2 State how security arrangements are

implemented in relation to the workplace, the

general public, site personnel and resources.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit J/503/1169

Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Communicate with others

to establish productive

work practices.

1.1 Communicate in an appropriate manner with line

management, colleagues and/or customers to ensure

that work is carried out productively.

1.2 Describe the different methods of communicating

with line management, colleagues and customers.

1.3 Describe how to use different methods of

communication to ensure that the work carried out is


2 Follow organisational

procedures to plan the

sequence of work.

2.1 Interpret relevant information from organisational

procedures in order to plan the sequence of work.

2.2 Plan the sequence of work, using appropriate

resources, in accordance with organisational

procedures to ensure work is completed productively.

2.3 Describe how organisational procedures are applied

to ensure work is planned and carried out

productively, in relation to:

– using resources for own and other’s work


– allocating appropriate work to employees

– organising the work sequence

– reducing carbon emissions.

2.4 Describe how to contribute to zero/low carbon work

outcomes within the built environment.

3 Maintain relevant records

in accordance with the

organisational procedures.

3.1 Complete relevant documentation according to the

occupation as required by the organisation.

3.2 Describe how to complete and maintain

documentation in accordance with organisational

procedures, in relation to:

– job cards

– worksheets

– material/resource lists

– time sheets.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.3 Explain the reasons for ensuring documentation is

completed clearly and within given timescales.

4 Maintain good working

relationships when

conforming to productive

working practices.

4.1 Carry out work productively, to the agreed

specification, in conjunction with line management,

colleagues, customers and/or other relevant people

involved in the work to maintain good working


4.2 Apply the principles of equality and diversity and

respect the needs of individuals when communicating

and working with others.

4.3 Describe how to maintain good working relationships,

in relation to:

– individuals

– customer and operative

– operative and line management

– own and other occupations.

4.4 Describe why it is important to work effectively with

line management, colleagues and customers.

4.5 Describe how working relationships could have an

effect on productive working.

4.6 Describe how to apply principles of equality and

diversity when communicating and working with


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit F/503/1171

Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Comply with given

information when moving,

handling and/or storing


1.1 Interpret the given information relating to moving,

handling and/or storing resources, relevant to the

given occupation.

1.2 Interpret the given information relating to the use

and storage of lifting aids and equipment.

1.3 Describe the different types of technical, product and

regulatory information, their source and how they are


1.4 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.

1.5 Describe how to obtain information relating to using

and storing lifting aids and equipment.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

moving, handling and/or

storing resources.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, in confined spaces, below ground

level, at height, with tools and equipment, with

materials and substances, with movement/storage of

materials and by manual handling and mechanical


2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation

to site, workplace, company and operative.

2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making the reports.

2.4 State the appropriate types of fire extinguishers

relevant to the work.

2.5 Describe how and when the different types of fire

extinguishers, relevant to the given occupation, are

used in accordance with legislation and official


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3 Maintain safe working

practices when moving,

handling and/or storing


3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely to

carry out the activity in accordance with legislation

and organisational requirements when moving,

handling and/or storing resources.

3.2 Use lifting aids safely as appropriate to the work.

3.3 Protect the environment in accordance with safe

working practices as appropriate to the work.

3.4 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of protection,

should be used, relating to moving, handling and/or

storing resources, and the types, purpose and

limitations of each type, the work situation,

occupational use and the general work environment,

in relation to:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

3.5 Describe how the health and safety control

equipment relevant to the work should be used in

accordance with the given instructions.

3.6 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required

quantity and quality of

resources for the methods

of work to move, handle

and/or store occupational


4.1 Select the relevant resources to be moved, handled

and/or stored, associated with own work.

4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated with

the occupational resources in relation to:

– lifting and handling aids

– container(s)

– fixing, holding and securing systems.

4.3 Describe how the resources should be handled and

how any problems associated with the resources are


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been

developed and how they are used for the selection of

required resources.

4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and methods of work.

5 Prevent the risk of damage

to occupational resources

and surrounding

environment when

moving, handling and/or

storing resources.

5.1 Protect occupational resources and their surrounding

area from damage in accordance with safe working

practices and organisational procedures.

5.2 Dispose of waste and packaging in accordance with


5.3 Maintain a clean work space when moving, handling

or storing resources.

5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the

purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and adverse

weather conditions

5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and

official guidance.

6 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

moving, handling and/or

storing resources.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:

– progress charts, timetables and estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work programme.

7 Comply with the given

occupational resource

information to move,

handle and/or store

resources to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when moving,

handling and/or storing occupational resources:

– moving, positioning, storing, securing and/or using

lifting aids and kinetic lifting techniques.

7.2 Move, handle and/or store occupational resources to

meet product information and organisational

requirements relating to three of the following:

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– sheet material

– loose material

– bagged or wrapped material

– ragile material

– tools and equipment

– components

– liquids.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them when moving,

handling and/or storing occupational resources.

7.4 Describe the needs of other occupations when

moving, handling and/or storing resources.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit M/600/7040

Preparing Resources for Roof Sheeting and Cladding in the


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

preparing resources for roof

sheeting and cladding.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation


– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information, regulations

governing buildings, oral/written procedures for

dealing with damaged or incorrect materials

and/or resources and site induction.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and official

guidance when preparing

resources for roof sheeting

and cladding.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, at height, with tools and

equipment, with materials and substances, with

movement/ storage of materials, by manual

handling and mechanical lifting and with

mechanical access equipment.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures

for tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when preparing

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity

in accordance with legislation and organisational

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

resources for roof sheeting

and cladding.

requirements when preparing resources for roof

sheeting and cladding.

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

preparing resources for roof sheeting and

cladding, and the types, purpose and limitations

of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries, falls, rescue procedures and other taskrelated hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to

prepare resources for roof

sheeting and cladding.

4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– mechanical fixings and fasteners, flashings,

fittings, insulation, sealers and fillers, metal and

translucent sheets, composite panels, fibre

cement systems, condensation and vapour

control, related materials and components

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools

and equipment.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to prepare resources for roof

sheeting and cladding.

5 Minimise the risk of damage to

the work and surrounding area

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

when preparing resources for

roof sheeting and cladding.

5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when preparing

resources for roof sheeting

and cladding.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given

contract information to

prepare resources for roof

sheeting and cladding to the

required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

preparing resources for roof sheeting and


– measuring, checking, preparing and positioning.

7.2 Prepare roof sheeting and cladding resources to

contractor’s working instructions for:

– built-up systems


– standing seam/secret fix systems


– composite panel systems

– fibre-cement systems

All to include:

– fixings

– flashings

– roofing components

– ancillary equipment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– check resources for type, quantity and damage

and report discrepancies

– prepare and position resources ready to install:

fibre cement, standing seam/secret fix, composite

panels and built-up roof sheeting and cladding


– check quality and suitability of work on

completion or at the end of the day

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– work at height

– use access equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools and ancillary equipment.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when preparing

resources for roof sheeting and cladding.

7.6 Describe how and when to maintain the tools and

equipment used when preparing resources for

roof sheeting and cladding.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit F/600/7043

Installing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

installing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information, regulations governing

buildings, oral/written procedures for dealing with

damaged or incorrect materials and/or resources

and site induction.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

installing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, at height, with tools and

equipment, with materials and substances, with

movement/storage of materials, by manual

handling and mechanical lifting and with

mechanical access equipment.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making report.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when installing roof

sheeting and cladding


3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity in

accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when installing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

installing roof sheeting and cladding systems, and

the types, purpose and limitations of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries, falls, rescue procedures and other taskrelated hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to install

roof sheeting and cladding


4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– mechanical fixings and fasteners, flashings,

fittings, insulation, sealers and fillers, metal and

translucent sheets, composite panels, fibre cement

systems, condensation and vapour control, related

materials and components

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools

and equipment.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to install roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

5 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and surrounding

area when installing roof

sheeting and cladding


5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when installing

roof sheeting and cladding


6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given

contract information to install

roof sheeting and cladding

systems to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

installing roof sheeting and cladding systems:

– measuring, setting out, fitting, finishing,

positioning and securing.

7.2 Install roof sheeting and cladding and/or decking

to contractor’s working instructions for:

– built-up systems


– standing seam/secret fix systems


– composite panel systems

– fibre-cement systems

All to include:

– flashings

– openings

– vents and intrusions

– inclined and vertical areas.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– install fibre cement, standing seam/secret fix,

composite panels and built-up systems to inclined

and vertical surfaces

– position and secure flashings and vents

– install insulation and flashing material

– install related materials and components

– check quality and suitability of work on

completion or at the end of the day

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– work at height

– use access equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, plant, portable

power tools and ancillary equipment.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when installing roof

sheeting and cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how and when to maintain the tools and

equipment used when installing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit J/600/7044

Installing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Rainwater Goods in the


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given information

relating to the work and

resources when installing roof

sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation


– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information, regulations

governing buildings, oral/written procedures for

dealing with damaged or incorrect materials

and/or resources and site induction.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and official

guidance when installing roof

sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, at height, with tools and

equipment, with materials and substances, with

movement/storage of materials, by manual

handling and mechanical lifting and with

mechanical access equipment.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures

for tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when installing roof

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity

in accordance with legislation and organisational

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods.

requirements when installing roof sheeting and

cladding rainwater goods.

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

installing roof sheeting and cladding rainwater

goods, and the types, purpose and limitations of

each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to

in accordance with organisational authorisation

and personal skills when involved with fires,

spillages, injuries, falls, rescue procedures and

other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for the

methods of work to install roof

sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods.

4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– brackets, fixings and supports

– gutters and downpipes

– sealant and flashings

– sumps and outlets

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools

and equipment.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to install roof sheeting and

cladding rainwater goods.

5 Minimise the risk of damage to

the work and surrounding area

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

when installing roof sheeting

and cladding rainwater goods.

5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when installing

roof sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given contract

information to install roof

sheeting and cladding

rainwater goods to the

required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

installing roof sheeting and cladding rainwater


– measuring, cutting, setting out, fitting,

positioning and securing.

7.2 Install roof sheeting and cladding rainwater goods

to contractor’s working instructions for:

– gutters and downpipes

– brackets and supports

– sumps

– overflows

– pipes and outlets.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– install brackets and supports

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– install gutters, downpipes, sumps, outlets and


– install related materials and components

– check quality and suitability of work on

completion or at the end of the day

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– work at height

– use of access equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, plant, portable

power tools and ancillary equipment.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when installing roof

sheeting and cladding rainwater goods.

7.6 Describe how and when to maintain the tools and

equipment used when installing roof sheeting

and cladding rainwater goods.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit Y/600/7047

Refurbishing Roof Sheeting and Cladding in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

refurbishing roof sheeting

and cladding.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information, regulations governing

buildings, oral/written procedures for dealing with

damaged or incorrect materials and/or resources

and site induction.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

refurbishing roof sheeting

and cladding.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, at height, with tools and

equipment, with materials and substances, with

movement/storage of materials, by manual

handling and mechanical lifting and with

mechanical access equipment.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when refurbishing

roof sheeting and cladding.

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity in

accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when refurbishing roof sheeting and


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

refurbishing roof sheeting and cladding, and the

types, purpose and limitations of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries, falls, rescue procedures and other taskrelated hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to

refurbish roof sheeting and


4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– primers, cleaning agents, sealing tapes and

separating membranes

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools

and equipment.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to refurbish roof sheeting and


5 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and surrounding

area when refurbishing roof

sheeting and cladding.

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when

refurbishing roof sheeting

and cladding.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given

contract information to

refurbish roof sheeting and

cladding to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

refurbishing roof sheeting and cladding:

– measuring, removing, cleaning, making good and


7.2 Prepare backgrounds for roof sheeting and

cladding refurbishment to contractor’s working

instructions for:

– removal of existing materials

– cleaning backgrounds

– making good backgrounds

– preparing and treating backgrounds.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– remove existing materials, including asbestos

containing materials

– prepare backgrounds for roof sheeting and

cladding and over-roofing cladding

– assess the suitability of the structure to receive

replacement materials

– check quality and suitability of work on

completion or at the end of the day

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– work at height

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– use of access equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools and ancillary equipment.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when refurbishing

roof sheeting and cladding.

7.6 Describe how and when to maintain the tools and

equipment used when refurbishing roof sheeting

and cladding.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit Y/600/7050

Repairing Roof Sheeting and Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

repairing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information, regulations governing

buildings, oral/written procedures for dealing with

damaged or incorrect materials and/or resources

and site induction.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

repairing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, at height, with tools and

equipment, with materials and substances, with

movement/storage of materials, by manual

handling and mechanical lifting and with

mechanical access equipment.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when repairing roof

sheeting and cladding


3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity in

accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when repairing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

repairing roof sheeting and cladding systems, and

the types, purpose and limitations of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries, falls, rescue procedures and other taskrelated hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to repair

roof sheeting and cladding


4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– mechanical fixings and fasteners, flashings,

fittings, insulation, sealers and fillers, metal and

translucent sheets, composite panels, fibre cement

systems, condensation and vapour control, related

materials and components

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools

and equipment.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to repair roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

5 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and surrounding

area when repairing roof

sheeting and cladding


5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when repairing

roof sheeting and cladding


6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given

contract information to

repairing roof sheeting and

cladding systems to the

required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

repairing roof sheeting and cladding systems:

– removing, replacing, renewing and making good.

7.2 Identify and repair defects in roof sheeting and

cladding to contractor’s working instructions for:

– roof leaks/condensation

– damaged sheets and components

– minor surface coating defects

– damaged or missing flashings.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– identify defects

– remove or recover defective materials

– carry out repairs to sheet components

– repair coating defects

– prevent water leaks and condensation

– check quality and suitability of work on

completion or at the end of the day

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– work at height

– use of access equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools and ancillary equipment.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when repairing roof

sheeting and cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how and when to maintain the tools and

equipment used when repairing roof sheeting and

cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit K/506/4617

Preparing and operating ergonomic manipulating machines to lift

and transfer loads in the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

preparation and use of

ergonomic manipulating

machines to lift, transfer and

place loads.

1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from

drawings, specifications, schedules, method

statements, lift plans, risk assessments and

manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and method


1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed

to report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules, method

statements, risk assessments, manufacturers’

information and current regulations governing the

operation of ergonomic manipulating machines to

lift and transfer loads.

2 Organise with others the

sequence and operation in

which lifting operations using

ergonomic manipulating

machines are to be carried


2.1 Organise the work according to given information

or instructions.

2.2 Describe how to communicate ideas between team


2.3 Organise and communicate with team members

and other associated occupations.

2.4 Describe how to organise resources prior to and

during lifting operations with ergonomic

manipulating machines.

3 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when lifting

and transferring loads using

ergonomic manipulating


3.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential

accidents, health hazards and the environment

whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, in confined

spaces, at height, with tools and equipment, with

materials and substances, with movement/storage

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

of materials and by manual handling and

mechanical lifting.

3.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and operative.

3.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

4 Maintain safe and healthy

working practices when

preparing for and carrying

out lifting operations using

ergonomic manipulating


4.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely and

comply with the methods of work to carry out the

activity in accordance with current legislation and

organisational requirements during lifting


4.2 Demonstrate compliance with given information

and relevant legislation when carrying out lifting

operations using ergonomic manipulating machines

in relation to two or more of the following:

– safe use and storage of plant or machinery

– safe use and storage of tools and equipment

– safe use and storage of lifting accessories

– specific risks to health.

4.3 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of

protection, should be used, relating to ergonomic

manipulating machine use, and the types, purpose

and limitations of each type, the work situation and

general work environment, in relation to:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

4.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety

control equipment should be used in accordance

with the given working instructions.

4.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to

in accordance with organisational authorisation

and personal skills when involved with fires,

spillages, injuries and other task-related activities.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Request and select the

required quantity and quality

of resources to prepare for

and carry out lifting

operations using ergonomic

manipulating machines.

5.1 Request and select resources associated with

ergonomic manipulating machines in relation to

consumables, materials, tools, ancillary equipment

and/or accessories.

5.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated

with the resources, and how they should be used

correctly, relating to:

– consumables, lubricants and fuels

– attachments and lifting accessories

– hand tools, ancillary equipment and accessories.

5.3 Describe how the resources should be used

correctly and how problems associated with the

resources are reported.

5.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have

been developed and how they are used for the

selection of required resources.

5.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and methods of work.

5.6 Describe how to identify weight, quantity, length

and area associated with the method/procedures

to carry out lifting operations with ergonomic

manipulating machines.

6 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and surrounding

area when preparing to and

lifting and transferring loads.

6.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from

damage in accordance with safe working practices

and organisational procedures.

6.2 Prevent damage and maintain a clean work space.

6.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current


6.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

6.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations

and official guidance.

7 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

preparing to and lifting and

transferring loads.

7.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

7.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and

describe why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


8 Comply with the given

contract information to lift,

transfer and place loads using

ergonomic manipulating

machines to the required


8.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

preparing for, lifting, transferring and placing loads

using ergonomic manipulating machines:

– checking, adjusting, communicating, operating,

manoeuvring, positioning, lifting, transferring and

setting down.

8.2 Use and maintain hand tools, ancillary equipment

and/or accessories.

8.3 Prepare, set up and operate ergonomic

manipulating machines to lift, transfer and place a

variety of loads to given working instructions.

8.4 Shut down and secure ergonomic manipulating


8.5 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work

practices, follow procedures, report problems and

establish authority needed to rectify, to:

– identify the characteristics of the ergonomic

manipulating machine for the lifting and

transferring operation

– identify valid certification for maintenance,

inspection and thorough examination

– lift and transfer people

– carry out function checks for lifting and

transferring loads

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– prepare, set up and reconfigure for various loads

and locations

– carry out pre-operational checks for obstructions,

stability, safety and security of the work and

surrounding area

– identify characteristics, type, weight and position

of loads for lifting and transferring

8.6 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work

practices, follow procedures, report problems and

establish authority needed to rectify, to:

– recognise and determine when specific skills and

knowledge are required and report accordingly

– secure and balance loads for lifting

– lift, remove and transfer loads

– position, place and set down loads

– confirm load stability, security and release

– attach and remove guide ropes and aids

– be on the public highway

– shut down and secure the ergonomic

manipulating machine

– use hand tools and ancillary equipment

– use, handle and store lifting accessories.

8.7 Describe the needs of other occupations and how

to effectively communicate within a team when

preparing for and lifting and transferring loads.

8.8 Describe how to maintain the plant and machinery,

hand tools, ancillary equipment and accessories

used to lift and transfer loads.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit R/506/3929

Slinging and hand signalling the movement of suspended loads in

the workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

preparation for and the

slinging and signalling of


1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from

drawings, specifications, schedules, risk

assessments, method statements (lift plans) and

manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and method


1.3 Describe the organisational procedures developed

to report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules, method

statements, risk assessments, lift plans, work

instructions, manufacturers’ information, approved

procedures and Codes of Practice.

2 Organise with others the

sequence and operation in

which the slinging and

signalling of loads is to be

carried out.

2.1 Organise the work according to given information

or instructions.

2.2 Describe how to communicate ideas between team


2.3 Organise and communicate with team members

and other associated occupations.

2.4 Describe how to organise resources prior to and

when slinging and signalling of loads.

3 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance to carry out

slinging and signalling of


3.1 Describe their responsibilities regarding potential

accidents, health hazards and the environment

whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, in confined

spaces, at height, with tools and equipment, with

materials and substances, with movement/storage

of materials and by manual handling and

mechanical lifting.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and operative.

3.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

4 Maintain safe and healthy

working practices when

preparing for and slinging

and signalling loads.

4.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely and

comply with the methods of work to carry out the

activity in accordance with legislation and

organisational requirements when slinging and

signalling loads.

4.2 Demonstrate compliance with given information

and relevant legislation when carrying out the

slinging and signalling of loads in relation to at least

three of the following:

– safe use and storage of tools and equipment

– safe use, storage and handling of lifting


– safe use of access equipment

– specific risks to health.

4.3 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of

protection, should be used, relating to slinging and

signalling of loads, and the types, purpose and

limitations of each type, the work situation and

general work environment, in relation to:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

4.4 Describe how the relevant health and safety

control equipment should be used in accordance

with the given working instructions.

4.5 Describe how emergencies should be responded to

in accordance with organisational authorisation

and personal skills when involved with fires,

spillages, injuries and other task-related activities.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources to

prepare for and when

slinging and signalling loads.

5.1 Select resources associated with slinging/signalling

in relation to lifting accessories/aids, hand tools

and ancillary equipment.

5.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated

with the resources, and how they should be used

correctly, relating to:

– lifting accessories

– signalling and communication equipment

– hand tools and ancillary equipment.

5.3 Describe how the resources should be used

correctly, and how problems associated with the

resources are reported.

5.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have

been developed and how they are used for the

selection of required resources.

5.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and methods of work.

5.6 Describe how to identify weight, quantity, length

and area associated with the method/procedures

to carry out slinging/signalling.

6 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and

surrounding area when

preparing to and slinging

and signalling loads.

6.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from

damage in accordance with safe working practices

and organisational procedures.

6.2 Prevent damage and maintain a clean work space.

6.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with current


6.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and

the purpose of protection in relation to general

workplace activities, other occupations and

adverse weather conditions.

6.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations

and official guidance.

7 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

preparing to and slinging

and signalling loads.

7.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

7.2 Describe the purpose of the work programme and

describe why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


8 Comply with the given

contract information to

prepare to and sling and

signal suspended loads for

movement to the required


8.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

preparing to and slinging and signalling loads:

– measuring, gauging, estimating, calculating,

fitting, fixing, testing, balancing, interpreting,

inspecting, judging, explaining, preparing,

indicating, informing, instructing, signing,

positioning, adjusting, configuring, moving,

securing, signalling and relaying.

8.2 Use and maintain lifting accessories, lifting aids and


8.3 Inspect and prepare lifting accessories prior to


8.4 Prepare to and attach suspended loads to lifting

equipment, using appropriate lifting accessories

and load securing methods, to given working

instructions for three of the following:

– balanced

– unbalanced

– loose

– bundled

– container

– drum

– a load where the machine operator cannot

observe its full movement path.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

8.5 Guide, move and place suspended loads to

specified destinations, using hand signals, to given

working instructions for three of the following:

– balanced

– unbalanced

– loose

– bundled

– container

– drum

– a load where the machine operator cannot

observe its full movement path.

8.6 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work

practices, follow procedures, report problems and

establish authority needed to rectify, to:

– identify the differences between: slinging and

signalling, directing and guiding movement of

vehicles, plant and machinery, and directing and

guiding operations of plant and machinery not

being used for lifting operations

– confirm the authority, duties and responsibilities


– identify characteristics of lifting equipment and

lifting accessories

– identify and interpret valid certification for

maintenance, inspection and thorough


8.7 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work

practices, follow procedures, report problems and

establish authority needed to rectify, to:

– lift and transfer people

– sling balanced, unbalanced, loose, live, bundled,

container drum loads and loads that are blind to

the equipment operator

– communicate using hand signals, hand signalling

equipment (lights, wands, fluorescent gloves, flags)

and electronic communication equipment (loud

hailers, radios)

– confirm methods of communication

– recognise blind-spots, potential crush zones and

other limitations to driver visibility

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– consider the load characteristics including centre

of gravity and lifting points to determine the

method of slinging

– determine and check the route of the load before

and during the lift including distances, clearances

and landing position

8.8 Describe how to apply safe and healthy work

practices, follow procedures, report problems and

establish authority needed to rectify, to:

– select, handle, inspect and use (assemble, set up

and adjust) lifting accessories and aids

– identify rejection criteria for removing lifting

accessories from service

– recognise and determine when specific skills and

knowledge are required and report accordingly

– attach lifting accessories and sling loads securely

– ensure balance and stability of loads

– attach and use load guidance equipment (tag


– guide and place suspended loads by recognised

methods of communication and agreed operational


– land and position loads safely and securely

– remove and store lifting accessories

– use hand tools and ancillary equipment.

8.9 Describe the needs of other occupations and how

to communicate within a team when preparing to

and slinging and signalling loads.

8.10 Describe how to maintain the lifting accessories,

lifting aids and signalling and communication

equipment used to sling and signal loads.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit R/600/7063

Preparing Backgrounds to Receive Wall Cladding Systems in the


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given information

relating to the work and

resources when preparing

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpret and extract information from drawings,

specifications, schedules and manufacturers’


1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation


– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information and regulations

governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and official

guidance when preparing

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials

and by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures

for tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when preparing

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems.

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity

in accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when preparing backgrounds to

receive wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

preparing backgrounds to receive wall cladding

systems, and the types, purpose and limitations

of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to

in accordance with organisational authorisation

and personal skills when involved with fires,

spillages, injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for the

methods of work to prepare

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems.

4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– timber, vertical carriers, rails, brackets and

other components

– fittings associated with specialised cladding and

bespoke systems and/or rainscreen cladding

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to:

– materials, components and specialised fixings

for compatible materials

– tools and equipment

– appropriate access equipment

– loading and unloading.

4.3 State how the resources should be used

correctly, how problems associated with the

resources are reported and how the

organisational procedures are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to prepare backgrounds to

receive wall cladding systems.

5 Minimise the risk of damage to

the work and surrounding area

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

when preparing backgrounds

to receive wall cladding


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.4 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when preparing

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


7 Comply with the given contract

information to prepare

backgrounds to receive wall

cladding systems to the

required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

preparing backgrounds to receive wall cladding


– measuring, marking out, fitting, positioning and


7.2 Installation to contract specification of:

– proprietary vertical and horizontal support

systems for specialised cladding and bespoke

systems and/or rainscreen cladding

– insulation.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– install proprietary and/or timber support

systems for specialised cladding and bespoke

systems and/or rainscreen cladding

– form internal and external angles

– form opening reveals

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools, appropriate levelling instruments and

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

ancillary equipment and ensure testing and/or

inspections have been carried out.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when preparing

backgrounds to receive wall cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how to maintain the tools and

equipment used when preparing backgrounds to

receive wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit K/600/7070

Repairing Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

repairing wall cladding


1.1 Interpretation of drawings, specifications,

schedules and manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information and regulations

governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

repairing wall cladding


2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials

and by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and operative.

2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when repairing wall

cladding systems.

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity in

accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when repairing wall cladding


3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

repairing wall cladding systems, and the types,

purpose and limitations of each type.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to

repair wall cladding systems.

4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– terracotta tiles, masonry cladding, single skin and

composite panels, panel hangers, drips, cover

strips, fixings, fittings associated with specialised

cladding and bespoke systems and/or rainscreen


– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to:

– materials, components and specialised fixings for

compatible materials

– tools and equipment

– appropriate access equipment

– loading and unloading.

4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to repair wall cladding systems.

5 Minimise the risk of damage

to the work and surrounding

area when repairing wall

cladding systems.

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5.4 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when

repairing wall cladding


6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:

– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


– quality control.

7 Comply with the given

contract information to

repair wall cladding systems

to the required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

repairing wall cladding systems:

– measuring, marking out, removing, fitting,

positioning and securing.

7.2 Replacement of defective areas to contract

specification of:

– rainscreen cladding systems relating to:

terracotta tiles; single and/or composite panels;

vertical and horizontal support systems.


– specialised cladding and bespoke systems

relating to: stone cladding; single and/or composite

panels; vertical and horizontal support systems.

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– repair defective rainscreen cladding relating to:

vertical and horizontal supports; single and

composite panels; other cladding materials;

internal and external angles; opening reveals

– assess suitability of background materials

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment.


– repair defective specialised cladding and bespoke

systems relating to: vertical and horizontal

supports; single and composite panels

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– assess suitability of background materials

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment.

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools, appropriate levelling instruments and

ancillary equipment and ensure testing and/or

inspections have been carried out.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when repairing wall

cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment

used when repairing wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit M/600/7071

Removing Existing Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

removing existing wall

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpretation of drawings, specifications,

schedules and manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions

derived from risk assessments and/or method


1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are


1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted in relation


– drawings, specifications, schedules,

manufacturers’ information and regulations

governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and official

guidance when removing

existing wall cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials

and by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures

for tools, equipment and personal belongings in

relation to site, workplace, company and


2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when removing

existing wall cladding systems.

3.1 Use personal protective equipment (PPE) and

access equipment safely to carry out the activity

in accordance with legislation and organisational

requirements when removing existing wall

cladding systems.

3.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

removing existing wall cladding systems, and the

types, purpose and limitations of each type.

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required quantity

and quality of resources for

the methods of work to

remove existing wall cladding


4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

limitations and defects associated with the

resources in relation to:

– terracotta tiles, masonry cladding, single skin

and composite panels, panel hangers, drips, cover

strips, fixings, fittings associated with specialised

cladding and bespoke systems and/or rainscreen


– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to hand and/or powered tools and


4.3 State how the resources should be used correctly,

how problems associated with the resources are

reported and how the organisational procedures

are used.

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area

and wastage associated with the

method/procedure to remove existing wall

cladding systems.

5 Minimise the risk of damage to

the work and surrounding area

when removing existing wall

cladding systems.

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from


5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work


5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.4 State why the disposal of waste should be carried

out in relation to the work.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

6 Complete the work within the

allocated time when removing

existing wall cladding systems.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation


– types of progress charts, timetables and

estimated times

– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work


– quality control.

7 Comply with the given

contract information to

remove existing wall cladding

systems to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when

removing existing wall cladding systems:

– measuring, marking out and removing.

7.2 Removal of existing systems to contract

specification for:

– rainscreen cladding systems relating to:

terracotta tiles; single and/or composite panels;

vertical and horizontal support systems


– specialised cladding and bespoke systems

relating to: stone cladding; single and/or

composite panels; vertical and horizontal support


7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– remove existing rainscreen cladding relating to:

vertical and horizontal supports, terracotta tiles,

single and composite panels.

– assess suitability of background materials

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment.


– remove existing specialised cladding and

bespoke systems relating to: vertical and

horizontal supports, stone cladding, single and

composite panels

– assess suitability of background materials

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The learner

will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable power

tools, appropriate levelling instruments and

ancillary equipment and ensure testing and/or

inspections have been carried out.

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how to

communicate within a team when removing

existing wall cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how to maintain the tools and

equipment used when removing existing wall

cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit M/503/2736

Installing Rainscreen Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

installing rainscreen wall

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from

drawings, specifications, schedules and

manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived

from risk assessments and/or method statements.

1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.

1.4 Describe different types of information, their source

and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules, manufacturers’

information and regulations governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

installing rainscreen wall

cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– n the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials and

by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation

to site, workplace, company and operative.

2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when installing

rainscreen wall cladding


3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely to

carry out the activity in accordance with legislation

and organisational requirements when installing

rainscreen wall cladding systems.

3.2 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of protection,

should be used, relating to installing rainscreen wall

cladding systems, and the types, purpose and

limitations of each type, the work situation and

general work environment, in relation to:

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

3.3 Describe how the relevant health and safety control

equipment should be used in accordance with the

given instructions.

3.4 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required

quantity and quality of

resources for the methods

of work to install

rainscreen wall cladding


4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation

to materials, components and specialised fixings for

compatible materials, tools and equipment,

appropriate access equipment and loading and


4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated with

the resources in relation to:

– terracotta tiles, masonry cladding, single skin and

composite panels, panel hangers, drips, cover strips,

fixings, fittings and other materials associated with

rainscreen cladding

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.3 Describe how the resources should be used correctly

and how problems associated with the resources are


4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been

developed and how they are used for the selection of

required resources.

4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.6 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area and

wastage associated with the method/procedure to

install rainscreen wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Minimise the risk of

damage to the work and

surrounding area when

installing rainscreen wall

cladding systems.

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from

damage in accordance with safe working practices

and organisational procedures.

5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work space.

5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the

purpose of protection.

5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and

official guidance.

6 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

installing rainscreen wall

cladding systems.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and explain

why deadlines should be kept in relation to:

– types of progress charts, timetables and estimated


– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work programme

– quality control.

7 Comply with the given

contract information to

install rainscreen wall

cladding systems to the

required specification.

7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when installing

rainscreen wall cladding systems:

– measuring, marking out, fitting, positioning and


7.2 Install rainscreen wall cladding systems and the

following components to contract specification:

– terracotta tiles

– single and/or composite panels.

7.3 Ensure testing and/or inspections have been carried

out for hand tools, portable power tools, appropriate

levelling instruments and ancillary equipment.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.4 Safely use hand tools, portable power tools,

appropriate levelling instruments and ancillary


7.5 Safely store the tools and equipment used when

installing rainscreen wall cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– assess suitability of background materials

– form internal and external angles

– form opening reveals

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– install rainscreen cladding and associated

components: terracotta tiles, single and composite


7.7 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to

effectively communicate within a team when

installing rainscreen wall cladding systems.

7.8 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment

used when installing rainscreen wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit T/503/2737

Installing Specialised Wall Cladding and Bespoke Systems in the


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

installing specialised wall

cladding and bespoke


1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from

drawings, specifications, schedules and

manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived

from risk assessments and/or method statement.

1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.

1.4 Describe different types of information, their source

and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules, manufacturers’

information and regulations governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

installing specialised wall

cladding and bespoke


2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials and

by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation

to site, workplace, company and operative.

2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when installing

specialised wall cladding

and bespoke systems.

3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely to

carry out the activity in accordance with legislation

and organisational requirements when installing

specialised wall cladding and bespoke systems.

3.2 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of protection,

should be used, relating to installing specialised wall

cladding and bespoke systems, and the types,

purpose and limitations of each type, the work

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

situation and general work environment, in relation


– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

3.3 Describe how the relevant health and safety control

equipment should be used in accordance with the

given instructions.

3.4 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required

quantity and quality of

resources for the methods

of work to install

specialised wall cladding

and bespoke systems.

4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation

to materials, components and specialised fixings for

compatible materials, tools and equipment,

appropriate access equipment and loading and


4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated with

the resources in relation to:

– terracotta tiles, masonry cladding, single skin and

composite panels, panel hangers, drips, cover strips,

fixings, fittings and other materials associated with

specialised cladding and bespoke systems

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.3 Describe how the resources should be used correctly

and how problems associated with the resources are


4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been

developed and how they are used for the selection of

required resources.

4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

4.6 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area and

wastage associated with the method/procedure to

install specialised wall cladding and bespoke systems.

5 Minimise the risk of

damage to the work and

surrounding area when

installing specialised wall

cladding and bespoke


5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from

damage in accordance with safe working practices

and organisational procedures.

5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work space.

5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the

purpose of protection.

5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations

and official guidance.

6 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

installing specialised wall

cladding and bespoke


6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and

explain why deadlines should be kept in relation to:

– types of progress charts, timetables and estimated


– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work programme

– quality control.

7 Comply with the given

contract information to

install specialised wall

cladding and bespoke

systems to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when installing

specialised wall cladding and bespoke systems:

– measuring, marking out, fitting, positioning and


7.2 Install specialised wall cladding, bespoke systems and

the following components to contract specification:

– stone cladding

– single and/or composite panels.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.3 Ensure testing and/or inspections have been carried

out for hand tools, portable power tools, appropriate

levelling instruments and ancillary equipment.

7.4 Safely use hand tools, portable power tools,

appropriate levelling instruments and ancillary


7.5 Safely store the tools and equipment used when

installing specialised wall cladding and bespoke


7.6 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– assess suitability of background materials

– form internal and external angles

– form opening reveals

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– install specialised cladding, bespoke systems and

associated components: stone cladding, single and/or

composite panels.

7.7 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to

effectively communicate within a team when

specialised wall cladding and bespoke systems.

7.8 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment

used when installing specialised wall cladding and

bespoke systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Unit A/503/2738

Installing Timber Wall Cladding Systems in the Workplace

Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

1 Interpret the given

information relating to the

work and resources when

installing timber wall

cladding systems.

1.1 Interpret and extract relevant information from

drawings, specifications, schedules and

manufacturers’ information.

1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions derived

from risk assessments and/or method statement.

1.3 State the organisational procedures developed to

report and rectify inappropriate information and

unsuitable resources and how they are implemented.

1.4 Describe different types of information, their source

and how they are interpreted in relation to:

– drawings, specifications, schedules, manufacturers’

information and regulations governing buildings.

2 Know how to comply with

relevant legislation and

official guidance when

installing timber wall

cladding systems.

2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

legislation and official guidance whilst working:

– in the workplace, below ground level, at height,

with tools and equipment, with materials and

substances, with movement/storage of materials and

by manual handling and mechanical lifting.

2.2 Describe the organisational security procedures for

tools, equipment and personal belongings in relation

to site, workplace, company and operative.

2.3 Explain what the accident reporting procedures are

and who is responsible for making reports.

3 Maintain safe working

practices when installing

timber wall cladding


3.1 Use health and safety control equipment safely to

carry out the activity in accordance with legislation

and organisational requirements when installing

timber wall cladding systems.

3.2 Explain why and when health and safety control

equipment, identified by the principles of protection,

should be used, relating to installing timber wall

cladding systems, and the types, purpose and

limitations of each type, the work situation and

general work environment, in relation to:

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

– collective protective measures

– personal protective equipment (PPE)

– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).

3.3 Describe how the relevant health and safety control

equipment should be used in accordance with the

given instructions.

3.4 State how emergencies should be responded to in

accordance with organisational authorisation and

personal skills when involved with fires, spillages,

injuries and other task-related hazards.

4 Select the required

quantity and quality of

resources for the methods

of work to install timber

wall cladding systems.

4.1 Select resources associated with own work in relation

to materials, components and specialised fixings for

compatible materials, tools and equipment,

appropriate access equipment and loading and


4.2 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

sustainability, limitations and defects associated with

the resources in relation to:

– terracotta tiles, masonry cladding, single skin and

composite panels, panel hangers, drips, cover strips,

fixings, fittings and other materials associated with

timber cladding

– hand and/or powered tools and equipment.

4.3 Describe how the resources should be used correctly

and how problems associated with the resources are


4.4 Explain why the organisational procedures have been

developed and how they are used for the selection of

required resources.

4.5 Describe any potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work.

4.6 Describe how to calculate quantity, length, area and

wastage associated with the method/procedure to

install timber wall cladding systems.

ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

5 Minimise the risk of

damage to the work and

surrounding area when

installing timber wall

cladding systems.

5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area from

damage in accordance with safe working practices and

organisational procedures.

5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work space.

5.3 Dispose of waste in accordance with legislation.

5.4 Describe how to protect work from damage and the

purpose of protection.

5.5 Explain why the disposal of waste should be carried

out safely in accordance with environmental

responsibilities, organisational procedures,

manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and

official guidance.

6 Complete the work within

the allocated time when

installing timber wall

cladding systems.

6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the

allocated time.

6.2 State the purpose of the work programme and explain

why deadlines should be kept in relation to:

– types of progress charts, timetables and estimated


– organisational procedures for reporting

circumstances which will affect the work programme

– quality control.

7 Comply with the given

contract information to

install timber wall cladding

systems to the required


7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when installing

timber wall cladding systems:

– measuring, marking out, fitting, positioning and


7.2 Install timber wall cladding to contract specification.

7.3 Ensure testing and/or inspections have been carried

out for hand tools, portable power tools, appropriate

levelling instruments and ancillary equipment.

7.4 Safely use hand tools, portable power tools,

appropriate levelling instruments and ancillary


ProQual, November 2017

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Cladding Occupations (Construction)


Learning Outcome – The

learner will: Assessment Criterion – The learner can:

7.5 Safely store the tools and equipment used when

installing timber wall cladding systems.

7.6 Describe how to apply safe work practices, follow

procedures, report problems and establish the

authority needed to rectify them, to:

– assess suitability of background materials

– form internal and external angles

– form opening reveals

– use hand tools, power tools and equipment

– install timber cladding.

7.7 Describe the needs of other occupations and how to

effectively communicate within a team when installing

timber wall cladding systems.

7.8 Describe how to maintain the tools and equipment

used when installing timber wall cladding systems.


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